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Emeka Mokeme Sep 2018
Today I felt my weakness
so deeply more than ever.
I am only just a man,
a man full of dreams,
I can't seem to find any help
to rescue me for  
the impossible visited me.
My vulnerability
overwhelmed me.
I looked at the world
as it unfolds before me.
I can't fully understand all
the happenings for my
understanding is not yet
sufficient but I felt
the surge of emptiness
of it all within me.
I can't help myself because
of my unknowing.
In an uncanny way,
everything has changed
revealing only that which my heart
cannot describe or decipher.
I know the pain of
my brokenness.
The sound of hopelessness
engulfed my being.
Where do I begin,
how do I start again.
Only the spirit knows what
the heart desires,
and how to nurture and strengthen it.
The impossible didn't know that
I'm possible.
And now the sleeping giant awakens
for the problem of the problem
is the problem.
The whole trouble is now in trouble
for the hornet nest is stirred.
Inner strength is resurrected
and the void and emptiness are finally
filled with unimaginable force of will
to drive and to do the impossible,
making it positively possible.
Finally the man of the earth now
became the man of God.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Sep 2018
By faith all bowed down
to worship as they believe.
Fate drawing them along
their different paths
in pursuit of the divine.
Each in different form
praying to that same God
as they deem fit.
Some faced the wall
maybe to shut out the light
in their darkness.
Others faced the ground,
maybe they are looking for
the light in their darkness.
Some others faced up,
maybe they are drawn to
the light in their darkness.
Each according to the
knowledge of the truth revealed
with that which they know,
bow to the God they believe.
Others close their eyes,
as if blind to check if there's
any light within their darkness.
Still some others shout out,
to invoked some imagined entity
from the oblivion of their dark
emptiness to find the unseen
and unknown God.  
Others still now bow to the carved
wood they made for themselves,
with other sculptures of silver and
gold and some other things they
imagined in their ignorant mind
and in waste they worship them.
Many bow and worship frivolous
man-made mundane things with
monetary values.
In truth the greater light is within
the depths of the castle of our spirit
hidden away from the prowling eyes
of mankind.
We all seemed lost in our search of
the true God of our hearts that's within
reach infused in us and pulsating with
love and power,
calling all with a subtle voice to yield.
His love is shed in our hearts where
he dwells and lives in Majesty.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Aug 2018
You are one of a kind.
Colorful and different,
blended with brightness.
So beautifully crafted,
exotic and graceful,
an endangered species.
They say you are golden,
the name they call you,
befitting truly.
Found only in a particular
special swampy waters.
Adorable little creatures,
not fit for consumption,
made to adorn and grace
the waters to feed
our eyes.
Lovely to behold,
you have no hiding place.
So free in your habitat,
just being you.
Humans gather to see
and watch you swim
around your home.
Without fear you display your
beauty and essence.
Your courage is admirable.
You are truly the little golden fish
someone tossed on my path
and I am the luckiest man to have
found you.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Aug 2018
The Angels surrounds
the heart of the one
whose heart is broken.
No one can feel
or see the pain in your
heart but only you.
It is hidden away from
the mortal eyes.
Only your essence and
feelings can reach out to
the one whose heart is
disturbed and confused.
No one can touch or
understand how you feel,
except through the power
of love that heals and forgives.
The spoken words of love
are understood by the heart
that is so touched by the
spirit of counsel and
of love and forgiveness.
Only it's breath can cause the
heart to flutter to feel the warmth
of the bliss it exudes.
Can anything be as sweet and
lovely than a forgiven heart of
a wounded soul who has regained
freedom from the nightmares of the
tormented life conquered.
A sureness of a soul set free is glorious.
That is the impression of what the heart
desires for a free spirit unhurt by
unfortunate circumstances.
2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Oct 2018
And nothing is greater,
stronger or above and
beyond the heart in love,
for love is greater than
your heart and cannot be
condemned even if you err,
for love forgives a
multitudes of errors.
Divine love is established
in the soul of man when
God resides and abides
in the castle of the heart.
May this love divine possess
your heart,
let this love take over your being,
may you be given the power of
will to accept and show it.
Love can be so powerful
and yet be so forgiven.
With love enough,
errors melts before
You will become like an egg
in the eyes of the gods,
cherished and protected,
nurtured and replenished.
The heart that can't forgive
is a sick one and cannot heal.
An unforgiving heart is rotten
to the core.
The beauty of the heart is
deep and mysteriously
wrapped up with love,
as a gift to mankind.
Whosoever love finds worthy
is free and such heart is
supreme and surrounded by
numerous companies of Angels.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme May 2018
My heart,
a place of solitude,
my place of worship,
a place of pleasure,
place of leisure,
treasure of love,
where God resides,
my happy place,
hidden within.
At this sanctuary,
not all is allowed to enter,
only the admitted few,
selective admittance is permitted.
The world,
my whole life,
my struggles,
my joy,
pains of my inner fear is experienced here.
The beauty of man is carried there,
like the moon with its two sides,
the ugliness of the dark side
of man is hidden there.
This heart of man,
who can know it?
With its complicated complexities,
the heart of man is carried with dignity,
full of grace, vigour and beauty,
though mixed with greed,
there is also a taste of
emotions of hate,
and unimaginable unfathomable
touch of wickedness.
It requires the alchemical fire of the divine light to purify it so that man can be metamorphosed into a demigod,
become that sun of righteousness,
where the true love abound.
Strive to reconfigure your heart,
make it a grandeur irreproachable portal where innumerable company of angels dwells.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Sep 2018
A glimpse into the heart
of one who loves God
will reveal the truth of heaven.
Why have you concentrated
in knowing more and
more of less and less,
that you now know
everything about nothing?
Don't you know that
certain octave meets energy
at a different octave.
Without dreams,
we reach nothing.
Without love,
we feel nothing.
And without God,
we are lost.
Approach the castle
of the heart with love
and joyful tenderness.
Raise the banner of love
so high that it can be seen.
In this crazy-busy world,
real love is the best thing
you will ever find.
That one who really loves God
will truly love you.
It takes the one who loves God
to love you appropriately.
The capacity to love truly is
a grace that God gives and
a strength that He brings.
God is love.
He knows how to lead you to
the one that will really
and truly love you.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Jul 2018
Someone is hunting,
not animals but humans.
Creeping in the night,
hunting down humans,
beheading babies and children,
women are not left out,
the pregnant ones cut open
and the unborn babies hacked to
death in a gruesome manner,
the men killed and hung like pigs
in the butchers stall.
Using humans as targets
to learn how to shoot.
They preferred the
cows to humans.
Cattle were killed
when a human died,
now humans are killed
when a cow dies.
Even when the cow is lost,
it is the human that will die
to compensate and pay for the loss.
What a sad turn of events,
it is really a shame to see how
degrading their mind has become.
Attitude is everything,
their mindset must be reset.
Their mentality must be upgraded,
and reconfigured for they are
really mentally poisoned.
Who can save us from this raging calamity.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Oct 2018
You know the
way for sure,
to where you
are going but
then at night
time you still
need the light
in your darkness
to see the
mark to your
destination better.
Here comes the
night to mess
with your vision,
but you still
need the moonlight
to show you
the path way,
even if you
know the *****
to the castle,
or to the
valley or mountain,
in the day or
to your doorstep
or to explore
the deep forest,
or even to
check the alley
in the dark time,
even if it's familiar
and you know
it by heart you
still don't have
a night vision,
but you still
need the help
of a lesser
or greater light
more than ever.
May the essential
quality of the
glorious light shine
forth to light
up our paths
in the darkness
of our hearts,
illuminate it and
make our lives
more beautiful as
ever as the morning sun.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Feb 2019
This special
night that comes
once in a while
with the stars
shinning and twinkling,
heralding a beautiful
alluring full moon,
the largest of
its kind,
illuminating the
darkness as if
to make it
run away.
Something is so
special about tonight.
This moon
large and full,
so bright and so
near the earth
as if you
could touch it.
It is magical
and so beautiful.
Intense and powerful,
alludes to giving
up anything that
no longer serve
us anymore.
Bringing in the new
and discarding the old.
A new dawn of
a new beginning
just emerged
like a covering.
The lovers night,
where two hearts
merged and reunite.
Heaven and earth
touched and blended
subtly by the
powers of the
This magical
new moon affects
everything within
and beyond our
sphere and adorned
our space with
a new life.
Offering new tidings
for new things
to occur.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Apr 2018
You want to keep me
by your side to be
used like a ***** rag.
Is that all I'm worth,
I am more.
You couldn't love me,
yet you desire me,
but your heart belongs
to another one.
Any time I leave,
you cry as if you
lost your heart,
just to lure me back,
but you never tried
to change your
manipulative ways.
Your tears meant nothing
to me now,
No,not anymore.
My heart is dead to your tears.
You are nothing to me now.
Can't go back to the place
where my heart ran from.
No one is allowed to clean
their ***** feet on my back.
I moved on now with my dignity,
for that's all I have,
my dignity.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Aug 2018
The day of your life
and the night of your day,
which one is more important
and relevant to you.
Both have their place in the
scheme of things.
The two worlds are busy
working and building,
constructing in conjunction
with the divine to create
a masterpiece of wonder.
It's really not in your place
to control any of them
but to work with both.
They move subtly to construct,
sometimes with aggression to
change and balance all things,
with or without you.
Actually you have no choice or
control in their decisions.
Man becomes helpless and
hopeless when they begin to
exact their power of supremacy.
You can only command nature
by obeying her principles.
Both are needful and are
blended together working
in synergy to bring to us
a desired end.
Man is placed on earth to enjoy,
but not to interrupt and interfere
with the divine.
A master plan is already within
the blueprint of the architectural
design for a magnificent
and excellent living.
Yield to it and have peace.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Dec 2018
The gods are wise.
Just saw the
drunken wretched
old man became
a millionaire overnight
as he picked up
from the floor
an old crumbled
piece of paper
of a lottery ticket
that changed
his life.
Did you just
see the way
the mountain
moved for him.
And yonder,
she preaches
about love.
Her heart got
hurt and broken.
She became
pregnant for the
one already taken,
the one she
can't be with.
You know already
that anyone who
desires the rose
must first deal
with the thorns.
The ability to read
and understand the
weather does not
exactly exclusively
exclude you from
In one way
or another everyone
must experience
the loss of
a loved one.
No one can
surely survive
a day or two
without water.
Ask those who
live in the
desert how terrible
the heat of
the sun can
be without a
shed or water.
Anyone who
refuses to listen
to the warning
of impending danger
must suffer the
consequences of
That is the
price he pays
for stubbornness.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Feb 2019
Don't worry about
what is happening
right now around you,
if the window
through which you
look out into your
world is *****,
be assured that
my flowers will
definitely show
you the mud
in my garden.
If you can't
wipe out your  
windows to be
completely clear,
how would you
see the mud
in the garden
that helped your
flowers to grow,
the mud that
gave you the
beautiful adorable
rose flower to
adorned your table.
To touch the
gold and the
diamond in the mud,
your hands must
first get ready
to feel the
dirt of the mud.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Aug 2018
Life is so funny in its
uncanny and unpredictable
It reaches out to us
with powerful grip,
yet allows us to make decisions
about what we think we want
without interference
but with consequences
of our actions.
Molded in our favour,
fashioned to bring succour
and comfort to ameliorate
the pains to be encountered.
This helps to do things
the right way the first time,
allowing things to manifest
and work the way they should,
not the other way around.
It’s like when we brush
our teeth before we go to
the dentist to have
a teeth cleaning or
when we wash the dishes before
we put them in the dishwasher
or when we clean up the house
before the maid arrives.
These are not following
the natural order of things.
Yield to the kindness of nature.
Listen to the rhythm it beats
into your consciousness,
it's wisdom is of superior quality.
Accept whatever it gives you,
for the miraculous is woven
and hidden inside it.
The notion is to take you to the apex
of your mountain if patience is excellently
exercised and not be distracted.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Nov 2018
Whosoever will
come with you
to the next
level must be
fully persuaded
and prepared
to confront death.
You must
weather the storm,
confront the cyclone,
survive the tsunami,
beat the wild wind
and the tempest,
the holocaust will
mean nothing to you.
Even the catastrophic
Armageddon will
be a child's play.
You have to
be strong hearted
to walk through it
the second time.
Hades will be
waiting for you.
The first time
is a happenstance,
the second one
is a coincidence,
and the third is
the enemy's action.
Don't be deceived.
Refuse to be used.
We have become
the laughing stock,
the hyena is
moving in our
midst stalking you.
Hunger among the
people ravaging
The punisher said,
follow me to
the next level.
You better run
for the thunderstorm.  
The final destructive
level of our destiny
is coming with
brutal force.  
The latter will
be worse than
the former.
How can that be.
Which level.
The final level
of destination
to hang you.
Can the living dead
move to the
next level.
This wickedness
has to stop.
Change is in
your hands.
If you know,
you know.
I can't go
with you to
that next level.
The mason has
measured the final
level and i choose
to follow the
path of my destiny.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Jul 2017
You don't know the Joy of
being able to breathe,
being able to breath
in Joyful tenderness
is Happiness.
Today I stop to worry,
I stop to fret,
I stop to frown,
And I start to smile
and laugh out loud
at these frivolous
things that infests my life.
These choices I've made
have consequences,
but a better one at that...
Don't try to be a band aid
as if I'm wounded
or try to fix me as if
I'm a damaged good.
I ask that you leave your place
for a moment,
try to fit into my shoe,
only then you'll find out
how much I've been through
and how strong after
all these while I've become..
then you'll understand.
I guess my life may seem
Like a disappointment to you,
and cause you to look
at me as an unnecessary annoyance
but know that every thing
is working out
the way they should..
whether you know it or not,
Whether you like it or not,
whether you understand it or not,
And whether you believe it or not...
Just know it can only get better,
always to my advantage..
I am the Noble one
with a beautiful Soul
and I love my self so much
that I love you so much
that you have to start
loving me so much
as God loved you...
© 2017, Emeka Mokeme.All rights reserved
Emeka Mokeme Oct 2018
Would you please run
your fingers through
the heart to feel the soul,
then gently pour your love
into the crack you found,
to seal it with your love,
so the brokenness will heal,
that would have been enough.
Massage and nurture the hurts
with the oil of love.
With your breathe exhale with
so much love into it to give
strength and hope to live.
Awaken the heart not to faint,
for you are the one to seek in
this bizarre world.
There is so much mess in the world,
our unstable ways makes the
heart to flutter in confusion.
Look beyond this frail body,
to see the soul hidden within this
cocoon trying to transmogrify
into an exulted being.
Your love will cream and sooth this wrinkled face back to youthfulness,
to be young at heart is beautiful.
This life is already done,
for the beyond calls out to you.
Let this love take you home so
you can find peace.
You are the oil of love that heals
and loosen the hardness of
this heart in pain.
Everything will be alright with you around.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Jul 2017
I am a Mystic with
a high sense of mission.
I am a Prophet
I am the Chosen one
I see far
I see near
My Prophetic utterances
are there to speak for itself
My inspiration, insights
and admonitions are
proofs of my calling.
l am not interested in
your mundane opinions,
for the one who
speaks within is greater.
Authority belongs to him,
he reigns in majesty,
Everything you ever
have belonged to Him.
He is the creator.
Now you can see where I stand.
Upon this mountain I stand,
Upon this mount of God I stand,
from this mountain I speak that
which cannot be uttered by mere mortals.
Now be still and listen for He speaks.
Emeka Mokeme.© 2017, All rights reserved
Emeka Mokeme Feb 2019
Within us heaven
shines forth.
Hell and the
dark side is
always with us
and consumes us.
But you find
the greater light
only by seeking it
and by invitation.
What we have
inside is like
a seamless ocean
without boundaries
that is infinite.
It flows from
within to wherever
it's willfully directed
and willingly chooses to
rest and abide.
The two opposite
paths within are open.
It depends on
which path you
willfully choose to walk.
You need to
see the shadows
within you to
understand the
conflicts and
problems on others.
Heaven within is
attainable when you
thrive for it.
Joy and serenity
comes when you
follow the way
of the middle path.
First find it
and heaven will
find you out.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Mar 2018
Within the calmness
of my quiet moments
I can sense the solitude
calling out to me with urgency,
quietly taking over my being.
It seems as if the depth
of the oblivion force reaches
out with a pull so powerfully
impressed into my being
with deafening calmness,
so beautifully filled with bliss.
This calmness of the Spirit
magnificently engulfed my being
and so majestically
my heart resonates with
joyful tenderness to its call.
Its unction pressed so subtly
upon my consciousness
with its signature of profound Peace.
I am the preferred elect-priest,
worthy and accepted
The beloved hierophant
triumphant one.
Holding out the
sceptre of righteousness.
Walking in faith, love and victory,
for the help of the almighty
guide and guards me.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All rights reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Oct 2018
The return of
the prince once
lost in action is a
welcome notion.
His disappearance
and assumed demise
is very disturbing
and confusing to
the whole world.
Even the air ceased,
the winds angry
over the wickedness
of the ones
meant to protect
and to keep
everyone safe.
Once again the
world will hear
his story.
He is now
coming from a
position of strength
to conquer the
enemy like before.
Every time he
sees his loved
one down he
always tries hard
to be there for them.
They trusted him
because he defiantly
stands in the
gap for them.
He is coming
back again
stronger and better,
well equipped and
prepared to confront
any challenges
of the adversaries
than before.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Apr 2019
Is this Deja Vu,
seems so strange
but so familiar.
With an uncanny
feeling like it
has happened before.
Is this just
a glimpse into
the past.
Seemed so weird,
with a feeling
so wired.
Like those
mornings when
the sun shines
so brightly but
the dark still
looms in the corner,
when gloom like
an umbrella hovered
and towered overhead,
like the cobwebs
that scattered
over the ceiling
of an abandoned
old hut,
guilt hung over
the feelings.
The head looks
down in shame,
disgraced as if
the face is
really messed up
with excreta.
I patiently watched
as they tried
so hard to
redeem themselves.
But nature was
so adamant to
respond favorably,
for their past
crimes are irredeemable.
Karma now knocks
on the door.
The reaper is
harvesting his wages.
He is not
looking at faces,
neither is he
a respecter of
class and status.
What they sowed,
they now reap.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Jul 2017
You're an individual.
You're unique.
And it's important that you
create the space to
express your uniqueness,
and become the fully expressed,
fully unleashed,
fully unlimited vibrancy that you are.
There's a stage in a mans life
when he will keep
every other thing aside
and stand alone without fear
to confront whatever obstacle
that stand in his way,
even intimidation from
the most powerful
or care that beset him
and infest his life,
his inadequacies he will confront
and challenge them with boldness.
Even when the
demons of hell be invoked
and conjured up to come forth
and do their very worse,
he knows they shall not pass
and neither shall they prevail,
because he has been through a lot,
he doesn't really cared
anymore what happens to him,
he has come a long way
and he's here now,
that is  all that matters.
He speaks the truth
that only him can speak,
so profound and will so piercingly hurts
the ears of the guilty ones.
he will boldly stand on the edge
of the mountain top
and let the wind of life pass forcefully
through and over him.
he becomes a determined soul
who confronts the odds in his life,
with the help of the almighty,
he attains the consciousness of the cosmic,
his spirit is now so awakened,
he becomes one with universe,
so enlightened,
he is now an adept to
help in the down world,
carrier of the divine light,
protector of the weak,
full of vigor,
always ready,
a doer of the impossible,
he now becomes
the keeper of the flame,
his back bent from the rigours
of suffering and pain,
showing the marks of
the whiplash he received,
his brows so wrinkled with
inner wisdom that comes out of the
time spent in long hours
of fasting and meditations,
calm with the inner beauty of the spirit,
not intimidating or forceful,
he commands authority,
exacts influence and check anything
that's not edifying from
influencing his environment
and atmosphere he created for himself
and then allow others into his world
to experience the realm
of power bestowed on him,
he is indeed now,
a peculiar fellow,
a workman that needs not be afraid,
one set apart for good works,
for he has chosen the path of his destiny.
Yes,there is such a man amongst us.
© 2017, Emeka Mokeme.All rights reserved
Emeka Mokeme Jul 2021
Even in death,
there's still life.
Even in sleep,
there is wakefulness.
Even in your joy,
there's still pain.
Even in sadness,
there is still bliss.
Even in your
joyful tenderness,
there's still suffering.
Even in all manner
of ailments,
there's still healing
and remedies.
Even in all beginnings,
there's still the end.
Even in laughter,
there's still sorrow.
Even as the sun sets,
there's still hope
for the dawn.
Even in your darkness,
there's still light.
Even in offense,
there's still forgiveness.
Even in rejection,
there's still acceptance.
Even in war,
there's still peace.
Even in your forgetfulness,
the heart still remembers.
Even in your silent pretence,
the heart knows.
Even as you walk away
in anger from a
once loved ones,
they still live in your heart,
hiding in your darkness
and haunting your dreams.
©2021,Emeka Mokeme.
Emeka Mokeme Dec 2018
The other side
of the soul
there is a
secret sacrifice
under the storm.
Justice by all
means for he is
murdered in
cold blood.
You have a
second chance to
change the situation.
Scorched by crossing
paths with the
other two are
in sync with
the rosy clouds.
Our ancestors have
all lived and die.
We must live
our own lives.
Clean the house
and find our
missing justice
by any means.
Someone you thought
you knew has
betrayed you.
But destiny called
and a part
of me died.
There's no place
like home to
embrace the untamed.
His inner growth
is necessary to
survive the storm.
Nothing ever is
worst than being
an outcast in
your very own
The siege is
still going on,
both in your
mind and outside
the corridor.
To survive is
to win the war.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Apr 2019
As the gathering
of penguins by
the ocean side,
pestering the fishes
and fending for
but also unwittingly
exposed as a
prey for others.
So are the
oppressors among
the people ravaging
and causing havoc
without knowing
they too exposed
themselves as a
mark to be
targeted when the
time is ripe.
The seagull calls,
warned of serious
impending danger.
But none listens,
for deafness is
one of their
many failings.
Among the creatures
of the earth,
man is the
only one so
very destructive.
So oppressive to
each other and
trying to see
how far he
can get with
his ability to
dare to do.
Not knowing that,
him too will
be in distress
and so devastated
and disadvantaged.
Would he had
known all of these,
none of these
countless dis-ease
would visit to
ravage him.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Jun 2018
I must be crazy,
for the thoughts
rushing into
my head will **** me.
They can make me mad.
I'm afraid of me.
Is this the way of the poets?
I think we are all crazy.
Walking around with our clothes on
but really mad.
These thoughts are bizarre,
crazy in their pattern,
unfolding in my head
in such crazy ways,
makes me feel weird.
I think the problem of
my problem is the problem.
I really don't know where all
those thoughts are coming from.
I see them coming,
I can hear them,
whispering in my head
so loud as if my eardrums will burst.
I want to close my ears from
their pesky rumblings,
but I can't because they are coming from a different sphere
and can't be stopped.
I hear their footsteps matching
down my spine.
I feel their breath on my shoulders,
so close for comfort.
Can you hear them too?
I must be crazy.
I am.
I am!!
I am?
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Dec 2018
The true identity
of the innerself
is a mystery
and a wonder.
Hidden within and
coupled in synergy
to merge simultaneously
with the body
as one entity.
Earth my body.
Water my blood.
Air my breath.
Fire my Spirit.
You look with
your optical eyes,
but only see
with your mind.
Your eyes don't see.
Your soul sees
with your eyes.
Your ears don't hear.
Your soul hears
with your ears.
Your body is
not you.
It is the
bridge that connects
the real you
to the outside world.
Your body don't
have a voice,
the voice of
the spirit is
amplified through
your vocal cord
so you can hear it.
Only the heart
knows what is
in the mind
of the spirit.
You don't have
a language,
the dialect you
speak now is
only learned to
help you communicate
while you are
still here.
It is very different
from the dialect
of the spirit.
I am the
true lone wolf,
howling at the moon,
a moon which
I know I'll
never reach,
or get to have.
The greatest souls
are awakened out
of suffering and
the most impressive
endures many scars.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Nov 2018
I smile because
the sun shines,
and I shine,
and you shine,
and everyone and
everything shines.
My heart and
my soul rejoiced
with love to show
my gratitude to life.
There's music in
the air if you
can only listen,
there's poetry
in the heart,
if you can
stay still to hear it,
there's beauty in
the universe,
if you can only
just but look.
Because everything
like the butterfly
seems to dance,
our lives in slow
motion filters away
before us dancing.
Life, this life will
always carry you
along if only
you participate.
Just like the one
swimming in the ocean,
you only get drowned
when you are weak
and don't swim,
even so you become
irrelevant in the
scheme of things
when you don't
fully get involved
in the business of living.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Jan 2020
I am the mysterious,
the mystery inside the
song that flows from
the unknown.

I am the song
of love known to
bring sucour and
solace to blissfully
affect your heart.

The song of
the spirit that
speak volumes
of itself to
those who listen.

The song hiding
between sadness and joy,
life and death,
to dispel nightmares that
haunt your mind.

I am the healer
of the afflicted
and the abused,
confused and deeply
wounded soul.

Interwoven within
the body and
the mind of
hurting and broken
lost souls.  

The one who
penetrates the depth
of your darkness
to take away
your ignorance.

The one who speak
in silence until
your soul knows
and understands

I am the light bringer,
whose song offers
sweet savour to
your soul and feelings.

I am here to
heal and to help
rebuild and fortify
your brokenness.

I am the one
that dwells within
the silence of
your stillness.

I'm the one that
make your solitude
awaken your spirit
from its slumber.

I am the twist
within your breathe,
the one that counts
the rhythm of your pulse.

I am the invisible
and invincible secrets
within the
cellular life flowing
inside your blood.

I am that song
in the beginning
of creation,
from the sphere
of divine realm.

I am that song
with vim which
quickens with vigour
to make your soul
dance with vitality.

I am that song
of divinity
in your heart
whose desire is to
seek the beloved.

With pure bliss,
it listens to
its sweetness and
answer to its rhythmic
interchange balance.

I am that silent
unspoken words in
the song which transpired
between two hearts
binding them together.

I am the song
in your love
which makes the soul
go weak at the knees.

I am that unsolicited,
unsung song inside
the accessible space of
time in your quiet moments.

I am the answer
to pacify the
cry of the needy
and hurting soul.

I am the song
of the ancient
rhythm of the
sages and the ancestors.

I am the God
of your heart
and realization
dancing on the bruised
heads of a thousand serpents
to free you.
2020,Nnaemeka Mokeme.
Emeka Mokeme Jun 2019
Go back to
the source of
your beginning
to find peace.
Within the beginning
is your source.
Beneath the source
lies the life
that sustain you.
From the beginning,
there is no
other life except
the one that
pulsates within you.
This vital life force
is your source
of being.
Your being emanated
from a living
source if the
universe to give
rise to something
magnificently unique.
This life force
is the breath
within breathe.
Powerful in it's
exaction and
precise and accurate
to it's timing.
As above,
so it is  below.
Gyrating in it's swing
to work in
synergy with all things
as allowed in nature.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Oct 2018
My bathroom,
the bedroom,
my living room and
the kitchen are all
spying on me daily,
seen my nakedness,
more than enough
to describe every
bit of me,
records my every
moment and daily visits,
day and night.
I'm not ashamed to display
my nakedness even
**** without decorum.
My bathroom mirror is the
first to see the show of
my new dance steps,
and i allowed it to see and
record the secret of my life.
So shamelessly I displayed
my secret acts in my bedroom,
doing all sorts of stuff,
things my mouth cannot
freely talk about.
In there in the closet
of my beloved bedroom
I committed all sorts of
crimes that even you will
be ashamed to watch if
you know what I mean.
In the privacy of my bedroom
no holes barred.
What do I say about my kitchen.
I became an alchemist
and a herbalist taught,
groomed and approve
by my mother.
On the cauldron as
a herbalist I mixed up
all kinds of herbs and spices
and come up with my alchemical concoction to help entertain
my family and friends and also
to feed and condition my body.
My living room now turned
into a theatre where I became
an actor to everyone who cared
to watch me display my prowess.
All these I do in quietness of
my small enclave where
my bathroom and Kitchen,
the bedroom and living room
witnessed and spy on my follies.
Did I tell you about Palomar the parrot and Kelly the German Shepard.
They can tell you my story if you
asked them.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme May 2018
What is this man,
Can you tell me?
Man is a spirit.
The spirit is man.
Man, the spirit.
The Spirit man.
Both are blended into
one spiritual force.
The spirit man is from above
and is heavenly,
while the man is physical
and is earthly.
This man and that man
lives in a physical body,
possessing the power of both
the upper world and the lower world.
Two different kingdoms infused into one.
Converged in his being are
complex and multiple nature and
thought patterns interwoven within
his mind in resonance to the
influence of the spirit man.
Both are infused
and encapsulated together
into one whole essence.
The spirit man becomes more in tuned
to the octaves and radiations
within the balanced rhythmic
interchange of the cosmic forces
and intuitively linked to both internal
and external wavelength.
The consciousness of the mind of man
recognizes this fact,
and dynamically helps you within
to live in harmonium when you find
the rhythm that balances and centres you. ©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Apr 2018
In the mind of man
is the divinity's dwelling place.
The sanctuary where our
life is molded and patterned,
our thoughts formed either
for good or destruction.
Our lives roadmap lights
our partway into the divine will
and purpose for constructive living.
With the divine helpful hands,
we willed our lives with might,
Not of our strength,
but the inner leading of the almighty.
For those who listen to
the unexplainable inner call
within their consciousness,
the divine healing elixir
of life is unleashed,
their lives becomes
a noble one full of grace,
for their obedience links
them to the miraculous.
They feel the pains of life,
and of death,
the pain of love,
and of hate,
the pain of knowing too much,
and lack of knowledge,
pain of being sensitive,
and insensitive,
pain of having,
and of lack,
more than their peers,
for that is the cross they bear
of being who they are
in the scheme of things prepared
for only those who walk in the
part of the divine Iliad.
No complaints are needed
for their end are assured.
Answer that call now.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
The calling into the spiritual path is like a rose with thorns.. a great exploits with a beautiful ending.
Emeka Mokeme Aug 2018
Here standing again
at the edge of the cliff,
struggling against the
force of the wind.
Drenched and cold,
thinking and wondering
what to do.
This is what I was seeking.
I wanted to feel the
storm in my bones.
Fearing what I want and
wanting what I fear.
Desiring and yearning for it,
yet distanced myself from it.
Never been more sure
about changing than now.
Angels are busy working and
trying to show visions
of heaven.
But here am I clawing the
ground trying to get hell for you.
Now I have to stop struggling,
for this striving and toiling are not
yielding desired fruits.
I'm so breathless from all this
going up and down
trying to make it work.
Rest is not so bad after all this
rigours of running around.
Dullness has taken over the heart
of one who suppose to rule.
Stagnation cannot be tolerated
and condoned or we all go down.
Change is needful urgently.
It is time for you to learn the balance.
I bring from the east,
I bring from the west,
I bring from the south,
I bring from the north
the power of balance.
It begins in the spirit.
We can balance anything.
Our voice, our work, our body.
You can even balance your sadness.
First you find patience.
Perhaps you will meet patience in this
sunlight and become good friends.
I will tell you again.
I will tell you again and again
until your inside knows.
It takes a long time to learn the art of balance.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Sep 2018
There is a storm within,
raging inside the head
and the heart cannot
describe or understand it.
The soul lay still and calm,
quietness and tranquility within
bears witness,
the inner conviction
strengthened and
set to win this battle.
There is a multi-choice
to choose from.
Make your move with boldness,
unless the mind really still can't
decide which way to go.
Deep-water horizon is in this
joint venture of the mind
and the spirit.
An escape plan must be hatched
or this would be the last frontier.
That's the funny thing about fate,
it pulls you out powerfully
towards the realm of your destiny.
The choice is now entirely yours
to be the cause of your freedom.
This freedom will get you through
to what you want today,
tomorrow and the future.
Nothing can stop you now.
The most important thing
is to be prepared and ready to
confront and take it back by force.
It has to be done the right way to win.
That's the lifestyle and struggles
of the furious.
Can you feel it within.
The inside of you knows.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme May 2018
This tabernacle was given
as a covering,
a house to dwell in,
a sanctuary,
a home called the body,
that hides the life essence
that is you,
the castle where the king
resides within the heart.
This tabernacle is
your temporary dwelling place
for a dual entity of the
spirit man to inhabit.
Here in the tabernacle
you live in both worlds,
an alien as a resident
of a geographical region
of the universe hiding
within this cocoon,
living in both worlds
magically simultaneously
with multi-colour shades.
It is amazing how this mystery
works in synergy,
blending together to make you
a unique creation,
man by day,
spirit by night,
perfectly timed,
indomitable and invincible,
fearfully woven with a
breathe within breathe
to last forever,
within the world only
slightly beyond,
there lies our next day resting place.
Don't ask me to tell you how,
you will find out when you translate.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Aug 2018
A place of solitude to
merge with the divine,
a place of pleasure to
play with the fantastic,
to absorb the anointing
power of the spirit.
My happy place,
where I can be myself,
and be blessed in the
aloneness with nature.
The quietness of the
dawn engulfed my being
with such purity and
profound peace.
My soul immersed deeply
in this tranquil dawn of
this beautiful moment,
so lovely and endearing,
an enchanting morning.
Another chance to be healed,
cleansed and refreshed.
An opportunity to start all over
again is found within this
calmness of the tranquil dawn.
It is divinely and magically beautiful.
Intriguing and so mesmerizing to
behold and absorb.
A chance to redeem myself,
to be whatsoever I want to be.
Like a river meandering calmly
undisturbed in the heart of the
forest flowing towards
the sea to find rest,
even so is my troubled heart
to find rest within this peaceful
moment of the tranquil dawn.
My heart is so grateful and
is now ready for worship.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Dec 2018
Let this season,
this yuletide season,
be the one
of joy shared.
The one that
brings peace to
that restless soul,
succor and solace
to comfort the
confused ones and
bring reconciliation
to the alienated.
Give a piece
of yourself to others,
like God gave
his only begotten
Son to you
and the world
whose natal day
is the reason
for this season.
Let it be
the one that
truly reflects the
heart of God
in man.
Let us see
others as God
see them.
This is the
time to start,
extend your hand,
your heart and
your resources,
respond to their
silent call for help,
hear their cry.
See the pain
behind their smile.
Be compassionate.
Your little bit
support and supply
of something in
some small way
is everything.
Let that child
smile again,
reassure that widow.
Your gifts may
not change or
stop the pain
but it will
surely go a
long way to
ameliorate and bear
on their situation,
and that would
have been enough.
Let us remember
the motherless,
the sick and
the critically ill,
the blind and
the crippled,
the orphans and
the lonely ones,
the elderly and
the forgotten,
the less privilege,
the downtrodden,
that neighbor who
who seem so
Partner with me
henceforth to lift
them up.
Let us really
mean it when
we say to someone,
Merry Christmas!!!
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Jul 2017
Just sit in the morning sun,
It will invigorate you.
Watch the twilight,
It will draw you closer
toward the infinite.
The moon and stars at night,
Will let you sense
the wonders of God.
The beautiful music of the sea,
Will make you feel good,
rejuvenate,heal and ease
the pain of sorrow
and suffering.
Human laughter will make
you feel love for all.
Birds in flight will
make you know
and appreciate freedom,
And listening to the wind,
Will take you into
the heart of God,
Where you will experience
more light,life and love.
© 2017, Emeka Mokeme.All rights reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Apr 2018
The gift life
The gift of living
The gift of pain
The gift of prophecy
The gift of work
The gift of financial increase
The gift of challenges
The gift of learning
The gift of family
The gift of friendship
The gift of laughter
The gift of this moment
The gift of dreams
The gift of gratitude
The gift of giving
The gift of righteousness
The gift of love
All of these gifts working in synergy
to bring us where we need to be.
It is grace at work.
Grace speaks, for grace abounds.
Be grateful.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Jul 2018
You must know that
this world is too small.
It is that small tiny
part in our lives
that we give away to people
but they forget what
it means to love
and how to care,
because it is so small.
Don't ever take anything
or anyone for granted,
for everyone is important,
they make up
the textures of our lives.
They are definitely divinely
placed in our lives for a purpose
and that's why when they are gone,
we can't be able to forget about them,
the heart still remembers.
They are the unforgettable.
No matter however you want
to not remember them,
they are unshakable from your heart.
It seemed as if they
hang on to each heart beat
to remind you of how much you
don't know and understand about living
as well as you thought you know.
Find a new way to live
and love the unlovable.
Are we not still learning how to love,
live and care for each other.
But is there really an unlovable person,
or are you the one who really needs
to soften your heart.
Live your life amongst others
so beautifully that you will become the unforgettable.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Nov 2018
This is a
love beyond
the sword.
The real death
do us part.
The vow they
took is not
just ordinary,
it's of the spirit.
The ordinance is
of the heavens.
The words uttered,
is of love
from the soul,
and it's pureness
of the divine.
You know a
man from the
words he said
to his woman.
I'm talking about
a noble man,
a provider and
a protector.
The words flowing
from that man's
heart is to be
taken seriously.
It's the word
of wisdom,
full of so
much love.
Attend to it
diligently with
delightful heart.
Decorate it's
castle with love
to keep him
to yourself
instead of setting
up a trap
to catch him
cheat on you.
This life is
so short
enjoy it immensely
together while you
are still here.
There is craziness
outside ourselves.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Jun 2018
I wonder how they came
up with this name.
The name they called me,
this name everyone calls me.
Is this my true name,
or just another name,
a name just to recognize me,
a new name to remember that
I existed here in this universe.
What is the original name they
called me where I came from?
I just wondered,
because most people have
the same name as mine.
No one remembers.
I need to know my name.
Even when I passed,
as I journey back to my home,
on my long absence,
that given name ceased
as if I never existed.
The name now suddenly changed to,
the body,deceased, the corpse,
treating me without respect,
I'm now nothing.
They say ashes to ashes,
and dust to dust.
All my struggles gone,
my achievements forgotten,
wealth scattered and
taken by the unknown.
Titles thrown out into the attic
and can't be reused by anyone.
The one once loved are thrown
outside and abandoned in the cold,
given only a little space to contain
the body underground.
What a vanity!
Even kings and Queens,
high and mighty,
rich and poor became wanderers, disembodied entities,
roaming the whole earth,
forgotten in time.
Humble yourselves while here,
treat everyone with respect and love,
for you will be forgotten so soon.
All that which you hoarded or
left behind will be scattered by
the very ones you have never cared about.
Remind me that name I used to bear,
is it not laughable as it is at the moment.
Enjoy yourself and laugh more,
spend time with your family and friends.
Be merry and share the best of the blessings God has lavished in your life.
Remember you are a nobody but just a wanderer without a name.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Jan 2020
Is the water of the
ocean from somewhere
under the ground.
What is it and
how did it appear.
Where is its source.
And the water
under the ground,
where does it flow to.
From where did it
come from and
where is it going to.
Where is the source
of the rain which 
falls to the earth.
Is there another
body of water up
in the firmament.
Who has seen it.
The water inside the rock,
how did it get in there.
Can they ever come
together and merged as one.
How did it form
and come to be.
I know it is alive
and listens to our
conversations and
with compassion.
I know it responds
and reacts to our
feelings and every
word spoken.
I also know it heals
everything it touched.
I know that our utterances
of love evokes its power
to affect our consciousness.
Our ancestors knows
its sacred secrets.
The ancient sages tune
into its immense help.
It has the key to immortality.
It is the elixir of life,
guarded jealously by the gods.
It works in synergy
with the sun and the moon.
All things above
the heavens and
beneath the earth
yield to it.
In it is hidden
the supernatural.
With it you can
do great exploits,
for in the beginning,
the spirit of God moved
and incubated over the
face of the waters.
©2020,Nnaemeka Mokeme.
Emeka Mokeme Dec 2018
Loving the living
and the unlovable
is really so hard.
Fulfill the law,
what law
you may ask.
The new law.
Law on love,
engraved so deeply
in your heart.
It's so simple.
Swallow your pride,
enter the narrow gate,
save yourselves.
Why would something
so simple be
so hard to do.
And why will
anything meant to
bring joy
be so painful.
Love leads to
life eternal.
If you don't
want to hear
"I never knew you "
then love your
neighbor as yourself
for your neighbor
is an important
extension of you .
If you don't
want to be
the reject, or
feel rejected
by the words,
"depart from me",
"I never knew you",
then do the
right things for
your safety and
love deeply without
asking for anything
in return,
but to just love.
Love is divine.
Love fulfills the law.
Love hides a
multitudes of sin.
Love is acceptable.
Love heals.
Love mends.
Love rebuilds.
With love war
and strive ceases.
Pride is the
absence of
understanding with love.
You'll never enter
the new kingdom
without love.
Never means never,
trust me.
It's just that simple.
The only way
to harmony here
and in
eternity is love.
Just to love.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Sep 2018
That's just the way it is.
The way of the heart
is really baffling.
It keeps changing, turning,
swivelling, grappling,
peeping, checking,
evading, listening to what
you are not saying,
scheming and can't
keep quiet for a second.
Beautiful things happens
in the heart of a beautiful
soul that makes life brighter,
better and more beautiful.
Some committed crimes
of passion and become
prisoners of love,
how can we get to the
other side of the soul
where the heart cries
out to be loved.
Isolation and loneliness
invades the heart of the one
who never care to risk relating.
We are the extension of each other.
We can't get enough of ourselves,
we are smart, sharp and
intelligent and beautiful inside.
Love is the best for the moment.
A soul that never loved is lost
and it is definitely the one that
lives in hell.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Nov 2018
Hold onto your pen,
you the keeper of
the flame and never
let go.
You are the salt
of the earth.
You decipher and
Uncomplicate the
complicated and twisted
combination and complex
things and situations
with ease.
You explain the
unexplainable as it is.
You are a poet,
the master of the game.
With your simplicity,
you made breathing easier.
Subtly with effortless
effort with your pen
you delve deeply into
the profound and
the mysterious to make
known of the essence.
Armed only with
the sword of the spirit
and your pen,
you boldly in a
quiet way sauntered
into the depth of
the soul and spirit
and safely awakened the
sleeping giant to answer
you because you know
your way into the
heart of the spirit.
With fire in your heart
you ignite and rekindle
the power of divine love
in the darkness of
our hearts to heal
the afflicted and the
wounded of the aches
and hurts in their heart.
You bring home hope
to the down world,
and let them know
that it is okay.
You are the poet,
you may not be
the perfect but you
are perfect.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Aug 2019
See the way
you made me feel,
i smile like
i won a trophy.
But indeed
you are the
best trophy
I've ever won.
Your presence comforts
my heart and
your words make
the day beautiful.
Your smile radiates
like the stars
in the night sky.
It shines like
the twinkling star,
that caused my heart
to race like
the gazelle running
down the hill
on a quiet evening.
So soft and
tender are your
like that of
a soft smooth
symphony orchestra.
Beautiful as the
sun shinning over
the shimmering snow.
Reminds me of
the joyful tenderness
of a beautiful soul.
You are the
one who makes
my heart smile.
You caused my
soul to flip
like the butterfly
dancing over the
wild flowers in
the orchard.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme.
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