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Alex Teng May 2019
When you get older,
You will face two weaknesses,
First, you will forget easily,
Second, I can't remember
Alex Teng May 2019
Sometimes the one riding with you,
Aren't really riding for you,
Sometimes the one closest to you,
Is the one competing silently with you.
Alex Teng May 2019
I don't think anyone really understand how tiring it is to act okay and always be strong when in reality you're close to the edge
Alex Teng May 2019
Gas chambers built by engineers,
Children poisoned by chemist,
Infants killed by nurses,
Innocents killed by soldier,
Education should train human,
To be more human.
Alex Teng May 2019
Used to lay on the grass bed,
To see the stars up the sky,
It's the same grass bed,
No stars tonight
Alex Teng May 2019
The past is gone for good.
You can sit here mourning it's departure,
Or prepare for the future.
A week passed
Alex Teng May 2019
You got to be tough,
If you are going to be stupid.
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