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3.2k · Dec 2014
Inner Peace
Firewalker Dec 2014
Inner Peace

Evil is everywhere, monsters don't hide in closets,
they roam the streets, sponges of malvolent twisted minds,
The devil is not a fallen Angel, but born from a unfortunate mother,
Where's the bogeyman ? we  need only turn on the **** tube, or look out the window or across the kitchen table,

Where Do I find my Inner Peace? No mediative state of mind, not a prayer to nothing.....I have a pistol and six bullets.
1.9k · Nov 2014
The Red Teapot
Firewalker Nov 2014
The Red Teapot sits lonely atop my stove,
Never filled and never heated,
A reminder,

Hearts apart, we fade with every sunset
Drifting memories, lingering thoughts,
They always end up at the same place,
Stored somewhere between fantasy and reality,

Winter cascades, pushing out your summer's touch
You were my sunshine, the clouds give me comfort now
The cold embraces my heart, the chill reaches deep
I miss you,

You gave me music, and today it still sings to me
Art, Passion, I cherish your gifts to me,

Oh how I regret taking so long to attain my darling little boiler,
Today, I will fill my beautiful teapot and it will not be alone, I’ll heat it
And I will drink, and the soothing warm liquid will unfreeze my soul
1.4k · Nov 2014
Firewalker Nov 2014
Rocks, Dirt, Flesh & Bone,
Under my feet,
I search for space,
For my grief to breath,

What has become of this Man?
When a woman’s light touch,
Can lift a heavy heart,

Rifle strapped on my back,
Ammunition carried in a sack,
My weapon is unloaded,

Blood & Guts,
Is the War over?
Or did I lose the first battle?

Can I really go home?
I’ve changed, become estranged,
Do you want me?

I think of you, as I wander through the fog, across the lazy jungle
Anticipating the burning pain to pierce my armor,
Letting me feel,

In a dream,
I held you in my arms,
Felt you dying,
Unrelenting sadness,
I’m powerless,
You turn to me, and whisper,
Your Journey is over; it ends here in my arms,
Your tears wash my face
It’s me, It’s you, It’s Us
I turn and watch the zipper slide over my eyes,
Into darkness.

1.3k · Nov 2014
Firewalker Nov 2014
I sit in my pit all alone,
A ladder of words I was thrown
so I ascend on words Known,
and unknown,
on my way to my throne,
once hesitate,
I came upon self-hate,
so I quicken my pace,
on a word so divine,
I stepped into a world,
of sunshine,

1.2k · Nov 2014
Why do I run?
Firewalker Nov 2014
On the surface, all typical answers,

Stay in shape, and keep the weight off,

I enjoy, and love the competitive spirit,

I want to beat you at the finish line,
and then shake your hand,

I want to be your friend and wish you good luck

I want to stand next to you on the podium

But I run deep,

I run because I have to replenish the blood loss,
From the heart I keep cutting open,

I run because I hurt you,

I run because I broke so many promises,

I run from a past which haunts me,

I run like the wind needing to escape,

I run for my future,

I run for my life

779 · Nov 2014
Firewalker Nov 2014
I want you here,
when tomorrow never comes,
I want you here,

What's on my bucket list?
I have no idea
I want you here
I had my chance,
I did what I could,
I want you here,
when tomorrow never comes,

Passion rode on a crest of a wave,
I swam in love's ocean,
I want you here,
when tomorrow never comes,

No prayers, the sky is full,
Stars are saturated,others may be needed,
mine are answered,
I want you here,
when tomorrow never comes,

I'll bask in my memories,
revists my moments,
I only want to hold your hand,
When tomorrow never comes,
I want you here.

666 · Feb 2015
Warm Rain
Firewalker Feb 2015
Warm Rain,

Warm Rain falls, flushes away my pain,

You can’t know me, but I’ll always know you,

Your smile and your needs have changed me,

I didn’t know how to care, until I held your innocence,

Distant memory of my broken pieces,

I’ve come together, for a purpose,

For your safety, for your life,

Warm Rain falls, flushes away my sorrow,

Warm Rain

Firewalker.....(for my son)
570 · Oct 2014
Lady Love
Firewalker Oct 2014
Lady love
Young and Innocent, Not in my world,
Maybe a thousand years ago, No fifty shades of grey, only black,

My joy being with pop-pop, his joy his Lady Love adorned in White Powder we would visit.

12 yrs old, I was commissioned, a guard, a lookout, a soldier, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid, armed with a fork and instructions from pop-pop on how to gouge an eye. (Just in case) we ventured to visit Lady Love.

I was ready, a knight in confused armor.

42th street, nobody's dancing, Bright lights washing the hopeless,

"Stay here, I'll be right back, keep a eye out for the bad men in blue"

Alone, armed with a fork, fear, and apprehension, I pushed down below, you see, I adore  the man I needed and wanted to be here. the power of Lady Love.

Bus ride home, Dad out like a light dreaming of heaven,
I'm happy, I love the man,
No dreams of heaven or hell for me
I have my poems.
Thanks for showing me how to "Dig Deep" and love you Lou Reed RIP
569 · Nov 2014
Firewalker Nov 2014
Tiny feet on a sparse beach, reflection of soft sunlight
         A journey begins, water stretched for millions of miles
               No rush to leave the warmth of the sand,
         The hourglass dropped the last grain,
                Like a newborn seal I take the plunge,
          The wet cold quickly gives away to bliss,
                 I reach for my sails, Youth navigates my way
          Fearless, Reckless, I venture unchartered
                 Holding strong against the first storm,
          The tranquility of the morn’ warms my soul,
                 But I could no longer quell,
           the pirate in my heart, demanding captives;  
                 the weight of the ransom was too much
           I capsized, in a fierce storm of self-hate,
                  my lungs fill with devil’s brew
            I’m drowning, once, twice, over, and over,
                   until I couldn’t drown anymore
is when I was plucked onto the quiet shore of my home’s heartbeat.
              My heart split into two
         In deep dark waters, I’ve given up on me
              The Journey continues
559 · Feb 2015
No solution
Firewalker Feb 2015
You have my soul,
     You own my heart,
There’s not much left of either, only crumbs
     Like a cookie half eaten by a child,
     You don’t want any of it,

I know courses through my veins
     But we can’t change it,
We swallowed,
      I didn’t know the dose was potent,
Now only time can dilute,
      I ran out of time,  
No antidote only sorrow

519 · Dec 2014
A New Dawn
Firewalker Dec 2014
A New Dawn,
She lies still, in dreams
Embraced in a cocoon,
Of woven, warm blankets,
Sadness hides the beauty,
Caused by life’s caustic nature,
Sunlight creeps, like a forgotten lover
In her room,
Massages her feet,
Flushing away miles of hurt,
Embracing her hips,
Remnants of passion past,
Cuddles her *****,
Erasing her loneliness,
Caresses her neck,
Bringing her joy,
Kissing her rosy lips,
Mending her broken heart,
Wake up Beauty
It’s a new Dawn,

519 · Feb 2015
Firewalker Feb 2015
I pass,
Through this doorway,
Many times before,
I’ve forgotten the distance,
Lost count,
One step, one year,
Two steps, ten years,
Memories stretch, portraits fade

Lost and broken,
I stand at this doorway.
I wasn’t supposed to be here
Like this,
My plan crumbled in defeat,
Dream fell to the floor,
gave my heart away,
Nothing left to say or feel,
Just breath and smell
Your perfume,
I reach for handle and turn the ****…

489 · Nov 2014
Firewalker Nov 2014
Your love is like poison,
I thought, as I lay sprawled on the cold gravel
Blood and tooth free to travel, and play in the dirt

Gary Wright & his band Spooky tooth fill my mind,
You broke my heart, so I bust your Jaw

Great Album, loved the “70”s

It started around a month, a century, a week? I don’t know? I lost track
I was in the forbidden palace, the gritty, and the grimy.
You know the Joint,Yea the Soul Sickness,
The place I keep running to, The black hole I cling to, live-in and bath in.

I’m one of the lucky few, not to get it

I must have been at the wrong place at the wrong time,
Force Majuer here you come, the Rush,
pulse-pounding sensual stick of dynamite,
looking for someone to light your fuse,

Yea, I’m weak, need a match?

Oh yea we’re the perfect couple,
we beg, we devour, we bleed our disease into each other.

It’s never enough; our enough doesn’t exist and never did.
Satisfaction is never guaranteed

You crave more,
I need more,
you want more,
I desire more,
more, more, and nevermore

I asked you if you love me?.
You told me, you don’t know what love is?,
but we have something special,
As you grind your hips into my lap and lady love entered my veins,

Lust disguise as passion?,
A void filled with love?
But your love is poison,
And I’m dying a slow death,

I watch from the ground,
Your mud-caked high-heeled shoes,
and his new timberland boots walk-away

Yea, the one who busted my face

I pick myself off the ground; brush myself off, stumble into the palace,
Look around my sancutary, notice a barfly, buzz, buzz and buzz right out a broken window.....I order a shot of antidote.

478 · Oct 2014
My Imagination
Firewalker Oct 2014
Walking with the weekly dregs, of soup cans, tomatoes, & cauliflower,
Passing the empty stares, vacant looks and rude remarks,

It must be Halloween, look at all the Zombies, please no treats,
or tricks,
I have joined the masses,

My cart has a broken wheel and constantly shifts to the left
Pressure to the Right, no back to the Left,

The 200lb's of cat litter doesn’t help,
Beware of The “Cat Lady”, Yes, I have become The “Cat Man”
Just as Crazy,

Listening “Sir could you tell me where I can find the lower sodium Gefilte fish”? did I even spell Gefilte right?

Aisle 10 next to the Tuna

And then it happens! Crash, (I wasn’t looking, I wanted to see if Sorry Charley was really next to Gefilte) right into the luxury cart, parked in my space,

I was ready to give my mean, meaningless I’m sorry I’ve become the one person I feared as a child The grumpy old man.

I look up and my breathing stop, she captured me with her lovely face
I was sent reeling to a distant romantic time & place, centuries ago

Did she drift slightly towards me? Or was it just my imagination,

Did our eyes hold each other in an embrace? Or was it just my imagination

Did she see the poet in my heart?, Or was it just my imagination

Was there anything at all?, Or is it my imagination.

Either way my heart is closed and youthful energy gone,

I gave a soft I’m sorry lowered my eyes and walked away,

Scowled a couple of brats, get out of the way,
**** cart shifts to the left,

I had to look back, I caught a glimpse,

of a single teardrop running down her cheek,
or was it just my Imagination

469 · Nov 2014
A Night on the town
Firewalker Nov 2014
I've just risen from my coffin,
Do you come here often?
can I buy you a drink?
Where you from?
Fort Lee,
Yes I know the Place,
Where Christy met his fate,
Why did he make us wait?
Oh ! it was all, just a big mistake,

Now do you want that drink?
What that's you say?
You don't date Vampires or poets,
no rhyme or reason,
You don't want anyone ******* your blood,
and then crying about it,
I see, I get your point.

You are ****,
your look is catchy,
Thanks for the chat,
the dawn is breaking soon,
I've grown lonesome,
and tiresome
This immortality,
has too much remorse.

469 · Nov 2014
The End
Firewalker Nov 2014
Sliver raindrops fall,
expressing feeling of lost,
Our lips, hesitate,
drifting apart, our last kiss,
Where will you go?
My ghost will wonder beside you,
Tender touch, gentle caresses,
carried away in the mist,
Freeze this moment, stay a little longer,
whispers the wind
The soft breeze brushes her cheek;
the moonlight shines your dancing eyes,
I’ll see no more,
The majestic tree cries after the distance,
Looking at you,
I’m jealous of the rain,
I can’t hold you anymore,
Walking away,
I realize love doesn’t end.
461 · Jan 2015
Dawn bleeds
Firewalker Jan 2015
Dawn bleeds, in a world gone dark,
Swept in by the wind, escapes horror's clutch,
Deceived by a serpent, wrath of almighty,
the gentle rain washes the skin, away the sin,
It's time to write our story, In a new Book,
Stay with me until the world begins again,

437 · Oct 2014
man & woman
Firewalker Oct 2014
Far and Wide.
Near and Close, they travel,  
Distance merges with time,
Day collides with Night,
the Sun kissed the Moon, and the Stars cried,
Heaven is not a blur, but a twinkle and a promise,
A promise concreted within the soul of a man and a woman,
Earth's dawn fills a void with footprints and the heartbeat of Don & Lillian.
I wrote this for my brother & his lovely bride and recited at their wedding.
429 · Oct 2014
Firewalker Oct 2014

                 In my   dying time,
            precious      moments grieve
      while death       extinguishes the flames,
                 which   engulfed my
427 · Oct 2014
Release me
Firewalker Oct 2014
Run from me, I will hurt you
I hurt so many in the past.
It's me who wants to love and be loved,
I won’t allow it.
I is a serial killer of love, seduces his prey with promises, desire & longing
It’s me  I tortures, breaks my heart, over and over again
It’s hard for me to breath, I becomes compassionate and soothes me with tears, sorrow and promises “it’ll be different next time”, but it happens over and over again, I is love, pain & hate
I keeps  me prisoner, I is jealous of my deep buried passion waiting for release
Where did I come from? He’s a demon who nestled in my soul centuries ago.
Release Me
398 · Dec 2014
City of Angels
Firewalker Dec 2014
I’ve waited too long for the promise,
For those moments, I’m tired
There’s no game to play, this sadness I carry,
  I can no longer take,
Please forgive me, your eyes kept me here,
Longer than I thought, I have no other place to go
City of Angels to find my peace,
She hides behind a veil,
Of pink serene, and harmonious intake,
Welcome into her heart,
I grieve for those left behind,
Life carries on,
City of Angels to find my peace,
390 · Oct 2014
Firewalker Oct 2014
First came the screams, then the ******,
      Out of the warm dark into the cold light,
Engulfed by arms, soft as a dove, yet as strong as any diamond
      Held to a heart beating my rhythm, touched by breath giving me life
A unexpected first when I opened my eyes,
      Beauty beyond anything I would ever see,
A adoring face whose tears washed away my cry,

Sleep comes with unknown truths,
      Except the truth of love and security from my gentle giant
First and always my love.
This one I wrote for my wonderful Mom or Mum
380 · Jan 2015
Firewalker Jan 2015
At last, Freedom from Yes, held Captive,
By my own lips and Breath,
Stretch and yawn, No comes along,
With a new dawn,
And I’m gone,
To reach Far and wide, the person inside,
Collapse behind the weight,
No easy take, I’m ready for my cake
To share with you, I never new
Hello Stranger, step aside
I’m Alive,

372 · Oct 2014
Firewalker Oct 2014
Melancholy Bliss, I love a cold rain
the drops cools the heat from my adopted skin,
Emotions roll off as vapor ,lingering and forgotten,
I'm a dreamer, I dream small and deep,
no blood, no pain, no sin,
I'm not from your world, lost in the stars,
Understanding is the hardest, breathing comes easy,
if I come to you, would you accept me?, would you strike me down?
Being human, confuses me,
Why love?,Why Hate?,Why embrace?,Why hit ?,Why Kiss?
I don't belong here, but I'm stranded in this heavenly warm skin.
366 · Nov 2014
I have it all
Firewalker Nov 2014
Shades of you danced in the night,
The dawn waits for your ghost to go,
I can't see you in the light,
Why did you go? I don't know?
I have it all.

Smoke billows in a crowded sky,
The sun hides and won't shine,
Why? I don't know?
I have it all.

Fresh paint for a tired landscape,
The bridge won't open its gate
Why? I don't know?
I have it all.

I drive for miles with no headlights,
No destinations in sight,
Upon a cold asphalt
Why? I don't know?
I could of had it all.

357 · Oct 2014
A Cold Wind
Firewalker Oct 2014
The Cold Wind thunders from the north,
Gusts of longing and desire,
Spreading a frosty landscape,
He's feared and loathe,
A ****** with ice-piercing eyes,
A loner untouchable,
Yet he aches,
You see, He loves the warm breeze,
He's been chasing her forever.

Heat radiates from a high-rise apartment,
Red light searches the night,
A Beacon of lust,
A heart begging for mercy,
Cold rushes to the Heat.

Two lovers,
The wind watches through a pain of glass,
His lips cools the night,
Howling Chimes, pounding thunder
A jealous wind,
She whisper's "Last Time",
He lays the money on the table.

With a tear in her eye, she opens his confinement,
The chill soothes her skin, he shivers,
She steps onto the ledge,
The excited, crazed wind seizes the opportunity,
Reaches for her, caressing and kissing her aching neck,
pouting lips, and supple *******,
reciting poetry in her ear to her soul,
Passion abode, she lets go and falls,
Plunging into the dark,
Faster than her furious past,
The wind catches her, time freezes, as they float
Intertwine forever.

He's jealous of death and will not give her to him,
Commanding a wind storm from her tortured life,
Destorying everthing in its path,
She's swept upwards to the heavenly stars,
Only to to be laid gently on a crisp bed of ****** snow,
Where he breathes life into her broken heart.

During the coldest of nights, he's there
Watching her, lovers come and they go,
But she always comes to him,
because she loves the "Cold Wind"




356 · Oct 2014
Lost Child
Firewalker Oct 2014
Lost Child…Part 1…The End.
A nursery rhyme hides from a dreadful place, lost and scared
Folded clothes weep in a tattered dusty dresser ,
She’s the tread woven into the fabric of their Life
It has unravel, society has collapse, the world has ended
I write from a different space.

Part 2….The Middle (Gloom)
Shattered Glass, blood runs like a river,
Burn the books, we don’t need them anymore
You won’t survive the well is now polluted
Cut me once, Cut me twice, Cut me 3X…***..I can feel
I can’t control what I write, my hand is not my own

Part 3….The Search for a New Beginning*
Find the child you must, armed with the heart of a lion,
The eyes of a Hawk, and the will of a wolf
Search every corner, run with the cheetah, swim with dolphin, and soar with the eagle
Brave the flames scorching your soul, be the Knight not in shining armor, but of blood and guts,
Everything depends on finding the *Lost Child

Dedicated to Brendan Tevlin a outstanding young man who's life was ended too soon due to senseless violence
350 · Oct 2014
A Robin's Wish
Firewalker Oct 2014
A Robin's Wish
     Let me take your hand and lead you into the warm light, and out of the cold dark,
     We'll trade in those chains for wings, and soar high across the past, and reign laughter, love & humor into the hearts of earth's children

I wrote this in August, RIP Robin Williams
336 · Oct 2014
Firewalker Oct 2014
Her love gazes into the eyes of the child, the reflection casts her shadow upon her past,
       Of the emptiness she felt, the emptiness she filled,
With shallow men laden with stone hearts and hard fists,
               much like daddy,
It only hurts at first, but the tears sting and never go away,
        Poor choices, are her only choices,  
               Mommy taught her
Here lies this baby, wrapped in her pain, her only heart choice ,
        A newborn,
A newborn life for her, but they are coming to take him away,
       They’ll come, and she’ll go,
She’ll go far away to a place, where there’s no pain and she’ll wait
        For the time She can show him angels, and heavenly stars.

I might become a better writer or poet, but I know this "Poem" is as close as I'll ever get to my soul. I  broke down after every verse, Thought's of love, pain, sufferiing filled my being as I became this character, I find beauty isn't always about my own suffering but feeling someone's elses' and trying to cope and find beauty somewhere, where none should be found.
334 · Oct 2014
Firewalker Oct 2014
Dark foreboding,
   His Icy touch,
Destruction Amasses,
   His Lying eyes,
   Her Flowery scent
325 · Oct 2014
The Field (Revisted)
Firewalker Oct 2014
she lies in a field of red lillies, love has silence her,
her skin is turning blue, and there's no reason to move,
No one can save her, only the wind grieves,
she got into the wrong car,
How did He know nobody would miss her?

Wearing tough like a crown, encased in armor,
He must of seen behind the Mask
The scared little girl she vanguished so long ago,
Surfaced as a tear,
Enough for the predator,
Now she's here,
In this field of red lillies, she always loved,
A robin nestled under her arm,

she wishes she kissed the boy, who always stared at her,
but quickly looked away,
she wishes she made the call, party night, so mom could sleep
she wishes she could mend her mother's heart.
she wishes daddy only sang lullaby's at her bedside
she wishes she never left,

How do I leave this Place ?
It's getting Cold and Dark

As  if on cue, The Star, the Boy, last wished on, shone brighter,
The southern Wind, filled with her mother's breath, changed direction and started it's journey to the Field
The robin gently turns to her and sings a sweet lullaby.

311 · Oct 2014
Firewalker Oct 2014
My constant battle between Light and Dark,
Is becoming exhausting, and you don’t make it easy,
So go,
I’m fighting for my life, and you want me to retreat
So go,
I’m walking a tightrope, and you want to shake the line,
So go,
I want you by my side, you would rather cut me deep,
So go,
                   *So go ahead
311 · Nov 2014
Her Sadness
Firewalker Nov 2014
Her sadness, comes alive,
Shines and overtakes the sky,
I only wish she knew,

Her smile betrays her, she can't hide,
Melancholy whispers between her lips,
Soothing his pain,
I only wish she knew,

There was a loneliness to her walk,
Touching the soul, songbirds followed her everywhere,
I only wish she knew,

Her sad eyes, melted the coldest of hearts,
I only wish she knew,

Her sadness is contagious,
I cried a river of tears, writing this rhyme,
I only wish she knew,

She took the leap, and the world has ended,
And yes the mountains did crumble to the sea,
I only wish she knew

310 · Oct 2014
Broken Dream
Firewalker Oct 2014
Come to me broken,
the pieces will fit the puzzle,
your tears, my eyes,
my pain, your arms,
my lips, your neck,
composition boils,
negative space melts,
only one word for this picture;

307 · Oct 2014
Too See
Firewalker Oct 2014
Through endless valleys, and mountains of time, I could run,
            walk, even crawl,  but I didn’t know how to see,

   What I saw before was clouds, floating inward, laced with fear,    
            reflections shattered,

   You taught me to see, because you see me, like never before,

   For everything I am, soft, hard, kind & unkind,
          I shiver when I‘m pushed back into safe shadows.

   I’ve become creative with no intent but to see in a new light,

    A world has open up before my eyes, yet I still stumble,
          passion rumbles and shakes the glass, looking for a future,

    Perched alone, atop the highest of peaks,
          viewing the mightiest of grandeur,  
                I realize it’s time to soar with you.

    My eyes are open, my heart is open, open and cannot be closed.

    For closure again will surely leave me lifeless,
         where does this new vision take me?

   Where my Seeing Eye dog always knew where to go To You 
         Because I  SEE YOU.

307 · Nov 2014
Today, Yesterday
Firewalker Nov 2014
Chilled to the Bone, She closes her coat,
Today she waits for the bus,

Yesterday she swam in warm desire,
Found Bliss in Love's moment,

Today she'll keep the appointment,
She made yesterday,

Yesterday he kissed her warm lips,
Today he won't hold her cold hands,

She wishes she was born thousands of years ago,
When god was a mother, and not a man,

Today she'll try to forget,
How yesterday betrayed her,
She closes her coat tighter,
while yesterday seduces her,

She's notices the bus in the distance,
Descending like a fallen angel,
She's scared she doesn't know what to do,
Finally,she let's go of today,
and surrenders to yesterday.

298 · Oct 2014
The Field
Firewalker Oct 2014
She lies in a field of red lilies, love has silence her,
Her skin is turning blue, and there's no reason to move,
No one can save her, only the wind grieves.
She got into the wrong car,
How did he know nobody would miss her?

Wearing tough like a crown, encased in armor,
He must of seen behind the mask,
The scared little girl she vanquished so long ago,
Surfaced as a tear,
Enough for the predator,
Now she's here,
In this field of red lilies, she always loved,
A robin nestled under her arm,
Not afraid.

She wishes she kissed the boy, who always stared at her,
But quickly look away.
She wishes she made the call, party night, so mom could sleep.
She wishes she could mend mother's heart.
She wishes daddy only sang lullaby's at her bedside.
She wishes she never left,

How do I leave this Place ?
It's getting Cold and Dark
The robin gently turns to her and chirps,
"Don't worry my love you don't have to feel anymore".

295 · Oct 2014
Firewalker Oct 2014
I have a Soul,
We’ve dance
I welcome Mercy,
We’ve cried together
My friend is Spirit
We ride
I know Love,
She Comes and goes as she pleases
And sometimes,
*** comes over with her toys
I met Hate,
He keeps me afraid
Understanding opens the door,
ignorance & indifference shuts it.
Sorrow is kind and holds my hand
I’ve rejected Faith many times,
But He is relentless and stays buried in my heart
281 · Oct 2014
the last man
Firewalker Oct 2014
The trees have out grown there roots,
        while the sky cries tears of lost memories,

Sorrow and regret for his horrific strokes with an incendiary brush,

 Life pushed forward, but couldn’t compete;
         he won the race, but lost time
              And stands alone on the podium,

 Meditations of thoughts, have no place to go
        No place to play,
               they drift like snowflakes falling on a forgotten path.

  Silence once golden is plunging every moment, into black,

  Cursed with the instinct to survive, He comes a full circle,
         with a understanding of creation.

278 · Oct 2014
Firewalker Oct 2014
As we passed through the clouds,
       You from the left, me from the right,
I caught a glimpse of your wings,
        I wanted to ride, but soon realized I was too heavy,
And you were meant to take flight with love greater
       I know you earned bliss and reached heaven.
Your Flight ended too soon.

One day when you pass through the clouds
        I hope you’ll remember to embrace your wings and fly!!
This poem has a interesting, than sad story, it's for my friend Carla, because right after a couple of dates with me, she found the love of her and got engaged, sadly she never made to her wedding day because he past, poor guy and I mean that sincerly he was agreat guy and too young.  So I wrote this poem
252 · Nov 2014
the color of you
Firewalker Nov 2014
Looking out my window, the color of you,
I conclude only the young poets, have hues of blue,
Your  color is haze gray, as morning dew,
Your love stood the test of time, now a life left behind
Traces of her must linger, I saw her in your shadow,
With the absent of light, Where no reflection should be,
I wanted to shout, she’s there, but I realize the wind tells you so,
You feel her in your soul,
235 · Nov 2014
You know your a poet when?
Firewalker Nov 2014
You know your a poet when? write the poem of your life in your dreams, when you wake it's lost forever
216 · Nov 2014
Firewalker Nov 2014
It's getting bad for me. I have to carry a pen & paper wherever I go.

— The End —