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 Jan 2017 Jodie Price
Bob B
Trump and his infamous tweets.
Boy is he on a roll!
Have leaders ever had such
A lack of impulse control?

He couldn't tweet just a simple
New Year's greeting to all.
In typical Trumpian fashion
He had to have the gall

To also address his "enemies"--
All of the people who
"Lost so badly" and
"Don't know what to do."

His rambling tweets show
How much he lacks the potential
For rising to the occasion
And being presidential.

They also demonstrate
A definite want of lucidity.
Might his real enemy
Be his own stupidity?

- by Bob B (1-2-17)
I am a writer,
a poet.
I bring words to life
with just the tip of my fingers.
I can create stories
that will make you feel
emotions you didn’t even know
you had.
Emotions so vast,
so deep,
you can’t even name them.
I can send you into a state
of blissful ecstasy,
or sorrowful remorse.
If you will only listen
to what I have to say,
I can make you feel again.

— The End —