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Emeka Mokeme Feb 2019
You can't figure
me out anymore
for the enemy
can't find
any me any more
in my new
I am not
there for you
can't find
me in there.
Your crystal *****
are dull in
locating any me
for your fun.
There's no any
more me left
to be found,
I disappeared
instantly to emerge
a new me.
Embrace the
new me in
your awakening.
I am no
longer living in
that creepy place
where you were
looking for me.
Even though there
were things you
think were indelible
from the past,
they are now
erased from
me forever.
I've evolved
into a new creation.
Transmogrified for
a new beginning,
unexplored and unscathed.
There's no longer
any me to
be found by
the enemy.
Peace of mind
now abound.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Feb 2019
Love beckons.
Calling from afar
to know the
heart that will
answer the call.
Another peep
into the crack
of the heart
in love,
wrapped up
like a cream
flowing from
a silver jar
into the soft
and tender hands
of pure essence
of beauty.
She lay quietly
at the corner
of the room
waiting for her
love to return.
With the flicker
of the moonlight
penetrating through
the walls of
the buildings where
she lay down
wrapped up
in a fragrance
of a thousand roses.
With the candles
lit by the sides,
love beckons
as two hearts
reunite in bliss.
And suddenly she
kissed me as
if the sky
is on fire.
We melted together
and forgot
about the moment.
And love triumphed.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Feb 2019
Don't worry about
what is happening
right now around you,
if the window
through which you
look out into your
world is *****,
be assured that
my flowers will
definitely show
you the mud
in my garden.
If you can't
wipe out your  
windows to be
completely clear,
how would you
see the mud
in the garden
that helped your
flowers to grow,
the mud that
gave you the
beautiful adorable
rose flower to
adorned your table.
To touch the
gold and the
diamond in the mud,
your hands must
first get ready
to feel the
dirt of the mud.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Feb 2019
The decent into
matter must be
complete before the
ascent to spirit
can commence.
There are two
opposite serpents
inside of you
and it's up to
you which
one you feed.
It depends on
you which one
you give preeminence.
There are seven virtues
high with positive
and seven deadly sins-
low with negative frequency:pride,wrath,
Which ones affects
you is entirely
up to you.
Choosing the middle
path takes you
above the ordinary
into the cortex
of the Almighty.
Your ageless soul
is not a stranger
to the sacred
exclusive secret path
within your consciousness,
it has severally
thriven on that
inner journey so
many times in time
into the sanctuary
to be sanctified.
There forever,
is his eternal
dwelling place.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Feb 2019
Would you
believe me
if i
tell you
a secret
about your
stubbornness and
manner of life.
The way
you craftily
arrange yourself
to falsely
confuse the
naive unsuspecting
gullible individuals
about your
fake lifestyle,
ill gotten
wealth and status.
This only
happens when
the foxes
are guarding
the henhouses.
Because a
shift left
is occurring.
Can someone
tell me
why the
moon is
not rotating
while revolving
around the sun.
You know not,
do you.
The moon
does rotate
on its
axis while
revolving around
the Earth.
The moon's
rotation rate
matches it's
revolution rate,
resulting in
the same
side of
the moon
always facing
earth causing
illusion of
magic as
you watch it.
The same
thing happens
when the
deluded mind
play pranks
with their
deceptive ways
to decidedly
seriously deceive
the innocent.
They believe you
because they
know not.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Feb 2019
Beyond the ordinary
and the dream fly.
Never wait for
anyone's approval
or to be pushed
to go for
your dream.
The set time
is now
just for you.
The cosmic pull
draws you
powerfully into
the orb.
Yield yourself
to the call.
Your inner core
knows the way
and the truth.
Accept it the
way it is.
Change will come
when you
are transformed
from within.
Things have come
to a full circle.
The end has
become the beginning
beyond the limits.
You need a ride,
a quantum leap
to transmogrify you
into a superman
beyond the ordinary
and the dream
so you can
definitely at last
finally fly.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Feb 2019
Within us heaven
shines forth.
Hell and the
dark side is
always with us
and consumes us.
But you find
the greater light
only by seeking it
and by invitation.
What we have
inside is like
a seamless ocean
without boundaries
that is infinite.
It flows from
within to wherever
it's willfully directed
and willingly chooses to
rest and abide.
The two opposite
paths within are open.
It depends on
which path you
willfully choose to walk.
You need to
see the shadows
within you to
understand the
conflicts and
problems on others.
Heaven within is
attainable when you
thrive for it.
Joy and serenity
comes when you
follow the way
of the middle path.
First find it
and heaven will
find you out.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
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