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108 · Aug 2020
Life on a wheelchair
Are some people born cursed
Are some people born
Halfway,incomplete and worthless
I am an unfinished painting
A painting that is seen and scorned
A painting that does not
represent  beauty
A painting that represents hideousness
A painting whose artist
Is misfortune
You can see his name
Engraved on my legs.

How can a man who can't stand
on his own two feet
Stand ,tall and proud
How can he be useful
When his legs are useless
I am seen as a defective machine
A machine that is incapable
of fulfilling any task
A prototype of a human being
A disadvantaged man placed
in a disadvantaged place
A man physically designed to be poor
A man who can never earn a living
A man whose life is not worth living.

I have one blessing in life
A friend that never leaves my side
A truly noble man who lacks pride
A man proud to walk
with an incomplete being
A friend who calls me
the greatest thing
A friend who calls me brother
He is my strength
Even though he is weak too
He is dying but he wants me to keep living
His blood screams in pain
I pray that one day
His leukaemia is slain
He would leave his death bed
For me to rest in true peace
This man should not know death
It should be me on my last breath.

A crippled man cannot work forever
Even in all my endeavours
They saw me as a liability
They let me go
I am deadweight
A man with no purpose
A crippled man
With a defective life.

My life came to a close
When the leukaemia took what mattered most
The ground wailed for me
know that my brother
will return to the soil
I remember his first words
"Paul keep on living " He said
Now I stare at his lifeless corpse
Wishing it was me who death took
I am just a crippled man
Nothing but broken  bones
Why should I l live when
the one who kept me alive is dead
Why should I stay in a world
that has no love for the crippled
Without my brother
I am truly incomplete.

— The End —