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Mar 2018 · 397
for now
WordsOfWizDumb Mar 2018
life is good...

for now

I'm just waiting
for something to happen

                                                                                                    until I mess up.
I always feel like when life's good something bad is going to happen soon.
Mar 2018 · 318
WordsOfWizDumb Mar 2018
The problem about childhood
Is that once you realize it’s over
You start to really appreciate it
Sorry I just turned 16 and I’m feeling like my childhood is over, and I’m sad. I know I’m not an adult yet, but I feel like this is the first time I’m really a teenager. I can drive, I can get a job. It’s crazy how time flies. I’ve come to realize how crazy it is that the one time in our lives when we didn’t have any worries, is the one time in our life that we didn’t know worrying existed. What  I mean by that is, we spend our childhood not worrying about anything, until you get older. Then you realize how many worries you didn’t have. It’s just mind blowing, to me. And of course, this isn’t true for everyone, but I feel like most people can relate. Sorry for the rant :)
Feb 2018 · 341
White Noise
WordsOfWizDumb Feb 2018
Humanity is described
As many things
Good or bad
Or everything in between

But to me, humanity
Says fake conversation
Uses useless words
And does pointless flirtation

When I listen to humanity
There are no joys
To me, they just sound
Like white noise
Jan 2018 · 262
WordsOfWizDumb Jan 2018
Jan 2018 · 342
WordsOfWizDumb Jan 2018
Why do I care so much
About a friendship
That you don't even
Put any effort in?

Why are we
Even friends
If you take everything I say
As an offense?

Why do I put effort
Into this friendship
If you never
G i v e   e f f o r t   b a c k ?
Jan 2018 · 297
The Pilot
WordsOfWizDumb Jan 2018
I feel light
         And timeless
                  The wind in my hair
                           Like an old-fashioned pilot
                                       I am flying
                                                In my loud plane
                                                          B­ut I keep forgetting there are
                                                                ­    So many thoughts in my brain

                                                          ­           The plane descends
                                                             I am not a pilot
                                                     I am a miner
                                             In a whole different climate
                                      My thoughts are dark
                                The light is dim
                          If the canary is silent

                     T h e n
               h e r e
          c o m e s
       t h e
g r i m
Dec 2017 · 310
WordsOfWizDumb Dec 2017
S h e   i s   a f r a i d

Life is a storm
And she has no umbrella
It is flooding
She is drowning
She cried out
And they ignored her
But eventually
People heard
And they cared
And they helped
Her feet are on dry land
The storm stopped
The rain disappeared
Now the sun is out
Now she can swim
She’s not scared
She is brave
And she forgets
There was a time when

S h e   w a s   a f r a i d
This poem was actually for school
Dec 2017 · 774
pretty people
WordsOfWizDumb Dec 2017
P r e t t y   p e o p l e
W i t h   p r e t t y   w o r d s
B u t   t h e y   a r e   u g l y
T h e i r   s p e e c h   i s   s l u r r e d

They never show
Their real emotions
Because people watch
Their every motion

Everything they have
Is fake
They have noticed
And they have breaked

They were living in
A fake reality
But they've woken up
To actuality

We used to talk
Behind their backs
They noticed
And they cracked

They don't think we love them
They don't think they're pretty
And they really do
Deserve our pity

P r e t t y   p e o p l e
W i t h   p r e t t y   w o r d s
B u t   t h e y   a r e   u g l y
T h e i r   s p e e c h   i s   s l u r r e d
This is a follow up to the first PRETTY PEOPLE poem.
Dec 2017 · 285
Space & Earth
WordsOfWizDumb Dec 2017
They are like
S p a c e  and  E a r t h
Always have been
Ever since birth

They are not like
Fire and water
They never will be
They never were

Space and Earth
are two different things
Space sounds airy
But Earth really sings

Earth has color
Filled with glee
Where Space has none
Earth has three

Space is dark
Full of emptiness
Earth is filled
And doesn't feel numbness

Although opposites
They work together
They get the job done
They'll never wither

Without each other
They wouldn't work
The universe would die
The clock would stop

So be thankful
There are people like them
Without their existence
There would be mayhem
Dec 2017 · 292
WordsOfWizDumb Dec 2017
It's supposed to be
A place to grow
A place to learn
A place to know

Instead it became
A place to judge
A place to hurt
To hold a grudge

At school I feel
It attacks me

From the gloom
I feel numb
Instead of learning
I feel dumb

Why does school
Torture me?
"Because," they say
"of society."
Eh it's not this bad I'm just dramatic.
Dec 2017 · 6.0k
WordsOfWizDumb Dec 2017
P r e t t y   p e o p l e
W i t h   p r e t t y   w o r d s
B u t   t h e y   a r e   u g l y
T h e i r   s p e e c h   i s   s l u r r e d

They never show
Their real emotion
While people watch
Their every motion

Everything they have
Is fake
If they'd notice
They would break

They're living in
A fake reality
They need to wake up
To actuality

We always talk
Behind their backs
If they knew
They would crack

They think we love them
They think they're pretty
But they really don't
Deserve our pity

P r e t t y   p e o p l e
W i t h   p r e t t y   w o r d s
B u t   t h e y   a r e   u g l y
T h e i r   s p e e c h   i s   s l u r r e d
Just so you know, I wrote a follow up to this poem that shows another aspect of pretty people. Thanks for reading :)
Dec 2017 · 266
The Woods
WordsOfWizDumb Dec 2017
The trees sway
The leaves rustle
Far from life's
Busy bustle

The creek bubbles
The frogs croak
Far from everyone's
Fake hoax

It peaceful here
And serenely silent
Far from being
Crazy and violent

The woods are where
I like to go
Where other people
Will never know
This is probably the only poetic poem I'll ever do.
Dec 2017 · 223
WordsOfWizDumb Dec 2017
Bred my fave,
I love to eat,
Its face.
Bred so sweet,
I almost want,
To eat.
So cute,
I just love,
to dig up,
Its rooooooot,
So lit,
I will,
Throw a fit.
This is an inside joke with my friends, sorry :)
Dec 2017 · 204
WordsOfWizDumb Dec 2017
So profound.
Makes me want to,
Lick the ground.
Is a color,
That can't rhyme,
With another.
So sour.
I have,
When i use my powr,
I fly,
And what i,
Leave behind,
This is an inside joke with my friends, sorry :)

— The End —