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Lina Lotus
Winter's realm    April is National Autism Awareness month Light it up Wear blue<3
24/M/South Africa    Writer | This is ancestral, past-life reading; this is meditation & prayer; this is future telling. always becoming. The undying soul in a decaying case. ...
kayla morrison
I started sharing my poetry after a student asked me to write something for him (To Youth With Unrecognized Potential.) I read it aloud in ...
Anderson M
Christian Vaughn Imhof
Pittsburgh    Everything is a work in progress To define the beautiful is to misunderstand it. - Fernando Pessoa
Alan Brown
M/California    You may remember me as "skyfall"
Dark soul
M/mumbai; India    Am just here to endure the writings and to enjoy the richness of it ....
Male', Maldives   
23/M/California    I only write good poems when I’m heartbroken.
Elf Kill
Minneapolis    I am a musician of sorts who foolishly believes that his lyrics are something like poetry - blasphemy I know :- ) I have fun ...

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