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Mykenzie Oct 2020
In the quantum realm,
time works differently...
5 years seems like 5 hours.

I once wrote a poem
about being in my junior year of high school
and wanting to slow down time

I am now writing this poem
in my senior year of high school
and still wanting to slow down time

It seems like it flies
especially with good friends having a good time

The past year has changed alot,
some for the good and some for the bad

friends lost and made,
family lost and found,
through it all,
time never slowed
Mykenzie Oct 2020
I am ok

When its storming outside,
I am OK

When its foggy and cold,
I am OK

even when it feels like all hope is lost,
I am OK

Even when Im not,
I will be OK
just a  quick write
Mykenzie Aug 2020
Hearts are broke

Hearts are fixed

Hearts never beat

Hearts are weird organs
because everyone says follow your heart

But its not the heart leading you,
its the brain.
The brain cant be broken  or healed.

The brain works before you're ever born,
and in  most cases,
does not stop until 7 minutes
after your heart

so maybe my hearts not broken,
my brain is telling it to be,
so i think it is

but really, its not
and im ok
Mykenzie Mar 2020
I miss you
Your obnoxious laugh
Your double knee

I miss you
The rotating doors of girls
who planned a future w you

I miss you
My uncle, My bestfriend
My role model, My idol

I miss you.
Sergeant First Class Tyler Durden

Gone to soon
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