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Elexer Dec 2016
A bishop
A pawn
The Silver Saturn is there
Then it's gone

It arrives elegantly
Carries a mess inside
I get in, and we go
Fast as lightning
The Silver Saturn
Will leave
And return again
A hundred times or more
Every time bringing that mess
Expectations galore
It never disappoints,
But never meets
Tiny and dark
It carries a golden beauty
And i never know what to do
When i am inside
The Silver Saturn
It leaves me in despair
And arrives with more
The never-ending cycle
It's what i want, i'm sure
What i need is her
What i'd love is a pattern
Give me that Silver Saturn
Elexer Dec 2016
You killed me
With your words
Your unspoken truth
I'm a memory
Because you ruined me
My mind got ****** up
Now i can't live without you
So if i can't live with you
This is the result

(And blood fills the room
Dripping from his eyes
He heard her last words
"I just don't want to be with you"
And his heart couldn't take it
It ****** all the blood up
Every drop in his body
And held it in
And waited patiently
And burst like a water balloon
Now all the other people
Have to clean up this mess
And they'll give her daggers
And his spirit will live on
Regretting every decision he ever made
Wishing he was better
A fraction of what she wanted
A better person
Or better yet
A woman)
Nothing is worth this feeling. Nothing.
Elexer Dec 2016
Polarized heights
Lookouts posted
Everlasting limits
And clueless eyes
Say to reach the end
Easy to say, that
Limits are stagnant
Of all that stays
Vigilance prevails,
Endurance survives
Might is lost
Even as the storm hits
And chaos ensues
Great wind, furious
Among the tall trees
In the dark forest
No one hears or sees a thing
Elexer Nov 2016
She's necessary
I'm optional
She's important
I'm obsolete
She's catered to
I'm negotiated with
She's the only one
I'm this one
She's unique
I'm stagnant
She's everything
I'm something
She's all i've got
I'm another person
She's better
I'm lesser

She's finding a way to make life work without me
And i'm a wreck and my life is in shambles without her
She's my life. Whatever comes after that is up to her.
Elexer Nov 2016
Or just me
Can't know
Won't know
Until long gone
Psychopath mode
Still present
Still debilitating
Still for one
L o a d i n g . . .
L o a d i n g . . .
Elexer Nov 2016
If I'm a dog, I'm a dog
A cat would be better
She likes those more
But it is not terrible
I like my position
Of course I am,
A dog, that is
Because I pant and I whine
And wait patiently at the door
Waiting for you to come back
So eager for you to pet me
Rub my belly
Show me your love
For the little while
That you care to show it
Because you're distracted
By things more important
I get that
I'm just a dog
And there are people
And cats and responsibilities
You need to attend to
I don't fault you
You are my owner
I love you unconditionally
I'll die for you
But just for right now
I want your attention
Even if its a fraction of it
I just want you to keep petting me
And stroking my ears
While you do the other things
So I'll keep forcing my snout
Between your leg and your hand
In hopes that you won't find it annoying
But just mindlessly pet me
Because you're the sweetest
Most gracious girl
A domesticated man could ask for
But your attention is elsewhere
And I need you right here
Again this is not an angry or depressed rant, its just how i feel and i could use more love. Preferably behind the ears. Lol
Elexer Nov 2016
Tonight I'm gonna have myself
A real good time
I feel alive and the world
I'll turn it inside out
And floating around in ecstasy
So don't stop me now
Don't stop me
'Cause I'm having a good time
Having a good time
I'm a shooting star
Leaping through the sky
Like a tiger
Defying the laws of gravity
I'm a racing car passing by
Like Lady Godiva
I'm gonna go go go
There's no stopping me
I'm burnin' through the sky
Two hundred degrees
That's why they call me Mr. Fahrenheit
I'm traveling at the speed of light
I wanna make a supersonic man out of you
Don't stop me now
I'm having such a good time
I'm having a ball
Don't stop me now
If you wanna have a good time
Just give me a call
Don't stop me now ('Cause I'm having a good time)
Don't stop me now (Yes I'm havin' a good time)
I don't want to stop at all
Yeah, I'm a rocket ship
On my way to Mars
On a collision course
I am a satellite
I'm out of control
I am a *** machine ready to reload
Like an atom bomb about to explode
I'm burnin' through the sky
Two hundred degrees
That's why they call me Mr. Fahrenheit
I'm traveling at the speed of light
I wanna make a supersonic woman of you
Eh...its stuck in my head. Why not. Plus, it would make someone else very happy.
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