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563 · Jan 2019
The Maze Of My Life
H-Town Menace Jan 2019
My life has been a darkened maze it's had traps and spiked pits,
With nothing to see but darkness with no light.
I've hurdled life's obstacles, But still haven't found my way through the maze, i'm lost wondering in the middle of this maze, I've been in pits which I've dug staircases to get out of but I still haven't found the light. I'm stuck in this maze wondering with out any shoes or food, its been a lonely life in this maze of my life. I'm hungering for compassion which I've never found. i doubt there's any light and I doubt there's any way out of this maze of my life.
477 · Aug 2015
drunk thoughts
H-Town Menace Aug 2015
Im a little drunk right now but who isn't right now. We all in some way are trying to escape from our true emotions to some place we can make Sence of ower lifes in such a Cruel World where the less fortunate are Looked down on and the rich are cherished. Theres a reson why there are drug's to because they are the best and fastest way to escape from reality for those of us who can't deal with the true reality of our lifes they are here for us. Even when no one else is.
True reality

— The End —