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GailForceWinds Jan 2015
I just realized today
Being single is not so bad
I am finally happy, I’m extremely glad
No one to report to
No one to ask “please”
No one to worry about when I hear that first sneeze
The world is mine
I’m free as a bird
“I’m Single” I scream, for all to be heard
The thought of being single used to fill me with fear
But to my surprise, I like not having you here
I do what I want
Pick and choose who I date
I’m in no hurry to find a new mate
GailForceWinds Jan 2015
Another sleepless night
Why is this happening to me?
Sleep is my thing
How can this be?

TV on, TV off
It doesn't matter
There's no Mr. Sandman coming to my loft

Toss and turn
Counting sheep
Here I lie, still can't sleep

How I long for a nice long snooze
My eyes are wide open
Thinking of world peace and a cruise

The house is quiet
You can't hear a sound
No one to talk to
No one around

When will I sleep?
What's on my mind?
I want to dream
Everything will be fine

One, two, three, four.....
Keep counting, staring at the floor

Next thing I know
I'm waking up
Was I asleep very long?
I need some Folgers in my cup
GailForceWinds Nov 2014
I lie in my bed
one thought in my head
My mind swirling around
with thoughts of you
Sweet memories abound...
I want it to stop!
I can't turn it off
my mind keeps wandering
I dream of our loft...
Safe in your arms
Holding me tight
thinking of what might...
what might have been, if you didn't leave
what did I do, I know it was me!
You've take over my mind
I just want it to end...
Another sleepless night,
I wish I was dead
GailForceWinds Apr 2015
I woke up this morning
A smile on my face
I didn’t think I could be happy
Trying to keep up this pace

I’ve slowed it down some
Cut some things out
I want to be happy
Isn’t that what life is all about?

It’s impossible to do everything
So why do I try?
I end up exhausted
With tears in my eyes

I’ve been running and running
Like a hamster on a wheel
It’s time to relax
And regain my zeal
GailForceWinds Feb 2015
Where am I going
Where have I been
Running in circles
Again and again

Trying to get things done
Do these things matter to me
Most of the stuff I can’t even see

So why do I keep running
I’m going crazy in my head
Soon I won’t be able to get out of bed

Slow it down, I keep telling myself
What’s the rush, there isn’t one
No one cares, I’m the only one

Burnout is coming, it’s like a freight train
I have to slow down, stop fighting my brain
Or I will surely,
Go Insane…
GailForceWinds Feb 2015
I think I’ll take a break
A nap would be nice
A nice cold drink
Filled with frosty ice

But I have to work
It’s going to be a long day
What I go through to collect my small pay

I want to be free
To live and let live
I’m all about love, I’m ready to give

The work is a struggle
Day after day
It keeps getting in my way

In the way of my serenity
My peace and happiness too
I feel lonely at times
I feel alone and blue

So what do I do?
I guess I’ll leave this place
I really don’t want to keep up with this pace

Time to slow my roll, and move on
GailForceWinds Dec 2014
The snow is falling down on me
White and pure
I feel so free
Catch a snowflake on my tongue
Memories of when I was young
I see the children working hard
Building the snowman in their yard
Tall and proud the snowman stands
A carrot for a nose, two sticks for hands
I remember when it all seemed real
Before life took over and I began to feel
I long for the days of youth gone by
I never knew how time does fly
I’m feeling the snow, and closing my eyes
Bring me back to the days
When snow angels could fly
GailForceWinds Dec 2014
Yes I'm grateful I can't drink
First time in my life I can honestly think
I've drank way more than my share
It was just one big scare after scare
I had only two choices left
Put down the bottle
Or face death
I guess I wasn't ready to die
I'm still here
with no want for that glass of cheer
my life might not be perfect
But I cannot complain
I have a new freedom
I'm happy again !
GailForceWinds Dec 2014
I fly solo through life
Born alone
Die alone
In between I meet people
Some who will be in my life forever
Some who come and go
Some who just go
Through it all
I'm alone
My cats
My son
but there is no one
To make me feel special
Curl up with at night
Tell me they love me
everything will be alright
Am I asking too much?
Apparently so
Here I sit again, flying solo
GailForceWinds Dec 2014
When did I lose the ability to feel,
The ability to care,
The ability to love…
Am I alive?
I’m not sure
I think I died when you left me
My body is still here
But my heart is gone,
Ripped out, along with my soul
So what do I do now,
With this useless body I’m left with?
Lifeless and hopeless
There’s only one thing to do
Jump into the ocean, water so blue
But I can’t swim
Yes, that’s the point
One more hit off this joint
Splash – it’s over…
GailForceWinds Feb 2015
Lost and lonely
Scared and confused
We’ve both been down
We’ve both been abused

We are together
Two birds of a feather
Don’t you see it too?
You belong to me, and I belong to you

I need you baby
Don’t you need me too?
Come on darling, don’t make me blue

I know you want me
So don’t pretend
That restraining order
Was meant to bend

Why would you ever call me a stalker
I’ll hunt you down in my walker

You are mine...
GailForceWinds Jun 2015
I think it’s time to re-evaluate my life
No more drugs and *****
No more cutting with a knife

I keep looking for love
For the bright shinny ring
Have I sold my soul?
Disobeyed my King?

Disappointment has been the shadow
That follows me like a dove
I try too hard
Looking for love

It’s time to move on
And do what is right
Stop trying to chase
My fantasy white knight

I shall do the right thing
Put my faith in the Lord
Live a good life
In his footsteps I’ll walk

I’ll live in gratitude
A loving attitude
If Love is to be
He will bring it to me

I can stop looking…. and start living again
GailForceWinds Feb 2015
I feel in love with my best friend
I knew I'd love you until the end

Then you told me you couldn't stay
You were leaving me, you were going away

How can you do this, I don't understand
You were my one and only
My perfect man

What can I do
What can I say
Ill do anything
To get you to stay

Please don't leave me
You are my life
I've given you children
I am you're wife

This is all wrong
We were meant to be
Happily ever after, can't you see?

You can't leave me
Not for her
I'd **** you both, with a growl not a purr

Go ahead try it
You will soon see
You don't want to mess with me!
GailForceWinds Oct 2014
Today is the day... sweat beads up on my far head, hands shaking, lips quivering...

It's time, but am I ready? I can taste the bile coming up from my stomach to my mouth...

I cringe at the thought of leaving... But I need to run, run fast and far... running from myself, but I'm always there... How do I get away?

Death seems the only answer, as I pick up the knife, wondering if I have the courage to end the pain... I put the knife down slowly, scared and shaking...

I drop to my knees, weeping and confused...

I'm still here....
GailForceWinds Mar 2015
The sound of bagpipes in the air
The bittersweet taste of dark green beer
Leprechauns playing in the yard
Finding trouble isn’t that hard
They are doing back flips off the lawn chairs
Shamrocks flying all through the air
Time to let loose, let your worries be gone
Everyone get your Irish on!

Happy St. Patty’s Day!
GailForceWinds Sep 2015
If you were my true love
Shouldn’t you care how I am doing
Call and see if I’m ok

You let weeks go by
Do you not think of me
Do you not care about me
Because you are in your own
Self-centered world

It should not be a chore
To call me
To see me
To feel me
To want to be with me

I’m not going to cry
Nor ask why
I’m almost too tired to say goodbye
And would you hear me anyway

You are already a memory
Sweet and sour
I’m done thinking of you
I will not waste another hour
GailForceWinds Nov 2014
You stupid *****
You make me sick
I want to stab you, with a hot flaming stick
Kick you, beat you
Make you cry
I know all you do is lie
You took my man
I want you dead
Watch your back
Keep one eye open in your bed
Don't think I won't
I'm out for the ****
I won't be happy
Until your corpse is still
You stupid *****!
Who did you think you were messing with...
GailForceWinds Feb 2015
Super Bowl Sunday
How I love the game
It’s different every year
Nothing is usually the same

We root for a team
And bet in a pool
Eat a bunch of snacks
Watch the new commercials, how cool

I’m lost in this world of football for a day
My friends and I laugh, and all my troubles go away

Super Bowl Sunday is special to me
Whatever teams are playing are meant to be

A time in the winter
When I’m usually blue
Finally something happy
Super Bowl Football, it’s you!
GailForceWinds Jan 2015
How I miss the safety of that place
I always had a smile on my face

You would think I’d be miserable
Locked away
It was the best thing for me
I must truly say

I made lots of friends
Who meant a lot at the time
They will never be forgotten
I include them in my rhyme

Not everyone made it
Some didn’t even get home
I can understand the feeling
My first two months were spent alone

Now I have a life
Like I’d never believe
Why was I special
And got a reprieve

I thank the Dear Lord
Every day I’m alive
I’m a survivor
Because of Him I survived
GailForceWinds Jan 2016
Suzanne was an only child, adopted at only a few weeks old. This was no secret, she always knew from the time she was a small child. Her mom would tell her beautiful stories, while she sat in her bed, of how she and daddy waited so long to get her, and how special she was.
She used to feel special, but that was a long time ago. Things were simpler back then, when she was four or five. Mom and Dad seemed happy, and Suzanne did not feel any different being adopted. She was the one kid in the small neighborhood that was an only child. Every other house had five, six, seven kids. Suzanne never knew what it was like to live in a house with other siblings. She was happy with the way things were.

Then the storms in the house began. By the age of five things started falling apart at home. Dad was always sick it seemed. Mom was always upset, crying or yelling or both. It seemed to always be toward Dad, a quiet man. He never fought back, he just sat and took it. She was never be sure what came first, her dad’s sickness or her mother’s madness. She just knew things were not right.

Her mother’s anger and frustration caused her to lash out at out at Suzanne as well. She was filled with fear and embarrassment at a young age. Her relationship with her mom was strained to say the least. From being “special” she suddenly could do nothing right, always being compared to a cousin or the neighbors’ kids.

Now 10 years old she hid in her room a lot, it seemed safer there. But she could not stop the sounds from downstairs. Her mother’s voice booming throughout the neighborhood. How embarrassing! She has to face her friends, doesn’t her mother realize everyone can hear her?
Her father became very ill. He was drinking a lot, falling down and passing out, sometimes on the front lawn. Embarrassment was something Suzanne was becoming very familiar with. He was a gentle man, there was no fear of abuse. But her mother’s emotional abuse was far worse. She was always screaming and crying. There were the nights he didn’t come home for hours, and Suzanne and her mother would wait, hoping he would be coming home, alive.
At 12 years old, her father went away to a hospital, a mental ward of some kind. Shock treatments, pills and therapy. He was always making leather belts while he was there, and that continued long after he got home.

Her father was gone for months. Suzanne stayed with her Grandmother very often. She was an old Italian woman who spoke broken English and always had a tale of woe. Her mother would come get her after a visit to the “hospital”. There wasn’t much time for Suzanne then, the focus was on her father. She drifted through the Catholic school system easily. She was a bright girl, but had to grow up fast, too fast.

What does she tell her friends? Mom said don’t tell anyone anything, ever. No personal information! That’s when she learned how to lie. Over the years she became very very good at it. Hiding things and lying, that’s what you were supposed to do, right?
Her father finally came home, a new man. He had stopped drinking and seemed stronger than ever. Her mother’s ranting and raving did not seem to bother him a bit. He just shrugged it off and went on with what he was doing. But Suzanne could not shrug it off, it killed her spirit a little more every day.

Suzanne was no beauty growing up. She was the ugly duckling among the swans. And she was very aware of it. "Pleasing plump" her mom would say, as she made the big, heavy, fat laden dinners every night. Donuts and crumb cake were breakfast. Always on one diet or another, but nothing worked. Food was an escape for her, and all too available.

She was the fat girl, crazy hair that her mother cut, glasses, buck teeth, which eventually turned her mouth into a sore, metal mess, and of course the Catholic uniform she wore day after day. The other girls her age were all thin and pretty pre-teens. Suzanne was none of that. She went through childhood embarrassed over her family and her looks. Friends were few for her back then. It wouldn't be until much later, when the braces came off, the contacts went in, and the weight became somewhat normal, that her beauty started to shine through. But that didn't matter in Suzanne's mind, she was still the fat ugly kid inside. She would carry that with her for years.
The time for graduation from Catholic School finally came. Instead of joy, all she could feel was fear - fear of embarrassment. Would her father show up drunk? God only knew what would happen. But the night came and went. Dad was on his best behavior, mom was quiet for a change. No carrying on tonight, no-no, she had to put an act on for everyone. No one could ever know how dysfunctional our family was. So the show went on, the good Catholic family, happily ever after. Suzanne was just glad to get out of there without a scene. But now what?
The thought of High School was as scary to Suzanne as a trip to Mars! She was sheltered in Catholic School for eight years, uniforms and nuns, no dating, smoking or drugs. Was she in for a surprise! It started the summer before High School, when she met some kids that went to a “real” middle school. They were no stranger to smoking, boys or drugs. They seemed so grown up, and they went out with boys! Suzanne was going to be just like them.

The first day waiting at the school bus, Suzanne was more nervous than she had ever been in her life. She felt awkward; the clothes her mother picked out were just horrible. After years of uniforms, she had no sense of style, and her mother bought clothes that looked like they came from a thrift shop. It was too late to do anything about it, the bus was coming and she had to get on.

She didn't know that first step on the bus would change her forever. The next four years would steal her innocence, opening up a different world which years later would only be a blur.
She floated through the first year only slightly touched by the devil. Cigarettes were her only vice. Not yet an addiction, just a way to fit in. Her art of lying served her well. She was good at hiding things from her parents. They were too wrapped up in their own misery to notice her. She escaped in her room and dreamed. Her dreams were of being part of them, the cool kids. Whatever it took, she would do. And so it began....
Four years flew by, much of it a blur for Suzanne. By sophomore year she was becoming a pro. A pro at being “cool”, smoking joints, drinking a keg in the woods with the older kids, dabbling with a pill here and there. The few times she threw up in a shoebox in her room didn’t stop her, but makes her cringe now. Her parents never caught on. Even the days she came home tripping on acid. Were they that stupid or that uninterested in her life? It didn’t matter, she lied good and did what she wanted. Including boys.

She met him at 16, he was a bit older, had his own house and grew his own ****. Doesn’t get cooler than that! And ***** galore. Of course there was ***, but that wasn’t the relationship, the party was. Always looking for the next party, the next drink, the next joint, the next line of coke. So of course they got married! She had to get out of her parent’s house, what better way? Say “I do” just to get away, and the party could really take off. And it did, for years….
Suzanne couldn’t take the coke anymore, or the ***, or the drugs. It was too much for her, so she gave it up, one by one. But not the alcohol. That was her thing, and she wasn’t gonna stop, not for a few more years. So she drank and drank every night. Maintaining a job but hating her life. She realized at 25 that her husband was her best friend, party buddy, but not a lover. The thought of divorce was too scary. Nobody got divorced, right?

So at 25 she quit drinking, only to become obsessed with running and working out. That was the new addiction. She became distant from her husband even more. She worked out and he partied it up. She couldn’t be around it, or him. She just didn’t love him that way…. Hell, she didn’t even know what real love was. Would she every find out? She was determined to try. On to the divorce…

It was pretty painless, once her husband got over the realization that it was going to happen. They parted friends. He fell in love right away, and married again within a couple years. Suzanne wanted to have some fun, not ready to settle down. She never had the experience of dating before, or being wanted by different men. If there was any flirting during her marriage, she couldn’t act on it. So act on it she did! What a wild ride, three years and countless guys later, she started to play with the wine again…

It started slow, a glass here and there, months would go by without. Drinking wasn’t a problem, right? Oh how wrong she was. She’ll eventually find out later on, after much pain, self-hate and heartache. For now, it was easy to pretend everything was just great. Life was great, although lonely. She was worried about finding a man now. She was 30 for God sake, she should be married again. Well, be careful what you wish for! At 31 she met her next ex-husband.
It was a whirlwind romance, took off fast and ran fast. He drank, so she drank more. Still, not a problem. Everybody blacks out, right? He didn’t mind, he was just as bad at that time. Together they could not be stopped. They were the “good looking” couple, the entertainers, the hosts of every party and holiday. And Suzanne continued to drink, more and more. Always looking for the next party.

She worked hard, moved up in her career and did very well for herself, despite the drinking every night. She was young enough to handle it, but that would all change. She had a son, and didn’t drink while pregnant, a glass of wine here and there, nothing crazy. But the flood gates opened again after the baby was born. No sooner was she back from the hospital than the wine cork popped.

The next several years would be somewhat of a blur. The drinking was still manageable for a while, but soon the chaos would begin. Divorce, DUI’s, blackouts, bad men, drugs… Life was definitely unmanageable now. Things were out of control. The drinking became an everyday thing now, weekends were non-existent, only a drunken blur. Something had to be done, before she killed herself. She didn’t want to die, at least she thought not.
Time had somehow stopped one day. There was no day or night, just one long drunk, in and out of consciousness. Her son was older now, the men were gone, she was heartbroken, her only love was the bottles of wine she drank day after day. Without a license, for 10 years, it was easy to isolate. And isolate she did. Suzanne had a driver, who everyday knew to pull into the D&D; liquor store on the way home from work. She would call him on weekends, anytime of day, early morning, afternoon or night, whenever her wine was finished and the liquor store was open. She could never seem to buy enough.

She stated to sink into the dark hole. Was she losing her mind? She didn’t know what day it was or time it was, was it morning or night? Did it matter? As long as the bottle was not empty, it would be ok. But the pills for anxiety weren’t working anymore, she had to take more and more, and still the shaking would not stop. There was not enough ***** or pills for Suzanne to calm her nerves when she wasn’t passed out. She didn’t sleep anymore, it was just a blackout state, over and over again.

One day Suzanne woke up in the emergency room, again, not the first time. She didn’t know what happened, but she knew she had to do something. Her hair was filled with dried blood. How’d she get there? Who called for help? How was she going to go to work? Her mind wandered as she lie there, now awake, wanting to get out!!! They finally released her, 18 stitches in her head, with no coat, no shoes, it was mid-January in Jersey. She got her driver to get her home, with the one stop on the way of course, D&D.; "Really," she thought. "Am I serious???" But Suzanne was very serious. She went back to her tower, her bedroom of isolation. How could she explain this? She couldn’t.

That’s when she picked up the phone, glass of wine in her hand, and made the call. This is where her next journey began….
Short Story
GailForceWinds Jan 2015
Suzanne was an only child, adopted at only a few weeks old. This was no secret, she always knew from the time she was a small child. Her mom would tell her beautiful stories, while she sat in her bed, of how she and daddy waited so long to get her, and how special she was.
She used to feel special, but that was a long time ago. Things were simpler back then, when she was four or five. Mom and Dad seemed happy, and Suzanne did not feel any different being adopted. She was the one kid in the small neighborhood that was an only child. Every other house had five, six, seven kids. Suzanne never knew what it was like to live in a house with other siblings. She was happy with the way things were.

Then the storms in the house began. By the age of five things started falling apart at home. Dad was always sick it seemed. Mom was always upset, crying or yelling or both. It seemed to always be toward Dad, a quiet man. He never fought back, he just sat and took it. She was never be sure what came first, her dad’s sickness or her mother’s madness. She just knew things were not right.

Her mother’s anger and frustration caused her to lash out at out at Suzanne as well. She was filled with fear and embarrassment at a young age. Her relationship with her mom was strained to say the least. From being “special” she suddenly could do nothing right, always being compared to a cousin or the neighbors’ kids.

Now 10 years old she hid in her room a lot, it seemed safer there. But she could not stop the sounds from downstairs. Her mother’s voice booming throughout the neighborhood. How embarrassing! She has to face her friends, doesn’t her mother realize everyone can hear her?
Her father became very ill. He was drinking a lot, falling down and passing out, sometimes on the front lawn. Embarrassment was something Suzanne was becoming very familiar with. He was a gentle man, there was no fear of abuse. But her mother’s emotional abuse was far worse. She was always screaming and crying. There were the nights he didn’t come home for hours, and Suzanne and her mother would wait, hoping he would be coming home, alive.
At 12 years old, her father went away to a hospital, a mental ward of some kind. Shock treatments, pills and therapy. He was always making leather belts while he was there, and that continued long after he got home.

Her father was gone for months. Suzanne stayed with her Grandmother very often. She was an old Italian woman who spoke broken English and always had a tale of woe. Her mother would come get her after a visit to the “hospital”. There wasn’t much time for Suzanne then, the focus was on her father. She drifted through the Catholic school system easily. She was a bright girl, but had to grow up fast, too fast.

What does she tell her friends? Mom said don’t tell anyone anything, ever. No personal information! That’s when she learned how to lie. Over the years she became very very good at it. Hiding things and lying, that’s what you were supposed to do, right?
Her father finally came home, a new man. He had stopped drinking and seemed stronger than ever. Her mother’s ranting and raving did not seem to bother him a bit. He just shrugged it off and went on with what he was doing. But Suzanne could not shrug it off, it killed her spirit a little more every day.

Suzanne was no beauty growing up. She was the ugly duckling among the swans. And she was very aware of it. "Pleasing plump" her mom would say, as she made the big, heavy, fat laden dinners every night. Donuts and crumb cake were breakfast. Always on one diet or another, but nothing worked. Food was an escape for her, and all too available.

She was the fat girl, crazy hair that her mother cut, glasses, buck teeth, which eventually turned her mouth into a sore, metal mess, and of course the Catholic uniform she wore day after day. The other girls her age were all thin and pretty pre-teens. Suzanne was none of that. She went through childhood embarrassed over her family and her looks. Friends were few for her back then. It wouldn't be until much later, when the braces came off, the contacts went in, and the weight became somewhat normal, that her beauty started to shine through. But that didn't matter in Suzanne's mind, she was still the fat ugly kid inside. She would carry that with her for years.
The time for graduation from Catholic School finally came. Instead of joy, all she could feel was fear - fear of embarrassment. Would her father show up drunk? God only knew what would happen. But the night came and went. Dad was on his best behavior, mom was quiet for a change. No carrying on tonight, no-no, she had to put an act on for everyone. No one could ever know how dysfunctional our family was. So the show went on, the good Catholic family, happily ever after. Suzanne was just glad to get out of there without a scene. But now what?
The thought of High School was as scary to Suzanne as a trip to Mars! She was sheltered in Catholic School for eight years, uniforms and nuns, no dating, smoking or drugs. Was she in for a surprise! It started the summer before High School, when she met some kids that went to a “real” middle school. They were no stranger to smoking, boys or drugs. They seemed so grown up, and they went out with boys! Suzanne was going to be just like them.

The first day waiting at the school bus, Suzanne was more nervous than she had ever been in her life. She felt awkward; the clothes her mother picked out were just horrible. After years of uniforms, she had no sense of style, and her mother bought clothes that looked like they came from a thrift shop. It was too late to do anything about it, the bus was coming and she had to get on.

She didn't know that first step on the bus would change her forever. The next four years would steal her innocence, opening up a different world which years later would only be a blur.
She floated through the first year only slightly touched by the devil. Cigarettes were her only vice. Not yet an addiction, just a way to fit in. Her art of lying served her well. She was good at hiding things from her parents. They were too wrapped up in their own misery to notice her. She escaped in her room and dreamed. Her dreams were of being part of them, the cool kids. Whatever it took, she would do. And so it began....
Four years flew by, much of it a blur for Suzanne. By sophomore year she was becoming a pro. A pro at being “cool”, smoking joints, drinking a keg in the woods with the older kids, dabbling with a pill here and there. The few times she threw up in a shoebox in her room didn’t stop her, but makes her cringe now. Her parents never caught on. Even the days she came home tripping on acid. Were they that stupid or that uninterested in her life? It didn’t matter, she lied good and did what she wanted. Including boys.

She met him at 16, he was a bit older, had his own house and grew his own ****. Doesn’t get cooler than that! And ***** galore. Of course there was ***, but that wasn’t the relationship, the party was. Always looking for the next party, the next drink, the next joint, the next line of coke. So of course they got married! She had to get out of her parent’s house, what better way? Say “I do” just to get away, and the party could really take off. And it did, for years….
Suzanne couldn’t take the coke anymore, or the ***, or the drugs. It was too much for her, so she gave it up, one by one. But not the alcohol. That was her thing, and she wasn’t gonna stop, not for a few more years. So she drank and drank every night. Maintaining a job but hating her life. She realized at 25 that her husband was her best friend, party buddy, but not a lover. The thought of divorce was too scary. Nobody got divorced, right?

So at 25 she quit drinking, only to become obsessed with running and working out. That was the new addiction. She became distant from her husband even more. She worked out and he partied it up. She couldn’t be around it, or him. She just didn’t love him that way…. Hell, she didn’t even know what real love was. Would she every find out? She was determined to try. On to the divorce…

It was pretty painless, once her husband got over the realization that it was going to happen. They parted friends. He fell in love right away, and married again within a couple years. Suzanne wanted to have some fun, not ready to settle down. She never had the experience of dating before, or being wanted by different men. If there was any flirting during her marriage, she couldn’t act on it. So act on it she did! What a wild ride, three years and countless guys later, she started to play with the wine again…

It started slow, a glass here and there, months would go by without. Drinking wasn’t a problem, right? Oh how wrong she was. She’ll eventually find out later on, after much pain, self-hate and heartache. For now, it was easy to pretend everything was just great. Life was great, although lonely. She was worried about finding a man now. She was 30 for God sake, she should be married again. Well, be careful what you wish for! At 31 she met her next ex-husband.
It was a whirlwind romance, took off fast and ran fast. He drank, so she drank more. Still, not a problem. Everybody blacks out, right? He didn’t mind, he was just as bad at that time. Together they could not be stopped. They were the “good looking” couple, the entertainers, the hosts of every party and holiday. And Suzanne continued to drink, more and more. Always looking for the next party.

She worked hard, moved up in her career and did very well for herself, despite the drinking every night. She was young enough to handle it, but that would all change. She had a son, and didn’t drink while pregnant, a glass of wine here and there, nothing crazy. But the flood gates opened again after the baby was born. No sooner was she back from the hospital than the wine cork popped.

The next several years would be somewhat of a blur. The drinking was still manageable for a while, but soon the chaos would begin. Divorce, DUI’s, blackouts, bad men, drugs… Life was definitely unmanageable now. Things were out of control. The drinking became an everyday thing now, weekends were non-existent, only a drunken blur. Something had to be done, before she killed herself. She didn’t want to die, at least she thought not.
Time had somehow stopped one day. There was no day or night, just one long drunk, in and out of consciousness. Her son was older now, the men were gone, she was heartbroken, her only love was the bottles of wine she drank day after day. Without a license, for 10 years, it was easy to isolate. And isolate she did. Suzanne had a driver, who everyday knew to pull into the D&D; liquor store on the way home from work. She would call him on weekends, anytime of day, early morning, afternoon or night, whenever her wine was finished and the liquor store was open. She could never seem to buy enough.

She stated to sink into the dark hole. Was she losing her mind? She didn’t know what day it was or time it was, was it morning or night? Did it matter? As long as the bottle was not empty, it would be ok. But the pills for anxiety weren’t working anymore, she had to take more and more, and still the shaking would not stop. There was not enough ***** or pills for Suzanne to calm her nerves when she wasn’t passed out. She didn’t sleep anymore, it was just a blackout state, over and over again.

One day Suzanne woke up in the emergency room, again, not the first time. She didn’t know what happened, but she knew she had to do something. Her hair was filled with dried blood. How’d she get there? Who called for help? How was she going to go to work? Her mind wandered as she lie there, now awake, wanting to get out!!! They finally released her, 18 stitches in her head, with no coat, no shoes, it was mid-January in Jersey. She got her driver to get her home, with the one stop on the way of course, D&D.; "Really," she thought. "Am I serious???" But Suzanne was very serious. She went back to her tower, her bedroom of isolation. How could she explain this? She couldn’t.

That’s when she picked up the phone, glass of wine in her hand, and made the call. This is where her next journey began….
This is a first attempt at a short story.  If anyone has time to read, I'd appreciate feedback.  Thank you!
GailForceWinds Feb 2015
I’m tired of sleeping my life away
I know I might be missing a beautiful day

Some days I cannot get out of bed
I’m lost somewhere in my head

It’s easier to sleep than to be awake
You must then live life, awaiting the quake

I’ll close my eyes, and dream away
In my dreams, it’s always a beautiful day
GailForceWinds May 2015
I love to sleep
To escape the day
I keep dreaming of you
You will not go away

During my waking hours
And darkest nights
You are always there
I can’t win this fight

I wake up
I don’t know what’s true
I look around
I can’t find you

I want to sleep every hour away
If I don’t wake up, will you stay?
GailForceWinds Feb 2015
I cannot wait to crawl into bed
Fluff the pillows around my head
Pull the blankets way up high
Safe and warm, cozy and dry
Here I come, sweet dreams are mine
I see the sandman, he’s so divine
GailForceWinds Feb 2015
I woke up today
Good start you say?
All I want to do is play
But I have a very busy day

Work till five, commitments after that
I just want to hide, inside my hat

Take me away
As far as we can go
I need to get away from this hell and this snow

I’ve heard of a place
Magical it seems
Where there is warmth and sun and beautiful moonbeams

*Take me there
I really don’t care
All the things I have to do
I’d rather go far away with you
Take me there
GailForceWinds Jan 2015
The tapestry was hung perfectly on the wall
Telling a story of kings and queens standing tall
Unicorns and castles, green rolling hills
Everyone happy, not a drop of wine would be spilled
People dancing in ballrooms
White horses carrying Shining Knights
Through streets where crowds cheered
All through the night
A perfect woven fantasy taking over the room
Hanging strong and proud, taking away my gloom
I began to melt into the woven cloth
Maybe here I would find my troth
I wanted to stay in this fantasy
A piece of the tapestry I wanted to be
I look at the majestic work of art
I feel the power pulling at my heart
GailForceWinds Jan 2015
I bathe in tears every day
Ever since you threw me away

The tears should help cleanse my soul
But my heart is drowning, I no longer feel whole

Goodbye my Darling
I'll sit here and wait
For the tears to end
To find out my fate
GailForceWinds Dec 2014
Tears keep coming
Like faucets turned on high
Rain falling like buckets
I can't dry my eyes
Eventually I'll be all cried out
Wondering what it was all about
Cleanse my body
Cleanse my soul
The tears can't fill this gaping hole
I'll be ok, that's what they say
I'll stick around for another day
And pray....
GailForceWinds Dec 2014
Maybe I won't
Maybe I will
Tease the Hell out of you
Just for the thrill
Make you squirm
Make you dance
Until you want to tear off your pants*
Haha, gotcha!
GailForceWinds Dec 2014
Darkness covered the sea
It came without warning
Angry clouds surrounded me
The tiny boat began to rock
Tears came down from the sky
Hard pellets hit my skin, I started to cry
But there is no time,  to get upset
Better take out the orange vest
I wait for the sky to clear, as I sit through the storm
I long for the land,  I'm tired and worn
He hands me a towel,  as I walk to the shore
I bend to my knees
And thank the Lord
GailForceWinds Dec 2014
Another day
Feeling this way
Why am I here?
Do I surve a purpose in life
I'm a mother, not a wife
My son is older
he needs me less
My parents are dead
I'm such a mess
I'm supposed to be happy and grateful they say
I'm still trying to find my way
Tiss the season to be jolly
I cringe when I see mistletoe and holly
I may never, till the day I die
find my peace, so I'll continue to cry
GailForceWinds May 2015
She’s always happy
That’s what they say
She’s always smiling
That’s what they say
She never gets angry
That’s what they say
She’s full of energy
That’s what they say
She’ll do anything for you
That’s what they say
She’ll lend you money
That’s what they say

As she lies in the bathtub
Water crimson red
No smile on her face
No breath of life left in her body

What do you think they’ll say?
GailForceWinds Dec 2014
Sleigh Bells jingling
my hearts tingling
what a great time of year
full of joy and cheer
my spirit is gone
since you left
there is no cheer
far or near
I sit by the fire
heart filled with desire
for someone to share
Yet I sit once again, in holiday despair
GailForceWinds Dec 2014
I woke up gasping
Pillow over my head
I couldn’t scream
I was pinned to the bed
He pulled my nightgown up over my head
I couldn’t see his face
He ***** me, over and over again
Helpless and scared
Hoping just to survive
He finally left
I was still alive
Who do I call
What do I do
Will anyone believe me
I can still barely move
I lie in my bed
Going over in my head
Was it something I did
Is there something I should have done
Will he come back
Do I need to run
I know at this moment, I’ll never be the same
How do I go on living, with this terrible shame
GailForceWinds Dec 2014
I want you
I love you
How can't you know?
I don't try to hide it
I need you so...
I want to move on
But I can't let go
I'm under your spell
It's torture, it's hell
I long for your attention
I long for your touch
I want you, my lover, you have no idea how much
but how can't you know,
don't you look in my eye's?
if you did, it would be no surprise
I want to tell you, but I'm kinda shy
I'd rather sit here alone and cry
Don't you see me?
I'm right here!
Please my love,
Please come near...
Then I see the two of you, walking hand in hand
On her finger, is a wedding band
The rage blazed strong, the blackout began
my blood was boiling
how'd the knife get in my hand?
I wipe off the blood, I'm now wearing the ring
Do you notice me now?
sounds of sirens sing
I sit and I wait, holding your hand
You are forever mine, darling
I now have the band
GailForceWinds Aug 2015
I’m a pit bull, a demon
Possessed, some may say
I’m out for blood
Don’t get in my way

I’ll eat you alive
Every last bite
Lick my fingers
With much delight

These walls can’t stop me
Nor can these chains
I will break out
Leaving behind blood stains

No one can stop me
No Warden or priest
It’s too late for me
They’ve awakened the beast
GailForceWinds Jan 2015
She sat in the waiting room
Scared as can be
She felt like a little girl
Even though she was thirty-three

Does she want to do this?
Does she really have a choice?
Then she heard this little voice

“Yes you have a choice”, said the voice in her head
But isn’t it too late now, once it’s over, the baby is dead

She ran from room, dark and dingy was the place
She ran and ran at a very fast pace

She couldn’t get away fast enough
She decided to have the baby
No matter how tough
GailForceWinds Oct 2014
Why is he with her?
How can he profess his love for her after speaking those same words to me just days before...
Yes, I ended it.
Yes, I wanted this.
But how can he be so happy with her...
Did I think I was that special?
She disguises herself as a love guru, displaying their love as a circus, the two of them in the center ring...
The sweetness is making my stomache turn, like cotton candy on steriods...
I have to let the obsession go before it destroys me.
I am at the cirus walking the tight rope... it's getting shaky, my balance is off, I feel myself beginning to fall,
I'm falling into the blackness, but there is no bottom...
I hear the circus music playing as I continue to fall into the darkness which seems endless....
Will I ever stop falling... and if I do, where will I land...
GailForceWinds Jan 2015
She's ready to risk it all
Lay it on the line
Just needs a little help
From this bottle of wine

So here goes nothing
She walks into the bar
The wine is kicking
Feeling good so far

She sits on a stool
In the corner of the bar
Sees the good looking cowboy
Smoking a cigar

She felt her face getting flushed
She'd never seen a body so buff

He gave her a nod, she smiled back
She was sure she'd have a heart attack

Now what the Hell was she supposed to do
She caught his eyes
They were sparkling blue

He made his way toward her
Her face turned bright red
She wished she had stayed home
Safe in her bed

He walked right past her
To her disbelief
He was hugging another woman
What was she, a thief?

Did she make this romance all up in her head?
Another shot or two
Then go to back to bed

Alone again....
GailForceWinds Dec 2014
She boards the ship with all her style
Wondering all the while,
What has happened to her smile…

She should be excited
Happy as well
But all she can think of
Is damning him to hell

How could he do it
Just leave her that way
To board this ship
Alone today

This should have been like a romance novel
Instead it’s a scene from a movie of horror

Alone she stands
As the ship leaves port
He’s really not coming
She has no lover, no escort

Holding her head high
Trying not to cry
She heads for the bar
Hiding the scars

*Is he thinking of her, like she’s thinking of him?
Of course not
I hope she can swim…
GailForceWinds Nov 2014
I had no idea
what was happening to me..
Feelings bubbling up
How can this be?
You walked back into my life,
a friend
an ex-lover
One of a kind, a gem undercover...
Memories of us are blissful and dear,
our time together becoming so clear...
The time wasn't right then
for you and me,
I thought I loved you
but it was not meant to be
Now it's years later
we are both single,
when I think about you, my heart starts to tingle
I'm afraid to know how you feel
I can't peel away your emotions of steel
Someone tell me, what do I do?
I think I have a crush on you
GailForceWinds Nov 2014
What are we doing here, together, yet apart.
Is there a "we"?
How I long  for you, but do you long for me?
We've been dancing in this ballroom
For what seems an eternity...
The music keeps changing
But the dance stays the same,
My smile is fading, I only feel shame...
My legs are heavy and tired, my mind is shot
I want to silence the music, but it just won't stop
I continue to dance, day after day
The music, on queue, continues to play...
I'm under your spell, I can't get away
*So I dance....
GailForceWinds May 2015
I still see your face
With that grin so brash
Taunting me
Teasing me
Torturing me
Then gone in a flash

You don’t show your true colors
You hide them so well
Hidden behind that sweet smile
Those kind words you sing come straight from hell

Peel back your mask
Reveal your true self
The devil appears
Hiding on the shelf

You’re incapable of love
Your anger is fierce
Perverted thoughts
You try to hide
But you can’t help yourself
You enjoy the ride

The charade is over
You come exploding through
You can’t fool me anymore
I can see right through you
GailForceWinds Oct 2014
I don't believe in luck

I believe that our paths have been laid out for us long before we were born....

There are forks in the road, and we have choices... But the ultimate journey has already been written...
"The End" is predetermined...

Am I lucky to be alive? I think not... I was meant to be alive...

Now what am I going to do about it?
GailForceWinds Nov 2014
Everyone rushing frantically to their gate
grabbing coffee or magazines
they dare not be late
It was only 6am
yet the chaos was awake
The noise, the people
It all seemed so fake
She waited patiently, too much noise in her head
"I just want to be home, safe in my bed."
A three hour flight, not too bad
for some reason today, she was extremely sad
She's on a new journey
that's only begun
She wondered if she had time to run...
Staring at the runway, where was the plane?
the sky slipped into darkness, and so started the rain
Something was wrong, she felt it inside
She felt an urgency to run and hide
The lights came suddenly, as bright as the sun
the passengers fell silent, every single one
the bright light rushed toward them with horrific speed
Oh Dear Lord, not now, she sent out her plea
The plane came crashing through the window before anyone could leave
There was nothing that could be done, except to grieve
Her journey was over, before it begun
Her last thought was, "I should have run."
GailForceWinds May 2015
This little girl
Won’t go away
She taunts me
Makes fun of me
She’s cruel
She wants me to suffer

She’s laughing at me now
She’s saying I’m fat, ugly and old
She says I’m useless
And she keeps laughing

I start to walk away
As fast as I can

Am I safe now?
I don’t hear her…
Is she gone?

I pass the store window
I see her reflection
She is there waiting for me
I can’t get away

I turn towards my car
I see her in the window
How did she get in there?

Oh dear God, the girl is me!
GailForceWinds Oct 2014
I sit by the grave, a single flower in my hand, a rose... red and full, sharp thorns that sting. Like the stinging in my heart.

I know you are here. Everywhere I look I see you..

As I look to the heavens, I see your face in the clouds, a grin on your face...

In the darkness of the night sky I see the sparkle of your eyes shining brightly.

And yet I wonder... why... why were you taken from me? Anger and pain overtake me...

I believe our souls will be together again, but when...

As I walk alone, dirt under my feet, legs moving without thought, heart beating, I ask the universe...

When will the pain go away?

I hear a whisper from the soft wind flowing over my body.

My answer... when we meet again.
GailForceWinds Dec 2014
I sit here and wonder
What will it take
For me to get that special date
I’ve heard of others being treated like a queen
I have no idea what this means
When will someone see the beauty and love inside of me
I have a very big heart, can’t anyone see?
I sit here and wonder
Will you hold the key?
GailForceWinds Oct 2014
I'm lying on the balcony
A phenomenal view
Soft waves crashing against the soft white sand
Sun is rising to awake a sky brand new
This must be paradise
Sun caressing my skin
Yet my heart aches...
All I see are images of you...
Alone again
Body limp
Heart heavy
Paradise or prison?
Only you have the key
Please set me free
GailForceWinds Dec 2014
The knife is my friend
It gives pleasure and pain
When I cut, I feel alive once again
The scars are my war wounds
There are too many to count
I can’t keep track
They continue to surmount
I’m told I should stop
This behavior is “Bad”
All this does is make me mad
They don’t understand
I have to fill this hole
This thing has taken over my soul
I cut and I cut
Until I pass out
The pleasure, the pain
To this I’m devout
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