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281 · Aug 2017
And then???
FirE Aug 2017
I battled myself it became a war
Yet I returned to fight again
And then ???
I shut down and protected that wall
You begged me to lower my guard
You'd care
You'd  see me for who I am and not care for scars but hold me aloft to the stars
And then ???
I showed you my core, the light and the gore.
I let you touch me you said you help heal me.
And then ???
I made you my faith
I swore till death
And then ???

And then You broke my faith
And then You forced my demise
And then You ripped open all my wounds
And then You diminished my light
And then You held me to the sun to burn
And then You brought my gore to the fore
And then You took me to War and beat me senseless

And then ???
I lay here, a whisper of life
Frail to my core
Wishing death upon myself
Seeping blood love from every pore
And then ???
I'm still here ....
And then ???
Fools rush in .... but idiots stay there ... I am an idiot like the many others out there ... to every idiot .... may your hearts eventually be surrounded by the bliss of the twilight sky
236 · Aug 2017
FirE Aug 2017
I love you - Guilty
I'd sacrifice myself to the darkness for your eternal light - Guilty
I love you - Guilty
I worshipped you - Guilty
I'd sacrifice my soul to protect you - Guilty
I love you like a mother loves a child - Guilty
I adore you like the sun does the moon - Guilty
I die gruesome deaths every second that you are not in my arms - Guilty
I love you - Guilty
Now let the jury preside
Pass the sentence
Ready the chair - the choice of my demise.
I want to feel the pain of my love for you - Guilty.
In death do I not despair. I harbour only hope no fear
Will the pain ease
Will my love cease
Will the current of the chair  from my heart remove every crease
I love you - Guilty
.... until proven innocent ....
Dedicated to those innocently guilty of loving so completely they they're hated ultimately.

— The End —