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May 2021 · 179
migayle ocuaman May 2021
soothed beneath your hands
like heavenly stars on earth
a whisked kiss by the breeze
sends me ever closer to you
May 2021 · 365
migayle ocuaman May 2021
you are young
you have so much
so much in time given
you have one life
as well as one death
it would be best
to have a purpose
to put meaning in it
as you wander along
alone or with company
do not waste it in the rain
May 2021 · 398
migayle ocuaman May 2021
what I see are amber hue
waltzing in a violet haze
swirling and falling brightly
with petals of golden glaze
yet you don't see what I view
May 2021 · 166
migayle ocuaman May 2021
If I can forget and lose myself
even for just a moment
and scream and not say
the words I've felt within
would it made any difference
in the madness of my own sanity
May 2021 · 131
migayle ocuaman May 2021
there is nothing for you here
even as the seasons change
and leaves turn to amber
even as the dawn kissed the dusk
this world would never know you
May 2021 · 225
migayle ocuaman May 2021
empty canvas that's all there is
none to write to paint or give
to a world that often looks
too far to see what beauty is
and what lies within
May 2021 · 137
migayle ocuaman May 2021
Weathered faces left on walls,
portraits hung in empty halls,
nameless strangers that saw
with eyes that watched the world.
May 2021 · 125
migayle ocuaman May 2021
You are not merely art,
you are so much more,
you are beauty,
that was never known,
by it’s own creator.
May 2021 · 103
migayle ocuaman May 2021
If one must love a rose,
you must love it wholly,
from its blossoms and thorns,
for love itself is not a easy thing.
May 2021 · 93
migayle ocuaman May 2021
among the world I have a name
that drifts among the unknown
what I do and what I've done
is weaved among my fellows
who are just like me, until death
we will remain nameless in history
May 2021 · 619
migayle ocuaman May 2021
if all souls are beautiful and warm
why does mine feel a coldness
to which cracks and shards
rip my being in painful forms
May 2021 · 100
migayle ocuaman May 2021
I know nothing with any certainty
but the sight of the stars makes me dream
even that makes me believe in eternity
May 2021 · 97
migayle ocuaman May 2021
I am afraid I won't have much time
so if it's alright to stare long into the sky
where even my ill fated mind may find solace
within its cracks that shows a bit of Elysium
Jan 2021 · 120
migayle ocuaman Jan 2021
dead stars have no ghost
only to those who bear its memory
Jan 2021 · 115
migayle ocuaman Jan 2021
oh sweet blossoming rose
innocent and blooming beauty
i sing to you verses of sweet nothings
for somehow you enchanted me

lure me to your temptation
only to be plucked away
and thrown aside to wither
like some blade of grass
Jan 2021 · 105
migayle ocuaman Jan 2021
love grows and gets lost as it goes
short is its bloom
crumbles as a withered rose
Jan 2021 · 103
migayle ocuaman Jan 2021
in a city full of people
bustling around and about
a city of millions
lay lonesome together
under a sky somber night...
Dec 2020 · 85
migayle ocuaman Dec 2020
You were never really mine yet
I wished and hope you were
I cared so much to pretend
That we were more than just this

I played along with this thought
That it coiled my mind and into madness
Thinking that I had a chance
To hold you more than anyone can

That you felt the same as I did
And I often forget as always
That we will just be this
And nothing more, nothing after
Dec 2020 · 88
migayle ocuaman Dec 2020
The cold December breeze whisperers away
your name that keeps me half asleep
I long to be with you my rose sweet
Yet here I wait not knowing when
Shall fate brings me to your lips again
Just know only this among the many
That there is a heart that beats for you alone
Dec 2020 · 85
migayle ocuaman Dec 2020
if i could hold and kiss you
even just once more in the night
before the light takes you away
from my dreams and from this life
Dec 2020 · 109
migayle ocuaman Dec 2020
in the vastness of the dark abyss
to which it is not the appearance hostility
that gives us the tense uneasiness
but the indifference it shows to us
as we solider on to its unknown abysmal lair
Dec 2020 · 90
migayle ocuaman Dec 2020
what do we have left for ourselves
but to do good upon others and to ourselves
and to strive to be better
even if we must suffer
in silence and solitude
must we hurt ourselves further
must we torture ourselves and be disgusted
upon a cycle of toxicity we present ourselves with
Dec 2020 · 82
migayle ocuaman Dec 2020
If people were rain,
I was drizzle
and she was the storm,
the calm before the hurricane.
Dec 2020 · 78
migayle ocuaman Dec 2020
Though the fire’s gone cold
the stories we have told
will never grow old
Dec 2020 · 71
migayle ocuaman Dec 2020
Would you love me the same
even if can't tell whats right or wrong
would you still hold my hand
even if i get lost in all my thoughts
would you still sit by my side
even if i can't remember your name
Dec 2020 · 74
migayle ocuaman Dec 2020
eyes that wonder so deep yet charming
stares into the the nights gentle sky
reflecting back a mysterious yearning
to drift among the infinite scattering light
Dec 2020 · 68
migayle ocuaman Dec 2020
such feelings leave me weak
too anxious i hesitate
where my hands long to reach
whenever i'm awake
your the only dream i seek
Dec 2020 · 100
migayle ocuaman Dec 2020
are we but lonely dreamers
drifting upon a sea of twilight stars
not knowing when to wake
Dec 2020 · 81
migayle ocuaman Dec 2020
it doesn’t have to be forever
for you to hold my hand
we don't have to be together
for us to know and understand
we don't have to say those words
a smile is all it takes
to make every moment feel so eternal
Dec 2020 · 61
migayle ocuaman Dec 2020
if every blade would undo my sins
i would cut a bit deeper
i would bleed a bit more
till i feel alright for you
Dec 2020 · 64
migayle ocuaman Dec 2020
i have been falling in and out of love
and i seem to be heading to the floor
i'm close to fall asleep again
i hope its better than what i felt before
when i'm shattered like glass
i'll be fine like the star shards in the night
this heavy weights in my shoulder
feel a bit lighter as i crash and fly
as the alcohol numbs my shaky legs
i give in to the breeze and take flight
Dec 2020 · 89
migayle ocuaman Dec 2020
underneath the pale moonlight
i can't help myself to stare than fall asleep
watching the stars twinkle so bright
where constellation play around in cosmic paradise
Nov 2020 · 63
migayle ocuaman Nov 2020
a picture frame made just for two
a portrait hanged yet left to dust
promises made of lies that's true
for even memories that seem to rust
can catch ablaze among dust and ash
Nov 2020 · 65
migayle ocuaman Nov 2020
I hope this feelings never fades
I pray even as the seasons change
and our lives move pass from today
will we still be together as we age
migayle ocuaman Nov 2020
why the poppies?
for only they grow,
where no man can live...
and where no man has conquered,
only in no-mans land do they grow.
where many have withered and fall,
like markers with no names,
we know where they lay...
and where they have bled.
only a red poppies grow there,
among the fallen dead,
now as they rest an eternal slumber,
one can never dream or tell...
the horrors they encountered...
they who gave so much, shall never grow old...
they shall never be forgotten.
Nov 2020 · 74
migayle ocuaman Nov 2020
many cannot remember that this fields use to hold
none can hear the million souls echo from beyond
that they who were brave and frighten shared terror unfold
Nov 2020 · 65
migayle ocuaman Nov 2020
the phantoms of the many few
who gave everything and all
for a world that's bright and new
shall never see the world we view
Oct 2020 · 68
migayle ocuaman Oct 2020
we who are born to suffer
the burdens of the world
have learned that we are born
to solve it and never leave it
in the dark to bring forth
the comfort that is now and beyond
Oct 2020 · 73
migayle ocuaman Oct 2020
what comfort shall i find?
within my troubled mind,
where shall i go to find
this small peace to confine?

i seek to rest like many before
where one who can console
a lost youthful soul
Oct 2020 · 83
migayle ocuaman Oct 2020
faith alone has brought me here
to stand firm and be with you
no matter the harsh torrents
that come roaring aloud
no matter the hurricanes
that come like an endless tide
i shall standfast ever true
for faith alone has brought me back
enough to still stand with you
Oct 2020 · 148
migayle ocuaman Oct 2020
if i can write
and if i can read
if i can dream
as i breathe
maybe someday
but not this day
will the tide change
for you and me
Oct 2020 · 66
migayle ocuaman Oct 2020
bright light that is wisdom and knowledge
that illuminates the dark hands
of those who wish no good to his fellow man

and with the honorable watchers
whose virtue and principle must
at the ready with discipline and firmness
slay that beast which is corrupted in shadow

yet we have no watchers nor beacons of light
so the dark twisted hands of both left and right
come to envelope us in a ceaseless cold dark night
Aug 2020 · 72
migayle ocuaman Aug 2020
in the sweetness of the morning air
and the light that touches the garden
i look at you as your calm smile
says all the words that need to be said
Jul 2020 · 89
migayle ocuaman Jul 2020
the morning air that breathes of life
the warm rays that break the mist of night
the smell of coffee mixing in its vibrant rousing aroma
makes it a perfect day to rise
Jul 2020 · 68
migayle ocuaman Jul 2020
leave not a rose in my grave
need not sing my praise and memory
tributes mean nothing to the dead
so save your tears for i am gone
for time has devoured me
Jul 2020 · 62
migayle ocuaman Jul 2020
i am in pain
yet i have no mouth
but still i must scream
into the darkness of the night
without a howl for help
that is what every man
who knew the end is coming
people ignore the signs i give
for i have no mouth to speak
and if i had none shall hear
or heed my warnings
but i will meet the end
with a smile knowing
the sun shall shine bright again
regardless that if i may see its rays
or not if it passes my grave
that i tried to resist and change the course
to which our destiny lies
Jul 2020 · 88
migayle ocuaman Jul 2020
artist are tortured souls
manic emotions left to ink and paint
transforming pain of their mundane tormented life
into ecstatic beauty expressed so vividly
that leaves us all in speechless and awe
Jul 2020 · 75
migayle ocuaman Jul 2020
The victim of men's lusts and rage,
a woman drunk from sorrows pain.
Where your sanity was lost in a daze,
what thoughts ran through her mind,
with the gun she borrowed?

What beauty they kept hidden,
this sad world will never know.
Secret treasures forever buried now,
when you took your own life,
to be free and nothing more.
Jun 2020 · 92
migayle ocuaman Jun 2020
we were never meant to be
a fleeting mistake
that lasted some what centuries
Jun 2020 · 74
migayle ocuaman Jun 2020
i fade like my name
in the eons of time
i am but dust to life
though i have lived
i know i am forgotten
by those who love me not
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