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807 · Jun 2017
Cannabis Goddess
Honokala Jun 2017
Cannabis goddess came to my family
She said you are one of the chosen
I honor you with this blessing from me.
You must nurture me , give me love , grow me in the sun for I am the medicine the people and this planet need . She told us it won't be easy many will want to destroy me rip me out of the ground you will have to protect me and fight for me to have the right to grow . She said they will put you in chains take away your land  some will welcome you others will shun you  
but you must continue on your path l will lead the way..
709 · Jun 2017
Joan of Ark of Cannabis
Honokala Jun 2017
Strength is who I am call me the Joan of Ark of Cannabis  for I was willing to hang rather than be responsible for another life behind bars.
You will hang my family for our beliefs
You said give us names talk about your family repent , give in , your fight is over ..
Kneel before your lords
We will forgive you
I said you can call me the Joan of Ark of Cannabis for I will hang before I give you what you need .. you have already taken my parents and our lands .
I am not weak like others
I do have simpathy for the weaker soul for they must live with their dastardly deeds of giving
into your relentless needs .
My strength comes from the light of goodness my values are strong.
382 · Oct 2017
Barefoot and free
Honokala Oct 2017
She walked on the outskirts of society
In a whimsical fashion flowers intertwined in her hair wearing a vintage crocheted dress taring  underneath her sleeves
barefoot and free ..
she smoked a joint , laughed at life..
and continued down the less traveled path..
371 · Jun 2017
Mountain life
Honokala Jun 2017
I've lived in the mountains where most folks would dare to go I ran with mountains lions and made friends with rattlesnakes I've  been surrounded  by thousands of wild ladybugs and have gotten drunk from pure water bubbling out of the ground..
255 · Oct 2017
Freedom Outlaw
Honokala Oct 2017
Here goes another outlaw riding into the sunset just another untold story the line of Justice blurred some laws are meant to be broken freedom is a tumbleweed blowing past in the desert wind .
140 · Apr 2020
Silent disco
Honokala Apr 2020
Holding my breath until I became one with the ocean .
Silent disco on the beach spinning and spinning around and around until it got to my head .
I opened my eyes and there was a blur between sea and land .
The universe opened and a blissful joy filled my soul .

— The End —