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Sive Myeki Jun 2016
The heaven's rumble and the shutters mumble
Insidious is the echo of a thunderous raw
The comparable terror on both fronts becomes indistinguishable
And when the earth quakes we hug the floor
The children weep and a mother's hope makes way
The wounds of shard cleansed by molten tear
Inside we howl at the dart that went astray
A target it found when the mind was cornered by fear
The heavens rumble and the shutters mumble
Darkened shadows flicker within the shutters fiery light
A teary mother contemplates death when her kin she must ******
Feen or foe a monster parades on her blight
Sive Myeki Jun 2016
The dam is kept murky,
ill and distorted
by its inability to be active,
although the heavens shower its blessing.
The stream is ever clear,
translucent, luminous
and forthcoming with life
because of its intention to flow.
The principle is there
for all to see and be,
the variance
lies between the lens
through which we choose to see from.
Sive Myeki Jun 2016
Dance with the body
So it may know the lead
Listen to the melody
And become what is said
Flexing with the rhythm
No stance is lost in vain
Breathing with the ism
No soul is left to pain

Aum Aum Aum
Sive Myeki Jun 2016
What is the most valued thing to you
O' child of luminescence
What ails your heart when death approaches
Name this weight which grounds without humility
Share your value and hide your worth
Me doth thinks you are scared
Scared of not being seen
Scared of leaving individualism and being nothing
The same nothing that bore you earth and still you seek an atomic crown
Such a reputation your divinity has built for your body
No applause no pause no reflection only egotistic esotericism
Your self you keep for a select few
Your worth you limit by the number of fingers you count
Such a life you have built from nothing
Upon the gravesite of a child that once dreamt your life
The same child that gladly sacrificed itself so you may surface
What is it now that attaches you to this persona
Tell me now O' light bearer
Where can we find your flame
Was it the last thing you sold for gold
Who here can rise above this one thing
Who here is unburdened by the fear of loss
What is the least of your desires
O' man of pleasure
Can you not sit without your ale?
Sive Myeki Jun 2016
To Jimi & Janis

Lost in a fools paradise
No map to land my dice
No body to govern this space
This bearing aligns my chase
This day I will seize in thought
And forth I will bring what is sought
This seed I sow in fertility
A mind surreal as lake tranquility
The depths I see
This body I flee
I set the task for you to do
Space and time I shall subdue
Under control of mental abrasion
Layer by layer free from emotion
A foolish man retrieves the soul
Lost in paradise he becomes the whole
Sive Myeki Jun 2016
Look at that plant over there!
Embedded between concrete with no care.
Does it look worried if I stare?
Or does the the rubble on his sheen disturb his flair?
There's a lesson to learn from this creature so fair.
A good life it leads, happy with its share.
This is the tale of a plant that grew within the tear.
Sive Myeki Jun 2016
We must be light like water
Taking the path of least resistance
Until the land levels out
Every droplet coming together as one
And here we sit waiting to rise
Before the sun sends us back and forth
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