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EgoFeeder May 2013
I can't stand this fragile state of mind
A blinding vision of how life is supposed to be
Seeing nothing but what's between the lines
Stuttering twitches from a peripheral fantasy
Rising every morning with a new friend to find
Death exists in sleep and dwells in lifes' design

We're walking in our own shoes with someone elses eyes
Mirrors gaze back with a hysterical laugh from reailty
A weakening sight that the proud could never realize
Or the smirking girls who get off on their honesty
We're all hung up on something that helps us play this game
An overwhleming emotion that paints our visions frame

Tainting the meaning of individuality through a fronted scene
Re-shaped compositions built from our iconic halucinations
Living behind a hollow imagery with a profound fixation
Of a subjective self portrait on an illuminated petistel
A last hope for some sort of unconditional comfort refill
These words live in place of who I once had been
EgoFeeder May 2013
Rise from the grave with brighter beliefs
For time won't heal all these memory wounds
Lodged inside the past lies fear underneath
Distant stains of joy and bitter defeat
Covering these walls with a hindering releif
As salvation hangs in reach without a sound

The dead live on with a beat in their chests
A reminder that denial is holding them back
Tightly gripping in a constraint of loss
Failing to find strength and a bridge to cross
Bring forth the end or wait to see the rest
A true sense of belonging is what we all lack

If there is a purpose it would just be this
If there is an answer it would have been solved
If there is worth in someone it wouldn't be us
If this is a notion that makes you feel nervous
Take a long look back at everything you miss
and be grateful that one day it will be resolved
EgoFeeder May 2013
A death so befuddled could only be foolish;
I've made a deal with the devil and will soon perish
Into his mortem of torture that varies so motley;
As I end this show - I drift from a faceless pageantry

Linear and trivial has this question period been;
And now I'm seeing the chariot of the poets serene
It's majesty of profundity and his youthful command
A boy-ish preface to his ceaseless alluding brand;

Of starved affection expressed through the bards lute
As the actor of fate - I'll hang over the mandrake root
A skeletal descendence into the earths pigment;
With no curious exhumers to defile or prevent

Asmodeus and I - As we share our laughable fears;
Appraisal from the creator of what I hold dear
Willingly abiding his whims and demented court;
As the next generation that twists and contorts

The extremes of thought into something strange;
Removing all pride from what shouldn't change
If it seems so be working then why fix it?
A hypocritical cliche lost in the Sanskrit!

There's nothing one can say that hasn't been said;
In this replicated existence recycled from the dead
Societal fornication leaves naught but a sour mind;
Obsessed with the golden rays that present us as kind

Laborious and ridden with worry over wealthy trouble;
Caught up in normality our purpose left in rubble
Conceiving the end of life as something of a curse
Cowering at the sight of the imminent black hearse

How can all these people fear the only thing certain?
Dreading the day they witness the closing curtain
Or have I just thrown away my use for living;
And Gifted all the words that prove costly for giving?

Or perhaps we've so much to tell with no one to receive?
what's the point anyway? Just to preach and deceive;
Ignorant and narrow- we're all just avoidant invertists
With the sole reputation as simple egotists

Regret takes it toll in the oddest form
Just like the queerest smirk I felt so warm
Creaking my limbs until they were hanging loose;
Killing the mechanical switch at the end of a noose

My Prevailing senses fading from light;
And her captivating eyes as my final sight
Clenching my last breath as my only unseen coven;
For I will never perceive this life again..

I awoke inside of a room that i'd knew in a memory;
Where Was I sent? Is this purgatory?
I rose up from my resting place with an agonizing scream;
For I was in my bedroom - It was all a dream....
EgoFeeder May 2013
Now I must arise into my excursion of monotony
to the house in which I had my first failed lobotomy
Spreading discrepancy with every turn of phrase;
admitting to all I had let happen in an ignorant daze

The path that I took was plagued with a hysterical hate;
Projecting morbid hallucinations in which my fear did correlate
Contrasting it's laughter and scolding into a chaotic static;
Converting my already dwindling humanity into an ancient relic

A once cowardly excuse of wasted life and shameful empathy;
had then unfolded into a twisted state of triumphant antipathy
I was within minutes of arriving at her front door step;
and my anxious contemplation had faded into an overwhelming id-tep

Shifting my last strand of innocence into an irreversible condition;
within a few moments i'd gained preference to this nefarious rendition
I felt as if I was becoming one with all uncertain depravity;
and the shrouded ******* that I pursued in the insanity

Enveloped by the sheer warmth and hideous anticipation;
Each pace I took closer added to the satisfaction of mal-intention
As the dwelling became visible atop the climbing horizon;
I could do naught but envision myself as the famous Charon

Preparing a mortal to be ferried across the river of death
Enlisting her into damnation - The honorable thief of breath
Dismembering the threads of life - diminishing  the ties of destiny;
Assigning myself as the baneful mortician of this worlds' incongruity!

As I approached the entrance I Realized the sun was bringing the morn;
Our god of life taking a front row seat to the sadistic scorn
Or, perhaps a sign to my victim to awaken and escape;
If that's the case i'll send her with haste into a restless dream-scape

What a rite this shall be - To cease all carnal sin with my own two hands!
Carving out every fragment of ageless sense from her untouched glands
With the lone witness to the dismemberment of her frail limbs;
My dagger!  And, the final conclusion of our deeds so grim!

And, Alas There I stood Suffocating on memory over the sleeping beauty;
hesitantly wondering how much sincerity lay within my duty
Could I have been coaxed into performing the work of a reaper?
If I substain from his commands - Could we brew a connection much deeper?

What an untimely moment to be having second thoughts;
She opened her eyes to witness the tears of her sympathetic Iscariot
The terrors she belched ripped the barrier of my relinquished sanity;
Taking hold of my mobility - slicing her from ear to ear with iniquity

Her cries of help began to gurgle in the back of her throat;
Spewing a slander of asphyxiation like a meaningless footnote
I couldn't bare to see her suffer in such an atrocious way;
So, I swiftly slit her neck and left her to decay

What has that audacious persuasion turned me into?
How did I commit something that I could never do?
When did I put on this scarlet blouse?
Who dragged me inside of this familiar house?
EgoFeeder May 2013
Oh , How nostalgic this murderous intent has become
Playing out unfulfilled fantasies like a king without kingdom
And to only one holder of this self improvised widow-ship;
Do I dream so awfully of severing that taunting relationship

One that now merely dwells inside of a notebook;
Even when i'm drenched in pity it's where I still look
For on that desperate day I wrote with a ravenous flood;
and, that parchment now has our names signed in blood!

To her it was a simple act of departure and endless possibility
Little did she know it was the introduction to our romantic tragedy!
All she had left me with was my sin clenched within my fist;
A hand stained in red engraving her name into a cryptic blacklist

Written by a prime-time director and an aspiring eulogist;
The magicians signature was left on the dark Ink I kissed!
For something can only be a phenomenon if it's unintentional!
Pieced together with the weakest resistance and somebody emotional!

Just as those determined nights of worship and spell casting;
Have left little sign of result - or a sentiment worth celebrating
The truth behind witchery is that of instantaneous karma!
Like an inaudible whisper sent out into the absurdis firma!

In that moment I had surely witnessed the death of true love;
Begging to the highest for our connection to exist above
I whined and leaked pathetically to take myself somewhere;
Alas it all proved useless as I was left choking on despair

Begotten by Venus - with Bacchus alone;
Trembling in confusion as I listen to her moan
Fading into frailty - trying to cease the taunt of a *****;
Striving for the affection of someone I don't know anymore..

I'll be adhering a promise when i'm turning her into a cadaver
She made me believe that we wouldn't change and I'd always have her
There's no better way to be together than to rot into the soil;
Eternally decaying with no sign of thought or a waking toil

To this day I still gander at what we've all become;
And, I cannot fathom the hideous intentions we all circum
Drowning in vanity and convenience as the living dead;
I pray that every morsel of humanity meet its sudden death bed

And, since I have no way of bringing a catastrophic doomsday;
I must inaugurate the butchery of the one who made me this way
The girl who gave me benevolence then turned it to stone;
The purest smile that taught me to love and left me on my own

I do suppose it's too late to re-kindle our love anew;
or remove all the vices that I always ignored as true
But who says I can't repent for our selfish aspirations;
By guiding us both into a cessation of fettering desperation!

Now all that is left is the means of execution;
What shall be the guide to our savage eradication?
I'll drain our lives through every tedious incision!
A slow and painful mutilation is my final decision!
EgoFeeder May 2013
His beckoning intro was that of something beyond me;
As to what he was addressing and Why was a mystery
Oh great one I see; Please cast thee your secret!
And, I'll give you my body to cover thy debt!

I glanced into his bottomless eyes with a firm valor
and his seriousness began to fade into a ranting of dalor
Not once have I seen gallantry as such from an initiate!
Perhaps you are worthy to become as us - A satiate!

Let me just interpret the stars in which you're habituated;
Put forth your hand so I can determine what I've insinuated
So, I reached forward with my palm upright without a stutter
He examined my veins closely and then commenced again to mutter

Aha! You lurk in the lunar water as the empathetic serpent!
You're the omitter of vice and the keeper of the cowards repent!
And the flawlessly imperfect number of twelve marks your birth!
You hold the primal apprehension for the inhabitants of earth!

You're purely one step away from the beyond of thirteen;
And, Alas to cease without satiety is to restart the scene
That number is the sum of all that isn't and is to be;
To walk in that field of shadow is to befit one with thee!

How shall I befall my ****** functions and absorption?
I purposed with an uncertain query and a botching motion;
arousing a solicitous tension into the brisk night air
In which our duo could do naught but trade stare-to-stare

For he infallibly knew the answer to what I had postulated;
and the speechless exchange was the pattern that it vindicated
As I waited for his response to our silent wandering;
I gained a steadfast interpretation to it's ineffable meaning!

As he had before mentioned that what I sought was slumber;
and to what had prohibited me from that lay within my number!
I was to pursue and slaughter the cause of thy miseration;
but to what had substantially done so was up to contemplation

Before I could inquire further he stomped my speech with revel
Your lack of morality has imposed the question and asked it well;
And your efficacious deduction has left the first step resolved!
The second is to seek out your ailment and leave it dissolved!

This quest may prove to be a detriment to your psyche;
but, alas it's essential to slay the loss in your memory
So, if you will - sift through your known recollection -
and recover the culprit of your deprived affection!

So, aimlessly I treked through the past of my personal lineage;
Shoving away the wasteful remains of the plentiful foliage
There stood an assembly of forgotten friendship and romance;
and the single act that sung so softly was that skin-on-skin dance

Emerging from the assortment of lost games and innocence;
My original paramour cast her stainless beauty and essence
Moving her limbs onto my own caressing my mind with sensation;
And, alas I've no choice but to show her to a violent desolation..
EgoFeeder May 2013
So, I flipped curiously through every page
Of the infamous grimoire by the golden mage
Once I had finished I knew the lonely road;
The dance of the bones and the hermits code!

The depths of the wood were surrounded by light
Not from a star but from a moon so bright
It was the day of the harvest and it was mine
Searching for my tool to reach the divine

Where was the beast of grit and slime?
Down by the stream where he spent all his time
So, I marched to the creek with a hasteful stride
To locate the toad to make my sorrows subside

The reflection of my spherical guide
Gleamed brightly off the waters own hide
A night so fine that it would surely evoke
The call of the creature; it's cowardly croak

A sound rang out from the side of the creek
there lay a frog hopping through the leeks
Aha! I said. I have found you at last!
I can finally devour the evils from my past

I took him in hand to find the perfect tree
One with deadly thorns to set his soul free
I found the faultless plant with spikes so great
The night was high and it was time to penetrate

As I skewered the beast i felt no remorse
Such is the way to make a toad-corpse
His movement now faded he was no longer beast
I knelt to an anthill to give them a feast

After the insect army had consumed all his flesh
I placed his bones in my pack made of mesh
Turned to the north to head back to the river
To the shallow depths the bones I must deliver

Dropped them in the current to see which remain
If none of which stayed my attempt would be vain
I stood there and stared to see how i'd fair
and to my approval only one lay there!

Reached through the liquid to grasp my magic tool
Raised my hand of power to summon the ghoul
Oh, Sacred waters of the moon!
Bring me Sabatraxas to whom I might swoon!

The wind began to howl its childish laughter
The spirit I had summoned would come soon after
To grant me with a blessing or so the lore said
or Was I just a fool evoking my death bed?

Surely enough he ascended from below
I will teach you everything you need to know;
and destroy the ailments that butcher as you sleep
For only in rest shall you find the need to reap!
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