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A thought of you comes as a morning breeze
May you be well
May this day be wondrous for you
I choose to believe that everything is working in my favor
and that all I need to do
is to listen and to flow
gently in the direction my being
takes me
I choose to believe nothing is wasted
and that all is nourishment
all is part of the tapestry
therefore I should thank it
kiss my past away
and linger here in my sweet present
where I can really continue to create
the conditions I seek, the life I long for
make beauty and appreciate it
make lasting bonds that will be worked on constantly until the day I die
I choose to believe I am responsible for my life and everything I experience
They are so precious
each and everyone of them
their eyes can be taught to be wide
their minds to dream
and their hands to create
how vast they are
and how needed in this world are they
when they smile the sun truly rises
I can’t think about love without cleaning my small home

It’s the way I show myself care
it not that I look at a sponge with dewy eyes

It is just that I find that keeping my mind, body, spirit & soul
and the place around it at peace is a great expression of harmony and self appreciation
So I pour all the verbs into my own life
and it slowly feels so much better
and I am in no hurry for anything

I am settled and in the rhythm of this
I amaze my self
at the way I laugh nonstop
with my friends

how I am still so curious
and in love with learning
how I sink in deeper
and deeper until I dissolve

I have not only returned to myself
but I have leaned in further

ripening and softening
right here right now is the best
not yesterday not in some years
right now :)) and it makes me smile
and it makes me want to dance without any background music
because I have worked hard
and changed so much to be who I am
took risks, fallen and gotten back up, this heart has not been timid it’s been a steady monk
and it has circled back to now
and now is so good it makes want to shout
Light of my light
earth and firth to the sea
hold me in your hands and guide me
release through me your yearning
whisper through me
so that I may sing it in the same key of love as you

(As long as the day can use me and calls me to rise each morning hold my heart in your hands)
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