By paper-lantern light
flames colour a snow crystals dance, beautifully enchanting, to
the distant sound of singing; Joyous songs of celebration, lulling all in revelry. Each note heard
in silent reverence, beneath the skeletal canopy of majestic oak spread. Where from amongst the
damp branches, wise old saucer eyes calls "Ubi? Ubi?", heralding a cacophony of wide-eyed whispers
This afternoon, sweet twilight guides our paths as we search on ever onward journeys unknown; Our
arms collecting firewood, to fill the empty hearths of others. Unaware of the cold hands, we are, when
there's such warmth in our hearts. We toil within the stillness, snow falling softly, and covering the
crisp ground. From deep beneath the dazzling pure white, tiny hibernating animists
blink wide from the warmth of hidden
woodland beds. Gently,
sweep the 12 droplets
of ice from all our eyes, Sol,
as we cough darkness
from our lungs,
watching the sparkles of no
matter, floating
in the paper-
lantern light
to scatter across
this Solstice sky,
illuminating our fates,
as cold snowflake hearts
twinkle like falling stars, unseen,
turning, embracing the return of the Light