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Nov 2020 · 30
nurturing blossom
cold winter hails dreary days
may I take heart
in the spirit of your
find it on my silent walks
may I not freeze as the world around me does so
keep warm in your hope
keep me close to you, I need your  stem to lean on
Nov 2020 · 42
This breath
There is no better breath
than the breathe
I breathe now
Nov 2020 · 35
When I wake
you come to me in dreams
but I cannot remember what you tell me
just the faint image of you lingers when I wake
Nov 2020 · 40
slide the windows open
rest, rest now
or all day you will cheat yourself
out of ease
rest there is nothing wrong with quiet
it’s where your essence brims to the surface
frothing, and ready to refresh you
if you just pause in silence
Nov 2020 · 35
You know when you know

I thought I knew

but what did I know
Nov 2020 · 33
I should think more.
Nov 2020 · 44
The salesman stood in front of the poet and tried to sell her words
what a sight
Nov 2020 · 25
Be still waters
do not be late day break
be with me dear beloved
as I make my way through the day
Thinking of “beloved” as Rumi used it
Nov 2020 · 38
I am grateful for the morning sun that awakens me through the window
it’s warm light brings me joy
I am grateful that I am endlessly strong
and loved
I am grateful that every year life takes me where I want to, no matter the outcomes
How magical is it that all I set forth comes back to me
That no love is too small or wasted
That there are no words uttered that go unheard
and no prayer unanswered
it is a matter of closing your eyes and listening

I am grateful for this small, fragile lump of mass, and this lifetime
My body feels drained
from what ?
I take the stairs and rarely take the lift or the escalators to emerge from stations onto populated streets

Something is leaking, energy is constantly leaving and I can’t put my finger on it
on what is leaving me so tired, so, so very tired

Little by little I sieve through water like a miner who headed west during the California gold rush

I pan through the river until my motion becomes part of the scenery by nature of its consistency

I kneel and feel as though an arm & a leg are missing
as if my energy is absorbed into a phantom limb
circling out of me into something else

What could it be ? I keep panning
Nov 2020 · 72
I wish
I wish I could tell you “please do not be mad” or “lets laugh about this”, but it is too painful for me
and I do not know what to do
I am just trying my best to hang onto myself
Nov 2020 · 29
Open fields
just look out on the open fields
What else do you need

The swirling butterflies
in autumn begin to disappear
but they will come again
with the whirl of spring

Look out calmly upon open fields
each direction speaks of endlessness
takes the tongue of spirit and soothes

opportunity is here , healing is here
in this open field you meet yourself
Nov 2020 · 27
May there be a warm fire and a hearth you can sit at. May the preciousness of who you are linger always. I see so much beauty in you; may you always see it too.

My mouth might be shut, but let all of life discretely carry hints of my wishes to your door , and bring you daily joy.
Nov 2020 · 37
If you need strength take mine
and if you need heart
borrow some of mine
you will be alright
Nov 2020 · 27
I came early in the morning.

They were preparing. Hands over squares of egg sheets being cut into long rectangular shapes in anticipation of the orders that some might make later that day. The woman cutting the yellow sheets sang and bickered with the rest. Age does not steal one’s fire or ; they laughed together(not does it steal ones smile)

I waiting patiently for my food watching diligence
Nov 2020 · 48
Every morning
and every night
I wake up and then go to sleep
having to make a choice
whether to shrink my heart
and my perception of the world
to only that which I can see
to become wounded and scared

or to become wiser and more in love with the kindness that holds me together
that cradles me at night and when I travel through towns amongst strangers alone

to keep allowing the beauty I see in eyes of old women and their silver grey hair
as well as the laughter of friends nearing my age laughing uncontrollably at each other’s words
make me believe in growing older and more tender
and in how loving and attentive one humanbeing can be towards another
how simple it is to show care
how important it is never withhold light or love

every morning and every night I choose again, and again

and again

I close my eyes, ball up my little fists and whisper “ do not shrink; take courage heart of mine” again and again
and again in my empty room I do not feel alone
I see more than lack
and sorrow in my life
I see the capacity of the empty space to hold; its abundance is clear
Nov 2020 · 34
Do not come for me tomorrow
come for me today

too many have said “tomorrow”
too many excuses have been reiterated for years upon years
All attempting to shift responsibility
absolve inaction

“Leave it for the young”
“for another lifetime”

It is for this one...

for this day
that is why you are alive  
(It has been put off too long )

Take your courage and hold on tight

do not say you will come tomorrow
come today into the hands of your own responsibility

create this world you wish to see

for today, for today, for today

let these cross your lips “for today, for today” until they become soggy over you lips and must be eaten

take responsibility for that inkling to not conform in order to fit this status quo
for it is your nature to push boundaries compassionately and because you wish to bring more love into the world
tells the tale of why you are here
Nov 2020 · 42
“Find me where you know I need to be”
I trust, that when I close my eyes, turn all lights are off, and start walking inwardly I will arrive where I need to be
Nov 2020 · 22
Come to me gentle hands
smile and sprinkle laughter over me
I need soulful remedies
smooth me
Nov 2020 · 46
heal under the trees
no harm to anything
like all things under the sun
I am a temporary thing
smooth my being
lull me with your singing
She would sing to me
all the time
she loved to chirp like the little birds
that would land on her pomegranate trees

even on her wheelchair she’d find a song with my name in it and sing “mi Lupita”
Nov 2020 · 29
For me there is was only love I wanted to give
everytime it felt easy
natural to give
that was all
all I intended to do
and when I held my hand out
there was nothing
except the wind that blew
and I knew your hand wasn’t for me or else it would of decided to reach out too

I do not regret a thing
you mean that much to me
that I would take the leap again even if I got a do over
I mean so much to myself, I would give myself the opportunity to go after what made my heart sing
Nov 2020 · 60
For some this is just an election but for me this a marathon
a marathon I will be running my entire life

saving the image of USA will not diminish the number of people who voted to re-elect someone who openly flamed racism’s fire
Nov 2020 · 28
Dear beloved
You have given me your line, drew it well and so I honor it that is now the only way I can show love and respect.
Nov 2020 · 29
Nov 2020 · 27
I empty my pencil case over the wooden surface of my table it is time to pour out all the colors and use them to scribble
to jot down and dream something lovelier
Nov 2020 · 35
I will slowly wake and decide that the day is beautiful and that it presents me with opportunity
that it is another great gift one is given
and that I should never forget that much
that quickly
I remember playing the same album every morning for an entire year. Blessed was I, to have an apartment mate who did not complain. Every morning “Dias de prosperidad” would blast from my room. That was a long time ago when I needed to heal. when I lived in the forest and I wasn’t strong enough to get out of bed, when music was my crutch and poetry my bread.

I began eating poetry yesterday. Separated each word from the other with thinly cut slices.
Hope              Do               Not                Leave    

Hope                 Be             With               Me

          Grace              Engulf                 Me
Openness      ­                      I  welcome

I savored them each
Nov 2020 · 31
Periodically I crumble
rumble the earth like the faults lines where tectonic plates meet
Nov 2020 · 44
Conversations in the room
“Tomorrow I will wake up and cry out of joy or sorrow when I check the election results”
“Tomorrow morning I am going to cry”
“It’s so close”
“It will be interesting to see the voting demographics“
“It will be too close to call”
“Poles close at 9:00pm “
“We won’t know tomorrow. They have to count the mail in ballots”
“Let’s not stress ourselves thinking about it”
“I know, but I just wish it wasn’t”
“I don’t know”
“I wouldn’t be surprised anymore”
Nov 2020 · 23
I am eternally in awe with the power of the human spirit. How is rises each and everyday. How there is nothing it cannot overcome.
Nov 2020 · 23
May there be beauty and joy in your life that is my never ending wish for you

May the breeze carry it to you silently
without the weight of words to slow it down
Nov 2020 · 43
it is time I really started living

I have the strange feeling that I have wasted too many lifetimes
so during this one I chose to stick to spirit
to walk as close as I can to it
May the trees be hierophants

Let the world reveal its sacredness
I am open to receiving
this is the season
the lifetime
I am led by spirit
Nov 2020 · 26
you are a stream that flows
and I no longer ask why
you flow in that direction
Nov 2020 · 23
May I never lose my hope
even if all else crumbles
May I never forget that my joy is something I cultivate
May I understand that if I am not the caretaker of my own happiness no one in this lifetime will assume this role
Nov 2020 · 22
On some mornings I wake from a dream of you
and there is so much longing that my words cannot express it
my entire body feels tender like the skin that grows after a burn
pink, sensitive and vulnerable

During days like these the thought of you does more than tingle through me
it sits over me and for a few minutes I can move without acknowledging it
Nov 2020 · 57
The bridge has been laid with marigolds
,the prayers and the candles
and mention of your name
calls you to this world

Todo ah sido preparando

Walk with me today, give me strength for this season I am in need of it more than the rest. Come whisper counsel and tell me what this world was to you

Dame aliento para continuar

I welcome you with all my heart; todo mi corazon se alegría de tú llegar
Nov 2020 · 36
When the sun rises and a thought of you appears I neither angry nor do I plunge into sadness there is only longing knocking on my door.
Nov 2020 · 33
What are you under the sunlight
when the day reveals you to the world

how do you smile in the early hours of the morning as you let the the whispers of grace guide you and the thoughts of gratitude fill you

who are you when you do not pretend
when you are at peace with who you are
Nov 2020 · 21
It is good to lose sadness on a long walk and find serendipity attached to a piece of bread to find the divinity and the magic  of life that follows when we close our eyes and steer toward the direction that calls to you.
Nov 2020 · 21
Elizabeth Fraser sings me angelic tunes through the speaker and I become a circling girl.
Nov 2020 · 39
Know that every stone of love that was stacked for you is still there
–sturdy–it’s presence enduring

from the time you were a child
to the time you began stretching out of your jeans and outgrowing your pairs of shoes  

To the very first white hair that grew
–almost suddenly-–without you realizing
so much time had gone by

all the love that was given stays
holds residence in your body
Hold a home in your being
is never part
and is forever your gift
Oct 2020 · 21
Friendship is a light illuminating the room
a window letting in the sun and warming what would otherwise be a cold winter
Oct 2020 · 32
I care...
slowly from below the grass I care that trees grow
that everything flourishes
that you are surrounded by love
that this lifetime be kind
that our dreams
that art
feeds reality
Oct 2020 · 34
Do not worry
all becomes lost in that ocean of thought today just feel the wind and sun
your nature is that of calm
Oct 2020 · 30
I understand now why your only album was named “Grace”.
life always deepens when we sit still and listen
and then the things we could not understand become clear
Oct 2020 · 47
I am ready to run with the wolves
I am not undecided
I am absolute and solid in the steps I take
I came with others into this world
who too
  cannot understand why is it a man is   unequal
  why gender constructs
and why we treat earth like a *******
why we accept what we could change

Timber wolves howling

in the winter of our era we breed, breed new life
Wolves only breed in winter and so I wanted to use that metaphor. As this winter feels like a true profound societal winter.
Oct 2020 · 51
(We need them
we need a phone
these days)
the reverberations of this
thought echoes through my

test results,
code verifications
identity confirmations
coordinating with friends
finding directions
self check ins

the endlessness is built on an abundance of thought
curiosity expanding and seeking ground

then why do I feel drained when a new task is added to the amount of things my phone can do
why do I feel zapped out of energy like a fly who starred at an alluring light only to be shocked at the outcome

... the list grows

The pile gets higher and higher
I used to think I could function in society without a phone if I chose to. However, having spent  3 weeks without a phone/ phone service I have come to cruel realization that it is painfully hard and it is a necessity. Long gone are the old days of choosing whether you would like to  to have a digital foot print.
Oct 2020 · 27
The day has been so long my dear friend
I have yet to answer the Stars with my prayers
Oct 2020 · 38
keep me ever mindful; nothing is owed
overwhelm me with love for the sake of love
do not shrink my heart
give me courage in this lifetime

for love
it serves the world and without it there is deep despair

so place it upon my eyes
may I see all being through it
Oct 2020 · 29
May the sacred and the intimate guide me,
tilt me towards my soul and towards the great cosmos
to everything that can only be felt
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