Flesh, bones, blood, organs, tissues Mind, body, soul, spirit's, issues Human been, being literally Trying to survive loving life Meaningfully signifcant Existence in this form given Well Done's just reward Most Wanted at the end of living!
Most High! Forgive me for putting Anyone and or anything Above my relationship with you It's not always easy To completely trust and depend Solely on you Help me follow your lead Like I expect my gems to even when They are afraid and confused About what's going to happen next Help me to never again look back To never again place anything or anyone On the seat of the throne of my heart All I am and will be, belongs to only you Thank you for your love and forgiveness For your promises over mine and all Attached to me lives! Not my will But yours for my life! I'm grateful. Amen!
Reminding myself daily They may not have known They may not have thought They may not have cared Or even remember the hurt Their words or actions caused Elephant memory and all Forgivingly forget for Loves progression's sake