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Dec 2014 · 1.4k
Bartender, Can I Get Refill?
Tien - Tim Dec 2014
Trying to listen to my sober thoughts,
But my drunk ambition is a chaser.

Shot after shot,
I can't seem to stop.

So my mind's spinning,
as the world stand still.

I'm trying to get rid of this fear,
So I ask the bartender for another drink.

Fill me with courage as I confess my sins,
No need to preach, just baptize me in gin.

Just for tonight,
I'll erase ya.

Never been smart enough,
To listen to my mind.

Even when it's right,
My heart gets me Every time.

Will chasing dreams mean less regrets?
You regret you don't know them answers yet.

I regret that I even asked that ****..
But if life alone could mean anything..
Being right or wrong would you still dream?

They say in life only time will tell...
That's like hearing GOD whisper while the devil yell.

Being left only with my consciousness all alone with it just staring me in the face....
Bartender I think I need a refill..........
By KJ Pope and Myself,
Mar 2014 · 1.2k
Poetic Justice
Tien - Tim Mar 2014
Why do I love you?
How do I know?
A simple "I know why because I just I feel it," would not suffice,
Because the answer you seek must be Poetic Justice.
But yet I'm feeling like Young and The Restless,
Pondering on these questions,
During my private session of meditation.

We're not always on the same page, but overlap each other to give new meanings like Metaphors.
Despite the differences, we come together as our common interest connects our likes like Similes.
As we let our curiosity play on as we find new meaning to this love, no Pun intended.

"The Sneetches" is the perfect allegory about the tolerance of people's differences.
I just thought I should mention this for a pictorial image of how I feel,
Your words paint vivid pictures, I can hear your imagery.
Our love is the strongest form, there is no hyperbole.
You're the Personification of how it feels to smile.
Your Rhetoric persuades me to go that extra mile.
My perseverance perfectly prepares me to pursue every inch of your portrait.

It's that sweet taste of alliteration that describes you in every way.
My love for you is like the wind, it will take you wherever you want to go,
And I'll be there waiting with open arms.
There's no perfect analogy to describe how I feel about you ,
But since life is too deep for words, I won't try to try describe it, I'll just live it with you.
Figuratively speaking, if my heart was a glass of ***** water, I'll pour it out for you,
There's no perfect sign,
at this perfect time,
to use the perfect rhyme,
to express my emotions to you.
Instead I'll show you the hopeless romantic that I am....
By Tien (Tim) Dang, Sidney Conway, and Wilbert Kizermoore

In this poem we use each poem mechanic's definition poetically.
Feb 2014 · 1.0k
Painted Words
Tien - Tim Feb 2014
Say what you see,
See what you say.
Starting with a single word,
Draws a line of thought,
Your mind sketches out your world.

Some people speak in black and white,
So they only see shades of gray.
Failing to realize that as life gets cold,
Life brings warm colors to fall for.
An allure to spring onto to hope,
with rejuvenating colors to cool our disparity.

Like chasing the rainbow,
But the tinctures remain elusive to the touch.
With each of our individual journeys coming in different flavors and textures,
Painting words of our legacy.
By Tien Dang and Sidney Conway
Jan 2014 · 2.7k
Soul Food
Tien - Tim Jan 2014
Love... Quite edible one could imagine.
Some may be famished beyond imaginary boundaries due to his or her own taste.
From sweet kisses, to bitter love, to varieties of flavor that spices up our lives.

We drink lover's spit if we care enough at the moment we see them, the edible ones because,
quite frankly the taste is so grand...

Only through time will we be seasoned to find perfection,
Until then it lingers, as our taste buds crave for more.
Something so tasteful that...
a man would swallow his pride,
a woman would eat her doubts,
a new born will sip it's nourishments,
a free food that no one could ever get full from...

Yet if prepared in the wrong conditions,
love could spoil and poison you, harm you,
destroy you...
So make the best out of the ingredients that you have,
To make it a grand feast that lasts,
before it all expires and goes to waste....

Let this marinade... Before it becomes your food for thought.
Let your cravings state that you are what you eat... lovely soul food.
**I wrote in bold for bold taste. Lol**
A collaborated poem by myself and Kenneth Pope
Jan 2014 · 1.5k
Without a Word...
Tien - Tim Jan 2014
Without a word, I'm melted by your touch,
So far, yet so close, this touch is ever reaching,
Falling deeper with each sunken kiss...

Without a word, this kiss became a confession,
I'm an open book for you to read,
In between these lines, you'll find that I'm on the margins of sanity...

Without a word, your love got me blindsided,
Everything else is out of sight and out of mind,
I'm tunnel-visioned so all I see is you at the end, where there's light...

Without a word, your essence lingers,
With each breath taken, soothes my mind as your essence diffuses,
As this aroma becomes therapeutic to this longing heart ache...

Without a word, you've left me speechless,
So I placed my heart on this dotted line,
Ready and willing to sign it off, will you cosign?
I title it "Without a Word" because the best things are usually indescribable, only thing that can explain it, is the senses you feel, so each verse I've wrote was describing a sense (In order of : Touch, Taste, Sight, Smell, and Sound).
Dec 2013 · 1.3k
Rippled Dreams 1st Rev.
Tien - Tim Dec 2013
I hope you never leave like the leaves with the winter breeze,
You've brought colors to my world like autumn leaves.
With your absence you've left me colorblind.
Surprised by my silent scream, but my eyes beg for you to stay.
My life has no light without you.
Like the moon to the sun,
I can't shine without you.
Because you are the reflection of my other half,
Until then I guess I'll always be half the man.
So will you drift away like the winds from my fingertips?
A cloud once I hold it tight,
Or my 1st memories in life?
You would hold your breath just so you wouldn't breathe the same air I would breathe,
Just to tell your new love that you have no part of me.
You mistake his love like a mirage in the desert,
You gambled with your eyes and see odds without measure,
Just another guy who always lose to guys who's not better.
Yes the type who could be your everything if you let me,
I guess it’s more affordable to waste time than to buy some regrets then sell them.

By K.J. and Myself
2nd revision was posted a good while back.
Oct 2013 · 1.6k
Life on Snooze
Tien - Tim Oct 2013
Shrouded thoughts of being pessimistic,
Because everyone's preaching to be realistic.

So people let their dreams die,
As they open their eyes.

But me, I rather hit that snooze,
Because I don't want to lose,
My deliberation or concentration.

Resurrected from ignorance,
As I close my eyes,
So my dreams won't die.

I begin my days hitting that snooze,
Even though they tell me to wake up,
Because reality is a shock.

I wake up only to hit that snooze,
Because it hurts more to let dreams die.

So in pain, I refuse to lie,
With restless nights.

Living with dead dreams,
Facing insomnia.

Its something I can't accept,
So no regrets.

So let my dreams live on,
So I can at least lay rested in peace.
By myself and Sidney Conway.

My favorite line  "In pain I refuse to lie," by Sidney complemented by my line "with restless nights" using lie as a pun. A great example of divergent thinking.
Oct 2013 · 988
Life Changes
Tien - Tim Oct 2013
Thoughts changes with reasons,
As do nature with seasons.

Summer heats with warming thoughts of hope.
Leading to Springs of fruitful ideas.

Only to have goals set to Fall as reality changes with the leaves.
Then dreams slowly withers away with the Winter's breeze.

Adding wisdoms to each passing year.
Making failure nothing to fear.

For failure teaches success,
So it doesn't matter how things end or begins...
Every cycle has its ups and downs, it's important so that we can appreciate the good. If everything in life is good we would have never known what's good.
Sep 2013 · 897
A Journey Through My Mind
Tien - Tim Sep 2013
My mind's flooded with heavy currents.
I'm drowning in these thoughts,
As I search for a deeper meaning,
The unknown depths of "Love."
But I'm barely treading water.
As your waves crash into me,
More questions emerges,
But before I could see it,
The answers submerges.
Then before I know it,
Unknowingly and unconsciously,
I landed on the shores of "Love."
Wondering how did I get here?
So I wander off to the winding road for an answer.
But I can't ever seem to find a concrete path,
All I could find in the end was a mountain,
And so I climb to the top only to find,
That the answer is just to simply enjoy the view.
This poem reflects the universal question, "How do you know when you are in love?" There are many ways to describe it but never defines it. The way I see it, rather than wasting time questioning, just enjoy it's beautiful moments that it has to offer.
Aug 2013 · 1.0k
Brewing Storm?
Tien - Tim Aug 2013
Bottled up emotions,
Ready to pour out.
You're heavily on my mind.
Yet these clouded thoughts,
Makes me wonder,
Should I dive into this never-ending cycle?
Forecasting what it might weather,
Would it be a lasting dance in the rain?
Or would I be flooded with shallow scars?
You never know what each day may bring,
But hope that there will be light of a better day as we pass these storms.
Aug 2013 · 1.1k
Frostbiting Kiss
Tien - Tim Aug 2013
A departing kiss,
Frostbiting my lips.
Happiness infused with sorrow,
Coldness with a piercing burn,
Your kiss permeates through me,
With a lingering taste of love .
I try to speak,
But can't utter a word.
Preserving the moment with silence,
So that I can admire your beauty instead.
In these moments that we kiss goodbye,
Gets me in a withdrawal.
Because a love given can't be retrieved,
And so my heart follows as we depart.
With tears of frustration,
That can't even measure the weight of love,
But at that moment,
I would feel the essence of love.
Aug 2013 · 1.1k
Drowning Passion
Tien - Tim Aug 2013
They say what you feel,
Is more real,
Than what you see.
So come a bit closer,
Test our interaction,
Until we feel the friction.
Create some sparks,
As we began to ignite.
I'll take you to the sky,
Where you will peak.
As I dive into your ocean,
Where your hidden treasure is seek.
Crashing waves in motion,
Drowning you in pleasures.
Until we're lost at sea,
Redefining physical pleasure till we arrive at paradise,
From there I'll kiss you gently like waves kisses the shores.
Aug 2013 · 1.3k
Tien - Tim Aug 2013
At times life can be grainy and a blur.
Things don't always turn out as pictured.
How you choose to see life,
Is filtered by your mind.
Whether in colors or in black and white.
But keep in mind that every good picture,
Starts with working with the negatives.
Think positive and work on the original image,
Zoom in on the flaws,
Edit what you can do,
Not what you can't do.
Crop out the critics' perspective on how they view you.
Step by step remove layers of distractions.
Pan in on success,
Pan out on the stress,
Now you've photoshopped a masterpiece called happiness.
By Tien Dang and Sidney Conway

Used Photography/photoshop terminolgies:
Pan, Zoom, Crop, Layer, Blur, Grain, Negative, Positive, Filter, Original, Image, Picture, Color, Black and White (Sepia).
Jul 2013 · 1.3k
Get Outta My System!
Tien - Tim Jul 2013
You used me like a joystick,
Played with my emotions.
You pressed me until I malfunctioned.
Should've known when I saw your Xbox (ex's box).
You had me running around 360.
Now that I'm broke,
You can no longer be controlling.
You had me in this love triangle,
O by the way your X (ex) is a square.
You selected to start this confusion,
And that wasn't fair,
Should've known you're a cheat.
We're on different platforms,
Get off my network,
Cause we can't connect on many levels like Wifi.
I believed in your game, but it was all fake, Syfy.
Your lies was graphic,
You left me stagnant,
And gave me the cold shoulder.
I'm pulling this cord,
Game over.
So ******* and get outta my system!
By Sidney Conway and Tien Dang

If you are not a gamer here are some references:
Ps3 controller has X, square, O, and triangle buttons, also a select and start button (Xbox 360 have different button labels).
Playstation and Xbox network can't cross play, they segregate the network by platforms.
Jul 2013 · 1.3k
Conflicting Intentions
Tien - Tim Jul 2013
I want to forget but I can't remember.
This familiar unfamiliar feeling,
I know it yet I don't..
Itching for relief,
But can't be reach.
The more I stand,
The farther I fall...
I feel freedom's breath on my neck,
Yet my backs against the wall.
You tell me to pull,
But then you would push.
Say I am your worst nightmare,
Yet I dance eternally in your dreams.
Am I a consuming flame that quenches your thirst!?
By J. Simkins, Natasha Dales, and Tien Dang
Jul 2013 · 898
Tomorrow Never Dies
Tien - Tim Jul 2013
In my bed staring at the ceiling,
Trying so desperately to get rid of this sickening feeling.
About tomorrow ...
Tossing and Turning,
For a peace of mind.
Time ticking yet I dare not to sleep,
Fearing what lies ahead of me,
May be a divine intervention my subconscious refuse to seek?
Deep down my heart grows weary.
In each rhythmic session,
Hours turns to minutes, minutes turns to countless seconds.
Wondering will I conquer the inevitableness of my requisition?
Inquisitive thoughts plagues my mind,
Consistently wrapping...
As I unravel today's present.
Today has been a blessing,
Too bad this gift must be thrown...
Insomnia began to attack viciously,
Through my flesh and into the bone,
I  envision that if I close my eyes,
my fate will be revealed.
Tomorrow never dies,
But unfortunately I will along with today.
By Sidney Conway and Tien Dang

This is the 2nd Revision, My friend Sidney post it and it was to late for me to add my 2nd thoughts in. Check his page out for the original and more.

"Consistently wrapping,
As I unravel today's present."

I added wrapping because because it plays on with the present as a present. "Consistently wrapping" significance is that I would continue to wrap as I unravel because I don't want today to end. Other than that there are small
Minor difference in syntax from the original and last line ending.

Here is his page:

He also have the  unedited version of Skin Deep Thoughts/Skin Deep and Questionable Thoughts/Flip Side
Jul 2013 · 1.2k
A Seasonal Love
Tien - Tim Jul 2013
It starts with a fiery passion,
That burns sweet like incense's ashes,
And releases a fragrance of...
Summer Love.

Then you notice with her missing you began to see colors falling,
And your departure from reality becomes...
Autumn Leaves.

Each passing day your limbs weaken,
You've become cold and lonely,
Longing for the warmth of her essence,
Now you're freezing like the...
Winter Breeze.

Then just as soon as she returns,
Your soul blossoms and renew,
A unrequited love relit,
Like a blaze...
You Spring onto.
By Sidney Conway and Tien (Tim) Dang
Jul 2013 · 1.4k
Tien - Tim Jul 2013
I got butterflies in my stomach,
This feeling is really bugging.
It's starts from my head,
Then sinks in my heart.
Head feeling light,
Chest feeling tight.
My mind wonders off,
Like ADHD.
I'm at a lost,
Stuck in a maze,
Yet, I still want to explore.
The more I get lost the more I find.
Those missing pieces hinting what I lack.
This only happens when you leave.
That is my Synopsis.
I'm coming down with a case of you.
Guess that's my diagnosis...
Jul 2013 · 1.4k
Mirror Perspective
Tien - Tim Jul 2013
You don't want your burden to drag others down,
So you hid it and try stand strong on your own.

So you created that carefree facade,
But you know it's starting to decay.

Your truth speaks within your lies,
You kept your face hidden but expose your eyes.

You tell them what they want to hear,
Because rejection is what you fear.

You seek approval so pleasing others is your focus,
But the world just seems so hopeless.

So away from everything you shunt,
Because you can't accept what's in front.

Your view is really subjective,
But that's only one perspective.

You are your own friend,
Don't let that relationship end.
I name this poem "Mirror Perspective," because everyone see themselves differently. When people look at themselves on the mirror they see their imperfections, instead of what others truly see.
Jul 2013 · 2.0k
Endurance of Faith
Tien - Tim Jul 2013
It's hard to believe,
When what we see,
Is more real,
Than what we feel.
Society is painted black and white,
That's why we doubt the colors that we feel.
Reality has made us color blind.
That's why our faith is so easily doubted. 
We live in a world where those do right,
Trampled by those that do wrong.
This place isn't cut out for us.
That's why we are on the bench;
Where the nice ones finish last,
For that reason we're quick to give up,
Because we've grown weary,
Shadow boxing our conscience.
I hope I'll come on top as the underdog one day...
The last shall be first,
And the first will be last, right?
Jul 2013 · 30.4k
Ode to Technology...
Tien - Tim Jul 2013
You've brought us closer,
Then made us more distant.
Made us more aware,
Then made us doubtful of ourselves.
Introduce us to more friends,
Then invited more enemies.
Given us more publicity,
Then exploited us.
Save us more time,
Now it's spent to be more busy.

Simplify our tasks just to make life more difficult.
You're an entrapping blessing in disguise.
Made us feel more secure,
Yet gave us more tools to break in.
You've become our new addiction,
Just a second without you, 
Got us in technology withdraw.
You're a complication in simplicity.
There's so much to love you but also so much to hate.
Can't live with you or without you...
My 1st Ode
Jul 2013 · 859
Thought Reflection
Tien - Tim Jul 2013
You're the picture my mind painted.
That's what's on my mind frame. 
Like a Monet, everything is perfect from afar,
There maybe imperfections as we get closer,
But that's what makes it art.
So theres no need to hide behind that facade,
My feelings are truly genuine let it cascade.
Every now and then it may storm,
But let these rain drops dance around you,
As you ripple through my mind.
I know that we might not have it all together,
But at least I see that together we have it all...
I chose the title "Thought Reflection," because the more you reflect the more interpretations you can get out of a thought. Which reflects the different views this poem have.

A Monet is an impression art style, when you look at it from afar it looks clear, the closer you come to it, it is more pixelated.
Jul 2013 · 1.3k
Perfect Stranger
Tien - Tim Jul 2013
I see you everyday,
Never had anything to say.
But thoughts of you flood my mind,
As my dreams dive into you,
All I can do is drown without an utter of a word.
But in silence my eyes speaks,
And you can see my intentions.
I know I don't know you,
But I know I won't make you cry.
Don't even know your name,
But let's leave it a mystery.
What we don't know will be a luxury.
That way everyday we can explore.
That way I can be your perfect stranger.
There's always an excitement of the new feeling of the exploring the unknown. Hence I chose perfect stranger as the title.
Jul 2013 · 1.2k
Pangea's Notion pt 5 of 5
Tien - Tim Jul 2013

Unwavering love,
Like a flame on a candle,
Needs to be relit.
I ended it with fire because relit is a good way to start over again; which I hope will start the cycle of rereading the poems again.
Jul 2013 · 1.1k
Pangea's Notion pt 4 of 5
Tien - Tim Jul 2013

Hidden ambition,
Like ever-flowing water,
Will flood or channel.
Too much of ambition leads to greed, just enough creates motivation.
Jul 2013 · 1.0k
Pangea's Notion pt 3 of 5
Tien - Tim Jul 2013

A good foundation,
Is where morals are grounded,
Deep roots stand taller.
It was a bit more difficult following the schematics of keeping it 5,7,5
Jul 2013 · 918
Pangea's Notion pt 2 of 5
Tien - Tim Jul 2013

Can't see but exists,
Faith is always there, have hope,
Then you'll find answers.
This is my first attempt in Haiku, I wanted to venture out of free verse.
Tien - Tim Jul 2013

Natural elements,
Are god's lessons to explore,
Seek and you will find.
I decide to name this set of Haikus "Pangea's Notion" because I could not think of any bigger recollection than the super continental itself, and it captures it perfectly with notion; which is a good way alternative to express it as a philosophy without using the word philosophy. It's uniquely different so that's my thought.
Jul 2013 · 932
Blind Words
Tien - Tim Jul 2013
Hidden words,
Buried within.
Unseen feelings,
Blindfolded by circumstances.
I'm captivated by your eyes,
Now you got me held hostage.
Beauty is what you define,
And anyone would cosign.
I got you on my mind like tunnel vision,
No one else in sight like my peripherals are gone.
I'm blindsided now,
Everything else is out of focus.
Just you on my mind frame,
No words can be found to explain,
But I know that this picture is worth more a thousand words.
They say the realest things are felt, not seen; so that's why I chose to title it "Blind Words."
Jul 2013 · 811
Puzzling Piece
Tien - Tim Jul 2013
Silent cries, 
Sad smiles,
With closed eyes,
She shuts herself from the world.
Always hiding behind a wall...
Friends ask me why do I bother?
What is it that I see?
I would tell them a broken girl,
They find it puzzling.
But I found my missing piece,
One that completes me,
The last piece that binds me together.
It's hard to accept,
But I have no regrets.
I'm looking for change,
But she's the only one that makes sense,
Because behind those walls I see a castle...
I felt Puzzling Piece was a good choice of play on.
I wrote this poem because most people have a mentality of shunning away from people that are depressed and pessimistic.  To some extent it is true that those people can only bring you down and lower your confidence and self esteem. However, they can also build your character in strengthening your will and faith.  Not only that, but to be able to change their perspective on life is a reward in itself. So yes negative people can bring you down, but only if you allow it. Your mind is own.
Jul 2013 · 640
Dealt Hands
Tien - Tim Jul 2013
They say love's a gamble, 
Make the best out of the hands that you were dealt.
I got no ace up my sleeves,
But I'll call all bets,
Even go all in,
Because she makes cents.
My hand look straight,
But I would still flush it.
Even though I won't have Jack,
I feel like a King with her in my hands,
Because she's the Queen with the heart.
They say:
Real eyes,
Real Lies.
So don't bother calling out my bluff.
There's no need for any other fishes,
That's a kids game, so go fish....
"Real Eyes, Realize, Real Lies" - Jin
Poker terminology used as Puns: Straight, Flush, Call, All-In, Bluff
Jul 2013 · 626
Difficult Roles
Tien - Tim Jul 2013
Thinking about that smile on your face,
The one that sends my mind into space.
A feeling so foreign,
As if I'm weightless.
So drawn in as I float towards you,
Like a moth dancing towards a flame.
I knew from the start that our parts were hard to play,
But like Romeo n Juliet, we were meant to play these parts.
Even though we tore each other down,
Crashing and burn.
But also we build each other up,
Laughing and learn.
I  know that we are not perfect,
But I knew that you were worth it...
Jul 2013 · 531
Last Dance?
Tien - Tim Jul 2013
Let's break each other free from our past,
So we can look forward instead of back.
I'm not trying to steal your heart,
So you don't have to stay on guard.
If you let all your emotions un-bottle,
I Promise there won't be any bad side effects.
But if you happen to fall,
Then I'll bring colors to your world.
Then we can enjoy it like spring,
We're mature so it won't be past tense.
Just take a chance,
Let's have this dance,
Never know it may be the last....
The line "We're mature so it won't be past tense" is used as a pun as past tense of spring is sprung (To fall heads over heels), at the same time it is saying that it won't be like the past.
Jul 2013 · 1.0k
Moon and Sun
Tien - Tim Jul 2013
Your beauty is not obscure,
No need to feel insecure.
Because you're the winner whenever my heart race,
You got me lost within your love without a trace.
There's no doubt about it I ensure,
You can have my heart to be insured.
Trust that your heart won’t be misplaced,
What you'll fall into is to be embraced.
So drop those make up products and cream,
Cause your natural beauty is surreal like a dream.
It's your soul that highlights your beauty.
So when you look at yourself in the mirror know that you make me happy,
Because you are the reflection of my happiness,
Like the moon to the sun,
I can't shine unless you shine...
Jul 2013 · 781
Broken Frame
Tien - Tim Jul 2013
You may have left,
But my heart followed.
Now I'm falling apart,
With memories eating at my heart.
Got me hiding behind a smile in the day,
The sun shines just to cast a shadow.
Shedding tears reminiscing in the night,
At least the dark night will cover up my sorrow.
The cause of this pain is specific,
Thought our love and future were prolific,
Now I'm just a broken frame holding a picture...
I chose to title broken frame because it is so simple yet so deep. A frame holds memories, even though the glasses will shatters when it drops,  the frame can hold onto the picture still.
Jul 2013 · 981
We Knew Better
Tien - Tim Jul 2013
"The sun shines in the eyes of a man,
But illuminates in the eyes of a child."
When we were young, we were naive and optimistic with life.
We were taught to accept and embrace differences.
We were told to get up and keep trying if we fail.
We were more loving and appreciative, 
Eager to learn and easy to forgive.
As we gotten older, we became more skeptical and pessimistic with life.
We were taught to fit in and conform to society, grow up and put aside childish things.
We were told to give it up if we don't succeed.
The many things we love as a child were grown out of.
We are mature and experience so we know it all.
We were hurt and betrayed so we cast aside forgiveness and try to forget.
As a child we were born to live.
As we gotten older, most of us seem to have forgotten that...
Opening quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson

This quote always stuck with me since I wrote my research paper back in high school. Kids these days are in such a hurry to grow up, but forget to retain their inner child.
Jul 2013 · 626
Tien - Tim Jul 2013
What's life but black, white, and shades of gray?
Is a sunny day hot or warm?
Is a rainy day gloomy or refreshing?
Is a snowy day cold or exhilarating?
You see there is nothing really good or bad,
Just that thinking makes it so.
So learn while you're falling,
That way you can start flying.
Then also forget the first question,
Instead of thinking inside or outside that box,
Get rid of the box so you can think of something else.
Then you see that to  begin and to end,
Aren't so different...
"There is nothing good nor bad,
Thinking makes it so."
William Shakespeare

There are many outlooks on life, and everything starts with how you perceive things. Your way of thinking will determine what kind of life you will live, and so it all comes back to your decisions of how you will react and respond. You may not be able to control others, but you can always control yourself, how you choose to act will influence others.
Jul 2013 · 608
Paper-thin Castle
Tien - Tim Jul 2013
I'm trying hard not to slip,
But you should know you're the one I miss.
We don't even talk anymore,
Like we never happen at all.
You left a hole in my heart,
Yet you still hold a part.
Leaving me with some baggages that I can't unpack,
Making me look for another that can bring me back.
Got me feeling like I'm stuck in yesterday,
The days go by but tomorrow haven't came.
You should know that your company is something I can't resist,
Because I'm still longing for you because you still exist.
I guess my castle walls are paper-thin.....
I chose to title it Paper-thin Castle because I don't ever want to be seen vulnerable. As a result I put off an care-free expression to show that I stand strong, but all it really takes is a few rain drops to bring down my castle walls.
Jul 2013 · 499
Get the Picture?
Tien - Tim Jul 2013
I'm not looking for the flawless,
Just someone to walk with.
That one that can balance out 
the negatives with the positives,
And bring out those hidden colors that my world misses,
Puts our moments at a standstill,
As if its capture it in photo,
Be there in any scene,
That way our frame will always have a sequel....
Now do you get the picture?
Girls always ask what kind of girl I look for, I really don't have a type. I believe that those checklists that people make are superficial, because when you are falling in love, you would be able to find perfection in imperfection.  When you find a person that is annoying yet fall in love anyway, and want to do everything with that person that is  pretty much some impossible made possible. A miracle, love is a miracle because 1 person in the world made you feel that way.
Jul 2013 · 922
Sense or Cents?
Tien - Tim Jul 2013
They say if it don't make dollars,
Then it don't make sense.
People got their hands out to receive,
Yet hesitant to give,
Shake my head in disbelief as my eyes begin to flood,
Misfit, OJ's glove,
Dagger to the back like medieval love,
What is your self-worth?
Money is universal,
But only worth what's spent,
With that said anything that can be purchased is never priceless,
To be bought out by any that is worth less than that is worthless.
Think to yourself,
Open your eyes, 
You were a gift to this earth at birth,
Therefore you were born a winner,
Inevitable sinner,
Created to be nothing less 
than to be anything else,
So do you have a number or a purpose?
Lose the inquisitive thinking and be more decisive,
Believe you are righteous in your own ways.
Destined to walk in the glory ancestors paved.
Now are you perfect?
No but **** the minds that thought you were worthless,
Now does that make sense?
I am who I am,
No need to judge,
Can I have penny for your thoughts?  
There goes my 2 cents...

By Sidney and Tien
I chose this title because things don't always have to add up in order for it to make sense. The value of happiness is always priceless, so don't sell yourself short.
Jul 2013 · 1.8k
Guilty Pleasures
Tien - Tim Jul 2013
Love, an infectious sickness,
I'm a victim with no witness.
Fighting a one sided case,
No room to explain, got me encased.
Spoken words left unheard,
There's no hearing.
Provided evidence don't suffice,
Did my due diligence,
Now they say it's negligence?
Once my reason for every breathe,
Now I'm only suffocating.
Love only get worse as you dig deeper,
Guess I'll be 10 feet under with this pursuit of happiness...
I chose to title it Guilty Pleasures, because love is something we are all guilty of at some point for the pain we inflicted ourselves. Why? Because we allowed it to happen instead of suppressing it. Despite all the signs we want to pursue that fairy tale happy ending. Therefore we are guilty for seeking that pleasure.
Jul 2013 · 2.5k
Tien - Tim Jul 2013
Your design,
So divine,
Can't even imagine.
This is a fatal attraction,
And I'm under the influence,
Got my *** drive out of control.
Lust, passion, feeling infatuated,
Attentions that your body implore....
Hot, intense, feelings over-saturated,
I'm guessing you’re ready for me to explore?
Don't need a GPS,
Cause I don't mind getting lost,
Just need your voice to guide me,
How far can I go?
I know that you're not sleeping,
But I'll make you feel as if you're dreaming...
Let's create temporary forever,
Bring our bodies together,
Fall into alignment,
Don't deny it.
This is what your body desires...
Jul 2013 · 1.1k
Hopeful Harmony
Tien - Tim Jul 2013
I'm trying to let myself go,
But selfless thoughts won't let me so.
The weight of my conscience got me earthbound,
Got my head up to just look and envy.
A hostage to chain of thoughts,
******* to others expectations,
I'm living dead,
Dying to live.
Manipulated thoughts like puppet strings,
As my actions dangle for others' joy.
Every move I try to make,
Something always seem to pull me back.
Haven't found one with the right touch,
Maybe one day I'll find that violinist.
The original title I had for this was "Strung Out," but my friend KJ said "Hopeful Harmony" would do it better justice.  It made sense because I'm seeking for that harmonious balance. Life pulls me in many directions, but having hope is a start to the right path, no hope means to give up.
Jul 2013 · 2.5k
Skin Deep Thoughts
Tien - Tim Jul 2013
Sitting alone in my bed,
Anxiously yearning the touch of something different.

Contemplating about differences,
Visualizing the new experiences,
Mesmerizing about different beauties,
Fantasizing the new opportunities,
About women of different cultures,
Ethnicity and upbringing.

Pay no mind to the language barrier,
As our body speak that universal language,
We can have intellectual conversations,
We can have passionate  interactions.
Lets's ponder with deep imagination,
As we diversify this love, ignore it's discrepancies,
So girls of all colors come closer and get drawn like crayola,
As we paint this picture to see what we can make of this blend of colors.

Envision this:
Background music effectively babysitting my thoughts as I listen,
Laying under the moon, 
With that special person. 
Inwardly rehearsing, 
Every move to make, 
Opportunities to take,
Intaking the passion from the air she breathes out, 
Creating chemistry not even Einstein could figure out.

This love should be an equal opportunity,
You plus me that's all that should matter.

So would you explore your heart?
Release the stereotypes that keep you in the dark?
As darkness falls,
Our temperatures rise.
A reflection of moonlight shimmers in those eyes.
They tell me your secrets;
I tell you no lies.

What lies beneath your skin will be ugliness' demise.
Ironic, in the dark you see me for who I truly am.
And I tell you who you truly are.
So far. So good.
So deep, it goes beneath your beauty,
It goes beyond whatever society will tell you not to do with me.

Tonight your biases shall not rule thee,
For I am king of this pride.
Swallow your pride and swallow my pride.
Release the wait of inhibition and take this ride.

Our inner flames fueled by passion shall light our way.
They say, we are blind but it is only in darkness that we truly see.

Give up shallow emotions, let your heart be free.
Immerse yourself in this reality:
My love is river, all else is only skin deep.
A.R., Sidney, and Tien
Jul 2013 · 784
Time Walks
Tien - Tim Jul 2013
My past has become my present,
A broken gift you can say.
Everyday has become yesterday,
Like reruns stuck on replay.
I'm always a few steps away from happiness,
But always fall behind short of breath with reaching hands.

I guess Time walks only to cast shadows to fall behind.
It teases me like a fleeting dream,
Let's me see what's ahead but truly only a mirage,
A present future that's so close yet ever reaching.

I guess Time walks to only cast shadows to fall behind.
Now it seems like I'm getting use to shade,
The cold darkness has become my comfort zone,
Thinking to myself if I deserve happiness?
If I step out my comfort zone will the light blind me?
Is it worth it for a moment of happiness?

I guess Time walks to only cast shadows to fall behind and only Time will tell.....
and when it tells would I listen?
Or make a decision without precision,
That obfuscate my vision that cause this collision of choices.
Each thought eludes me like reaching to grab a cloud,
So close to that answer but truly I'm off by miles.

I guess times walk to only cast shadows to fall behind.
Safe in the comforts of darkness fearing the light would show my past,
Maneuvering through the streets of life without headlights so I crashed,
Stretching out my arm hoping for a helping hand.
Yet so hard to find like a grain of salt in pile of sand,
Waiting patiently to be greeted by happiness before my expiration of time.
But this time, time walked to only to cast shadows to fall behind.....

By Sidney and Tien
They say time heals all, but the more you wait for time it seems like it just goes off farther and farther. If you want what you want you have to make the time for it yourself, hence why I title it so.
Jul 2013 · 1.1k
Questionable Thoughts
Tien - Tim Jul 2013
Life or should I say one big experimentation,
Not a day goes by that my mind ponder,
Lying down my thoughts and diagnosis,
With nothing to do but to wonder.
Trembling from my own insecurities and impurities that enslave my conscious.
Do you truly have the faith to give up what you already own to find out?
To risk and pursue the unseen or the unknown for a better outcome.
Waiting on a sign to release the shackles that binds your mind from procrastination.
Are we living to die?
Are we dying to live?
How do you find?
What can't be define?
Should I leap in hopes of flight to my destiny?
Open my mind to unusual subjection and gradually give the world the best of me.
Where do I begin to end?
Where do I end to begin?
Life seems so simple yet not easy at the same time,
All we got to do is live,
But how do we live?
We tend to over-complicate,
Always wanting more,
Never able to accept as things are,
Is the grass truly greener on the other side?
Not always, but it's greener where ever you water it.

By Sidney and Tien
Jul 2013 · 1.2k
Rippled Dreams (Final)
Tien - Tim Jul 2013
I hope you never leave like the leaves with the winter breeze,
You bring color to my world like autumn leaves,
With your absence you left me colorblind,
Surprised by my silent scream, but my eyes beg for you to stay. Please...
My life has no light without you,
Like the moon to the sun,
I can't shine without you,
Because you are the reflection of my other half,
Until then I guess I'll always be half the man.
So will you drift away like the winds from my fingertips?
A cloud once I hold it tight,
Or my 1st memories in life?
You would hold your breath just so you wouldn't breathe the same air I would breathe,
just to tell your new love that you have no part of me.
You mistake his love like a mirage in the desert,
you gambled with your eyes and see odds without measure,
Just another guy who always lose to guys who's not better.
Yes the type who could be your everything if you let me,
I guess it’s more affordable to waste time than to buy some regrets then sell them.
Or post feelings and mail them,
Misguided by the look in your eyes,
Warm touch but cold hearted inside,
Was I really the man you cherished with pride?
Or just another lie in your diary on page 5?
I can't stress enough how much I need you,
Besides God no one succeeds you,
1 moment you needed me,
2 times you cheated me,
3 times I fought for us and,
4 the last time you defeated me,
Left with a hole in my heart,
No peep show.
I thought I had the answers to this test,
No cheats though.
I repeat myself but you don't hear me.
I appear in all the right places but you don't see me.
Eyes wide shut:
Figure you think I'm being too needy,
Give you my all, it’s not enough,
I feel you're way too greedy
Take my love as a joke,
Because with him you're smiling and laughing.
That's just a sunny day,
I'm the Sun; this is everlasting.
Take a knife for you, write for you, live for you.
Now I'm bleeding for no reason, too stubborn to even see it.
I'm dying for you.
You say hi and then bye.
I die a little inside,
What's it all to you?
Oh, a game?!?
It's a shame, Life's a cliff, and I hope you fall too.
One day you'll realize that these ripples are from the waves of me catching you.

By K.J., Sidney, A.R. & Myself
I titled it Rippled Dreams because love is often distorted and we seek to find such fantasies, but in the end it is never what we thought to be.
Jul 2013 · 459
Writing Love
Tien - Tim Jul 2013
As I close my eyes,
My mind opens to thoughts of you.
An instinctive smile,
For a distinctive beauty.
I see the words written within your eyes,
But get lost every time between those lines.
I can't help but to trace back.
I know the answers to why,
But don't understand why.
Thoughts just run on, no commas.
Questions marks my fascination.
Can't say no more, period.
Just know that it only makes sense if it ends with you.
I chose this title because it plays on with the literature metaphors perfectly.
Jul 2013 · 786
Tien - Tim Jul 2013
Crying without tears,
Smiling without emotions,
Seems like I've gotten use to the loneliness.
I try to forget but can only remember,
Try to move forward but can only look back.
Just because time passes,
It doesn't mean that I'm healing.
Just because I receive love,
It doesn't mean that I'm giving it.
Just because I sleep,
It doesn't mean that I'm dreaming.
Just because I breathe,
It doesn't mean that I'm living.
No matter what I do,
It all feels the same like Deja vu.
I'm deeply wounded,
Drowning in shallow scars.
What we had together,
Everything was a 10,
You were the 1,
Now I'm left with nothing....
When I think of standstill I think of a tree stuck in one place. As time passes it grows and it withers; still stuck on the same place as it's surrounding changes. All it takes is a few shallow cuts to carve memories into it forever.

— The End —