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In your room of meditation
be empty and still
seek the form of water
and flow undisruptabley as a fall,

In your moment of fellowship
be conformed as the wind
free from voices, noises & distortion
becoming one with the word.

In your atmosphere of learning
become a re-furnace fire
grappling only essence & value
for the only true knowledge is virtue.

The nature of the fallen man
is one who is ruled by his emotions
controlled by his Mind
slave to his passion
dead to his soul
numb to spiritual enlightenment.

Do not therefore seek a master
but be master of Self,
& flaws will be your willful-slave
like Abraham
you'll be your creators friend.
500 · Aug 2018
Of Abba & an Awaken Soul
How do I love thee?
I love thee by the breath,
the height,
the lenght your soul can ever reach,

I love thee purely
As christ love humanity unto death.

I love thee,
from the sunset to the candle light at night unto the dreamy land
& beyond,
every second of the day
you are in my heart.

I love thee from tears to smile
& everything inbetween,

I love the every day of my life
until the day I breath my last,
may that day never be,

I love thee
with a love that is more than love,

how I wish I could speak in word
of feathered certainty,

for as love itself is eternal
So do I love thee,
beyond space and time.

For love is the voice of God
love is me and you,

If this feeling and words be err,
then no man ever loved,
and love never be.
418 · Oct 2017
Counsel & a student
I came from my mothers womb
flesh & blood
but I am made from dust
a moulded clay,

I know I came with nothing
naked & bare
and I am going back the same way.

I came soaring,
through this journey of life
going to my permanent home
that I never knew,
but I know how you lay your bed
is how you lie on it
I just want to live something behind.

My legacy is freedom
In between silence and thoughts,
words, noises & distraction,
It takes only understanding
to separate all emotions accordingly,
to fetch out some clean water
Out of deep streams.

We are one,
but then again we are many,
because of the different color of dust that covers our skeleton,

Even though it is by one breathe
we are all living.

although now we say we are equal
but we still fight for our freedom
but true freedom lies within us
without a price but not cheap

swing, spread your wings
elevate your mind
emacepate yourself
from mental toxicity,

Meditate free yourself
time travel beyond space
to your eternal abode,

become your perfect author
of forever,
free from lost & lust.

Follow the original Will,
your creators eternal script design,
tighten your grip
own your wheel,
everlasting drive.

If I were a principle and you're a kingdom
I'll make sure your foundation is never ruined.

If I were summer
and you are my flower,
I'd  watered your seed with my tears for you when it runs dry,
Just so you can survive the heat
when there is no downpour.

If you were a sealed seal
with a covenant of blood
I'd not hesitate to apply mine for you,
just to see you glow
yes, to see you grow.

I enjoyed watching you sprout out of the soil beautifully,
and I smiled
more than one who won a lottery,
because my effort was worth it.

Listen to advise than white wine
yes choose enlightenment
than silver and gold.

You're my living sacrifice
an eternal prize
your love is my life,
 our love will never die.

I promise my counsel
are as boundless
as the bounties of the sea
and your listening heart
as the cool breeze.

Seek freedom as your legacy
through this journey of life
do not be like the multitude
it is those who have failed to reason
that stumbled before the ark.

then shall we rejoice everlastingly
as a student & a teacher
a father & a son
a guru & a genius
a spirit & his words

For counsel is as deep waters
& they who have a drink of it
atained insight.


245 · Apr 2017
My Lantern
Love of my life,
light of my morning,
brightly dawning,
for your smile is a lamp unto my feet
you give light to my path.

your little advises
guard my heart to perfection
you make our courtyard a paradise garden,

I feel heaven when I'm with you
your smile alone can melt even God's heart,

as a union,
one with you
is blessed from above,

For one with you is one
and not two
& forevermore remains.
One day the Holiest-Psalms "ORĪSHA'NLÀ"
who inspires Ideas in sequence
"that everlasting existence" was walking,
and he found sitting in one corner
the four wealthiest men of the Universe, Realm World & Entire-territory
showing their prowess
of the richness of their fares,

The Dinosaur of Isa-riot was there
the ruler of the eth-air
the sharkwhale was there
the ruler of the cloud
the Pheonix was there the ruler of the °cord-Lightning
& even the dragon the ruler of the outer speace,
Ap3Rook the ruler of Hidden fire

They were all friends whose bond stick closer than blood
& brothers who stay firmly together
even in adversity
their absorption is absolute
far greater than couple Union,

This was their conversation;
the Owner has taught perfectly
about knowing woman,
truly he has established every Business
even the electro-mechanezium
are not new to him,
Consider how he formed the ant
& established their ways
then you'll realise
he already set everything in place
before we existed in the womb of everlasting existence.

This is the Temple with the
Arch Angels,
The Cherubim & Seraphim Shrine,
The Igumen Throne,
The homly Garden Oró's.

Our Lord is an oriented spiritual frequency who has made his Royal priest pearls of lightning,

Our God is a rivers of supernatural ideas that never runs dry,
he has made even his Angels firery flames,

An everlasting awaken conscience
is our Father °Inspiratory
even his christ are pure white clouds,

Our King is a perfect & true Mystic
his princes are ascended wind,

These are they who squart as lotus blooming before the thorns & thistle.
These are they who stand as chariot Unicorn with wings before the ShrineTemple,
These are they who lie down in the garden of green irie pasture,
These are they who sit highly exalted in their throne room,
& They who bow down before the orb & sceptre of A-cane & A-bell.

I speak as;
the Conscious Conscience that Inspires Spiritual Order in the Supernatural Realm.

Le-Ithiel - the One who is the Oath of Principles & Laws of Sequence,
Jakeh - the One who is free from illitracy & immorality,
Ha-***** - the One who bore the yoke of Err & Imbalance,
Agur - the Advice compiler; who first gathered maxims,
We-Ukal - A Leader; Hu the Author.Creator.Owner.Ruler.
Ishàaca The clock compass cost.

To every matter there is a 6,9,7,0,°1 then a Zillion foe err.

I speak of the transfiguration of;
iANOVH in his temple with his Celibate Monks
MOSES in his shrine with his Beatified Rigourous Saints 
& PAUL in his garden with his Burdensome & Travailing Revivalist
ELI-JAH in his throne with his Ascetic & Stoic Philosophers
Yes, I speak as their One & only begotten.

Where have you been
Our Pal-A1 they said;

we have explored the earth
& brought to light all that is hidden
& still did not find you,
we have gathered
the wind in our palm
in search of you,
we even ascended
to the highest cloud of heavens
to see if you will be there,
we descended to the depth
of the dark waters
still we found nothing,

I returned from nothing
measuring & measuring
scaling & scaling
I replied.

I found wanted
Prostitution, rehabilitation,
seduction, poverty, corruption,
& pride death-dirt.

Remember how you formed
the entirety from void
out of °corded lightening our Lord,
how you created the universe
from the Heavenly cloud AbbaFather, from the orb & sceptre of el-eth my King,
how you garnished
everything from outerspace
in the beginning
oh God

this children eth-err has deliberately
forgotten my Law
how by your word
the heavens came into being
& the earth was formed & life founded.

wherefore I became nothing
that nothing might be lost
Thou Almighty Supreme
Greatest & FearfulOne.

Remember how you taught me
the highest of treasure
is to have 6 before 7 & I'll be respected,
the most important
is to be able to dissolve any issue
the greatest is to show care at all time
nothing can be more valuable,
& Inner calmness is priceless
the richness of it's smile
never to be bargain.

they who brag to be stars
to be gods/goddess
to be angels
to be kings & queens

Are marely

The fools say education
is not useful anymore,
Prayer warriors are broke,
Monks will not make frair list,
Angels will be their bodyguard servant,

Your stigmata is nolonger a sign
the tilak has no more value
education is now a thistle
& respect have completely disappeared
all that is left are thorns.

But as for me I was warned,
all that is left are slaves
to vanity.
the old occupies space
their young cannot wait to do the same.
237 · Nov 2022

👥 🗿🌬️
METRO PLAY {H'all Represent}







Signs & Symbols.

Cuptic -Ribannical
Hebrew-British} NUBIAN•

•ÅRRY CHESS• Mayor-Marshal. Màrtīál Ãræl. °Counsellor. Eldered-Knight. Dukes. Bishop. Pope. Emir. MaJor General. Inspector General. EFCC. FBI. SSSS. Excellentory-Principal. Distinctive-Directory. Grand-Master. Genius-Professory. Brilliånt-Judged. A1-Manager.
Prime-Minister. Governory. Presidented. Emperory. ³Advisory-Perfect•

•Monopoly Order: Whot Card• No Rook•
221 · Jun 2019
Adam's Farm
Never scoop fire in your *****
expecting not to burn
emotions are like blood
running through vein
and  blood as a fire
a burning hell.

Many waters cannot quench
the fire of passion
It takes understanding
to separate emotions accordingly.

Sweet are poetic words
& seductive is the ****** tongue
but every true feelings
begins from wisdom.

The serpent voice is it's poison
the donkey spake is times lesson
for there's nothing new under the sun.

One generation comes & eat of
the fruit of ignorance & iniquity
another comes & eats of the fruit
of knowledge & equity,

But the universe & it' laws
never changes.

I'd risk my life
only for essence
for love and peace
is what gives life a meaning.

It goes beyond time and seasons,
to tell how much wisdom cares
for she grows deeper by the second
to they who draw her near.

When I look into a lady's eyes
I see beyond pure romance & emotions,
I see something
way deeper than temporal beauty.

For our skin will grow frail
and looks will fade away in time
but purity of heart lies deep down
ever flourishing.
219 · Dec 2022
In the beginning IFÅ hovered upon KA & ORIENTED DIVINATORY said let VIRTUOUS INCANTATORY come forth this is the eternal everlasting forever ÎS ẞÔ CØŒL °³ SMĪLË
{Dà Hū Ageless}
Before Human's Already Conform His Angels

Born on 1st day
Citadel-Iféd Town-Crier Christ on 2nd day
Eco-³citern-Mermaid Perculiar prince on 3rd day
Pyramidfied Royal Çhíef Priest on 4th day

Axumified Limelite Angæl Cháīrmen on 5th day
Oróse on the 6th day
Aigunm³ñ on the 7th day

Archangel On the 8th day
Dhrama-Seastar-Freemasonry illuminating-Apple the 9th day
  on the 10th day
This is the Calculated -
This is the Calculated
balance posited sacred stable order°•

Æ leader
All Lawed room

Åi-Rare-Ka. Fine-Arreal.
Ædis "Abba" token
Is-So-Goad-Over-here °³Cox

Alianated NerdyGeek {12}
 Sun-Moon-Rainbow Mõrnïng ẞtær
LÆD DÂ Agēlēßß {&0}•

Is so Cold {The Book}
Is so Cool  {°Life}
Is sow Coal  {Hū Rules}
Is so Code {Spirited-Water}
He So Gold {Conscience}
Is'o-kòol  Eth-man {Line-age}
Is so Good {Blooded-word}
The force of Natural in control Design-Desire {AdamHū}
Free will of Being {Pure-Intention}
Is a Goal "Humble" {Paul}

One for Natural
Two for Mortal
Three for Anthem
Four for Kingdom
Five for Monarch
Six for A Town Beersheba {Kush}
Seven for Immortal Advisory {Ur-Babylone}
Eight for Councilors {Kement}
Nine for Sign & Symbol {Hella's}
Ten for Wealthy-name {A good innerman Inheritance}

• Athmosphriended Edé'n -Ageless.
•Brimestone Galaxies -Age.
•Earth Dusted -Age.
•Clay -Age.
•Stone -Age.
•Bronze -Age.
•Snow-Icey Exposure -Age.
•Jet -Age.
•6666 - Hidden-Edge
•³ Èl eh air eth heirs "Arrow ~ err" hair star °matory age
(Brilliant Genius Distinctive Excellence)•

Èl'ífà  {0}Æír
Elì-hū ßtær {12}🕯️Burnt ßtàble Órder
Elía- dā{33}
3l'i {Prīēßt} Jah'Cell

Çøsmoßis {0} Outérßpac
Thùt-Law {12} Ra°³
***-moses {33}
Òrì-mī-Law {Prophèt} FÆRGOD

Hū-Law {0} Cloúd  
Cørn-Dust {12} Humanbeíng
Adam-Hū {33}
Īgbø-døA1z0 {Ēvangelīßt} FÆRGOD
ÅDAM-HÙ PAÚL {80}Fāther

Bàba Ede'n-Holy {0}Líghtníng
Joseph  {12} ßtær Sun-Moon
Nor-Noāh {33} Raīnbow
Nòne Nīll  {Apóßtle}

Paul Washer {Gadarine-Gathering}
Cater Colon {Pastorial}
David Wilkerson {33}
E.A Johnston {Sént Assembly}
John Piper {Few Choosen}
Tommy-Tenny {Ka'Cord}
St.Anthony Líj-Āyō-Íre-Dá
{Divínity Dèíty}

A child is born
a son is given
a begotten Hū -mån
a Brided-Groom {Entitlementory Completetory}
Dà Holy spirit
the Most high {Nubia en Paradise}
a Comforting  Naturalitory Line-age
an Athmos-phriended-Willed

Fore °Vi-sure-Living-Stream
³Strain_Leaf Sightseer
open the door to explore
Shore breathe 🌬️
your innerman Vision en dream

What is this lodging en people strangeth
Yonded walketh but never see
Looking as the screen doest changeth
Æ Crystal Method Ooh-logic

Just to returneth to calmer times
Would maketh mine own journey pleasanted Karma

Taketh me back to time more sane
Calculatory corded

explore all that is seen
challenge the unseen

nothing is out of reach
absorb don't teach

don't set limit to existence
Lose resistance!
in your persistent Live
Ra Goal 🙂

Ēl'Lord Ēl'God Ēl'Fâthēr æ
TO A Ēl'Læder

214 · Jan 2023
Bæç shore Çhīldrēñ
Jērêmíel bêê Sūrē Çhīld

Lament Sore Eyesore Cane
ẞlävory æ Wär Sorrow

Lament °³Orí
Lamemen èn theoremìnn

Èl'hell doom I rate

3l'æîr' ~tø my Īrīē
A laid room I made
Edē'n Nubiãn
Key key
Care care

He made known the beginning from the end
He who is the end from the beginning

Aint I Christ already,
Already done with entitlement•
Ancient I'm oldie
Day ēn timly Odette,
Oldest tale
Devînè stœrì

Mī Oøni Õdēth Pærl
A-bell clœck
A Cain æ spherically õldest lawv
A lëdg³ dâ
Jerry too Arayà

Land free of doom Baby ã-låw
Land of counted star Cush-height
Land of fulfilled Promise Kem-care
Land  of disciplinary Lake of hellas
Land of the fair Oønī

A Shy-Lawl- arry-thing no eth err
A-chair-lów- Everything
Shiloh Carefree
Ka-ifa Virtuously D³vinatory
Is so ³cool

Orun-Iwà bieng-lawed

³-mold no.
El-cclisiastic Ka how Dã SOLOMON

ærth ³mold know Ī speak everything
El-cclisiastic Ka how SØLØMØN
Trasfigured as IYESUS.

Forever Living ẞmīlê
Œh me
Eternal Everlasting is all me
Ærth owe me.
Perfected & Sacredly•

I had
Īñ My "SCHOOL" All-MÉ.
īã Zîóñ

IA-GUN °Cord-
Hæ Òrùn Ogun.

Brilliant Genius Dinstiction Excellent

Mean less without measurement
of homeliness

Mean ẞhīlø~Àmour ....
101000° rated
Balance Stable
All sowing good
101000° rated homeliness

A lawed room I'rate
A law do my rare
A loād-do-i'rea-thīnk
Allien intelligence
law do I matory 49°

All bow Kneel headed
eth -fair
Oønī years rated.
Līving Alone

Nathan Haile
A down-el' me
A daniel me
A dan here me
A dan hell me
daniel hail me
Dis Lost.

Basin-Math-Mat call
(Educationally Traditionally Religiously Culture-ry
Costom married
Answered Questional).

{Educationally Traditionally Religiously Culture--ry
Costom married
Answered Questionally.

Gentleman éh~Oonī
Flawless victoratry
Stainless Smooth ~Lea~da..r
Effortless flow frequency sequence
Willed equity essence.

Ai Lawed room
Eh el da
Sense me laudatory

All roam Ī see now
All room Ī see now
All romed Ī ßee now

A fore dā
A sun °lèdg³ då I mõld
Lesser līght I moon

Arch-knowledgement very costly

Chakra Skin ³eye
God digger
gold digger
goal digger
go dig her
goad dā èl
goat dig ārk {grætest øf all tímely}

a ledge caculatory
answered agreed
(isé &Amen)
Yes sworn

cos Course Cause Curse Cost cure ³°***

No Gifted Luck
to my calculatory
All Lawv.

[Prēy Prêsídóry Prêpóry]• TRIBAL~KÍÑDRËD
[Pēnāncē Âprîl]•
[Pèity Prâyòry]•
[Pāīn Prâîßóry]•

A call en you shall be answered
seek en you shall find
A knock en it shall be open
Ask en you shall be giving
One excellent play °cord Prepóry•

°Hu Gehazi {Vīsīøn Dræm Wàter}
èn Dâ-Lilly {Delilah}
A1-Man {Låwd Beīng}
{Sheol- æ -mon}
I dress Ede'n

A diamond 6 and a golden 7
Health is wealth
Morally Naturally
From dusted water en ant into a tree
ēn ā ßæld scroll•

Literacy balanced stabled æ bēîng.

Nation tears•
Fulfilled satisfactory

Meaningful Meaningful
Omnī Omnī

207 · Dec 2021
While the wind was lowly
the waters became still,
while a cool breeze was blowing
the birds sang melodiously
to the seed leaven wheat Smile

the design
& the everlasting realm
is a tree of alrightness
with fruits of righteousness
leaves of uprightness,
& a humming soil root.

OLUWÀ the light of entirety
is a blooded-word
and a spirited-water ritual
Ledge dà.

the ruler of the whole World
is a river of life
spotless in essence
priceless in value
ageless in equity.

the Author of the breathe of life
is a genius brilliance
distinctive excellent
& complete in-self {Hu}.

I speak as
a almighty Chanfull-Creed
the powerful third eye
Do not seek to go to heaven
although it is all pure
but seek for your life
the Wheel-Will
for it is more sure
a path to fulfilled satisfactory

then shall you become
an established atmosphere of valued equity
& essence
flowing as an eternal frequency of perfection & truth lawv
giving pure °ia-rare
to nature & creature.
A word is enough for the wise
They who conquered child's play Femaleformalities & adulthood burden have attain Understanding.
201 · Nov 2017
Will of a moulded clay
Make me poetry
the very first word that comes
after your breathe
value & essence,
for how sweet to taste it is
to say the right words at the right time.

Lead me through your desires
within your darkest reigns
of your infinite glory,

Parables, riddles
Metaphysical, allegories
as many form as they may

Where language, culture,
tradition & religion were formed
may my words as cords, fasten bond.

Tutor me from Gèez to english
put the very craft of your word in me
adorn me as the euphrates & tigris
from your garden of love & life
where every precious stones adore you

Dress me from your firer lake
where even souls that are eternal dread
take away all my dross
like the separation of the Red Sea

As a potter & a vessel
I'm your moulded clay
put all your strings in me
make me your living & eternal will.

Covenant my eyes as your everlasting
holies of holies
may my presence
be as cool as the breathe of life
and my touch of whole-stream baptism Devine.

Make me as
I Am & HIM,
everlasting and ascending
200 · May 2021
Dust of my feet
the dust of my skin•
My clock wise measurementory
of earth 🌍 into SigniaZion
RAĪNBŌW 🌈 Kush I am,
I was made first as earth Father land
among all the verdant hills,
from Adis Ababa,

The Holy Obàtalà the Spirit
was my only comfort,
I had a mystery wife
Called Ur-Babylon MÓÓN🌕,
I had her seperated by the river Euphrates.

Her drank was peaceful she has a Son between the Red ßæ where the dead s
Scrolls īnn was burried.
called ẞÚN ⛅ Kenmet,

her soul was the water
I seek love from.
her drank was peaceful

In her was all my treasures hidden
both of mystic & mysteries
after she emptied herself,
all who comes now calls her a harlot.

I became so angry that her generosity & love was taken for foolishness,
& her kindness for Vein,

So I curse the land
these herbs considerd as weeds
called Mary-Jane,

I wrote revelations in her Brother
to capture our victimize relatives
her deep tears of BRIGHT MORNING STAR 🌞 Cuptic-hellas
the nations that came off from her,

as she shed tears of blood constantly day and night weeping and mourning
culture, religion, tradition
& education
has been stolen away from me
I am emptied & left alone
with no one to comfort me.

I embraced her deeply
for I know her prophet I sent forth will awaken,
and she shall be restored again
to formal glory.

So I returned Kush to dust
if they'll consider my "Art"(Sholomon),
Filled the sea of Kenmet with blood
if they'll remember my "Act" (Iyesus),
I Judged every error & imbalance at Babylonia-Ur
when they ask for my very "Heart"(Yédidiah),
while burning at my everlasting fire from Cuptic-hellàs
when they asked where I AM is "At" (Immanuel),
Hey (ORĪSHA'NLÀ) needed "Ma'at"
 Before (ẞHÆÑGØ) is "Out"
In his Obatàlà "Hat"
Brave Harted Mat of ÔRUNMÎLÅW.
Here Ī Math ÆDÂMHŪ

He who markes the Big bang crystal stars signs & Kinetic Lamuel completed lily ant & ******.

I tutor days,
Appointed seasons
placed time before ancient stones,
beat kingdoms to bruises
And answered himself in scrolls only,
Need no reward from mortal man.
Earth 🌎 Īsreal
Sātalitē Town•
How can I lie to you!
I am, a cold disguise
of a sad and wise dicision.

In a time of secret woe,
my turmoil is "slavery's chains"
binding the art too long,
slaves in chain
manhandling the craft so wrong.

Today prepares tomorrow's ruin,
the final desolation,
tears rolling deep as crystal rags
viscous tatters
Of a worn-out soul.

My heart is torn asunder,
my conscience echoes thunder
then pain stalks into plunder
my spirit is crushed in a *** of anguish & lamentations.

My lonely wine is bitter draught
too deep in silence
my womb bore literature
as burning sulphur to ease the mind.

When you came to me,
unbidden and bare,
reckoning me
to long-ago rooms,
where memories lie.
trunks of sacred ritual
I cried.

I have seen beyond seeming
these days of bloodied screaming
of children dying bloated
out where lilies floated
the clang of cymbals falls down the years.
this brother's sold,
this sister's gone.

Of men all noosed and dangling
within the temples strangling
dead scrolls, without token of victory.

Joy, weeps deeply
making music with his very tears,
trying to ease the years,
causing everyone to have a feel of his heart,
  as raindrops on they skin.

I speak naked and bare
of our beginning
our origin of the deep from Adam,

I pray thee,
may the Spirit full of long suffering
build an ark of compassion
for his rest as Noah,
upon hell & high waters,
were Justice comes with
inner calmness
and Judgement is glorious.

Do not bring light to the dark
only bring a deeper smoke
light is for the day,
as sure as sight is for the young
then you can interprete Job.

Search, consider & follow counsel
until your eyes grows dim
and deep as dark waters,
so that when the bell tolls
  with understanding
you'll walks through the path
of sacred eternal life,
as sure as wisdom is a lamp for thy feet
then you'll be ordered by Melchizedek,

Have you not heard;
the wise elders of Hella's
learnt from the princes of kemet!
and all the prince of Kemet
  shall run out before the king of kush
and the garden will be restored once again down to Ur ?

Has ABBA not formed & pattern our thoughts purely,
has HIM not guided and lead our mind to righteous path only,
was I Am ever a toddler
bored and lonely,
has YHWZ. not made life full of essence beyond measures !
has the Son of man not made the past
& the Son of God already prepared for the future.

But who acknowledges
the oath of the crushed spirit
that preserves the universe.

Who regards the mind that was broken to pieces while establishing
the narrow path.

Who knows,
the depth(sorrow) of the deep mourning soul
& how the ancient percept & lines,
percept & lines
are being set.

who truly reasoned
& considers the emotion that is being cruxified to straighten the crooked path
Just to have the lines falls in pleasant places.

Every word of the Most-High,
is a living Will
sacred and pure
it is the design of the everlasting creator.
196 · Apr 2022
The Beginning & the End
The clock-compass offering of King David to Sholmó myrrh-timely is golden as a frankly incense.

I'll open my mouth one last time
In deep sayings
of the "hidden manna",

I'll speak in
Incantations (sacred sayings)
as one Oriented
In Oath & spells
from roots & truth,
I'll reveal it all in sequence.

Sons of the soil;
the ****** shall give birth to a child,
mother nature is our ******.

These are the 3 form of Gods will:
The good, permissive & perfect.
(the tree of good  principles
& the only evil in it is disobedience,
The tree of perfect & true standard balance).

For the image of God is his "Character behaviour = True Morality"
the likeness of the Lord is his "perfect calculation = Literacy "
So understand when I say
I & the Father are one,

For when the Father said
"two shall become one" (Absolutely absorbed)
this is what he truly mean

You must be in a deep sleep
having your ribs punctured out
by observing thoroughly in your mind
a woman's Morality & Literacy
If she's truly matured.

For when God formed a woman
all he made is a literate who is morally matured free from distortion & contamination,
so anything less than this is
"woe unto man".

Remember it was never said he who marries finds a good thing,
But he who "discovers true marraige materials"  (a morally matured literate woman) finds a helper & obtain favour from principles & laws.

Therefore the flesh of a man's flesh
is a woman of the same soul attraction (so carefully check if your features truly Jibe).

  The bones of a man's bones
is a woman of the same conscious interest (so carefully cross-check if same things excite you both).

& To be taken out of man
is to share the same intention (observe carefully if you both share same view & Ideas of things).

Also recognise to be a "Man"
is to be fully matured;
Attaining your daily growth
of literacy & morality
until you achieve the balance
of your true standard of living (Eden),
Flowing in your perfect atmosphere
of stability,
growing in your true
level of quality development
for this is the promised land.

Marriage is the absorption in one anothers personality,
It is absolutely sacred
& not to be abnormally used
even for once.

So forget about pleasure
Seek for balance!
Let your beauty
comes from inward attributes
then you'll find comfort in everything you do,
For this is the true joy of living
& Man's complete duty.

I speak as the Son of Man
& Son of God

And people often say
" with God all things are possible",
but with God stupid things are not possible (imbalance & err),
For God himself is balanced by his literacy
& morality is his standard
he is not an author of confusion.

Truly everyone choosed their choice course
ahead of existence,
God never lay a curse (burden) on anyone
even the stars bears Him withness
that he has measured clear balance &
clean standard daily for everyone.

For when ever men are gathered in the gates of Christ (wisdom)
Him is presence and they are caught up in the air.

When ever men tarry in their inner room to be endue with literacy & morality they get caught up on high
to Him's presence at attain peace.

For the Creator so Love everything he has made that he finalize his government by judging the illitracy that causes every error & the Immorality that leads to every imbalance against the universe,

This is the ritual he made
sending his only begotten who fully acknowledged the perfect balance that Literacy brings & the true standard that morality yeilds.

He did this ritual not to measure sins punishment or condemn the universe
but to justify his Principles & Laws as smooth & flawless
& to exposes completely the foolishness & wickedness of sin
"that he himself has not added a grain of burden to the sons of men but they as sheep has often gone astray alone in search for many things".

Therefore know this
for the streets do not love you
But the universe do,
Ignore the outward noises
& Listen to what nature is always telling you.

Then you'll avoid being the poor fool
Who tries to gain the whole world
But never carters for his soul true needs.

Come now I'll show you how Inspiration formed Ideas;

The Conscious keeps his "Universe" (space) safe,
The Spiritual do not need approval of
"Chance"  (connection),
The Mystic explores beyond "Age" (experience),
The Supernatural is not bound by "Season" (luck),
The Sacred one is not hindered by "Distance" (location),
Glory rules over "Time" (appointment),
Grace rule over  "days" (growth),
Holiness is the highest "Class" (qualifications).

To be Sacred is to be always clear in reasoning & clean in Judgement,
To be Holy Obatàlà is to be righteous in thoughts & upright in conscience,
To be full of Grace is to become flawless
& smooth in outward & inward expression,
To be full of Glory is have perfect emotion
& Truthful spirit.

To possess Wisdom is to become a mystic who attain sacredness for the sake of balance,
To get understanding is to attain spirituality & all it's glory at all cost for the sake of true comfort,
To attain peace is to become first & foremost holy then you'll attract true supernatural beauty,
To love, one must be conscious & full of grace then he'll possess the eternal joy.

For the shrine is made for cleansing only & nothing more,
Do not seek for anything else in the temple aside your daily bread,
Be faithful with the garden it's herbs, vegetables, fruit & even flowers & trees will keep you in perfect health even the shade is beautiful at sunrise & comforting at dusk,
The only festival accepted in heaven is one which ceremony promotes literacy & morality for every other is futile.

Do not be mislead:
The one who can forgive can also punish think of how in the beginning he covered the world in thick darkness and made it formless again,

The one who bless also curse remember who formed the world from waters upon waters & restricted the waters this is how far you can go,

The one who approves also rebukes remember who gathered the wind in his palm & authored spiritual realm,

The one who heals also kills think of how he wrapped up the universe as a cloud in his cloak.
Remember "oh" remember.

Consider this before you become foolish & say there is no Lord, God, Father & King
& sin against our forefather Creator
who rule over us all.
For the son of man & son of God is only a product of their perfect Literacy & true morality & nothing else added..

I speak as the gift of Sheba and the perfume oil of Mary at my feet
191 · Dec 2021
Rebuilding-Desolate Ruin
Sidewalk through the narrow path
don't ever lie
It reveals every signs leading to eternal life
& saves all lives,

For the spirit of Holy Orun-mi-law is a Wheeled will
& the word of Adam-Hū is the truthful way
when judgement is established
with perfect justice
we will all see clearly
"Life's Innocence"
& It's universal providence
when intimate with righteousness.

Whilst I was in the wilderness
the parched deserted wasteland
besieging as deep callth unto deep
I was caught up in thin air
into the invinsible O-realm of
Baba-A-law Edé'n

And I saw the Word of the Creator transformed
into supernatural armies mantles.
filled with perfect Literacy & true Morality
Absolutely absorbed in Spiritual stability.

Then I was caught up to Sheol & Hades
that forbidden exile
which gate is ancient
& path forgotten
which leadth straight
to the eternal lake of damnation
Émourn Amon.

& I beheld the beast & it's 7-seal
as one beholding himself
in a mirror crystal clear,

But I dread no evil
for I am as a psalms that sees
I am as a psalms that's well equipped
my weapon is living & active
sharper than any double edged sword,

I speak of roots and truth
revealing visions
I do not worship aimlessly
nor do I fellowship as one shadow boxing
no, my locks are 7 lucks
never tempered with blades
from birth
I was born ready to wrestle against
every weapon fashioned by D-evil,

Understand the riddle
a deep allegory
it's metaphysical
there's no lie in my story
only mysteries & mystic deep,
one that can only be unlocked
by one fully oriented in incantation,

Life is as a game of chess
& I speak of the eternal end
the beast and it's 7 heads
what it all represents
& it's antidote;

Unicorn(disgusting lust- Psalms) Dragon(irritating seduction- Revelation) Lion(sorrowful iniquity- Ecclesiastes) Sharkwhale(disgraceful illiteracy- 10 Commandment) Dinosaur(tormenting poverty- Lamentation)
Eagle (fear of Time- Scroll of Adam/Job)
Phoenix (shameful death- Scroll of Enoch)

The confusing sound & voices of their secret cemented illiteracy, and how they worship materialism, and despised enlightenment; the beautiful awaken state of perfect consciousness, choosing rather to break spiritual communication wherefore losing their holy form and transforming into demons, having the heart of a ****** rock, laying net's for the souls of men as fishers, misusing the powers of the dark realm causing blackness in the holy place.

I speak figuratively of the 10 crowned horns of Zion.
Of Babylon, ***** & Gomorrah, Philistine, Hella's, Medes & Persia, Chaldean, Tyre & Sidon, Rome, Kemet, Kush.

Although the righteous one may
fall 7 times before he conqueres
but the Father Lord-God & King
by his Holy-Icon101 already prepared
a beautiful pleasurable bed
for every pit in 7 places
I speak of;

peace, understanding, wisdom, love, knowledge, counsel & acknowledgement
representing the 7 heavens
of God

Yes, I fought & conquered the
D-evil one
through whole stream baptism;
Restoring the soul
purifying the mind
sanctifying the spirit
redemning the emotion
Saving nerve fibre

whilst rebuilding man's fallen State
to its original glory;
where love doth not sleep
peace doth not rest
wisdom is never weary
& understand never dies,

I seek for (wisdom) & I found, knocked at (loved) door & it was opened, asked for (peace) & I was given, called for complete (understanding) & was answered.

The becoming of the Son of man
& the coming of the Son of God
I speak of err & imbalance
& how it would never again,

Balancing the science & art of living
measuring art with slavery pains
& science by the blood from wars in our veins

then purity & essence will forever remain,
putting an end to strife & greed
ending turbulence from times machine to Clock wise data.
Think inside the complete box.
With self control, confine, contain
& restrain yourself
within the original design plan.

Your mind is a beautiful, cosmic, Boundless space.
Look within.
You will realise
Your mind is not a market Square
but without a price.

Lose yourself
Inside the infinite universal
Clockwisely & constantly
date your Cosmic datas.

You are an err-less library
Of unique brilliance...
Dare to study yourself
until you become a rare gem Drew.

The ark-efect of Human-being
is as deep as dark trouble waters
but ThotLaw fetched
it out.
The bourne GOD.
°Common sense please help me
Law my days
[Ōrīēnte Înçānte Wînd whispering].
The discourse of Isè & Ämen
Seth a cain
& a bell clock
a spehrical compass
a balance scale
for a frequency sequential key care
to eternal everlasting forever °smile.

Listen to the seed
that turn into a firm root
the Iroko tree advise,
how you dress your death bed
is how you lay on it.

Aviod err & mistake
If you must sow ³cord
as talent on a good soil

I swam the tough sea of desire & intention
I seek no shore as the dead of the night
I'm Èl---

Thought business 101
Out of the eater came something to eat,
and out of the strong
came something sweet.

Yes, eat honey 🍯for it is sweet
eat honey, my child, for it is good;
honey from the comb is sweet to your taste,
also know that groomed wisdom
is sweet to your body

if you find it,
there is a future hope for you,
and your hope will not be cut off
Go darkness
bright Ideas sleep like an angel low.

The Seed data;

• CourtParadise+OccultNubian
°Læd³ Dâ Hū
Hella'Hadeẞ Of UrBabylon

Ifé-6ix electro-mechaniced
voodoo stream Arreal {my children}

When the two rivers meet
they'll mate
the river  "errand & homly"
of ancient & modern
and then you'll be satisfied fulfilled
eternally everlasting forever smile living flow•
In the beginning was God's word
& his Word is his complete intention,
from his meditation he attracted all Ideas that interested Him in his Word
& his very "law of attraction"
was what interested Him,
for his Spirit is his very law of attraction.

For the word of God is God's true character
& the Spirit of God is God's perfect sense.

There's alot of pleasure in the world, but it takes common sense to balance everything to give life
it's true meaning.

The three essential qualities of life are; nutriment & nurishment, decent clothing, hygienic environment.

For the one who was alone & built the universe as an everlasting school of enthusiastic,
only he truly knows loneliness & boredom in its complete measures
of idleness.

clean literature by clearing away all ignorance
for just as Science do not lie,
but takes solvings to be correct
& morality to be balanced
Art also needs sure literate to be pure.
Only then can one discover the good in everything without distortion.

Has not wisdom garnish it's throne,
has not understand adorn it's shrine,
has not peace decorated it's temple,
is not love a bedecked garden home,

Go to the highest heaven
ask for the Literate who is perfect,
go also to the lowest depth of hades search for the true morality,

then you'll find
" Holy Spirit Most-high ".

For by knowledge of holiness
God created everything,
by common sense he enables
all his creature to walk in moral path,

by acknowledgement he has given us perfect reasons to realise "true quality & ugly vanity" thereby taking caution.

God has also enable the experience to give counsel to the young,
so that his little ones may breathe in essence,
with their sight taking pleasure in purity only,
that they might grow in an environment of equity
discerning err easily.

For assuredly I know his Providence is an eternal rain,
& his holiness shall forever reign
gloriously guarding our heart in
moral path.

God gives true brilliance & genius
to rule our conscience,
6sense & insight as an eternal guide to our will,
though test & trials have been placed on everything,
he instilled on everyone loyalty & patience in the days of our discipline that meekness might be found in us if only we are faithful to virtue, in the season when he measure the true value of everything he's made.

You oh God judge our perception perspective while sharing your everlasting offering of pleasentness.

They who covenanted with you
knows for certain
until the torment of your discipline appears along side your glory,
grace, holiness & sacredness,

foolishness & wickedness of err & imbalance will never disappear forever.

For this sake you covered Kush as black smoke,
turned Kemet into thick darkness,
made Ur a burning flames
Hell-às an everlasting fire
& Zion a true & perfect light
while covered in the dust & ashes of Uz.

Your axe is at the root ready to uproot
the tree of error & imbalance,
even the sword from your mouth has withered it already.

Therefore in our covenant we say
Ise & Amin.
184 · May 2017
The sun kissed the moon as they both departed before the morning dawn
hoping to see again soon.
184 · Jun 2017
Smile, just smile,
though your heart is aching

even though is breaking

If you smile
with your fear and sorrow
maybe tomorrow
you will find that life is worthwhile,

If you just smile
light up your face with gladness
hide every trace of sadness
although a tear may be so near

Thats the time you must keep on trying
what's the need of crying?
so just smile.
181 · Dec 2022
The Psalm & The Son•
The Psalm
The soul is 5 senses
Skin impulse, Taste buds, Sight, Hearing, Breathing.

The spirit is the heart
balance Will, Conscience consciousness.

The emotion is the blood cells
Affectionate streamy
Well connected cord.

Our mind is a triune cord
Braine impulse
Thoughts channel
Meta reasoning.

Folklore Liturgy an old customary ritual worship:
Martial  is the last
Poetry is the least.
Abstract Meta-Physical °Designory is the first & highest literate-sure (Morality)
The sacrifice & the offering man.
He whom sow key's that open Orun.
Psalm-well "Sam-uel".
Psalm-Son "Psalm_ Chant_Sign"

Ma'at God own heart
Bee-Love {DĀHVID}
Woo Man bee .
Who man be!
Woman B (----- rating 60)
Humming Big

I spoke of the-Lilly as "Delilah"
Example Examine Assignment.
174 · Jul 2021
The Blind & The lie
My hands easy weight,
teasing the bees hived in your hair,
while running hands through
making you feel like honeycomb

your smile at the ***** of my cheek.
On the occasion
you press above me,
spouting readiness.

mystery rapes my reasons
while all of me want to posses you
deep down to your thoughts of ecstasies.

the smell of our
love lingers between
your *******,

Softly bitting your ear lobes
telling you how much I love you
beyond desires.

I only undress you
Just to properly dress you,
love is who you are
one without guile.

I am to you a fertile soil
plant your seeds in me,
maybe you can teach me how to love,

You could also teach me
how to kiss out pure emotions
in your own way,

so whenever we lips locked
no one can kiss me better,

Breathe Jamming
like something eternal
deep down from the soul
a mate to mate
one in spirit & word.

your melodious voice melt gently,
as piano keys tassling softly into my heart
dropping into my ears
music of acoustic tone,

I'd rather be eternally blind folded by you
than to be colour blinded
by the unnatural beauties of this world.
of bride & his groom

For there is only one happiness in this life; to love and be loved."
for in love the best is always yet to be  pure pleasure without end.
Ancient songs of the wind & the tree's
162 · Aug 2018
Our love to me is like the moon light
it brighten's dark days,
your eyes shines brighter
than the desert sun
one will definitely go blind
staring at them.

The Oceans are in awe
when compared with the depth
of our love,
although you & I
but our heart is one beat.

Forever seems like a short time
compared to how long
I want to be with you,
they who find peace finds everlasting.

I'm always at ease
for I have you complete inside of me
of past and of future
as though time freezes in our presence
together we are
safe and Sure forever and ever.

Your kisses are sure miracles
my touch a pure healing
we are freedom
undivided forever.

As word I am truth
as Spirit you're Holy
they who finds us finds Life
for we are one forever
as I Am & HIM
156 · Dec 2021
°³6 12-7•
Where there's no love,
wickedness resides
where there's no wisdom,
foolishness abides
where there's no peace, everything becomes meaningless
where there's no understanding,
D-evil of distortion broods

Wisdom is what gives life balance
Peace is the true beauty of life
Knowledge is the real comfort
& To Law-Grace is life joyous thanksgiving.

Wherefore serve nature and it's creatures
yes, observe the whole universal law
not a bit,
but bit by bit.

Awaken your soul to it's state of forever consciousness,
& your skills for your purpose
will be endless.

Transcend mental- intellectual and activate your body 7 energies by observation & meditation.

your character is your destiny,
wherefore become a tree of life
by the riverside,
bearing all spiritualual fruits.

Be illuminated & fully transfigured until you become the perfect Will of the creator.

Then, only then will you be Immortal free from the fallen state of mortals
and building your mind estate
As the living balance.

Many people live this life
without having a clue,
they don't know where
they are coming from
Or where they are going too
lacking the breathe of essence,
marely existing.

Yet eye and eye
will always see you through.
even in long suffering,
this is always faithful and true.

Consider nature and it's phenomena
the mountains,
the Ocean,
rocky-waterfall lake
et garden zoo (Greek)
Bonk fire Precious gemstones & Ariel Potters (Mesopotamia)
the pyramid & Axum yes the Citadel (Egypt & Ethiopia Beta-Israel)
has not wisdom already garnished
every treasuries!

Nature has proven
over & over she can feeds all,
It is Human's pride that begins evil.

Build as babel until silence is comely!
vision is fairly!
dream is calmly!
Insight is sweetly!

For wherein it is enough
to be exactly like the teacher
as wisdom is to understanding
& peace to love,

for as Iron sharpens Iron
so also Brilliance sharpens genius,

Know thy forefathers,
thou born again phoenix-
for every foundation therein is already laid,

Of kingdom & Will,
design-plan & functionality,
of power & ability,
of glory & divine.
Thotmoses Orun-mi-law our eternal idol enlightened & awaken mind.
iAnovh Ogun our everlasting mentor transcending & insightful spirit.
Eli-jah David our vow hero ascending consciousness soul.
Adam Paul our illuminated role model transfigured emotion.

Golden is the pronouncement of God adorned with glorious gemstones,without blemish;
filled with sweet perfume to the soul in it's shrine,
an encompassing joyous wine to the spirit in its temple,
wrapped up with oil of gladness to the mind in its throne,
a precious rapturous milk & honey emotion in its garden homly,
& a blissful & ecstatic virtues impulse in it's kingdom solely.

knowing from the peak even unto the depth
both spiritually & physically aware,
forever increasing, brighten & beautiful only then can thou
truly fellowship & eternally worship.
155 · Dec 2021
Deep Reverend!
He taught the wind
until the birds were at his feet,
the raven brought bread
of a holy communion,
the fishes gathered to listen
oh' what a shore wisdom,

Deep reverend, deep reverend
the Father, the Son & the Spirited mother

I saw mount Sinai took flight on both kneels
forgetting it's shadow in Awe,
I saw Jordan disappeared at one rebuke
laughing at those in zion,
I saw eden elope happily
to the dust of his feet
as an unworthy *******,
I saw the trees clap their hands
as the chariot caught up to the clouds

Deep reverend, deep reverend
The Father, the Son & the Spirited mother

I saw priceless became worthless
I saw ageless imprisoned in time
I saw spotless being mocked
by muds pudding
I saw HIM without sin
becoming sin for all.

Deep reverend, deep reverend
the Father, the Son & the Spirited mother
deep reverend.

The Lightning
The Wind
The Outer-Space
The Cloud were there
Oness frequency sequence bonded•
149 · Dec 2022
•Seed data's Anthens🔹
Nobody is Perfect
but Practice make perfect.

Courage & Honourarium
Arreal Ārry Åyrā
À'ray Ariél Arayà
A'rare Arræl Harrer Ayõ

A blessing,
an athmosphriendly
of Harmony.

He whom puzzled the Stars
measured their usefulness
& examine their result
Without forgeting their original posited.

Bring forth your
goodness dauther of the stream
mother from the soil
queen as a breeze,
of Ox thotem blood ritually
warrior lady
natural social tribal woman.

Let her remind you
how I  Broke all the stars of heavenly gemstone
adorned Eve breast-plated
as grains of cloudy blood-cells
as a dominion warrior,

Paßsīng through Ra [Pastor Ra]
An Evening Āngæl [Evangelist Amøn]
Illuminatíng Perfect-hood
[Prophet Raīnbow]
Teacher æ Holy communíon
[Príest ẞēa ẞtær]
Martial Arrael milk & calmly
The Astro-logícal Theor³m-īnn
Cleanse æ Çlær
Á Pøør ẞól [Apostlē Pebblē Rhythm]
13 Natar Chart
Supreme Gracious Humming Glorious All-Court Óccoult•
137 · Feb 2022
The Ghost & The Spell.
Until one is born-again of true morality
& perfect literacy

Only then can he/she flawlessly
move in the perfect connectory
& best of luck
that karma (law of cause & effect) empowers fate (the development of future event) with
while exploring destiny & purpose,

effortlessly balance in standard
(stable in quality)
Joyfully enjoying the fruit of perfect
(correct intentions, proper clock & right action) obedience of essence & equity eternally while flowing in functionality.

Yes, make supplication
until you become a spotless Philosopher,
a smooth Revivalist
absorbed with the absolute,
then you'll walk eternal
in the stainless path of a Saint
  as a flawless Monk.

Your hindsight will become foresight,
your love languages
will always match,
calmness will comfort you,
hurt will forever be far from you,
distance, time, death & space wouldn't separate a thing from you.

You'll become a perfect world
of rich & beautiful tapestry
a connection without err.
My Children who lacked
literacy & morality suffers
from the fallen nature
called illiteracy immorality

A-cain for a rabel
Yes set a bell for a prepry
Too many
Slave to vanity,

A1 Vøødøø Œracle Jūjū-Tranß 6° Common sense
distance relatives
crying let's all join souls
for a holy communication
ën homly aboarded,

For the fertile one
Who opens buds of spring
is a spherical giver.

He whom helps your brain impulse
Conform into a tri-une °cord
our thoughts,
& Metal reasoning
into a flourishing eternal tree life.

The Holy Spirited Most High
Is around.

Shiloh Àmour
Shy Lawl Åmon
Shé Hōle Amnón
Sheol Él_Mould
•Zoo Ærmör
Sun Æ Moon I•Am One
**** hole I Amøn
Cheat Hole Mourn
Shalom Î Wón
Z°³ Ha[r]m None•

The one who measured his own
Line & age
Signs & symbolic
Oh how the line of frequency has fallen in sequence
Like the serpent on the eth rock.
134 · Sep 2021
Song's of the Four.
The sphere-cord spirit soul mind et emotion of Perfecthood.


This is the rating of dullness everywhere & anywhere;
Death & Dirt.
Lost & Lust.
**** et Pawn.
ill-tracy &  ill-moral.
Prematured & Overlyriped.

Desire is a corded mind will
Passion is an emotionate stationery
Imbalance is a soul depthmentory
Instability is the only spirited fear.

Aviod consequences do not be like the storks
For a grain of wheat falls down and dies before it learns disciplinary.

Hear no evil
see no devil
feel no rivery
taste no mistake
& breathe in no errors.
This is the eternal living cells plan.

The Psalm sin is Delilah "The-Lilly"
The Psalm wellness is "Aphrodite-Hera"
******-seduction & Foolish mistake
Is 49% in ranking rated power
When advise calculated sperical.
The curse? off course A cause
(Cos,*** cure).

A mare-Maid is a Malmö
my school pet friendly
Do not think you are unluckily
for I have given you the Covenanted-Law
In folklore.


I know of ten thousand women
called Jane and Maria,
but I have not seen any two
who truly were the same.

Mirror twins are different in intentions,
although their features Jibe,

And lovers think quite different thoughts while laying side by side.

In minor ways we differ,
in major we are the same.

I note the obvious difference
between each sort and type,
but we are more alike,
my friend,
than we are unalike.

And in love we are one,
one light.

I know the sacrifices that make up a mother,
I know a good woman
by her she raise up her daughter,

By her noble character
she builds up a home,
her husband has full confidence in her
& lacks nothing of value.

The knot of her union is uderstanding
the price of her child is wisdom
& the bond of her friendship is visionary.

her lamp does not go out at night
she smile at eternal life.
she speaks with acknowledgement,
faithful instruction is on her tongue
a good mother is to be praised.

Bridal Wife:

Born out of the mud of heaven
Sister of the garden
fair & lovely
close to the night,
Eve, is her name.

Moonlight is her smile
sunshine her strength
the waters beneath her
is a sacred oath of union.

Like a lotus flower that blossom in mud,
be patient,
for she's a sure bloomer
& her bliss is to comfort her belove.

Her voice is a Star-dusted storm
blowing easy on festive seasons,
her touch like cool breeze
she set her lover free.

Her portion is care
her portion is rare
she is the kind emotion the ocean seeks from the wind,
an amazing peace
when darkness embraces.

Dearly beloved is the healing of union
she remember the vows of a ring
fulfilment of sacred purpose,
she complete life
she's everlasting.

Oh pray my wings are gonna fit me well,
as our bodies make melodious chants
as pure as hyme
and psalms that flung to heaven
our spiritual home.

I am as Adam,
you're the flesh of my flesh
and bones of my bones.
we are One body a family tree.

Daughter of the god's;

Homely cosmology is beautiful
& cosmetical surgical is flirtatious
but by wisdom a home is built,

And through understanding
it is established;
through knowledge
its rooms are filled
  with rare and beautiful treasures

Seek for counsel
as sheba my daughter,
& by discipline choose your friends correctly
for your character determines your destiny.

Do not shy away from rebuked
for rightness comes with a smile
and a rod spared, spoils the child.

I know the young & merry
but remember daughter
charm is deceptive,
and beauty is fleeting;
seek life and essence
and nature will crown your purpose
with Joy.

Mother's are made to support
Aunties are made to instruct
A wife is made to comfort
Daughters et sisters are made to complete & not compete

The Lord gave a simple prayer
recite it daily before dawn,
& your soul will be free as butterfly
your intentions harmless as a dove
and all your path shining brightly.

Nothing much to say,
nothing is new to the sun
they who love good, seek good
they who love good, see good
and good advise are as firm nails.
129 · Feb 2024

  Æ-gæl✓ Malmö
[Lawv Wan] £

Nile [Egypt Realm]
Roar [Ethiopia Universal]
Inncum [Z]Asia International]
Tan [Greek World]

Ódè~teddy🐻🐨 Crystal 💎 [Fur]
Iced Fruited Snow
[Onni ***** 🍯 Chocolate 🍩🍫 Snow Icecream😇🌨️🍧 Principle ****-Manual]

Butted-Odette Pool-Pool

Wæ-Caræd [Kæy]

Little Rainbow Æ Moral Balloon 💕🎈

Hæly Reel
Atmosphere Move-Muse-Eden'ce
[W]Human-kindly Completed Rædory
EA Natural Produce
Proud Value [£]
Flag Price [Everything]
Life Conquered
Butter - Teddy
Full Cursory
Zillion£ Zillion £
128 · Feb 2022
The illiterate is a fool
because he does not fears error,
The immoral is wicked because he does not hate imbalance.

For the Universe is a School,
Nature is our Class,
Every Breathe is a Lesson from the Spirit,
death is only a result
of error (distortion) & imbalance (contamination)
of the world,
Living is an eternal paradise Journey.

Wherefore be completely obedience to Laws/ principles
Ignore immorality completly
& you'll eat your daily bread
& find fulfilment & satisfaction

To observe is to see things as they truly are & calculate until you understand their true nature
& why they function the way they do.

To meditate is to absolutely absorb Literacy & morality.

The only true knowledge in life is "becoming virtues"
the only thing the teacher can do is to fix you in the path of observation,
one must earn clearity in thinking
& true realization themselves.

The Supreme & ultimate state of the universe is ;
Absolute absorption in perfect Literacy,
& true Morality.

Life is all about being absolute literate &
absorbing morality this is the wholeness of Human,
Realms & virtues only exist as a supernatural shield for spiritual protection & maintenance,
Wherefore one must only access the realms & possess virtues for cleansing purpose alone.

Never be entice by money, fame, material possessions & physical looks in your discernment
& yes do not even crave for the highest seat but sit at your true qualification.

There was a man whom unto the Town-Crier Christ he was an ant with a number 666 (seen)

unto the RoyalChief priest he was a pig with a number 333 (Common sense)

unto the Limelight Angels he was a lamb with a number 777 (Request)

unto the Mermaid Peculiar prince he was a goat with a number 10/10 (perfection)

Unto Holy Obatàlà
the heavenly clouds shoke open,
the book of life (blood) became living and active,
the wind listened attentively
& the stormy waters became still for him to walk upon,
Yet even though he died,
he was born again (resurrected)
as the Son of God
the only begotten accorded with deep & great respect.

Wherefore I'll not speak of myself
but I'll speak only of such a man
because I realise he is the only true advantage man has over animals in the eyes of God.

Listen my son;
my important investment,
life is all about being naturally balance while functioning in your true standard of character-behaviour & ability in the school of value & essence,
exploring destiny & purpose under the law of karma "the guidance of fate".

Yet to flow freely in the fulfillment that surpasses mare satisfaction avoiding all extremes eternally one must become a living virtue.

wherefore thou must love the Lord your God
with all thy might of your spiritual conscience will,
all thy strength of your soulish desire,
all thy energy of your emotional affection,
all thy power of your mind reasoning
& pressure of thy impulse observation
& hormones processor

Only then will you eternally abide in the rapturous glory of his inspirational transcendence state of consciousness
where the joyous river of holiness
is everlasting

then you shall seek
the Devine who fasted until his feet quaked the earth, yes I AM who wrapped up the universe in his cloak as a cloud with fellowship/worship & find him,

You shall call on the Juju
who prayed until his kneels melted the mountain yes YHWz. who gathered the wind of spirituality with thanksgiving & be answered marvelously,

You shall ask the Immortal whose songs shattered the rocks & made the trees clapped, the ascended Abba who formed the world from waters upon waters
& you shall be given your true desires

Even you yourself shall knock on the door of the Deity who was a living sacrifice for his Word sake, HIM who casted his shadow on the hilltop and feet stamped the mountain top
yes he who descended and move in awe while the world was in thick darkness & formless
& he will certainly open his door for you.

I speak as the most prosperous man
{Mermaid Perculiar Prince}
whose riches was gold and whose "gold" is common sensory

I speak as the poorest of men
{Oønī Crier Christ}
whose only desire is living in essence equity æ virtue

I speak as the greatest of men {RoyalChief Priest}
whose greatness is authority en
whose "authority is °wheel Wīlled

I speak even as an
{Limelight Angel}
one whose character behaviour is everything,
& yet became nothing just so nothing was lost while balancing everything in their true standard & position•

Yes, I speak of the blood covenant of our king Deity,
the water baptism of
our Immortal Father,
the spiritual wind baptism of
our Lord Juju,
& the heavenly cloud witness of our God Idol .

To be a mermaid Peculiar Prince (Philosopher) is to become the mystic metaphysics exploring the origin of form (being) from abstract concepts of space, idea, knowing, matter,identity, time & ethics for the sake of loving peace
To be a RoyalChief priest(Monk) is to become perfect in character behaviour,
To be an LimelightAngel (Saint) is to become perfect in moral reasoning & thoughts.
To be Oønī Crier Christ (Revivalist) is to protect & maintain the perfect character behaviour & perfect sense of moral reasoning & thoughts with everything in Hū.

To become a son of God & Son of man is to be completely obedience in conforming to virtue & essence equity.
125 · Dec 2021
The good soil
It would be nice to know
that there's still time affordable
to etch-out some type of belonging.

I'm not quite my occupation,
neither am I my time-off, but
I hack it, on account,
for both occasions.
A "plan" would be nice,
but, an "A-plan" is ideal.
Find the "A+ plan," though, and
  we're rolling like orbed-steel

what a day.
working along the others;
installing until fufilled.

Easy as it comes-
& easier it shall go:
the relief of a perfect team,
built to suit.
123 · Jul 2021
Sealed Scroll 📜
Half a root
half a truth
hidden in riddles, ecclesiastical
proverbs, parables & psalms
every word of YHWz. is deep insight,

though a pastor may preach
& an apostle may exalt
we all know who was in 400 years of slavery.
ask the black oracle,

Although they build museum to trap our arts,
although they build schools to unlearn us our crafts,
and prisons to keep us behind bars,
but you can never truly separate spirituality from africa, man.

When the kingdom comes
the true origin shall be exposed.
some live in mansions
others sun burnt,
but their heart still handsome.
ethiopia, the beginning and the end.

El’, el, Eli-Jah Self,

Woe to the earth and the inhabitants in it.
“Ye simple” first called apes,
then became black monkeys,
now mentally slave to Science,
how long shall your burdens
be hung around your neck

Study your african proverbs,
understand the ecclesiastical of riddles
of the black communities,
sing to your forefathers in psalms,
let a parable be made known to you at night,

forget the forelocks
grab the essence of the word spoken by I Am long ago,
break the chains in your mind
same ones they makes you feel you need on your neck to feel alive,

Wisdom is better than silver & gold,
understanding builds a family home better than the purest diamonds,

“ye sluggard” do not become a mockery of the blood shed
or the sweat and tears that never slept by the pillar of cloud at night
and the pillars of Fire by day
that led the path
while your old souls suffer whips.
what has been that has never been seen before?

They stole our tradition,
culture & heritage
& gave us science telling us our forefathers are dead & gone
but agreed to their DNA in print in us,

They have succeeded in stealing the literature of your heart.
and tear families apart
how enticing is jewelry compared to good character.

Remember your name
children of Jah who says we have no more fathers.
remember your priest Eli
& how he slept,
and also importantly
remember JAH nor dead.
122 · Dec 2021
The Estate of the Mind
Living is a refurnace fire
in the awaken age
oh thou sweet fellowship of meditation
& the satisfying worship of supplication
the highest form of medication
(Maintenance & protection of balance & virtue).

They who acknowledge principle
will avoid all extremes
& appraise living in equity.

Come to my lake of living fire,
all of you who ignores the ways of the ant
come & refine your mind
as pure gold with furnace removing dross.
As wine poured out of a new wineskin
yes, of wine served only to noble'
so are the sayings of the wise.

Who has gathered the curious song
of every gale of the wind
properly adorning his garden
free from distortion,
beyond time's winged chariot.

Words are life,
and silence is priceless,
so listen carefully as much as you can.
for pure care to reign
in your abode.

As seduction is to death
so also is truth;
as a cool breeze of the day.

Understanding is calm & joyous
love is care & happiness
peace is cheerful & comfortable
wisdom is comely & sweet,

Every word of the enlightened one
is flawless,
everyone who comes
must be silent
or only ask of thy Creator's will.

Wonderful counsel
In the Promised Land
're as pure silver to the moralist
& a perfect gold to the literate,
It's morning is as a sure milky sun
It's evening a true honey moon.
Eternally wiping away
all awry days
as an oasis of happiness
to the thirst.

If your mind is ill
treat your innermost sight and see,
the eyes is the lamp of the body
if the eyes are dull
the whole body will be darkness,
a blind cannot lead the blind!

Oh, sad I see
yes, far I see
the path of all who breaks principles
& the time when the cup of their consequences runs over
yes even a time as this.
their season is called
evil under the sun!

Where men are guided by principles
& Orderliness leads every heart
there's no need for many prayers
or rebuke,
but there is an illitracy of Ignorance display
I have seen.
they who do not count their stones
before they build,
thinks they'll be heard by many words.

He who loves pleasure plays with his life
he who loves pleasure pays with his life
he who loves pleasure is never satisfied
they who craves heavenly gain
seek no earthly vain,
just a little piece of advice.
117 · Mar 2020
City light
Let it shine let it shine!
this gift of love
let it spread
let it glow from heaven above
let it find those darkened places 
putting smiles on saddened faces.

Let it shine
like the sun from above 
let it spread
like the wings of a dove
let those grey skies turn too blue 
and help those dreams all come true .

Let it shine
let it shine
this gift of peace
let it spread
let it glow from heaven above 
let it seek for those lonely hearts
and find two lovers who will never part. 

Let it sprout
let these seeds of wisdom
buried in dark find the light,
let it shine for You and for I.
114 · Feb 2020
YHWZ Kingdom.
far from what people think
or say it is,

A little sunshine in the morning,
stars twinkling at night,
contentment and a peaceful heart.

A roof top of humility
As sure as time flies with the wind,
round and round as it goes,
a little something to be grateful for,
smile on the face of those you love.

Paradise is within us
not too far off,

If you and I have a good heart
& a good intentions
we'll both get there
for paradise is us.

Our kingdom come.
108 · Dec 2021
Job's secret


I spake of africa & her pain
let me be blunt & plain
I spake of the beginning
& the end of ages,

From ships that sailed
from distant places
yes, old pirate robbed I,
I was sold too marchant ships
minute after I was captured,

From the primitive stage
to civilize slave,
oh, what a bottomless pit.

Hell is the bitter consequence
Of seduction & lust
turning even luster gold
into mud,
and it is the meal I fed,

Remember the dust represents origin
yes, I have returned from my roots
speaking of the serpent & the child
I got bruises on my feet
but I did crushed it's head finally.

Of what use is a charmer
if you're already beaten
so carefully listen to my advise.

Narrow is the path of life
few they be,
that purchase education
& love they neigbour,

Broad is the path to death
many they be that lead
life of no value and abuse living.

Few words to say,
each alphabet
holds a thousand meaning
and silence is eternal,
what can time really heal
If stiches are left unattended too.

Be wise and see
don't be wise and remain blinded.
105 · Dec 2021
Eternal Drive
Life is a circle
& we all marely exist
only a few truly learn, lives & impact.

We are purpose design
destiny oriented being
Predordained by devine conscience Will to transmit waves of frequency in sequence everlasting,

But how we spend our time
determines our fate,
for everything changes under cause & effect
but nothing truly dies,

The wind is our Universal camera
capturing every moment before
they disappear,
& in her whisper she sings...

Seduction is as sweet as death
that's why it leads to the grave
poverty a bitter hell,
pity those who feel the pain.

But he who gathers every gale of the wind & wrapped up the clouds in his cloak is rebirth;
becoming master over consequence
& It's poisonous sting (distortion)!

Flowing freely
imbetween high vibration
& low frequency
& their twist & turns perfectly
In sequence,

With his spirit
as young as morning dew
soul as old as the sea
emotions well tamed
as the rainbow hue
mind like ounces of gold
purely refined
& nerve fibre as cool as the breeze

living in forever essence & value
free from noise, disturbance, distraction & distortion

having eternal drive;
comfortably balanced
in the standard of
his purpose & destiny,

Having excellent desires
processing devine thoughts only
tending supreme observation
transmuting waves of passion
In sequence
& becoming a perfectly design conscience Will of his ORISHÀNLÀ 101
102 · Mar 2021
The Fallen & The Firey Lake
Out of a thousand,
a million or as many as it could be,
a lone star fell from among
one foggy morning

Before the birds could whistle
Or the **** crows
she was jealously wishing on the love of the sun and the moon
though an eclipse they shared
Kinetic was it's name

For as a city set up on the hills,
their vibrations never failed by the second.

She was tired of being among the quo
she had space in her heart  
lots of desires,
emotionally craving.

So her art faded
& she fell into gravity and drown
deep depth into the oceans heart
like Jonah into the moving grave,
beyond were all treasures are kept because she envied none,
none but ORISHÀNLÀ 100001 beautiful heartbeat.

Where the first fire was made
the firer lakes is where she burns
just to fill ORISHÀNLÀ 100001 heart
as much as she care,
even forevermore.

She drown not envious of night or day for both needs the sun and moon to feel special,
but in her fire she is alone,
yet adorn.
for alone is where ORISHÀNLÀ 100001 is in all his fullness.

But her fire are words shuts up
in bones as pure literature,
a clay pottery waiting to be broken.
a will molded
her name is  Kenetic Zi
the truth & the will
A lover & beloved.

By the inspiration of ORUN-MÍ-LÀ
she sings her soul a new song daily
from same old pages
but she never ages.

An awe of mystic and mysteries.
as sharp as the double edge sword
Of Shakespeare & Burning spears,
cutting through her own skin
piece by piece neatly.  
just so she could burn up all ashes
she's the born-again Pheonix.
99 · Nov 2021
Winepress Vinedresser
Wisdom's throne,
knows no age
and conquores times & seasons,
thought comes from the dark
too deep for man to understand,
& light is always awake
as a river of Ideas never sleep.

The wind moves in a circle
as she authors songs of song.
nostalgic yet forgotten,
once reality
now fantasized Imaginations.

too good to be true,
because I fall to words
like pure poetry
  I give life to my paintings
until they becomes flesh
like a canvas and brush breathed into.

My garden like Eve's eden full of herbs
fruits & all kinds of vegetables,
all my juice are worth the squeeze,
and my medicine heals all diseases.

"I Am" is the promise land,
where the beach of life
& palm tress resides forever.

I know ****** Mary
and all my secrets are conceived in her heart
So I keep no secrets,
sit at my feet
for I spill only truth,
no guile in me.

I designed Sheba's shrine
and her spiritual art
roots and portions
fallen trees & craft.

I Am a buried seed
covered where shadow disappears
like one opening ancient well,
well of treasuries
as old as bethsheba from ancient east.

I know possessing,
taking total control
owning your soul
ruling over your mind.

But I rather our becoming,
one with you in holy communion
abnormally used is far from my *****.

If your body is a dedicated temple,
I’ll make sure
I build every layers
with my own hands,
so I know your scars
and where they fit more,
so your smile will be priceless
while I dress you.

So you know
"I Am", did it everlasting.
something more perfect than
having a taste of your lips,
but I speak of a holy kiss.

Of Spirit & of Word
as one Body
Devine & eternal.
Palm wine, **** & coffee.
99 · Nov 2021
Season's & Chances
A little bit of this
a little bit of that  
a little bit of this
a little bit of that
and everyone will be alright

A time for this
and a time for that
yes a time for everything
principle already did the math,
making sequence perfect
  & everything beautiful in it's time.

Some fell here
some fell there
some grew here
some withered there
yes,the sower knows this things.

For every err there's consequences
for every imbalance there's falling away
when seasons becomes unfavorable
chances becomes unlucky
and time itself becomes death
who is the resurrection and the life
eternal & abundance!

In all thy getting get understanding,
& If thou discovers wisdom
& it cost thee all thy possession
sell  it,
who has phantom eternity
& who discovers
whole stream baptism,
(santification, purification, restoration, redemption & salvation).
the state of Rebirth.

Go outside consider everything
comeback here meditate upon it
now reflect unto every word as a mirror
doth thou see thyself clearly ?
95 · Dec 2021
Sufficient Grace
Emotional debt;
emotions and depth,
I owe myself the very best
but learning comes with a lesson
I have to pass the test

each day is a blessing
for the breathe it brings,
but in-between
there's always a lesson
that we must learn

Some days blend well
with smiles and songs
and the passion of love
leaving swishing whirlpools inside

Some days settle down
as dregs in a teacup
the bitter dross
sticking to the froth around the edge
and the residue coming to the surface
as if constantly stirred

Some days, the mind’s slits open
and fancies sluice down
like a dam with shutters removed
or like birds fleeing away from a cage

Some days, I feel so alone
stretching me on the rack of pain
then I shut myself from the outside world
like a periwinkle withdrawn to its shell
hoping nothing,
sinking under dead weight
unable to feel if dead or alive

Everyday we're swinging through between time's and mood
but grace is always sufficient
for we know him who has overcome,

Walking on the stormy rivers of the soul,
telling the inspirational wind of the impulse to be still,
burying the impurity of the mind in the firery lake & ascending to the cloudy heavens of the spiritual realm
where the emotions is properly dressed as the rainbow.
94 · Jan 2022
Something New
Eternal light;
time tells, listen
"I am true prosperity"
pay attention,
for it is my only currency
One can only become a fountain of life if he dress me,

like the ant;
let's build a positive frequency
a perfect vibration
waves flowing rightly in transmission

a timeless energy beyond space
satisfying all lives,
and still sufficient
a light that's forever shining

For God is love
& love is the first frequency (vibration)
through which everything was
  created in the perfect state of mind.

Only two things matters in life
Literacy & morality
but also learn this truthful lesson
the only way to forgive is understanding
the only way to forget is genuine loving
then true wisdom to shield evil will be bestowed
& the peace we all cryout for shall then unceasingly flow

Only then can we rock & roll
in this boat called forever
without getting cut off
or carried away from the team

Living eternal in the zone called;
"you're safe with me"
Where karma produces satisfaction (happiness)
& Fate fulfillment (contentment).

This is the narrow route
where your soulish strength desires is restored, mind reasoning power is purified, spiritual conscience-will might is santified, emotional passionate energy is redeemed & impulse observational pressure is saved everlastingly.

Read this again, thank you.
90 · Jan 2022
By wisdom a house is built,
through understanding its foundation is established;
through common sense everything is put in its proper place.

By counsel value becomes recognise,
through acknowledgement it's worth becomes spotless & ageless
by knowledge it's room is filled with rare and beautiful priceless treasures,
& when nature is fully known essence becomes eternal.

love is the frequency that turns a house
into a home;
for a home govern through righteous upright principle is ageless in beauty,
& through peace it is balanced forever
reigning in everlasting providence,

Home; the fulfillment of the bedecked Paster Noster
where Holy Obatàlà abode eternally
making sure we have no single worries
but perfectly taking care of everything
even unto the little things.

Home; were a day feels like a thousand years,
& a thousand years like a day,

Home where abundance &
everlasting remains.
87 · Mar 2020
Breath of Noah
Your words are like the coming up
of fresh air,
and I'm dying to breathe,
possess all of me
I'm gasping please.

Beauty and a beast,
burnt yet handsomely,
priceless piece,
you're a smile
mending broken heart.

Lowly and pure,
holy and sure
Too fragile to behold
Perfect yet true,

comely calmly fulfilling
are thy words
full of strength & happiness
sweet and mild.

Like flowers fading away
with the night light
only to return brightly dawning,

I cannot stop drooling
your aroma is devine
I'm happy you're mine,

A vow fulfilling
You're the very air I breathe.

My Ayo.

— The End —