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181 · May 2019
Alex Teng May 2019
In this generation,
If it's isn't on film,
You didn't do it.
180 · Apr 2019
Late night
Alex Teng Apr 2019
She ask me why can't you sleep ?

It's hard to sleep when your heart is at war with your mind
177 · Jun 2019
Alex Teng Jun 2019
When the moon is big and bright,
It's a supernatural delight
175 · Apr 2019
Alex Teng Apr 2019
There will never be we,
If you want to be you,
And I wanna be me.
173 · May 2019
Stay strong
Alex Teng May 2019
I don't think anyone really understand how tiring it is to act okay and always be strong when in reality you're close to the edge
168 · Apr 2019
Alex Teng Apr 2019
Lullaby and good night
Dream sweet dreams of love and light
In your heart
In your hands
You are more than your desires or your demands

Through the days
Through the years
Through the laughter and the tears
You will grieve
You will grow
You'll be more than anyone will ever know
And when you feel this can't be true
I'll help you through

So when you feel you're on your own
Got nowhere to go
Turn yourself around
Seek my shoulder

And when you feel you're on the ropes
Close to losing hope
I will hold you closer

Lullaby and good night
Dream sweet dreams of love and light
You are strong
You are whole
You are more than anyone will ever know
And when you feel this can't be true
I'm here for you
167 · May 2019
Alex Teng May 2019
I exist in different version
My parents see me as a son
My siblings see me as a brother
My teacher see me as a student
My colleague see me as a friend
My lover see me as a
Double faced
167 · Apr 2019
Alex Teng Apr 2019
HE hurt you,
HE abandon you,
HE cheated you,
HE used you,
HE destroy you,
HE tried to ******* **** you,
But you are still you.
167 · May 2019
Alex Teng May 2019
Rumors are carried by haters,
Spread by fools,
And accepted by idiots.
158 · Apr 2019
3 most painful things
Alex Teng Apr 2019
Trying to hide
what you really feel

Loving someone
who loves another

And taking risk
to fall in love again
151 · May 2019
Alex Teng May 2019
The past is gone for good.
You can sit here mourning it's departure,
Or prepare for the future.
A week passed
150 · May 2019
Alex Teng May 2019
How to stop time, kiss
How to travel in time, read
How to escape time, music
How to feel time, write
How to release time, breathe
How to waste time,
Like this poem
147 · May 2019
Alex Teng May 2019
Sometimes you got to be ,
Who you got to be,
Even Lucifer returns to Hell
145 · Apr 2019
Alex Teng Apr 2019
Life is like a piano,
The white keys represent happiness,
The black key represent sadness,
But as you go through life's journey,
Rememeber that the black key make music too.
139 · May 2019
Rain, Rain, Go away
Alex Teng May 2019
Gazing from my window at a group of children play,
All absorbed in childish beneath the sun's bright ray
Suddenly the heavens clouded threatening the sunny day,
Anxious mothers seek their darlings, now their joy gives away

Pouting lips and saddened faces,
Naughty rain their joy disperse,
From their little hearts the wall comes,
Nature's pathos in this verse

Rain, rain , go away,
Come another washing day,
For the children want to play,
Please just go away
Cuddling weather
138 · Apr 2019
Alex Teng Apr 2019
We can live without cigarette,
But cigarette manufacturers are millionaires

We can live without liquor,
But liquor manufacturers are millionaires.

We can't live without food,
But our farmers are so poor.
137 · Apr 2019
Time machine
Alex Teng Apr 2019
If you've been through the time machine,
And saw that the person being together with you isn't the one you are currently having,
What would you do ?

If you've been through the time machine,
And realise that you won't be able to have certain food anymore,
What would you do ?

If you've been through the time machine,
And realised that you aren't having the same job and opportunity you have now ,
What would you do ?

Would you shrink and avoid being with that someone, somewhere, something or sometime ?

Instead of guessing and predicting the future,
Live your life the way you want.

This time machine concept is just created to make you realise that you have forgotten that we are able to overcome the circumstance and still survive.

Even without a time machine,
We will all come to an end,
And we clearly know that.


Instead of not being with someone just because we aren't with them in the future,
Take a chance , fall in love.
If that time machine allow you to see 10 years into the future, but you decided not to be with him or her ,
You sure won't be in 10 years.

What if a more advanced time machine is created and allow you to see 20 years ahead and you realise you are with him or her ?

Instead of worrying about unable to eat certain meals in the future,
Appreciate every single meals you have now.
Enjoy every last flavour of it.

Instead of jumping jobs just because it's not the job you have in the future,
Learn and grow along with the job.
Prove yourself capable of handling it.

Instead of giving up on opportunities,
Appreciate each chance you are given

You only live once.
Stop staying alive ,
Start living.
136 · May 2019
Silent cry
Alex Teng May 2019
Think about it
It is more reliable to earn money
Cause when you are in a bad mood
You can always buy two bottles of beer
A big bag of chips
Sit by the side of road and cry

When you had the money
You can cry in Paris
You can cry in Tokyo
Cry in London, Cry in Rome

Cry while playing
Cry while enjoying
Cry as much as you hate crying
133 · May 2019
What is love
Alex Teng May 2019
Do you understand
Or even know what is love ?

The biggest fate ?
God's greatest plan ?

That's a movie
That's the story

Life is also very short
It's not who you love that matters

What matters is
Who is the person who's with you ?
125 · Apr 2019
Maybe it is just me
Alex Teng Apr 2019
When I see you online and not replying me
When I knew you went somewhere without telling me
When you disappear for too long after I send a text
When you decided to act sulky and not talk to me
When you said you are someone motivation at the gym
When you said you will sleep but act differently
When you don't want affection in public
When you don't want to make love to me
When you went out from the office secretly
When you talk more to another guy instead of me
When you can't fall asleep beside me
When you don't trust me
When you cried telling it to me
When you tried to ignore me
When you said you love me
What the **** is wrong with me ?
122 · Apr 2019
Alex Teng Apr 2019
I hope I can be someone who makes you look forward to waking up each morning ,
Someone who makes you fall in love with the world,
Someone who makes you see the difference in man,

But most importantly,
Someone who makes you fall in love with yourself.
122 · May 2019
That's something
Alex Teng May 2019
You know the feeling,
Where you first had a talk,
And you felt like,
You've known someone forever?

That's something
114 · Apr 2019
Alex Teng Apr 2019
She Can Eclipse The Sun
To me she means so much more.
People say she’s strong because;
She glows on her own, although sometimes
Every one needs others influence to reflect.
Nevertheless, when she needs to,
She can eclipse the sun.
But to me she means so much more
The moon was someone that was always there.
When we wake up crying on those cold lonely nights,
She is there when the rest of the world sleeps.
The moon was there to help us remember there are greater things out there,
As she continues to orbit us, lonely herself.

But to me she means so much more.
She keeps going, taking in other’s pain and fears.
She listens, glowing with her own misfortune,
But seldom will she speak of what hurts her.
She glows brightest the more pain she feels.
Until she’s on the brink. Then someone asks
“Are you okay?”
And she’ll crumble.

She means so much to me,
Because she is the only constant in an impossible life.
Everyone sees her surface,
But only few can touch her, or see past it.
Still she manages to pull oceans.
And in fact she can eclipse the sun.”
110 · Mar 2019
The one
Alex Teng Mar 2019
No relationship is perfect. As much as you would want it to be perfect, it will never be perfect. It's always good before it gets bad, it's always easy before it gets hard, and it always feels perfect before it gets real. You'll always see the best in each other before you bring out the worst of each other. As the connection gets deeper and the attachment gets stronger, that's when you're gonna see just exactly how vulnerable you've made yourself to each other. That's when the flaws and faults start to show themselves. That's when the problems and differences start to settle in. This is where most people give up because now everything is too complicated or too difficult and that's when they try to find someone better, but the thing is even with someone better, it's never going to be perfect. It's not about being with someone better or having that perfect relationship, it's about knowing the value of what you have right in front of you and making it work despite the challenges it may bring. Sure, it feels amazing when you two get along and it feels miserable when you two argue, but the beauty in that is being able to always find your way back to each other when you're on the verge of losing one another because that goes to show that it's something worth fighting for and it's meant to be saved. So there might not such a thing as a perfect relationship, but a beautiful one? Yeah, those do exist because what's beautiful isn't always perfect, and it's something we all deserve.
88 · 1d
In silence, I fear the growing space,
A whisper of doubt I can't erase.
Her laughter shared with another's ear,
A friendship that I can't come near.

The miles between us stretch and bend,
And I wonder if this will be the end.
A male friend's smile, her trust, her light,
Am I losing her to the quiet night?
73 · Apr 2019
Life is a struggle
Alex Teng Apr 2019
The moment you were born , you cried.
The first time you fell, you cried.
The first time you failed, you cried.
And the first time you are in love, you cried.

We cried because we learnt.

When you were born you cried because you realise you will have to face the ugly world.
Stop hate make love lol
46 · 1d
We’ve talked for hours, hearts laid bare,
Though we’ve not met, you’re always there.
Your voice, your laugh, they fill my mind,
A deeper connection, hard to find.

I’m starting to fall, though we’re apart,
A quiet love is growing in my heart.
I can’t wait to meet, to see you face,
But for now, I’m happy in this space.
31 · 1d
We shared no touch, not yet a glance,
But in our words, I feel the dance.
A spark ignites in every line,
A warmth thats growing, soft, and divine.

Though we haven’t met, I’m starting to see,
How easy it is to feel so free,
Talking to you, so light, so bright
A bond already shining in the night.

— The End —