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Oct 2020 · 83
Jeremiah Iganga Oct 2020
My love for you I declare
On roof tops in canyons
Superficially we're just friends
I want more I always do
Shading the sparkles in my eyes
And velvet of my cheeks
Whenever you're around
They say it's not meant to be
You say it can't be
But we all know it could
Only if the numerical age difference didn't matter to you
I'd be certain like me you were willing to try
Feeling affection for older friends Is just so difficult
Oct 2019 · 155
Hades comes to town
Jeremiah Iganga Oct 2019
On a great white horse
Rode Hades into town
Darkness his presence heralded
The putrid stench of death
Hung heavily in the air
Staring in awe, fear
The townsman knew it was his time
Muscles arching painfully
Boom.... The gun went off
All became but a Faint painting
Hades rode out his bounty in a sack pulled along
Oct 2019 · 120
Jeremiah Iganga Oct 2019
We break up
Continue like we never gave up
But never make up
Love the night like we never wake up
Chase after you can't keep up
Hold me down till we live up
To dreams unpaired up
Till my ghost I give up

Looking up hopes up
Stretching out hands up
Feel these pains-shaping up
Thinking out loud; lifted up
Crinkled and wrinkled up
Life flashes and wraps up
Fantasies and hope never lived up
Time's up curtains close up

— The End —