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1d · 29
Loveless Christ
Zee 1d
I am the devil on your shoulder
The fist-**** that splits you apart
The coldest slaveholder
Turning your flesh into
A work of art

I am the evil of man
From the atom split apart
No attention span
Or anytime for
Your bleeding heart

I am the plague priest
A disease of the heart
The lonely ****** beast
In heat and shall seek
To rip you apart

I am loveless Christ:
He who walks on water
and only drowns
under your
Zee Feb 14
I'm trying to be a better person
Really, I am
But in a world this diseased
I'm not too sure how one achieves that
With hands washed in blood

I'm willing to ****
I don't use the word ******
Though many would
But a dead fascist
Is just good poetry
A rhyming couplet that tickles
Like an ASMR video of Kalashnikovs

The system is was and always has been ******
Understandable why you'd want it burnt
But the ramifications are too numerous
To list
When there's still so many to ****.
Feb 12 · 40
Nostalgic Love
Zee Feb 12
Nostalgic love,
a warm lap to lay your head -
never to be returned.

Nostalgic love,
forgetting the enmity -
and the fights that were yet to come.

Nostalgic love,
a piece of your heart dying in your chest -
move past and carry on.

Nostalgic love,
how you taunt me in photographs -
forever imaging what never was.

Nostalgic love,
longing for a place that is no more -
you can never return home once you've left.

Nostalgic love,
forever gone.
Feb 7 · 20
Zee Feb 7
and broken,
she finds herself in smoke-screened back alleys,
cheap hotels, and meetings with God.

Her AA sponsor's a bottle of champagne,
but she stays sober
because she hasn't a corkscrew.

We **** in tangle of limbs,
regret mingling with moans,
our bodies becoming one,
until we part again,
distant memories already fading
by the time the door closes.

I love in her the same things
that I hate in me,
those laughing, needling points
of failure
that seem to define my waking moments.

At least she knows what she is,
the pride of the ******
and all that.

I'm still searching for answers,
long passed the point of finding,
while she looks for a moment of peace,
an escape from this waking world,
and who am I to say she's wrong?
Jan 16 · 105
Zee Jan 16
A better place or a better home
All I know is we're here alone
Blackened skies and wingless cries
Just which of us was it that survived?
Jan 9 · 30
And now...
Zee Jan 9
And now the years are catching up with me, my distended belly disgorging spurts of rotten ****

And now the porcelain god grows to encompass the whole of reality

And now my energy wanes by mid-day, no longer capable of fifty-hour work days

And now, too, the flames of rebellion in me are stoked by capitalist bellows

And now the anger I lived with for so long has metastasized to the culture at large

And now I inspect my mirror image fatefully waiting to discover receding hair line, bleeding gums, and liver spots

And now the world at large coddles up to fascism like it was a warm fire on a dark night of the soul

And now I prepare my soul for the blood I will shed in the name of peace, the blood with which I will wash my hands

And now my friend's houses are burning to ashes while the rich horde water like wealth

And now I beg the god I hardly believe in for restitution, or another CEO slaying to fuel their fear

And now I lay my head to rest upon mother earth's breast and wait for the waves to take me
Dec 2024 · 36
Zee Dec 2024
We all are murderers
Don't lie to yourself

Each and every one of us
Has blood on their hands

There's nothing to be done
It is what it is

Learn to accept that you
Are bleeding the world dry

Try to implement changes
That limit our damages

But don't you look in the mirror
And tell yourself
You're ******* innocent
Dec 2024 · 33
Ruptured Appendixes
Zee Dec 2024
Suicidal tendencies
Inside my brain
Will render me
A thousand times
The threshold of
Your buggery
And tasteless fiends
We seldom see
Inside our ruptured
Find with peace
Our slaughtered glee
Laughter muted
Faces stuck in contorted
Like these ghosts
Now haunting me
Dec 2024 · 25
The River Jordan
Zee Dec 2024
The divide of time separates us like the bridges that we burned to light our nights. The warmth gained from destruction, an illusionary phenomenon at best, failed to keep the cold from biting at our young hearts. Forgive me if I stutter when I speak of our shared history. It's just that I haven't forgotten tender kisses in a video store parking lot, discount department stores, or the first touch of your *****-clad *******. I wish I remembered how everything went bad, wish I picked you over the harpy I selected. We wouldn't have lasted, but I'm nostalgic for the times that could have been now that the end draws near and my mid-life crisis reaches its apex. Like the river that named you - you drain me dead, see?
Dec 2024 · 45
Seamless Suffering
Zee Dec 2024
The curse of nostalgia
Reminding better days
From out of a past
Whence pain was forgot
The suffering of innocence
Gnashing at the leash
Holding back the progressive
Drowning in false pretense
Lying to sleep in waves
A beached whale
Choking the lungs
Clogging the veins
****** dreams, faded denim
Torn at the seam
Nov 2024 · 35
Ashen Lead
Zee Nov 2024
My little secret
I hold you in the arms of my mind
And beat myself senseless
For these thoughts

I am incapable of growth
I am the **** of the innocent
I am the death of love
Watch me shudder
And contort myself
Into something resembling human

Where is the fire of hell
That I've been promised?
Take me far from here
On wings of ashen lead
Nov 2024 · 46
Every Night
Zee Nov 2024
I'm five seconds away from killing myself
So I might as well die with your *** in my mouth
Wearing your **** like glasses
**** the masses
and the massive void I'm flirting with inside

There's a darkness hidden behind every light
A pleasure behind every fight
An end of days behind every night
Nov 2024 · 339
This One's Trouble
Zee Nov 2024
My love for you is cyclical
Sickening and sicklied

Often tinged with hate
Irate and insensate

Still got every photo saved
In a folder I can't erase
As much as I've tried

You're the apple of my eye
Poisoned, for sure
Still, I take a bite

In this moment,
I'd risk everything
Just to have you
For this moment
Sep 2024 · 43
Zee Sep 2024
I've been a *******
Filled with regrets
And little vignettes
So woe is me

I want to apologize to people that I can't find
For things not so safe to define

I've forgotten more people than I remember
But I haven't forgotten you
Despite all the **** I do
There's still pieces missing

I'm far too old to be young
And far too young to be sentimental
Fighting with my insecurities
And chemical deficiencies

I don't know quite what I want
And expect less, less, less
If you ever read this,
I'm sorry.

I was always a mess
But it shouldn't have spewed onto you
When you need friendship, companion
And I panic and abandon.

All I can really say is
******* it.
A poem that'll never reach its intended audience.
Feb 2022 · 118
Zee Feb 2022
Every fascist has to die
You can look them in the eye
And you don't got to cry
'Cause you'd be saving ******* lives
Feb 2022 · 137
The fascists need to die
Zee Feb 2022
The fascists are alive
The fascists need to die

The fascists are alive
The fascists have to die

As long as the fascists are alive
We're gonna ******' die

The fascists are alive
So nobody will survive

The fascists are alive
Let 'em black out the ******* sky

The fascists are alive
The fascists need to die
Feb 2022 · 109
In you
Zee Feb 2022
Grab this blade
and cut away
All the pieces that he left in you

Take a drink,
your stomach sinks
And there's nothing anyone can do

It's okay,
we're all in graves
That are filling up each day

No one knows,
nor do they care
About hate rising on the air

We're almost done,
so sorry son
But what the **** else can you do?

Just grab this blade
and cut away
Every ******* thing in you.
Feb 2022 · 124
Another Fucking Trucker
Zee Feb 2022
Why listen to words
You don't want to hear
When you got the power
To **** all you fear
With bullets and brawn
Cowardly things, those
You slaughter your foes
But are stuck with your woes
Feb 2022 · 113
Zee Feb 2022
Young and tender,
Her flesh, it renders
One incomplete
Or so it seeks
With razor sharp claws
And rapacious applause
To consume whomsoever
She's really quite so clever
In that all that she meets
Is all that she eats
With no names exchanged
And nothing arranged
I wish I had known this all before
I brought her home through the front door
Feb 2022 · 132
Zee Feb 2022
Words flow
Like river tributary
Seldom smooth
Rough tides for rough minds
And in this I'll hide
Intentions true
Is it me or is it you?
Rafting these white waters
Seeking answers
Through the stressing of muscle
The tension in form
Head above
Now under
The water roars
Until the words run dry
We're at the end
With the lessons learned
Oh what lessons learned?
Feb 2022 · 109
Zee Feb 2022
We're murderers
Tracking through the woods
The prey we'll take home
To cannibalize again
Each and every moment
We've spent together here
Until they've been digested
And replicated in mass
We put them up for consumption
Selling copies of our souls
Like murderers
Painting pictures in the snow
They fade away in minutes
This compassion that we've shared
Until there is nothing left
But the corpses of our fears
Feb 2022 · 89
Her Body Broke
Zee Feb 2022
Now that all is said and done
We've given way to life and sin
Heaven-bound, so hell shall weep
With broken homes that'll let us in

Father's favorite precious jewel
Was ripped apart from night til' noon
Opened up with savage thrusts
From fleshed knife several years too soon

Little cries and battered anguish
Battered form and soon to vanquish
Free her soul from prison walls
And left this life frissoned falls

On jagged rocks her body broke
To meet the mind once bespoke
Bleeding wounds through life now faded
No longer father'd and degraded
Feb 2022 · 77
Eye of the Flower
Zee Feb 2022
The flowers in your eyes
Are wilting
Who could have seen that coming?
With the poisoned soil you've planted in
Or the venom you watered with

Sever before the rot spreads
Before it's too late for you
And this whole thing becomes your everything
Just like you were to me
Feb 2022 · 127
A Whorish God
Zee Feb 2022
Bow down to your new god
The ***** in the mirror
Smiling between broken teeth
Eating **** grin
Pearly whites with nicotine stains

You are weak
So you found me
You are soft
So I **** your mind
You will worship
The very ground I walk
Or I will make of your face
Every fear you've lost sleep to

Now bow, bow, bow
And break your back
Now bow, bow, bow
And don't look back
Now bow, bow, bow
And smoke this crack
Now bow, bow, bow
And give up your will to me
Feb 2022 · 366
Me or/and You
Zee Feb 2022
I am a being made of shame
And all that I am
I can see in you

I am pathetic in my apathy
And, yes, I know
You could care less

My mind self-destructs
In glowing patterns
That replicate themselves
Until I can't even tell
If I'm me or I'm you
Feb 2022 · 127
Garden Bed Steak
Zee Feb 2022
My throat gets caught in my gut
Circling birds feasted on by the rats
The cat chases the dog and tails are wagged
The pale light of the sun blanks the flaming moon

Pull another steak from the garden bed
I'm sorry, I'm sorry I lost my head
Don't know where it hasn't been
But it's going back to the past again

Lick me clean with your bleeding eyes
Open legs and take me outside
The snowy summer air so crisp
You almost almost smell it on your lips

Pull another steak from the garden bed
I'm sorry, I'm sorry I lost my head
Don't know where it hasn't been
But it's going back to the past again
Feb 2022 · 108
Personal Cult
Zee Feb 2022
Exploitation of masses is what I'm after
Another player in an industry overwrought
But I've got all that I bought and it just ain't enough
Ain't got the power needed to sway the herd
So I'll focus on you, you, and you
Infest your brain like a worm, twisting things all unearned
One-on-one-on-one-on-one, all things eventually come undone
Thinking sane lost to infected brain
To make you what I want of you
I'll destroy what's already been built
Ain't gonna make it up better, just broken
In that way that lets me fill
The cracks of your mind like concrete
Me-me-me-me, is all you'll see or believe
Until' it comes crumbling down
My little attempt at a festive Jonestown
Feb 2022 · 159
Suffocating in Mud
Zee Feb 2022
Drowning in blood, suffocating in mud
Half a million lives for few miles of strife
The war to end all wars only ended itself
And hell has been raised every decade since

We've murdered ourselves and murdered our kin
Lions led by donkeys pretending at men
The rifle is good but the machine is the god
Of murdering millions over a few ******* yards

I'm angry as hell that we've went through the flames
And came out the other end with no lessons in brains
No shining moment that opened our eyes,
Cleaned away the grime of a third so enlightenment we could find

In the years that have passed, we've fallen on *****
Let fascism grow like the weeds in your garden
We should be pulling faster but don't like bending our backs
So we've got nobody to blame when we're choking on gas
Feb 2022 · 101
Horrific Embrace
Zee Feb 2022
Ripped to pieces,
Horrific tear
From a loving embrace
Between man and boy
Can't stop the bleeding
What you've done to me there
Healing for centuries
Or so it still feels
I'm empty without you
And I hate you for
You've ***** my mind
As much as you did my body
Zee Feb 2022
******* son seeks slender snake
To slaughter weaklings where they weep
And make of mary much too little
The demon ******* ******-off fiddle
Ain't ask so anxious master's agents
In rotten waste riotous with glee
The death march defies much that's daunting
In scope of seizure-laiden bores
Where fires fell villains and villagers
No discrimination, no designation
Could save a life, could serve a little
So no seldom comes a passing grace
Sure north seeking crones plaster gore
Upon a shield upheld and shorn
Could fight off filth and fling back festers
These demons derived directly from thanatos
Battlefield bred more ******* born
Honoring history of father's lost
By fearlessly repeating the cycle hense
Jan 2022 · 89
The Water Seeps In
Zee Jan 2022
Lost at sea and suffering screams,
The blood of the captain has already run
From the blade of the knife I've embedded in thee,
Twisted and severed, arterial flow
Let this red water guide us home

Sickness persists and the men are withering
Their dithering cries for food and sustenance
Are carried on waves off to oblivion
We've been here too long, this floating coffin
Home is a place seldom thought to soften
The blow of our death on these seas

We're frightened of ghosts and jumping at shadows
Lighting the torch and burning the top
Flames lighting ropes and spreading abo't
Panic grips bodies and compels into motion
The sinking of ship further below the ocean

MOVE, you cowards
FLEE, this is the final hour
DEATH, reaches to grip your ankle
LAST BREATH, lost to the depths

Lost to the depths, the bodies of men
Never to surface again
Heavy are my lungs
The water seeps in
Jan 2022 · 147
The Lair of Broken Bodies
Zee Jan 2022
In her lair there she squirms
Dances ***** with all the worms
Invites my frolic with tender care
Rends flesh from head t' ***** hair
Grinds my bones and kisses lips
Closes coffin and moon eclipsed
Now bury beneath the sodden soil
Where bodies are left to slowly spoil
Masturbatory cries with memories lost
Severed limbs in **** did toss
To birth homunculus in gore
And make of world none but war
Discarding life onto the benches
As men do fall along the trenches
Powder blasted sky and land
My corpse with friends left in the sand
And now we shant ever rise again
From the lair where she did contain
Her love of lust and murdered men
Til' all of death is her demesne
Jan 2022 · 127
Mother Whore
Zee Jan 2022
Talk a lot of ****
But ain't put up with it
'Cause all of your beliefs
Have stained your ******' teeth
Black, brown, and baby green
Strugglin' like a fiend
To get close to god again
Let her wash you of your sin
Merely worship at her feet
Lapping up her sick disease
Claims to save you from microbes
Some colloidal silver for your lobes
Her skin blue and deadly thin
Fist in where life begins
God hole seeping ready pour
They call her mother *****
Jan 2022 · 95
Zee Jan 2022
My lips crack and split
As another wave breaks against the ship
And the hopelessness sinks in

The captain's dead at my feet
A knife plunged deep inside his gut
My knuckles white around the handle

I'm not ready yet to die
But accept we won't survive
The deep and vast sea
Leaves you lost to soul like me

Now fire rips through ropes
A demonic hull is wrote
Against a yearning blue
The heat devours all that's true
Falling of the side
A head-first suicide
To dive beneath the waves
And never surface ev'r again
Working on an album. Except to see variations of this theme until I land on the one that I like best
Jan 2022 · 82
Zee Jan 2022
Hands around her throat
I straddle while I choke
Devour all she wrote
On murders which I'll quote
All across her body

Bite until she bleeds
Drink everything she seethes
Slap flesh all red and raw
Hair torn inside a fist
With ripples of pleasure
Jan 2022 · 140
The House Down the Path
Zee Jan 2022
In tender womb grows wretched creature
Born of crooked frame and twisted features
Festered wounds and boiled sores
Marked pocked face and oozing pores
A smile long of tooth and grim
And voice that sang of satan's hymns

We hid away from light of day
Turned t'wards sky on knees to pray
That neighbors, town, would never know
Of wicked foe that brought such woe
Til' days turned weeks, months, then years
Mind ailments gave peace from fears

Then parents died and time went fast
Home to sell, small estate amassed
Sordid folks came to witness sale
And found hidden room of our tale
Thoughts of treasure fueled opening door
But only fear and pain fate had in store

Ravenous hunger, blooded thirst to sate
Rendered flesh and face to mutilate
One last breath, then off to unity
And now it's know throughout community
The house down the path is best ignored
Unless you're ready to meet your lord
Jan 2022 · 81
Zee Jan 2022
In hands held aloft
Are placed lives, future lost
To grip tight, knuckles white
The very thing that keeps us weak
This fragile mortality of ours
Has fueled centuries, decades, years
Art, war, ***, and death
And still no answer to the question:
Should I squeeze or let go?
Jan 2022 · 86
P-lanetary suicide
Zee Jan 2022
Come on baby, **** in those cheeks
Another rock to smoke, a little more coke to stroke
It ain't over til' it's over and baby it's never over
Addicts addicted to everything addictive
TV, *******, **** and brain
Fast food, slow rides,
We've got an environment to poison
And we don't care, we ain't looking for a cure
Toss ourselves on the fire of apathy
24/7 we're told its ending
So throw a party, throw some oil on the fire
Heed the lies and don't try to change
It's easier to die when you don't put up a fight
It's easier high, when you don't have a life
It's easier to cry, when you disassociate
So let's soak ourselves in our tears,
Have a good cry
And get on with the planetary suicide
Jan 2022 · 180
Zee Jan 2022
And waste not

We've slaughtered plenty
To eat their own
And time has proven
We're all disowned
Jan 2022 · 63
Off to Hell
Zee Jan 2022
I'm not doing well
I'm lost thinking about slitting my wrists,
Shooting my head,
And suicide that fits

And it's not going away
It only gets worse
Nobody listens when I cry for help
So they'll be surprised when I'm off to hell
Jan 2022 · 78
Zee Jan 2022
Good life
With lies

**** them


Violence and violence
Live in peace
Die in peace

So terribly betrayed

Be kind to children
Be kind to seniors
Take the potion

We are not committing suicide
Revolutionary act
Do not take our death in vain

Death is not a fearful thing
It’s living that’s fearful

Choose my own kind of death
I’m tired
I’m tired of…
Tired of it

So many people’s lives in my hands
Don’t want your life in my hands

Now is the dispensation of judgement
Revolutionary suicide council
Because I’m a prophet

Died every day to give you peace
Still not had any peace
Still not the kind of peace I wanted to give

To have us destroyed
Many will destroy themselves
I’m speaking as a prophet today

The damage will be done
I cannot separate myself from the pain
We’ve walked together too long

I saved them
I saved them
I made my example
I made my expression
I made my manifestation
I’ve been born out of due season
To leave this ****** world

We lay down our lives in protest
We lay down our lives to protest at what’s been done
The criminality of people
The cruelty of people

There’s no point
There’s no point to this
We are born before our time
They won’t accept us
If they come after our children
Then our children will suffer forever

Take ease
Take ease
Take ease
Take ease
Take ease

Sit down
Sit down
Sit down

It’s all over
It’s all over

What a legacy
What a legacy
They invaded our privacy
They invaded our home
They followed us six thousand miles
… the Congressman’s dead

Get us some medication
There’s no convulsions with it
It’s just simple
Get it before it’s too late
Don’t be afraid to die
They’ll torture our children
They’ll torture some of our people
They’ll torture our seniors
We cannot have this

How many are dead
Oh God
Almighty God

It’s too late
It’s too late
They’re all laying out there dead
I didn’t but my people did
They’re my people
They’ve been provoked too much
What’s happened here has been an act of provocation

You don’t know what you’ve done
I’ve tried
You’ve got to move
To get that medication

Everybody was so happy when they stepped through to the other side

It’s hard
It’s hard only at first is it hard
It’s hard only at first
You’re looking at death
Raising up every morning
It’s much more difficult
It’s much more difficult

For God’s sake let’s get on with it
We’ve lived as no other people have lived
We’ve had as much of this world as you’re gonna get
Let’s be done with the agony of it
It’s far
Far harder
To watch you
Every day
Die slowly

You are dying

This is a revolutionary suicide
It is not a self-destructive suicide
I think it’s humane

Somebody relax
Die with respect
Die with a degree of dignity
Lay down your life
Don’t lay down with tears and agony
There’s nothing to death
Stop this hysterics
This not the way for people
No way for us to die
We must die with some dignity

Mother, mother, mother, mother, please
Mother please...please...please don’t
Don’t do this
Don’t do this
Put down your life with this child
But don’t do this
Keep...keep your emotions down
If you will be quiet
Be patient
Be patient
Death is…
Dead is a million times preferable to ten more days of this life
Death, death, death is common to people
Quit exciting your children
An erasure poem I wrote in university using Jim Jones' last speech, given as 900 members of the People's Temple in Guyana were forced into suicide on his urging on November 18, 1978
Jan 2022 · 138
Zee Jan 2022
Hold me down and **** my face
With another advertisement
About food I can't taste,
Cars I won't race,
And the death of the office space

Teach me your disease
So I can fall to my knees
Praising the god of consumeristic love
A trickle-down striptease
Jan 2022 · 199
Gun to My Head
Zee Jan 2022
And now that it's dying, we'll ******* to space
Instead of ever trying to fix up the **** place
Like a careless land lord, exploiting the slums
All that matters are our buildings' incomes

We'll go to school and learn to be better
Do our best to earn an award from a debtor
Then enter our sector with these older wage setters
And realize we were tricked by a scarlet letter

I don't know, maybe we're all just ******?
Tired of pushing our luck?
You pushed a gun up to our heads

There's people always dying out East
To look and listen really is just the least
******' thing we can do for them, ain't it?
If only the domestic Nazis would quit

"We ain't got a problem with guns," we got a problem with killers,
Police, race, wages, gender, ***, and the community pillars
Blame drugs and depravity 'stead of the system that ****** us
Like a date-***** co-ed sent home on the last express bus

I don't know, maybe we're all just ******?
Tired of pushing our luck?
You pushed a gun up to our heads

I don't know, maybe we're all just ******?
Tired of pushing our luck?
You pushed a gun up to our heads

Trigger finger, now we're dead
Jan 2022 · 121
Zee Jan 2022
I waited so **** long
That I forgot what I wanted to say
Something about the beauty in her face
The deftness of her grace
Or the little sighs that she would make
I fear I won't remember
That I'll forget more each day
But some day I won't remember forgetting
And that's A-O-******'-K
Jan 2022 · 124
Sinners Lost
Zee Jan 2022
She's on her knees and in our hearts
No time to waste, so let us start
A smile sweet and laugh to last
And three young men she has amassed

She sees us there and knows our pain
These three young men that have been slain
With blooded blade and razor'd mace
We're put to ground and then encased

Her God is dark, her God is deaf
Her God refuses to give us breath
In gardened plot we shall decay
Through our eyes the worms will play

She prays for us, three sinners lost
Across her chest she signs the cross
Yet we still burn forever more
And when she dies we shall be four
Jan 2022 · 200
Zee Jan 2022
Great scott's *****, we're coming apart at the seams
Don't know why I'm still dr-dreaming
Of a whiter christmas lost to witness-
ing the death dance of all time
Maybe it's just that I'm losing my mind
Or it's the drugs I haven't yet imbibed
Time after time will tell
If it's working or it's hell
Jan 2022 · 83
Too much to lie
Zee Jan 2022
Baby watch me, no touch
Ain't got so much to lie
She wants me in four-wheel
With a head like drive

Where you'd go, now no fear
We just ain't got time
Taste and touch my insides
Baby, that ain't no lie

Too weak to speak right
Too much to lie
Double back and get ******
Three holes if got the time

Words don't work
Lick, swallow pride
Following wagging dog now
Tail beside its hind

She ain't all that so tough
She ain't got soul to hide
Daddy dearest beat me
Eat up, watch me die
Jan 2022 · 95
All Fucked
Zee Jan 2022
I need you,
But you **** me up
And I loved you,
But you ****** me up
And I'd love to,
Love to ******* up
But that won't do,
Cause we're too ****** up
And the world's doomed,
Cause we all ****** up
So we'll consume,
Cause it ***** us up
Lost in the gloom,
Now that it's all ****** up
Our new hecatomb,
Entombed and all ****** up
Just like us too,
All ******
Jan 2022 · 81
Zee Jan 2022
There's a murderer down the block
Oh wait, I guess that's just a cop
Ain't see the difference there, can you?
But I mean, what the **** can we do?
That doesn't get us beat along the head
Another statistic of the dead
Only they don't report those, do they?
Jan 2022 · 104
Zee Jan 2022
I pine for you, my pineal princess
Wash me in your waves of dmt
Let me taste each color, sound
And float away to inner space
I have no body, this is no place
Too long I've screamed, I lack a face
My hands shake crooked, I stroke god's cheek
And taste her poison, inside of neith
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