Erase my name
and my face
from your mind.
Did you see
how impressively
impossible it is
to discard my
I am like
a diadem on
your forehead,
the little pesky
unnecessary irritant.
I am that
secret annoying part
of you that
won't go away.
Don't you know
i am the jewel
of your heart,
meant to be loved,
admitted and nurtured
by your thoughts.
Treat me right,
I beg of you,
i am the verse
in you.
Nature made it
that way.
Even your own heart
will rebel against you
and form forces
to repel your
opposing views.
Reconcile with yourself,
and remedy the
situation instead of
opposing yourself.
What is it
that makes you
think i am your
I am not
your unfriendly friend
but a brother
who seem to
seek for something
his heart desires
with no offense.
Refusal to grant
required requests
made it seem so.
Out of unknowing,
selfishness and
breeds enmities
and it's cousin
Then foolishness will
lead suffering to
visit your abode.
Both with other vices
will be your
companion and
Don't struggle but,
yield to conscience,
and free yourself
from the entanglement
of this horrible monster.
It's terrible venom
is a nightmare that
could see to your
quick demise.
Reconsider your stance,
because you can't get
rid of me.
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