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Emmett Apr 2020
Some days feel like your own personal winter,
Devoid of love  

Then you walk outside
And the grass is warm
Emmett Apr 2020
It’s funny how you need someone
Then they leave...
You still need them

Then one day  
You’re walking by yourself
And realize you can smile without them
Emmett Apr 2020
hi lovely (:
Let’s do some self care, yeah?
first, throw on your fav baggy jammies
yes, i have acne too, it’s okay (:
ur cute :)
now get comfy cozy and get some rest.
i love u.
This was a quote from one of my friends @laurenmcofferyyy
Emmett Apr 2020
With you
I knew
All the lights and darks of tears

With you
I knew
The highest highs and lowest lows

With you
I knew
How another persons silence could be the greatest of comforts

Now your gone
No longer can I take comfort in your silence only Emmett’s silence

I’m my old self

Stuck on level ground
No longer able to sing melodies from the tops of mountains
No longer am I crushed beneath the weight of drowning tears

Is this good? Or did I lose myself in you?
Emmett Apr 2020
Sometimes it’s tough

Tough to live
Tough to love
Tough to trust again
Tough to decide to make it to another day
Tough to make today a success

The time is now. Not sometime
Emmett Apr 2020
A heart pumped full.  
Laced with fear.
Slowly bleeding out.
Emmett Apr 2020
A loss
No matter how temporary
Is forever permanent
Held by a regretting mind
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