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984 · May 2019
Krystal Scoglio May 2019
The crazy doesn't come forth until the comfort sets in.
787 · Jun 2019
Krystal Scoglio Jun 2019
Dead can't tell and life can't keep.
534 · Jun 2019
Krystal Scoglio Jun 2019
I am torn in two
One part of me loves you
The other fears the beast in you
It's hard to chose between the two
I miss what we had before the new you
The hurt that comes forth now from being with you
Has me torn in two
The laughter I shared in the beginning with you
My heart aches at the loss of the old you
The love I hold has me torn in two
I don't know how to tell you
I gave my all to you
For you to tear me in two
I don't love the new you
I love the old you
When the person you fell in love with changes, but your holding on to the memories of before.
300 · May 2019
If it makes you feel better
Krystal Scoglio May 2019
Blame me
Scorn me
Hate me
Lie to me
Yell at me
Devalue me
Degrade me
Belittle me
Cheat on me
Never once did you
Cherish me
Value me
Praise me
Embrace me
Trust me
Choose me
Love me
So I let my love for you go to
Save me.
260 · May 2019
Krystal Scoglio May 2019
Stick with the insanity it's more gratifying on the crazy train of life.
259 · May 2019
Krystal Scoglio May 2019
Whispers of a promise
Fall from cold lips
Shatter in thy ears
Upon thy fallen whispers of love
Ones true form
Masked by thy light comes forth
Promised whispers broken
Hearts shattered
Trust severed
Deaf ears form
Upon thy whispers.
243 · May 2019
Krystal Scoglio May 2019
With each cruel word you utter I go deeper into myself.
So now when you say words of love, I don’t believe you.
With each thing you break around me my soul drowns in fear.
So now when you touch me, I feel nothing.
With each I hate you my heart breaks a little more.
So now every I love you holds no meaning.
With each box I pack I feel lighter.
So now you want to apologize.
With each step I take away from you my soul basks in the light.
So now you beg for my forgiveness and love.
With each word I utter you don’t say a word. “You had my love and forgiveness you abused it until there is nothing left.”
So now you are finally silent and my heart and soul can heal.
234 · Jul 2019
Calm of night
Krystal Scoglio Jul 2019
When the chaos of my life stops
My Wandering Thoughts are finally silent
And peace envelopes my soul
I miss having someone to hold
How I'm feeling now.
234 · Jul 2019
Krystal Scoglio Jul 2019
Gossip of the envious.
222 · May 2019
Krystal Scoglio May 2019
Dark seductive whispers
Fall upon innocent ears
Igniting a flame of passion.

Dark desires of the flesh
Tearing the innocence to shreds
Forming a wave of pure lust.

Dark lips of the fallen
Painting the ivory canvas of shredded innocence
Sparking the darkness within.

Dark promises of forever
Fuel the passionate lust filled darkness
Creating an explosion of bliss the universe would envy.
213 · May 2019
Krystal Scoglio May 2019
A closed door never opened or an open door never closed.
211 · May 2019
Krystal Scoglio May 2019
Nothing is useless you just have to know how to use it.
210 · Jun 2019
Thoughts of the Nympho
Krystal Scoglio Jun 2019
Sinfully delicious flesh
Filled with desire
The sweetest wine cannot compare
Earth's most carnal pleasure
Forever a taboo for some
Yet others most prized treasure
Moans of ecstasy the sweetest song
Silken bodies coming together
in a timeless dance
How can you not want to tease and tempt?
Coaxing out desires of the flesh
For my most carnal sin.
196 · May 2019
Krystal Scoglio May 2019
My nightly crew is winged in white; A dragon of the night dark sea.
Swift born, dream bound and rudderless her captain and crew are me.
I sail a hundred sleeping tides where no ******'s ever been.
Only my white winged craft and I know the marvels we have seen.
172 · Jun 2019
This heart of mine
Krystal Scoglio Jun 2019
Beats with passion
Burns with desire
Aches with pain
Yearns to be loved
Hopes to be given
Wants to be needed
Claimed by none
Broken by many
Burned by all
Yet this heart of mine
Keeps the light on for that
Special one.
172 · May 2019
Krystal Scoglio May 2019
The darkness thats built to protect the light is the darkest of them all.
165 · May 2019
Krystal Scoglio May 2019
A love so pure
making the angels appear sinful.
162 · Jun 2019
Krystal Scoglio Jun 2019
The only guiding light in the darkest parts of life.
156 · May 2019
Krystal Scoglio May 2019
You walk in my heart starts racing my breathing becomes labored. Fear like I never known grips me as all the scenarios in my head unfold. Which one will come to fruition?

Will I be the cheating ***** today or the lazy ***** on the couch? I say to myself holding my breath palms start to sweat trying to keep calm.

Will the sounds of shattered glass along with my broken dreams of a happy family drown out the sound of my pounding heart sending blood rushing through my body with fear?

I’m drowning in my emotional turmoil at the sound of your heavy footsteps bringing you closer to me. I struggle to breath with every step you take drawing you near.

Just hit me this time my mind screams at me. I can’t take the verbal onslaught anymore. As the words echo in my head “Liar, *****, *****, *****, gold-digger, your used-up nobody else would want you” that hit me like tiny daggers to my heart worse than your fists ever could.

You reach my side as I’m holding back my tears you kiss me on my cheek and hand me roses. I look at you but you don’t see the fear and confusion in my eyes. I’m not important enough for you to notice.

As you walk away, I turn my back letting the tears fall and wishing you would actually see how much I care because my tears are not for me but for you.
155 · May 2019
Unwanted Answers
Krystal Scoglio May 2019
What the hell were you thinking when you looked my way?

I know. someone else to bring into your world of pain.

What the hell were you doing when you promised me the world?

I know. I will shatter your world into pieces and blame you.

What the hell were you thinking when you married me?

I know. She can’t leave me now I own her.

What the hell were you thinking when you accused me of cheating?

I know. If I’m doing it, she has to be.

What the hell were you thinking when you made me fear you?

I know. Now I got her where I want her.

What the hell was I thinking when I let you?

I know. I’m still waiting on the world you promised me. Instead I let you shatter it into pieces while I stayed
153 · May 2019
My Dark thoughts
Krystal Scoglio May 2019
How do I get them to go?
Flashing through my mind like headlights on a busy road.
I let you go along time ago yet your hurtful words became my dark thoughts.
They whisper to me you're ugly in every mirror I see.
They shriek you sound stupid everytime I speak.
They wail out all my failures everytime I try something new.
They sing a sad song to every attempt at a happy tune.
They belt out you're unlovable in all my relationships.
I fear my dark thoughts will never let me go.
Manifested by your cruelty forever a shadow in my thoughts of me.
153 · May 2019
Loves death
Krystal Scoglio May 2019
House walls echo pain
Where love once lain

Cracks form
Evil seeps through.
Once called a prince
Now turned Devil

Craziness ensues
Turmoil whirlwinds
Devilish delights of pain
Etching the walls

Love fears devil's wrath
Retreating into shadows
Bringing forth self preservation

Deaths cold grip
Reaching through the abyss
Snuffing loves fire
Severing devil's hold.

House walls echo pain
Where love once lain.
150 · May 2019
Krystal Scoglio May 2019
Reaching beyond galaxies searching
Loves fire ever the allusive star  
How far do I need to go to find my super nova?
Yearning for the explosive bliss only my star can bring.
Wishing on every one I find hoping that's the one to light my fire.
Awakening the passion hidden in my galaxy of a starless sky.
The center of my world my sun, my moon and the only star in my universe.
150 · Jun 2019
Krystal Scoglio Jun 2019
The dark is my friend
That helps hide my scars
The ones I don’t want known
Ones you gave me not to long ago
The wounds run deep
Deeper than the night sky
That house a billion stars
Hoping one day a star
Will shine it’s light on me
Healing the scars
You gave me not to long ago
That I hide in the dark.
148 · Jun 2019
Krystal Scoglio Jun 2019
I hide my happiness in the dark.
To protect from prying eyes.
For if he sees the happiness in me
He will strip it away with his negativity.
My hope is concealed.
Covered by the clouds in my eyes.
For if he sees the hope in me
He will crush it thoroughly.
I hide my love in the shadows
From the torturous nature in him
For if he sees my love
He will know he owns all of me
I lock myself away from prying eyes
To protect my happiness
To conceal my hope
To hide my love
From the monster in him.
139 · May 2019
Krystal Scoglio May 2019
You treated me like a Queen until the day you let the seed of doubt poison you.
You listened to the poison whispers of your friends that fed your seed of doubt it started to flourish.
When I was running late your seed of doubt would whisper, she is cheating on you. So now you Call me the *****.
Every time I speak to my friends your seed of doubt whispered; she is talking bad about you. So
now you accuse me of being two faced.
When I spoke the truth to you your seed of doubt would whisper, she's lying you know what
really happened. Therefore, I became known as the Liar.
As your seed of doubt grew it became overgrown and took root in my life.
I rushed to get home to avoid being the *****.
I stopped speaking to my friends so the accusations would stop.
I never spoke even when you accused me why bother I am a liar after all no matter what.
All because you let the venomous poison known as your seed of doubt that fed your insecurity
along with the whispers of your friends. Therefore, my life is no longer my own but controlled by
your seed of doubt in me.
139 · May 2019
Krystal Scoglio May 2019
Devil whispers
Deaths promise
Angels weep
Innocence forgotten
Past doors slam shut
Future doors unknown
Tears fallen for once was
Krystal Scoglio May 2019
Know it's been broken more times than I can count.

Know I spent precious time and energy putting it back together again.

So, if it doesn’t look new and shiny, I hope you see.

The sacrifices I made to love again.

The hope I lost when my love went to waste.

The care I took putting it back together again.

The fear I have handing my heart to you praying you’re the one.

As I trust you with my battered, cracked love filled part of myself please don’t break it for one day I will not be able to piece it back together
126 · May 2019
Krystal Scoglio May 2019
Thy darkness comes to comfort.
Hidden in the shadows
Happiness is a fleeting thought.

Time flies by never being seen.
For the darkness hides time well.
Before processing a thought the hands of time fall through.

Darkness cloaks the mind's eye.
Blinding thyself from life.
As the hands turn time life fleets by.

Thy darkness that came to comfort
becomes thy enemy.
For thy darkness took  life that never truly began.
121 · May 2019
Krystal Scoglio May 2019
A strong man stands firm on a
Foundation of equal strength
Can only stand so long.

The earth shifts, time flows
Foundation shaken at the core
A strong man stumbles.

Poisonous temptation flowing
Strong veins start to weaken
A foundation loses its strength

A strong man crumbles
Brought to his knees
Liquid fire burning through his foundation.

A strong man turned weak
Temptation his undoing
Swallowed by a weakened foundation

A ghost stands in his place
Foundation gone
All that remains is a memory.

— The End —