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Emeka Mokeme Oct 2018
The road within
is an amazing one,
so profound and
mysteriously glorious,
filled with unimaginable
Unpredictable and
impressed with the
oil of divine grace and
infinite tremendous
energy so powerful
yet eternally peaceful.
There's something
so beautiful, serene,
and nostalgic about the
heart of a grateful soul.
Gorgeous day spent
discovering the treasures
hidden within the depths
of yourself is worth
more than an eternity
acquiring riches.
divine love never
defends itself.
Happiness is not
something ready made.
It comes from
your own actions.
Go and make
interesting mistakes,
make amazing mistakes,
make glorious
and fantastic mistakes.
Break rules.
Leave the world more
better for your being here.
Actually you are good enough.
©Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Oct 2018
He stood unrepentant
at the other side
of the fence,
he defiantly
as the boss of
corrupt crimes
by the burdens
of the moment
and blinded with
so much power,
he forgot to take
Running wild with
intoxicating crimes,
so intertwined with
corruption and avarice,
he became lost in
his own flaws,
without knowing it's
always sunny on the
other side of life.
His cold heart cannot
revert to be better
because he chose
to remain in darkness.
Wallowing and groveling
in dirt,
his hands soiled with blood,
he is no longer a saint,
though he's never been anything
but guilty as charged.
I'm so devastated
about the unresolved
gruesome crimes meted
out of vindictive drive,
clueless direction and
to hear the cries of
my beloved people weeping.
I'm so sad at moment
that I can't be there to comfort
them at this time of need,
for the power that be
has chosen to oppress the land.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Dec 2019
Beyond darkness,
there is still light
hidden within.

See you again soon
beyond the twilight.

There is
fatal attraction when
two worlds collides.

She may not know
there's unrequited love
hovering in the cloud.

But i will keep on
doing the right things
until i see you.

Bleakness of life
and love sets in,
then love arrives to rule.

Man is a frailty
but there is
the moon in your heart,
giving out it's subtle light.

The portrait in the
hallway is that of you.

It shines to
make the beauty right.

This is the power
of the words.

When love leave
the heart in ruins,
the soul seek
refuge in prayers.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme.
Emeka Mokeme Mar 2019
From my eyes,
you will see
the way my
heart feels
for you and
how much i
miss you.
the tears of
love freely flows
like the stream
down my cheeks.
My face stained
of tears,
tells the tale of
how much all
these made
me feel.
From my shaky
strained voice,
you already
knew how much
I've cried.
But you'll never
see how my
heart really hurts.
The pain of
the brokenness is
what keeps
my heart awake
at night.
The thoughts of
you kills my joy
and rob me
of peaceful sleep.
This restlessness
makes me feel
like drinking tequila
But I'll wait
awhile to see
if the humming birds
will bring the
news of you
in the morning.
This moment,
the road is
still empty of the
sight of you
as I watch.
Even now i
can't see the
dust on the road
rising to tell
me that you
are close by.
I will just
sit out here
tonight and watch
the moon and
count the stars
until the morning
greets me with
the songs of
the birds.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Jun 2019
The light walks
into the deep dark
and the darkness
always yields.
In the midst
of darkness within
and without comes
the glorious light.
It comes to
dismiss darkness
and make it
disappear to emptiness.
All emptiness of
the mind is
darkness and a vacuum,
affecting emotional
and physical,
they depicts the
absence of light.
There is
something strange
about the
flickering golden light.
The illuminance and
incandescence of light
however small,
even in the
deep dark place
suddenly glows in
the presence of
pushing the dark
gently into oblivion.
But the darkness exists
to explain the light.
Abject darkness
does not die,
though dead.
It rises up
again in the cloud
like the unicorn
but seeks out
the light immensely
to prove itself.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Sep 2018
Just the other day,
someone asked me,
which day is
the other day.
One day of the other days
of the week,
I said.
Monday to Friday is
five days away,
while Friday to Monday
is just three days.
Really funny, isn't it.
Is this a mathematical error
and miscalculation or
just another maths equation.
Why is this so.
Is the algebraic algorithms wrong
or it is just configured to just fix
a mathematical problem.
Xy plus Y and you subtract
the y in Xy then multiply it by 10,
your head spined
and finally they asked you
to solve the problem.
They didn't know that
the problem of the problem
is the problem.
And they wish you a
very merry Xmas
but completely forgot that,
there's absolutely no
X in Christmas.
And someone the other day was,
trying so hard to convince me
that the symbol sign of fish inside
the book I'm reading means
Jesus and a symbol of
a dove especially the white one
represent the Holy Spirit.
Confusion within confusion
is very confusing.
What can we say.
What can we speak.
How can we justify ourselves.
If you ask me,
who will I ask.
So don't ask me because,
I really don't know the answer.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme May 2018
Can I take about 60 seconds to
tell you how amazing you really are?
Would you mind?
Well you see..
It's not that simple,
But today,
my job was easy...
because well,
here you are.
And so here is my entry for today:
You may not realize this,
but you are a walking masterpiece.
As this speaks of you,
my love,
my heart,
my strength,
my passion,
my soul,
my equal,
my best friend,
my soulmate,
my challenge,
my everything.
You are a living,
breathing structure built of
206 interlocked bones.
640 interwoven muscles.
And 95 billion neurons,
all shooting energy
and messages endlessly to each other,
every moment of the day.
On top of all that,
You breathe 20,000 times per day.
You blink your eyelids 28,000 times per day.
And your heart beats 115,200 times per day.
All without even thinking about it!
Isn't that amazing? :-)
Plus, aside from being a walking masterpiece of science -
You are beautifully,
gloriously made.
You are one of the most Generous, Thoughtful, and Kind person I know.
So, first of all, I just want to say,
May your day be filled with all that is beautiful and divine.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Oct 2018
Out of the castle in
a walk of shame.
It will be so
disgraceful to this
house of rabbits
eating all the carrots.
In dubious battle of
the best of the best,
power must change
hands or the rock
will become deserted
and haunted by
the dead rabbits.
This jackal killing the
chicken must be expelled
to give way to the last
Knight to restructure
the house and bring sanity.
There must be extreme
make over to the castle.
The people are eagerly
waiting and looking
forward to it.
Failure cannot be tolerated
or use as an excuse to
forestall the way forward.
Grumpy old man needs
a house arrest to mellow
the son of the mask down.
The enforcers will go round
to pick up the left over
crumbs from the last regime,
so they won't like the yeast
contaminate the new wine.
Freedom from poverty and
hunger will be eliminated,
the people will once again
experience peace and serenity
will return.
God willing unnecessary deaths
will totally be eradicated.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Aug 2019
Will you walk
with me for
the rest of
your life.
It will take us
a lifetime to
climb to this
A great walk
together to be
remembered for the
rest of our lives.
It is a
beautiful walk that
never tires you out.
A great walk that
let us explore
the darkness and
the Valley of
our heart and
help us to
find the light
in our love,
and the mountains
and hills of different
segments of our
lives that teaches us
how to safely circumvent
and walk around
our differences,
and understand
the depth of
our illusions and
A great walk
of faith into
the deep end
of love that
ushers in joy
and gladness.
A walk with
its own complicated
and complex jigsaw
A walk that
let us confront
our vulnerability
and humanness.
Will you still
walk with me my love.
Together we can
fight anything that
threatens our happiness.
Finally at the
end of our days,
when we are
grey with wrinkles
we can joyfully
say we did it.
Will you walk
with me my love.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme.
Emeka Mokeme Dec 2018
The ways of
the warriors and
the sign of the
warrior are complex.
An odd fellow.
chosen among many
to join the elite forces.
Sworn to the
oath of secrecy.
Lives by honour
and guided by
the secret code.
No retreat,
no surrender.
By fire by fire.
A do or die.
The One who
must die trying.
Hard nut to crack  
The Rock  
Never give up.
Resilient and unflinching.
Dare to do
as well as
a warrior of
the Knight Templers.
Terrible and terrifying
when provoked.
Tactical and strong hearted.
Your worst nightmare.
Gentle as a
Loyal and trusted.
A protector of the weak
as well as the mighty.
A reliable and
true brother indeed.
Never leaves anyone behind.
The noble one.
Understanding and wise.
A loner but friendly.
A listener and
patient with children.
A terror to the
insurgents and
the hoodlums.
Dreaded but loving.
A great father and
provider for the family.
The fearless one.
The right hand of the king.
The man of war.
The punisher
with no mercy for
the evil ones.
The striker who
make the elephants flee.
He is favoured
by the gods.
He is born to conquer
for he comes from the
lineage of the warriors.
Don't mess with him
for he is a warrior.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved
Emeka Mokeme Sep 2018
You are full of it
when what you plan
to do did not include
other people's interest.
Are you playing with
yourself all alone,
when all you needed
was just lovely friends
who will gladden your
world with their lives.
These loving friends are
actually the flowers in
the garden of our lives,
they decorate our lives
with beauty and adorn it
with fragrance of their
loving smiles,
bringing to us that free gifts
of love and friendship.
Their presence is more than
a balm of Gilead.
A true friend is like a rose
and a beautiful flower in
the vase of our lives worthy
to be nurtured and watered daily.
We need each others touch to
survive and thrive.
Love is about inclusion,
doing and acting out our lives,
and letting others into our world.
Even though some might be a
pain in the ***,
still you can't do without them,
they make up the textures
of our lives.
We need all of them both the
positive and the negative,
they help bring us to a better place.
Unwittingly helping in an
uncanny way to learn about
love and forgiveness,
accommodating and acceptance,
patience and endurance,
Wellness and healing.
They bring pleasure and delight into our world.
How I wish we could be good loving friends.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Apr 2019
Everything changes.
Our lives change,
our face change,
our bodies change.
The firmament and
the cloud changes.
The environment changes
due to the
tear and wear,
our houses and
homes change.
The weather changes.
We change our
minds and plans.
Opinions changes,
so is our
Our purpose and
preriorities changes.
Even our moods changes.
Our gait changes.
Our eyes change
to reveal our
innermost thoughts.
Our physic changes
as we grow
into maturity
Things changed
about us.
All that we
do is just
nothing but change.
Even the universe
changes for our good.
The season changes
to summer,
and spring.
And here,
we have monsoon,
and harmattan seasons,
that is the rainy
and dry seasons.
All changes are
They are needed.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Nov 2018
Nothing spoiled,
he said smiling.
So far so good,
you think
and relax.
But the mess
cannot still be
cleaned up.
He is a dangerous
reminder of
that bad day
long gone.
That day  
death visited,
your life hung
on a thread,
and you
narrowly escaped.
Still smells
like a rotten egg.
Can't be erased
so easily.
Can we get
pass this,
yeah right,
we can.
A habitual
cannot repent.
lair he is,
he is not.
What is the
point of confession
when one
cannot truly repent.
Be cautious
with that two
edged knife,
you can still
bleed so bad,
that same knife
can still
cut you deep,
be careful.
Don't be naked,
with that one
who have
hurt you,
he knows the
way to your heart.
He's like a
poison hidden within
the nails.
And like the one
gazing at the
finger pointing
to the moon,
without looking up,
he misses the
heavenly glory.
Listen to what
he said and
to what he
is not saying.
It is okay to
protect the
heart in love.
The second
bite can
be devastatingly
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Feb 2019
I would that
i hung in
the air without
a thread holding
me to it,
just like the moon.
And run the
race around
the world,
like the earth.
I want to
walk down from
the sky in seasons,
like the rain
and the snow.
And flow with
freedom to
anywhere i wish,
like the river.
To be fair
like food crops
that is seasonal,
with their types
of colors and shapes,
to give different
tastes of many
sides of love.
Where are you
hiding my love,
you that knows
my heart and
soul and knows
how i feel,
come now to
rekindle the flame
of love divine
in my heart
and possess it
as your very own.
Wish i like
the stars you like,
and nights bright light.
To sit up
all night long
with you watching
the dark turn
into day.
I would give
anything just
to find such
a one.
The only one
my soul desire.
Appear from behind
the veil to
soothe and comfort
the heart that waits.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme May 2019
The eagle spreads
its wings and flies
up towards the sky,
overlooking everything,
the overlord
of the sky
watching everything.
But the soaring
eagles eyes caught
something interesting.
Saw your intent,
but was kinda
confused about
your flirtatious rigmarole.
He now queries it,
Your spouse and
your side chick,
which one is
more special.
Tell me who
is the most beautiful
and which one
do your heart
desires most.
The heart that
loves you faithfully,
and alluringly yields
to you fully,
or the one
without love but
willing to give
her body for ***,
never want to
have you for keeps.
Which one is
more gratifying.
Are you willing
to introduce your
side chick
to your family
since you love
her so much?
Or you just
love stealing victories
belonging to another.
And the eagle
suddenly dives down
to pick up it's prey.
With a shrilly cry,
and a sound
of victory he
flew towards the
mountains to devour
its prey.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Mar 2019
In my silence
i heard the
murmur and the
heart beats of
your heart like
the ocean waves
whispering subtly
so softly in
the ears of
my heart the
words of love
that abounds
in your heart.
I waited patiently
to hear all
the tales your
soul can reveal.
I know the
loneliness you
feel within
when the love
is not reciprocated
and the heart
refused to
be comforted.
But worry not
about it,
the stream,
even the waterfalls
will always find
it's own path
to the sea.
You know not
that the ocean
calls out to
it's own,
all the waters
will find their
way back home
to it's source.
In your silent
walk to find
that which you
seek is also
looking for you.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Nov 2018
Alone here at
the corner of
my room in
Blaisdell street
in the winter
night of November,
years ago in
fresh from Africa,
stuck in this
place without a
friend or family.
Almost froozed to
death by cold,
the room not
winterized and
no heater on.
The calmness and
the loneliness almost
consumed me.
I understand what
it is you are
going through.
I know exactly
what you mean.
I've been in
that place before.
When you find
yourself in a certain
place or situation.
Surrounded by people,
and yet alone.
So lonely that
i couldn't sleep.
As if attacked
by the chilling cold
penetrating through
the walls and windows.
Hands and toes,
so numb by the
colds chilling presence.
But I learned
a great lesson,
I learned how
to find warmth
in a cold place,
in a cold heart,
I learned how to
reach out to
people with my
warm heart,
to love greatly,
to give all that
I have in the
most beautiful way.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Nov 2018
They always say
no problem,
no problem at all,
when they know,
deep down,
there's nothing
but problems
laughing in
their faces,
following them
to their bedroom.
You can detect
bitterness in their
voice of course.
Dejected and lost
if i may say.
Too proud to
really say how
they really feel.
Ready to walk
away from the
thing they want.
Wounded and
hurting within,
very secretive
and so lonely.
Never happy,
always complaining
about what you
didn't do and
what they expect
you to do.
Difficult to
Me thinks it's
a foolish pride.
But do you know
that the least
perfect person is
the perfect person.
You must lick
your vulnerability
put aside your
pride and ****
the ego to be
yourself and win
your war on love.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Dec 2018
This wish is for
you who cares,
the wish is for
you who peeps
into my heart,
to see what
lies deep beneath
within it,
the one who
is so courageous
and has taken
the time out
to find a seat
even when there's
an earthquake within.
A happy heart
with good feelings,
that is what i
meant by that wish.
Wishing you the
very best life
can give,
the amazing sweet
awesomeness life
can offer you.
The beginning of
something uniquely
magnificently and
beautifully new
will arise to meet you.
Let the start of
a new dawn
emerge for you.
May it enfold
you in it's
***** and have
the fruits to
bless your life.
May your roots
be refreshed and
the dead leaves
of your life
start to sprout again.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Jul 2021
Without words,
without noise,
your body can
still speak.
Beforehand as the
**** crows
the dawn came.
Between the day
and the night.
Before the day ends
and another begins.
Before the arrival
of the rain
that flows down
to the river.
From the road that
leads to the mountain
beyond the sea.
Between the tides
and the storm.
Within the spark
of lightening and
the sound of thunder.
Before the sunset
and the sunrise.
Without pause,
without a doubt,
between breathe,
in a heartbeat.
The choice made
takes you like the wind
to the middle of
your destiny.
But like the wind
I'll never be
far away from you.
I'll keep choosing you
even if the world ends:
for through the cortex
of your womb my mother,
the path of entrance
to the world became possible.
My mother,
I'll definitely choose you again.
Did you hear my thoughts,
my voiceless voice
crying within, mother.
©20201,Emeka Mokeme.
Emeka Mokeme Jan 2020
Now is not
the time to
assess the
Morning comes
with the presence
of pregnancy.
Destiny is wrought
on the map
of life.
Can you hear
what the wind
Or understand what
the ground utters
to the universe.
Leaves of the
trees bear witness
to a life
of forever.
Who knows what
the sand said
to the root
that makes the
leaves fall to
the ground.
I'm sure you
heard what
the wind whispered
to the leaves
to make it yield.
Are you the one
that makes the
leaves change colour
in their season.
Did you see the
hand of the sun
as it paints
over the cloud
to change colours.
Maybe you are
the reason the
trees shades their
leaves at a
particular time.
Who has ever heard
the drums of
the moon
as it makes
the waves dance.
Are you the one
within the ebbs
and flows 
of the tides.
Maybe you are
the timekeeper
that told the
chick in an egg
the moment to
crack its shell
from within to
Who has heard the
strings of the violin
played by the fairies
to make the heart
fall in love.
Have you ever seen
the heart of a
lover as it
behold the beloved.
Soft and tender,
alluring and lovely,
isn't it.
Nothing can be
compared to the
love of a soul
over a desired
From within that heart
heaven beckons.
And is touched
by the one
who heard the call.
©2020,Nnaemeka Mokeme.
Emeka Mokeme Feb 2019
I've heard the
soft footsteps
of the unknown
person walking around
in the darkness
of the night.
The voice of
a woman murmuring
in the quietness
of the lonely
dark night.
The whimpers of
an ill child
in pain as
if calling out
a mantra to
nature for help.
The groaning of
a wounded sick
old man at
a street corner,
hungry and tired
waiting to get
help or to be
consumed by death.
As nature seeks
earnestly to quit
the work of
the day,
another work
just began.
Makes you really
wonder if nature
ever truly rests.
Clouds keeps ever
turning and changing,
constantly moving nonstop.
The earth continues
subtly to magically
move from light
to dark and from
darkness to light.
The leaves of
grass and the
trees breathing in
and out to
heal and give
us life.
The sea never
stops flowing.
The fish never
ever close their
eyes to slumber
or stop their
movements to rest.
The night becomes
alive in the dark.
It seems the
animals in the
deep forest have
their funfair at
night time.
Only the night
walkers experience
the serenity of
such beauty.
The galaxy opens
up to show
us their
glorious moment.
The hidden treasures
of the earth
awakens to mesmerize
those who ventures
into their abode.
Wonder working powers
position themselves
over all things
to empower them
for greater good
and growth.
The wise men
awakes at such
time to assimilate
the influx of
the energy realised
from the invisible.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Nov 2018
Our words are
powerful spells
from the soul.
The words you
wrote down on
that parchment,
those words you
uttered with your
mouth come from
the world beyond,
from the world
of the spirit.
What do they
even mean,
the words in
your stories.
They are powerful,
let them be spells
that conjure,
let those words
transform you,
they say what
the spirit feels,
they are words
of the spirit,
with the power
to translate you
to be anything.
Your words can
make the impossible
things with ease
to be possible.
The heart understands
what is in the
mind of the spirit.
Let your words
be the spells
that can awaken
the sleeping giant
within you.
Let those words
conjure the power
of love divine
to possess and
heal our world.
Let it bind
our wounds and
repair all wrongs.
If you are not
completely captivated
by the unique
exceptional nature
of words,
and the ways
like the spiders web
your words can
weave everything,
even the invisible
things to manifest
into our reality,
you should then
keep quiet.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Nov 2018
My life at
the beginning
of creation
is woven with
words and
watered down
with poetry.
My mind
creates the
pictures that
the heart
wants me to
interpret into
words and
give it life.
My eyes
feeds the mind
with profound
scenes of the
which my mouth
translates into
intricate words
of clear speech
and poetry.
Complex in nature,
convoluted and tangled,
complicated and twisted,
ravelled and ornate,
labyrinthine and winding,
maze-like and knotty,
serpentine and sinuous,
circuitous and detailed,
daedalian and involute,
mixed up and fiddly,
byzantine and Gordian
mind blowing words
that are arranged
in a delicate way,
to soothe and smooth,
correct and mend,
comfort and bring
solace to heal
our brokenness.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Jun 2018
I am a poet.
I dream while awake,
expressing the ability
to heal with my words.
I have faith.
Poetry is my therapy.
My pen and my words
are my weapons,
of war,
of mass destruction,
of peace,
of love and happiness,
of friendship.
My pen,
is the commander in chief,
the director,
not a dictator,
with an accessible space,
and the key to the
nuclear weapon
i can direct it
to make war or peace,
just as I choose.
I got me a brush to
paint words with
melancholic overtone,
of ecstatic bliss,
for my thoughts to flow,
on the canvas,
with different shades
of colourful words,
time to dwell
and ponder
and meditate on life matters.
The issues of the mind,
and of what the heart feels,
i translate into reality.
The control of the united emotions
of my feelings and thoughts are in
the hand holding the pen to paint
the words of living in the canvas of life.
Poets have the power to make
the invisible things to manifest,
thoughts hidden and
not heard to have a face.
The secular world,
the whole cosmos,
the galaxy is at their command.
I am a poet,
I make the mind see the heart,
I make the heart of man flow
in ecstatic bliss.
To dream is unwritten poetry.
A poets joy lies in the portal
of the divine.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Aug 2018
If you insist that your home
is not here with us then find
the right place to pitch your tent
and dwell with your people.
Permission is given to the one
whose ear is willing to contain
and hold the truth to stand tall
and get the crown for himself,
for many warriors are willing
to die for it.
Go for it the warrior of the land,
the man of war and the right hand
of the king.
Your strength is of the spirit,
mightier than the lion,
they speak of your strength,
your people salute you.
Stand out of the crowd,
you who are called to partake
in the regimen of the chivalry knights
of the chosen ones.
Find your place in the scheme of things
prepared for only those who walk in the
part of the divine light burning within them.
You truly belong to the chivalry knight of
the brave for you have shown yourself
worthy of such a high calling.
May you be blessed and protected.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Jul 2017
I saw her today,
Yes I saw her.
Adorable,she stands tall,
Smiling,her beauty so alluring,
and passionately exquisite.
My heart raced In embrace of her.
My soul magnetized
and pulled by her spirit.
My being resonates to her call.
I can hear her thoughts from afar,
whispering what I need to hear,
Calling from the deep to my soul.
I can only answer
to her call with a smile.
For she knows my soul,
yes she knows!!
I have found her
whom my soul do love.
As I open my arms,
she steps into my  open hands.
Our embrace so soft
and warm and just like
a chocolate she melts into
my arms where she belongs.
I'll love her endlessly.
© 2017,Emeka Mokeme.All rights reserved
Emeka Mokeme Sep 2018
To lavishly love and joyfully
share your life with happiness
is always going to heal your soul,
your life and your brokenness.
The heart that loves
cannot hurt anyone.
Never hurt the person
whose only intention was
to make you happy.
You will even be more lonely
when you hurt that person who
in vulnerability stretches and
extended his heart to
you in fellowship.
For your stony heart in confusion
will even be more devastated.
Recognize that there's only one
thing that you will ever do but
to yield to the tenderness of love.
Stop struggling and opposing
yourself but with gladness
welcome the heart that
opens up to you.
It's tenderness will soften
your brokenness and lift your soul
higher to receive the strength
that only comes from the one
whose heart God dwells.
Being deeply loved by someone
gives you strength,
while loving someone deeply
gives you courage.
Don't ever hurt anyone,
especially the one you love
for your stony heart will be so burned,
messed up and consumed
that it will be nearly impossible
for help to come and be rescued.
Yield to love and live.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Jun 2018
Your sparkle
radiates like a star.
Shimmering and glittery.
Elegant and passionately exquisite.
Majestic and sublime,
with a subtle smile.
You reach out with kindness
to win in the world.
Drawn to you are people of influence,
kingly and queenly in their demeanor,
who resonates to you.
Exalted are you amongst the best
for the beauty of your heart paved the way
and open doors for you.
You are child-like in your approach,
pleasant in manners,
thorough in your dealings,
and generous in nature.
They call you the Empress.
Abundance surrounds you,
you touch and change lives with it.
To anyone who approaches you,
mercy is shown.
You are indeed of great value to the community.
Thank you for sharing your life with us.
With gladness and cheerful spirit
you do your best to please.
Your name cannot be found in the
list of stars because you are a super star.
God indeed resides in you.
©®2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Sep 2018
Whatever you are going
through is too small and
insignificant compared to
what is happening to someone
else somewhere in the world.
Always know that you are
fortunate and privileged to
have what you have right now.
You are guilty of a crime when
you use what you have to
suppress others of less privilege.
From the annoyances towards you,
learn to be patient and calm.
When abandoned,
learn how to stand up on
your own feet.
When offended by the words
of others,
learn forgiveness and compassion.
When overwhelmed and powerless,
learn to get greater power.
When attacked by hatred,
learn to love unconditionally.
When fear visit you,
learn courage to overcome your fears.
At the things you can't control,
learn to let go and walk away.
Anytime you get a no,
learn to be independent.
When overwhelmed by problems,
learn to get solutions to it.
When opposition attacks you,
learn a form of self defense.
Whenever you are belittled
and look down on,
learn to look up to God.
Each time you feel lifeless
and empty,
learn to hold on to God.
In all circumstances and situations
and every phase of life,
learn the hidden lessons in it.
In whatever way you feel cheated
or life seems unfair to you,
learn how to deal with it.
You are an over comer.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Oct 2018
You are a unique
and complex
combination masterpiece
of the miraculous.
You are a magic.
You are indeed magical.
Can never be fathomed,
for you were formed,
made out of something
that already exists and
infused with power and
animated with incredible
tremendous abilities so
beautifully woven with
multiple amazing prowess
to impact your world.
Invincible and compact,
wrapped up with so much
complicated conduit wiring
too difficult to comprehend.
In our unfolding like a rose,
we unwrap a deeper unused
part of ourselves not yet
sufficiently known
or discovered.
In our dual nature,
living in a complex universe
as a spiritual being in a
physical body,
inherited the world now
and the world to come,
a world without end,
because we live forever.
As immortal beings,
you cannot die.
You only exit from this
sphere to another realm.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Jul 2017
Love me as if it's
all that matters.
Talk to me as if it's
your last word.
Embrace and Hold me in
your Heart as if you are home.
Is not this all there is to live for?
Hold on to this matter
with all you've got,
For this is all you'll find,
All others will fly away.
You are the one
that I seek in this universe,
To know you as you are,
Is the reason for this union.
Everyone completes everyone.
Each with our unique mark,
with fully integrated expression.
We are here to learn how to love
each other,
live with each other,
help each other grow into
a more matured individual.
Love it is we need,
Love fulfils the law,
it makes everything right.
It has no enemy.
Go for love!!!
© 2017,Emeka Mokeme.All rights reserved
Emeka Mokeme Nov 2018
I am the one
whose heart
silently calls out
to the soul
who can hear
from within the
depths of the being,
the voice of
a willing heart.  
I am not seeking
a soul that is
not worthy and
completely persuaded,
or the one
whose heart cannot
fully and truly
be committed.
My heart seeks
the one that
can be the
sun that shines
in the darkness
of my soul.
The moon that
lights up the
pathway to the
inner garden
of my heart.
The rose that
unfolds itself
as it's fragrance
I am like
the candle that
burns itself up to
give others light.
The one who
wants to walk
with you in
your aloneness,
bringing comfort
and solace to
soothe your
wrinkled face.
I come with love
enough to make
you a happy
soul again.
Open your heart
with joyful tenderness
to receive the
one standing within
your garden.
I am the one
you can rely on.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Sep 2018
Do you have any idea
how much it hurts me
to see you like that.
Stop struggling with your life
and do away with anything
that no longer serves you or
makes you miserable.
I love you so very much
and it breaks my heart
to see what you are doing
to yourself.
I know the unbearable distress
you are going through.
I see the pain behind your eyes,
I can hear your heart crying,
the anguish of your heart
finds echo in my own.
I feel your sense of loss,
I know how you feel right now
as if everyone has abandoned you.
I know the emptiness,
the hopelessness and
the helplessness that overwhelmes you.
I see the love you are seeking,
I know the unbearable ways you
struggle to stop but you can't
on your own.
I know the strength behind
those body and I'm confident
and convinced that you
will survive this too with help.
I want you to know that you
are not alone.
Narcotics have ruined lots
of people that they can't
help themselves.
Your mind can be a powerful thing
and an amazing tool to help you fight
your war and win the battle of self.
You can get rid of that stuff
if you really want to.
Please don't give up on your self.
You are a love child of a loving God,
he understands your pain
and will bring his power to bear
on your situation.
Absolutely nothing is ever impossible
for him if you can only trust him.
I will be here for you if you ever need me
or anything I have to offer.
©®2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
For all those with alcoholic addiction and on substance and drug problem. You are not alone. You shall overcome with help.
Emeka Mokeme Oct 2018
If you are a star
I would tie you
to my soul,
for my heart is
so grateful for
what you are to me,
the queen of my castle.
Do you know why
I love you so very
much my beloved.
Because you left
heaven for just a
humble soul like me,
you never followed
a king or the affluent,
not even the rich or
the wealthy have you
given your heart or
perched on any castle
or mansion of the
most powerful
and for that my heart is
forever so grateful
for your love.
I'm so glad you stuck
with me.
You are amazing.
You graced my heart
with so much love
and made it your home,
even with all my follies
and idiosyncrasies.
Now I'm enthroned in this
earthly tabernacle as a king.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Sep 2018
I believe.
I believe in you,
yes I believe.
I know you exist,
I also know that you
live within my heart.
I believe and I know
that with you all
things are possible.
I believe that in you
I can find myself.
Your presence is
comforting and
for in you everything
consist and live.
Because you dwell
on your throne,
you are still mindful of me,
your love for me baffles me.
Your name is on every lip,
both in those who don't
know you and those
who know you.
Those who loves you rejoice,
the ones who don't must bow.
Nothing can be done without you.
Your reign is supreme,
and you are superior to
every other god.
In you I find my being.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Nov 2018
Your energy introduces
you before you
even speak.
This force impressed
itself upon our being
and exacts a lot
of perplexing imprint
on our aura which
in turn exhibit us
to our sphere
and environment.
Around you swirls
a magnetic energy field
that's so powerful,
an aura of extreme
electromagnetic resonance
with a powerful wavelength,
radiating and vibrating
in unison with
a magnificent octaves.
Colorful with different hues,
uniquely woven and
fashioned naturally in
our system and imbedded
perfectly into our nature,
abundantly displayed
and lavished infinitely
with love.
Interchangeable and so
divinely sublime with
a subtle expression.
This energy field is
the in-thing that set
you apart and identifies
you from afar.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Jul 2019
It is not
every word uttered
neither is it everyone
that I want
to answer verbally.
Most times words
are unnecessary.
The times for words
are ending and
my silence will
speak now.
Sometimes my silence
speaks louder with
a deafening tone.
As my heart
always speaks in
silence to those
who want to hear
my vocal thoughts,
the voice becomes mute
but my mind
shouts out my thoughts
while my tongue
is ******* to my palate.
You can still
hear my voice
if you really listen.
As my silence
impressively imprint
it's signature to
your psyche.
Your being will
always know my intent.
You may not
be so sure
but your inside knows
what is in
the mind of the spirit.
But i speak
as only my
silence invoked.
Be still if
you want to
hear it.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Aug 2018
This new song you have
dropped into my heart my mouth
will shout out to the world.
I will praise you for you
make me shine out of darkness,
different and best among the best.
Those who don't know will
marvel at what you have done,
will do and continue to do.
Remember your promise oh God
of my heart and God of my realization.
I will stand in the congregation of
your people to show forth your praise.
In worshipping you my heart will
speak of your love.
Your strength and your kingship,
and your Majesty is supreme.
Your healing power is at work here,
for your spirit the Joy of heaven
dwells among us.
Now my heart magnifies you king of glory.
My love for you knows no measure.
You called me your beloved and accepted
me as your very own.
I am overwhelmed by your love.
You chosed and picked me for this very
sacred work and I yield myself to you
for i am on your Majesty's sacred service
accompanied by numerous company of Angels.
And now I go a fishing.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Sep 2019
With the arrows
of betrayal
piercing my back,
i still care about you.
With my brokenness,
my heart still
desires your presence.
With the stomachaches
and intense body pains,
i struggled and
wriggled through
the mountains and
across the sea
to get to you.
With what seems
like an impossible fit,
i surmounted the
challenges with
painstaking effort
and harrowing fatigue
just to bring relief
to ease your pain.
Love is the
strength that pushed
and propelled me.
Without it,
my frail and
tired body will
Love is the
unexpected east wind
that blows through
the cracks from
the unknown of
your darkness to
bring you into
the glorious place of rest,
to make even
your enemies be
at peace with you.
It is the
reason of your rising.
It unlocks and
unleashes favour to
override stagnation.
Unblocks unnecessary
circumstances to
give way and
strike out
your brokenness.
It draws the
attention of  
destiny helpers and
divine enablement to
bear on your situation
and circumstances.
It brings fruition
to your struggles
to establish your endeavors.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme.
Emeka Mokeme Nov 2019
I am a beautiful gift wrapped in love for you. Don't ever give me back to myself. I am yours.
©Emeka Mokeme.
Personal Glimpses
Emeka Mokeme Oct 2019
You kept silent,
while there's so
much words in
your mouth.

Your silence
hurts my feelings
and that of everyone.

Hidden and contained
within a secret place
in your heart.

You know what
to say but
you decided to
be quiet.

Your words of
knowledge could
have saved lives.

Your heart is
so full of wisdom
but you hide
behind the depth
of your feelings.

You captured the
whole scene with
the eyes of
your mind but
you didn't share
any of it.

You watch
the slide show
by yourself.

In your face,
i can see
the night and
the day,
i can see
the darkness and
the light.

I can see
the pathway to
the valley and
the mountain.

I know the
secret ways of
the plants.

I can hear
the messages of
the crickets chirping
in the dark.

I can feel
the subtle flutters
of the hidden
energy within the breathe.

I can sense
your joy fully
and your pain even
before you feel it.

I understand your
deepest doubts and
your confusion.

And I know
how all that
makes you feel.

I know,
believe me,
I know.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme.
Emeka Mokeme Sep 2018
Never mind,
I'm not going anywhere
without you here with me.
Waiting for this long
is worth it.
How can I get to the
place of destiny when
you are still not in the
right place.
Life will always play out
for you the configuration
of the handouts and settings
you put into your life account
in such a way that you are
now the in thing.
Serenity and peace of mind
awaits you.
Rejoice now that you have
a chance to redeem yourself
and be whatever you want.
Make sure you don't have to
wait for too long for everything
to settle down.
Don't wait until the next time,
there may never be any next time.
Take this moment and run with it.
This moment is all you got.
Your faith is all you have.
Certainly everything will come
to you at their appropriate time.
Do everything you can to
make it a grandeur,
it will be your grandest turning point.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Mar 2019
There is power
in an individual voice,
echoing in the
darkness about the
oppressed and of
those in chains.
The power of
the individual voice
can break the
icebox even of
the hardened heart
to the call
of the forgotten
and lonely ones
caged in the dungeon.
It only takes
one voice to
create change
by lending your
voice one to
the other.
Be moved and
be aspired to
be inspired and
take action now.
The brave and
passionate steps will
revert anything not
worthy of ameliorating
and glorifying mankind.
It is necessary
to bring man out
of the dark
in which he
find himself and
is in bonds.
However small your
steps are,
it definitely can
cause ripples to
defeat and bring
unexpected grandeur
to free the oppressed.
Your voice counts
as each one
reaches one another
in a chain reaction
to bring justice.
A call for
change is needful
and urgently needed.
Wake up now
to the life
around you.
Take an intentional
walk and experience
your community in
a whole new way.
Your voice counts.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Jul 2019
Watch your words
so you  don't
hurt ones you love.
Speak gently and
softly as only
the heart where
God dwells can utter.
As an exalted being,
speak with love,
not the craftiness
of a deluded
cunning mind.
Words of deception
is like cancer,
it spreads.
Do not use
high handed words
to confuse the mind,
speak as simply plainly
as it is.
Because all of
your heavy words
weary the heart
to stupor.
If whatsoever you
want to say
is not better
than silence,
one should keep quiet.
The words that
just left your mouth
to the ones you
claimed to love
reveals the hidden intents
of the heart
where your spirit dwells.
Check and filter
your words
before you let
them go on
an errand of
peace or destruction.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Jan 2019
With your eyes
you saw it,
with your mind,
you believe
or disagree.
With your heart
you know the
truth behind the
hidden secrets
of the heart.
The spirit searches
the mind for truth.
It is really truly
incredibly indelibly
mind blowing.
But don't twist
my words for
your own agenda
or the trolls will
crawl up into
your crazy mind
and give you
a delirious dream.
You will never
know the darkness,
understand the emptiness,
or feel the pain
i went through
just to be here.
The ugly scar
on my face,
my silence over
your petty pesky
harassment is a
deep sign of
discipline and
determination to get
you off my rocker.
It's my way
of showing you
that I've been
there too and
i survived.
And I'm still
standing right here,
telling you to
stop now and
survive this too.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Jul 2018
But rejoice,
all you that mourn because,
you are highly favored.
You went through that
unnecessary harrowing experience
unwittingly just to have a prove that
you are a peculiar person.
Every gold must be tested by fire.
That seeming wickedness happened,
just to move you to the place of destiny
God has intended and prepared for you.
Look around you and see the hand of God.
Why do you think you survived that fire,
that accident that took many lives,
the massacre by the insurgents,
why did they took you captive
and later set you free,
shot and wounded but left you to die,
but you survived.
Why do you think you are still surviving amidst droughts and famine,
having more than enough when there
is not enough to go round.
Didn't you see the handwork of the Almighty scattered lavishly around because of you.
Angels are busy working on your behalf.
Their presence is effectively changing situations for you.
Because of you the others are safe.
Be grateful for what you have received.
You are the chosen.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Sep 2018
He left a greater light on
at day time,
the morning sun.
He left a lesser light on
at night in the dark,
the moon.
He left the greatest light on
at all times,
the embodiment of his essence,
the carrier of divine light within,
the light of the world.
You are the beloved,
the keeper of the flame.
You manifest the beauty of God,
for you are his glory.
Adorned with the fantastic
and amazing grace of heaven,
his love within shine
forth like the stars.
Beautifully woven and configured,
a masterpiece and
wonder of creation.
You are the light of the world,
the sun that brightens the day
and the moon that
manifest itself at night.
The glorious beauty that
shines even in the darkness.
A piece of heaven on earth.
You are the one whose heart is
infused with divine love,
graced and beautified,
adorned and full of divine light,
purified by the greatest good to
show forth his glory on earth.
Yeah, you are the light of the world.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Aug 2018
What do you know me as?
Some know me
as a doctor,
some know me
as a pastor,
some know me
as a poet,
an author,
Others know me
as a Naturopath,
Most know me
as a herbalist,
Some others know me
as an alchemist,
some know me
as a mystic,
some know me
as a beloved hierophant,
a high priest,
Some know me
as a metaphysician,
Some know me
as a crisis counselor,
some as a
human rights activist,
some as a martial artist,
some don't even
know me,
I'm different things  
to different people.
My life is complex
and dynamic,
and very interesting
with incessant activities
that surrounds it,
debonair and a teetotaler.
But with all the
complicated complexities,
I am profoundly so simple,
amiable and easy to placate,
with a great sense of humor,
purposeful mingled with
a no nonsense attitude.
I know who I am.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme May 2018
I saw you in a dream last night.
You were standing at
the edge of the ocean.
You were alone,
but it seemed like
you were waiting for
someone special to
join you in just a moment.
Your back was straight,
you were radiant with good health.
And there was this sense of purpose,
and just being perfectly
at home with who you were
and where you were going in life, that..
Well, it made you glow.
I also couldn't help but
notice that what you
were wearing (which seemed new)
looked really good on you.
Anyway -
Not to go on forever.
But it was really striking.
In the dream,
I asked what had happened
to make all this happen
for you in such a short time.
The answer came instantly,
flashing into the air overhead
like a movie in the sky.
Love, just love!!
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.

— The End —