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Apr 2020 · 38
Emmett Apr 2020
Some days you succeed
Some days you don't
But you can only fail in one thing
Not trying again tomorrow
Apr 2020 · 27
Lines written pt. 2
Emmett Apr 2020
I see your heart
being ripped apart

I hear your lungs
crying out for help

I feel your smiles
are all going stale

I know your eyes
are not dry now

The sands all gone
The glass layers by
and I'm almost gone

My time is almost gone
You left my heart there's no return
All the lines have all been drawn
But there's all the fire you can't unburn

I see you hear you
Feel you know you
My dust is crying
Out to hold you
Apr 2020 · 83
Lines written pt. 1
Emmett Apr 2020
Feel my dust
slipping through my hands

Feel my dust
falling on the floor

Feel my dust
reaching for your heart

Feel my dust
being pushed away

Feel my dust
Feel my dust
It's almost gone

My time is almost gone
You left my heart there's no return
All the lines have all been drawn
Yet there's all the fire you can't unburn
Apr 2020 · 35
Emmett Apr 2020
Well dang, sister!
Who gave you the right to be shining up my day with that face?!
Apr 2020 · 33
Emmett Apr 2020
yes you with the unbreakable mind
Yes you with the shining heart
you are loved
love doesn't need you to be extraordinary

thought you should know that
Apr 2020 · 28
Mountain mover
Emmett Apr 2020
Thanks to you
Thanks to me
Thanks to all those in their individuality
You are enough as you are

Go get 'em mountain mover
You are enough. you are loved. you are extraordinary
Apr 2020 · 59
Emmett Apr 2020
Goodnight joy
Goodnight after
laughing crying dying laughter

Goodnight books
Goodnight smiles
And all my silly little whiles

Goodnight moon
Goodnight stars
I hope you sleep well in this little bed of ours
Mar 2020 · 44
Future death
Emmett Mar 2020
Only with the hope of a future
Do we survive the present
Mar 2020 · 33
You, the star
Emmett Mar 2020
Twinkle twinkle little star
Don't leave your life and go to far

You count the steps there's quite a sum
but look and see how far you've come

Twinkle twinkle little star
you are enough just the way you are
Goodnight loves. You are good. You are wise. You are enough. You are loved
Mar 2020 · 37
Emmett Mar 2020
The key to the wrong door

The door to the wrong key

A smile, unseen waits on the other side

Switch keys... please?
Mar 2020 · 173
Keys and Doors
Emmett Mar 2020
You are the doorway
They the key
your friendship and love the path to light
Take it
Open the door
Mar 2020 · 56
Emmett Mar 2020
Reach out to nothing
to receive help for something
Mar 2020 · 45
Emmett Mar 2020
I see your body
But fall in love with your mind

I like for a face
I love for a thought
Mar 2020 · 39
Emmett Mar 2020
It will be hard
But say yes
Emmett Mar 2020
What’s the hardest thing
you will ever do?

Be ok
with who you are
Mar 2020 · 44
Emmett Mar 2020
I approach a god
I leave myself
Mar 2020 · 40
Being Happy
Emmett Mar 2020
I think that to be in a state of being that is happy is different then to feel happy.

Those moments of embodying happy are found in gratitude and appreciation.
They are found in the joy of a night by the fire.
In the understanding that there is so much more...
and you will never know it all...
and yet it’s ok.

Being happy comes with truly knowing that one is not okay. And that’s okay. Okay?
That it is ok to not be the best the brightest and the funniest.
It is ok to not get that role, to perfect that dance, or be the best singer.
It is okay to not be ok.

Being happy comes with knowing that love doesn’t need you to be extraordinary and that those that love you know all of you and that they love you all the more for it...
Mar 2020 · 109
Finding Happy
Emmett Mar 2020
Happiness can be found not only in the obvious, light flooded areas.
I smile.
A laugh.
A night sky filled with stars.
A kiss, a hug.
Dying of laughter on the floor.
Sitting back on the lake and realizing you have a good moment and asking “what is life but this moment with infinite variation?”

But happiness can also be found in pain. In the dark places that haven’t been lit and where no friend will follow.
You cry on the bathroom floor,
filling the toilet with countless tissues
until you starting risking overflowing if you ever try to flush.
But then next morning you have a song you can sing for years to come;
a poem you will read to your grandchildren and watch the smile spread wide as they think “wow, he was just as young as us once”;
a new, redefined relationship.
All these things are happiness.
Mar 2020 · 27
Emmett Mar 2020
A “to be continued”

Mar 2020 · 42
Death of a poet
Emmett Mar 2020
Word-pain is so much better
Then real pain

There is no fancy writing
There is no rhyming lines
No quid pro quo
No justice
Or quick sayings of wit

In a poem you can die a thousand million deaths, but after each you still hear them all and have a mind to write one more for yourself.
One more time you are able to cover your grave.
One more time you can cry over blotches of black and white

In life you die.
That’s it.
No more.
End of the line
No more graves to dig
Only a life of promises made... and broken
Only a “to be continued” unfulfilled
Mar 2020 · 37
Boxed by a closing world
Emmett Mar 2020
Don’t think
Don’t think

Late at night and I can’t think
All these feelings doing the thinking for me

I reach for the sky
It rushes down to meet me

Suffocated between ground and air
If only I could lift like Atlas

Except I can’t
So it all comes crashing down

One thought rushes to another to another to another to another to another to another

Thoughts to emotions, emotions controlling thoughts. Thoughts to emotions, emotions controlling thoughts.
Mar 2020 · 41
Emmett Mar 2020
A. A word you search and never find
Before your world fades away.
C. Come out and say what you need to say

D. Don’t try to find who you are
Even so you’ll be led on
F. For you’ll be forever gone
Emmett Mar 2020
Hush little baby don’t say a word
It’s really ok if these words are blurred
Let those tears run down your face
Within these words you’ll find a safe place
Mar 2020 · 32
Thoughts on thoughts
Emmett Mar 2020
What is reality but the perception of a moment in time?

What is the past but a perception of somewhere and sometime you have never been, seen, or heard... and never will?

What is a thought but a new perception?
Emmett Mar 2020
Starlight star bright
All my loves sleep well tonight
I wish I may I wish you might
Sleep in beds of love and light
Sleep well
Mar 2020 · 39
Love unspeakable unspoken
Emmett Mar 2020
There’s nothing I could ever say or do
To make you realize how much I love you
Love you all so much!
Mar 2020 · 32
Emmett Mar 2020
How come
when I tell someone I love them I can never say it enough?

How come
Whenever I reach for love it keeps on taking?

How come
That taking makes me feel so happy to be loved and loving and so sad as to be inept in expressing that love
Mar 2020 · 33
Tired from rest
Emmett Mar 2020
A day of rest has the same power of exhaustion
Mar 2020 · 62
Emmett Mar 2020

Reflections in the darkness
Fragments of a reality that was never meant to be
Leaves in the breeze you never get to see
Cause that darkness enfold me
A crossing of lights drowned out by the darkness
A mishmash
A hogpog
A canvas of thrown together paint
A song, a dance, a po....


All the light for me to shine through
That piece of a puzzle that bring everything together
The candle that fills my nights with love and light
You, the perfect imagine
Put together
Done up
All those songs you’ve song, dances you’ve  done, and poems you got to finish the lines of


There isn’t enough time to...
Mar 2020 · 78
On time to late
Emmett Mar 2020
I’m just in time
To be slightly too late
You’ve left my sights
And I don’t think I can wait

You ask my to stay
And I hope and pray
But I don’t know what to do
I’ll be here for you... at least that’s my plan
Mar 2020 · 56
Emmett Mar 2020
Goodnight my love
Goodnight my life
But I don’t want to say goodbye

Sleep well my love
Sleep well my life
I guess it’s really time
To say bye bye
Love you all! I hope you have someone to be their love. If not, and even if so, I love you!
Mar 2020 · 42
Early morning
Emmett Mar 2020
It’s raining
It’s pouring
My eyes oh they’re storming
And I don’t want to leave this bed

It’s raining
It’s pouring
It’s four in the morning
And I don’t want to cry

But I need you here because I’m a mess
These are lyrics by Anson Seabra and I love them so much
Mar 2020 · 29
Thoughts uncontrolled
Emmett Mar 2020
Row row row your boat
Down the mountain side
Down down down my thoughts
Where I’m never to reside
Mar 2020 · 37
Emmett Mar 2020
They come to me all black and blue
From a life of misery and strife
But they have no wish to tell what they’ve been through
No want for me to see their life

They secret and flee and hide and shuck
They live and they cower and close their eyes
But they never reveal all the mud and the muck
The flys they circle and buzz their mind but they want to swat their own thought fly’s
Mar 2020 · 25
She said
Emmett Mar 2020
She said to me

don’t grow too fast
Or you’ll break against
Like an elephant resting on a fence

She said to me

You’re only 15
You have a life to live
Yet you’ve given more then your right to give

She said to me

You’re in a rough spot
And it’s really no fair
But you’re no small life, yes I really do care

She said to me

You are loved
Through thick and thin
I’ll be there to wipe you’re chin or help you win

She said to me

So don’t grow up too fast
Try smiling for a while
Maybe... just maybe... it will help you in that extra mile
Mar 2020 · 42
Blinded by a breath
Emmett Mar 2020
Help me see
1000 ways
That we can breath
Stop me please
This was lyrics that nicholascromeenes made on TikTok for one last time and I loved them
Mar 2020 · 36
Sleep Silence
Emmett Mar 2020
Silent night
Tired night
I breath deep
There’s no more light

Sleep well my loves
With peace and smiles
Sleep with arms full of love
Love you all. I hope you sleep well
Mar 2020 · 27
Sticks and stones
Emmett Mar 2020
Jack and Jill went up the hill
I’m stuck here at the bottom
I breathe deep
Out my tears weep
Maybe someday someone will ask why
Mar 2020 · 38
My gender?
Emmett Mar 2020
It’s not the pronoun,

but the perception...
This is not and should not be construed as being indicative of anybody else’s process. This is simply my own humble thoughts and feelings regarding myself.

Love ❤️
Mar 2020 · 42
Hellos and Goodbyes
Emmett Mar 2020
I have always been the one asking for more time

it was always the other person saying goodbye.

You were different. Now as a friend you are the same… I’m sad.

I say "Howdy Doodie Doo. How are you?"

You say "goodbye. I've got to fly"
Emmett Mar 2020
But it's his own mind...

so what can he do?

He just accepts his mind,

half-heartedly minds his heart

and carries on slightly morning for the death of an imagined self
Mar 2020 · 34
Bells and sunshine
Emmett Mar 2020
See you later

I hope you sleep well
And wake not for a bell

Until the morning comes
Emmett Mar 2020
Actions speak louder then words
Words speak louder then laughs
Laughs speak louder then smiles
Yet that that speaks loudest of all makes not a sound

~ Love
Mar 2020 · 34
What love what lost
Emmett Mar 2020
It was ever meant to be

I thought I sung a song of you and me

you held my heart and then you slew. You gazed on as my life fled from me
Mar 2020 · 52
Live Love your life
Emmett Mar 2020
Baba black sheep have you any wool?
Go sir go sir, my life’s all full

I spent it on him
And I spent it on her

And I spent it on them
and on they and on we

No sir no sir I never had time
To spend on myself
And my life’s no longer mine
Mar 2020 · 35
Emmett Mar 2020
night oh night
lull me to sleep
pull the leaves down over my eyes
and out of my mind let me keep

sleep let me clearly see
out of this darkness let me crawl
transport me towards the light
sleep. please down and cover with your shawl
This would be my goodnight poem I normally write, but tonight is not a goodnight so this is my night poem

Night loves. I hope you had an amazing day
Mar 2020 · 28
Emmett Mar 2020
I thought I was ok
but then the rest of the world fell away

I'm here... still
sitting in the silence... still
no one hears or here to comfort... still
my one companion dragged down, while I fall up
and I sit here... still
I wish I knew... I love... still
Mar 2020 · 59
Anxiety Crawling
Emmett Mar 2020
Anxiety why do you crawl into my mind with me?
And cloud my vision and every little thing I see?

Don’t you know you’re not welcome here.
Maybe this time you’ll leave my mind and never reappear.
Mar 2020 · 30
What’s your hollow?
Emmett Mar 2020
Do you lead?
Or do you follow?
Or just get pulled through the hollows
Of your life
Emmett Mar 2020
I flit through life on tattered broken wings.
Never able to stay afloat until the morning bird sings.
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