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Call me your LOVER

Now we are no stranger to each other
Yet where does our LOVE go from here?

How does the world know the depth of
The attachments of our LOVE?

Your LOVE rains over my desert
Bringing tears to my eyes
And see....
Dew drop are formed
On the leaf of your heart
To fill your eyes with tears

When your lips touches mine
Our breathe entangle into each other

Now let our ecstasy tell the story
That is rendered in our inner being

Call me your LOVER

Call me by YOUR name

What I see in YOU...?

I see the eternal existence in YOU
I see the entire cosmos in YOU
I see the olamic macrocosm in YOU
I see the eternity and universe in YOU
I see the everlasting wildness in YOU
I see the aeon creation in YOU
I see the ageless world in YOU
I see a natural state in YOU
I see the essence of galaxy in YOU
I see the ecology and environment in YOU
I see the glorious landscapes in YOU
I see all the elements of composition in YOU
I see the skies, moon, stars, sun, clouds in YOU
I see the ocean, river, streams, rain, dew drops in YOU
I see the animals, birds, bees, marine life in YOU

I see your inner light, your psyche, your divine
I see soul, I see spirit, I see LOVE in YOU
I see what father could not see your inspiration to BE
I see what mother could never see the "REAL YOU"
I see miracle, magic, mystic and mysterious in YOU
I see what YOU too could not see in YOU

I see in YOU what no one else ever has,
Ever can or could ever see in YOU

It is because I LOVE YOU
 Jan 2020 hannashe
Witness the gentleness of her spirit
soaring with affirmative hope.
To nurture the kindness and decency from others is her guiding goal.

Men aren't brutes it's just a notion,
a characteristic strain to be loved away.
Her sympathetic understanding is like a potion.
Her words hummingbirds, her tongue a bouquet.

Beaming smile, laughing eyes,
tender of heart for the witnessing.
You'll feel like a present or a prize
because she believes all people interesting.

Everyone and all want to be around her,
as far as the eye can see.
Who is this person of such profound magnificence?
It's YOU if you want it to be.
 Jan 2020 hannashe
 Jan 2020 hannashe
All lies diminish me ---

As a card carrying member of the human race,
I consider it a disgrace,
when truth is subverted,
truth is diverted,
puts a frown on my face,
puts me in a bad place,
when truth is perverted in any way.

Lies weaken the laws of modern man--

If it's a shell game of opinion while avoiding fact,
modern society might as well take a giant step back.
To the plague days,
to the guillotine ways,
when might was right,
carry a big stick.
I dont want to go back to that.

Each lie told damages the soul ---

Are we here on earth to be false to each other,
to con with words or sister and brother? 
 To smother or dignity,  
break it and fake it,
knowing wrong from right but go ahead and forsake it?
I think no.

And the outcome of lying---

When those you trusted lie,
but don't  get busted - cry.  
Consider it the day truth died. 
 And down with the ship of truth goes honesty
                    civilization will fall.  
Tears to lend, prayers to send, 
lies will be the beginning, the middle, the end.
  Lies will be the death of us all.
 Jan 2020 hannashe
Mike Adam
 Jan 2020 hannashe
Mike Adam
I sit in the centre
Of the seed
Unafraid to fall

Damp soil welcoming
Bold to open and
March up to sky

Alive alive O
At last
At last
 Jan 2020 hannashe
Mike Adam
 Jan 2020 hannashe
Mike Adam
Some billions of
Years ago
Some star explodes.

Some particle flew
Through the hovel

Burning breakfast.

Pesky super novae,
Irradiating universe.

Whence the calm
Of solid state?
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