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Solaris Lanayru May 2019
Lift your head high
Take a deep breath
Show them your skill
All of what's left
Energy flows
And brilliant sparks fly
Show them that you
Can now fly through the sky
Top speed ahead
Let the beat drop
Spin through the air
You're going to be on top
First on the board
Top of the list
You passed all the marks
That everyone missed
Now as you sigh
And energy slows
You drop your pen
Lean back as time slows
Imagine taking an exam and the relief once it's over
Solaris Lanayru Feb 2019
Deep and dark like the depths of the sea
My soul is darker than the blackest tea
Smile I may but that's all a lie
All I really want to do is cry
In order for one to truly be happy...
Don't finish that, it sounds way to sappy
I favor the dark and retreat from the light
It's just how I am, no reason to fight
So don't look at me like I can be saved
Diving into darkness is just what I crave
Solaris Lanayru Feb 2019
Through space and time, heaven and hell
The sky is where the goddess dwells
She sees the world with a look of disgust
There is no other soul that she can trust
Each nation on Earth, different leaders to each
She watches as they can't practice what they preach
Hypocrisy here and narcissism there
There is a darkness lingering in the air
A perfect world she must create
In order to change the world before its too late
Solaris Lanayru Feb 2019
They ask me why I'm so quiet and shy
But they don't realize what goes on inside
A tortured soul with violent raging thoughts
A lonely corpse being dragged through each hell
I don't say a word nor gesture or smile
Because if they knew...
They wouldn't last the while
Because no one plans a ****** out loud
Solaris Lanayru Feb 2019
Through the darkest of days lie pitch black depths
You sink deeper and faster with each passing moment
They said you'd be fine and all would go well
Until the room goes dark and things start to spin
The air gets cold and it's hard to breathe
As the tight constricting grip squeezes the life from your body
You struggle and fight to keep yourself sane
But in the end its all just a waste
Don't trust them, don't like them
It's all just a nightmare
But when you wake up you're still there
There where the darkness crept up to you
Because it will never let you go
Solaris Lanayru Jan 2019
The sunlight reflects off a glassy world
Drip drop as water falls into the sun
Ripples flow and time freezes
The air is still and silent

A flash of light and a gentle breeze
The water pushes away
To reveal an earthy canvas
Engraved with the sun's reflection
Solaris Lanayru Dec 2018
Writing words upon a page
Letter by letter the ink will spread
Leaving a story to be told
And whether that story is good or not
It depends on the reader
So as my words flow from type to text
I wonder who will enjoy it
It matters not because I don't write for fame
I write to express my soul
So tap tap tap and typing away
I have lots of words to say
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