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Elexer Jul 2017
And then I looked up
And saw myself at 71
After 50 years of it
And looked down
And saw myself at 21
After a few months of it
And I don't know
And I may never
Which one did it
But I looked at myself
And just said the words
"Beckon Me"
Elexer Jul 2017
At once, the world was
Filled with happiness
And light, luminating
Then slowly
But quickly, the world was
Drowned in sorrow
And darkness, sickening
Elexer Jul 2017
Lines, dots, and squares
No bother of thought
For how he fares

Strums, taps, and beats
The scorching sun
Without the heat

Stops, gos, and yields
Figure it out yourself
No one cares how you feel

Squares, taps, and stops
If they were any more fabled
I'd think they were Aesop's

Rests, talks, and fun
Ends promising
Ends with "1:00"

Complications, worries, and nothing
Did everything. Everything.
And got literally nothing

Problems ranging
And the one good thing
Consistently ever-changing

And then I sleep
Because now I must
Elexer Jul 2017
No risk
Full aversion
Sleep my life away
Because living it is harder
At least my dreams
Can make me somewhat happy
I get to see her
In some of them
And because I'll die
If I have to live with this ****
Elexer Jul 2017
I know nothing more than you...
Elexer Jun 2017
It's 9:30
Gotta count down my drawer
And I think of you
Put in the code
So the safe can be opened
In 9 or so minutes
And I think of you
Put the key in
"No sale," "giving change"
Take out the drawer
Go in the office
Ending till for ALEX OLD
And I think of you
$0.00 over/short
Perfect night
Just like perfect you
And I think of you
Open the safe, get the money
Change it out for higher bills
By the time i'm done,
It's closing time
Buy my things and she buys hers
Count down her drawer
And I think of you
Her drawer is $3.83 short
Wonder what went wrong
And how much I'll be blamed
Ignore the consequences
And I think of you
Count the change fund
So many ones
Forgot the change fund worksheet
Count it again
Then like every night
Something goes wrong
Pick up the pieces
Learn from the mistake
And I think of you
Count the deposit
$1426.22, plus a check
Which was $60.60
So $1486.82
Over and over again
And I think of you
She and I pick up my mess
Of cardboard
And get out
Set the alarm, close the door,
Put in the key, twist
Drop it under the mat
Walk to our cars
She tells me a story
About a boy riding a bike
And I think of you
Get into my car
And think of the 29th
And I think of you
And I text you
And despite my pessimism,
You text back
But you forgot about the 29th
And I'll doubt it means much to you anyway

But I'll celebrate regardless
And I'll think of you
Elexer Jun 2017
I'd like not
To live the repetition
To decrease the aging
To slow the motion
Of this war that's waging
I ought not
To force the action
To make myself a fool
To descend to utter sadness
In the endless tears that pool
I fear not
To die or live again
To start all the way over
To make amends to actions passed
Because of how much i love her

They're the moon and the stars
Stars, stars
The moon and the stars
Stars, stars
The moon is yellow
And the sky is red
But their love never ends
As they stare at the sky
At the moon and the stars
Stars, stars
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