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Elexer Oct 2018
You have no idea
How much I deserve all of this
I am a bad person
Good things happen to bad people,
But bad things happen too.
And so I finally get what I deserve
All my life, i have manipulated people
Toyed with their lives
Done whatever it took to get what I wanted
Whatever that was
And I was very good at it.
Along the way, while I was getting what I wanted
I lost sight of what was important
And now I have come full circle.
I jeopardized what I had for what I wanted
And now all I want...
Is what I already had.
Elexer Oct 2018
Almost two weeks later
And I don’t know where I am
I know not who controls me
But every minute,
Of every day
In every situation,
I always wish I were somewhere else
Elexer Oct 2018
I woke, and saw death
I smelled death
I tasted death
I heard death
I felt death...

And for what little hope I had...

Now I am covered in death
Rest in peace, Lucifer. Daddy loves you. I’m sorry I let you down baby boy.
Elexer Sep 2018
Cried out, to me alone
What's in you? Throw me a bone
Oh life, what did you know?
How do I ever decide?

Careful love, blow it away
Let's go there, what do you say?
Oh life, why did I wait
How do I get to the sky?

Called out, to me alone
What made you? Maybe you know
Oh life, let it all go
How do I get to the sky?
Not completely mine. Just edited all the you's and we's for me's and I's.
Elexer Sep 2018
...I just can't.
Elexer Aug 2018
No matter how much
I wish for my death
I always feel weirdly
Attached to this life
Elexer Aug 2018
Nothing is ever as bad as it seems

Because nothing is as bad as losing the girl of my dreams
I hope someone appreciates the complexity and double meaning of the title. I thought it was pretty clever.
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