It’s a twisting in my chest, an ache. I feel the absence on my skin, I feel it. I yearn. For something that very may well be nonexistent. And yet I cannot stop hoping. But the hope kills me. The ache is still throbbing. Aching. Aching.
Physical touch. Skin is so sensitive, so many nerve endings. Humans long for touch - to feel skin, warm, life, stories - to have their own felt. It connects us to others. without it we drift.
I thought it was over that I could continue choosing to see and be seen and I wouldn't feel it anymore
But I can't do anything about this it's not me I'm not choosing this this feeling of intense isolation it takes months to be built who knows how long to tear down again
I'm exhausted.
I feel an elastic bubble inches around my entire self separating me I push and push and push and nothing breaks it only bends with me and I'm trapped
I feel an urge for companionship the desire to sit next to someone be in the same room feel another energy that pull from my solar plexus to connect but I'm alone and scared so I remain unsatisfied.