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Eric the Red Apr 2018
I wait
You getting ready
Putting your pretty on
Purple lipstick
Sandals over tattooed feet
Twenty minutes
what do you think?
No words
Walk over
Arm around waist
Dark clouds begin to form outside
Small of your back
Pull you closer to me
Breath on me
Your eyes are downward
Kiss you under your ear
Mixture of perfume & your hair
Crackle from the SW
Day turns dark
Windows open
Lightning flashes across the room
Storm is here
Gentle drops at first
But it’s thick heavy drops
Falling all about
Dress upon the floor
Hands upon hips
Teeth biting lips
And all that pretty
Over my body
Washing it away
***** & Clean
Springtime Thunderstorms
Eric the Red Apr 2018
Coffee in the morning...
Tea at midday...
Wine at night...

Your words on my desk...
Dinner in the oven...
Violins background...

Midnight strolls...
Hand in mine...
Windows open...

Candles burning on windowsill...
Redcoat next to the bed...
Blankets everywhere...

Coffee in the morning...
Breakfast in bed...
Your leg draped over mine...
Wine at 10am...

I’m really not that hard to figure out
Eric the Red Apr 2018
What’s sad is that the 22 year old girl
With a backpack on
Who started to cry when I put it
In reverse
Because I was leaving
After a beautiful
Weekend together

Is gone forever...
Eric the Red Apr 2018
It’s simple really
We’re given a birth
And an expiration date
Of around
100 Years

She’s out there
You’ll know her when you
Lose her
Eric the Red Apr 2018 best as I can remember
My grandmother
With her grandmother hands
Her grandmother
As we walked
So young as I was
Trailing behind
Mid afternoon sun
Up in the sky
So bright
So yellow
Then without a cloud in the sky
It began to rain
Small drops
Big drops
Little drops
Then none

grandma why did it rain without clouds?

Grandmother stopped her walk
Turned around and looked down

because the sun can be sad too

The sun can be sad too
Eric the Red Apr 2018
After the war was over
The only thing I discovered
About myself
Was that I loved
A Good Fight
A Good Fight
Eric the Red Apr 2018
Only god & the devil know how much
I love you

I only believe in one of them...
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