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7.9k · Sep 2019
God Double Their Poetry Gift
Edward Sep 2019
Your love is always perfect, it is always real as well.
You have brought me close to some Great poets ever.
In fact I would say the greatest poets that live today.
I appreciate that I can really enjoy their beautiful writes.
So one thing that I am asking you O Saving God tonight.
You are already using them mightily double that portion.
In each of the make their poems twice as beautiful please.
Also make their poems twice as powerful as they were before.
Bless them with doubling their poetry talent in every way now.
4.7k · Jan 2020
Life Choices
Edward Jan 2020
Sometimes Life choices, can be a bitter pill to take.
Sometimes Life choices, can bring true Hope to Us.
Sometimes Life choices, feel unfairly ****** upon us.
Sometimes Life choices, the after things comes surprisely.
Sometimes Life choices, seems better till we see what they birthed.
Sometimes Life choices, are accepted out of punishment.
Because bad choices, do bring punishment with the choices.
Sometimes Life choices, can bring Great blessings with them.
For we accept, the good choices God shall reward Us wonderfully.
1.2k · Sep 2019
Search Us Heal Us
Edward Sep 2019
O Lord search me, inside and out then heal me.

I beg thee , O Lord to search me and to heal me.

Not only I, heal but everyone that reads this too.

For this world is hurting and needs your Healing.

Heal our lands, heal our bodies, heal our children.

Then all shall see you O Lord and let a revival begin.

Thus then bring all nations unto your throne room.

Repenting of their sins, asking you to come into their hearts.

Thus many more including world leaders as well God.
1.2k · Jul 2020
Shine Shine
Edward Jul 2020
Please will you shine, even if you don't feel like it now.
Shine, Shine even when you are hurting right now Friend.
Shine, Shine make this whole wide world shine bright.
Shine, Shine allow the Holy Spirit shine from deep in you.
Shine, Shine Glorified the Lord and Savior of this universe.
Shine, Shine lift up your hearts and Glorified your Creator.
Shine, Shine worship the Creator of the Heavens and the earth.
860 · Oct 2019
At Times
Edward Oct 2019
At times, things might seem worst than they are.
At times, the loneliness might keep tearing at you.
At times, you might want to give up on life here.
At times, you might hurt and want to cry out to God.
But believe me things are not always as bad as it looks.
There always better times to come in the future too.
Sometimes it takes us getting out to meet new people.
Never give up , there shall come better times for you.
Yes if you really are hurting bad then cry out to God.
779 · Nov 2019
Even When Life Hurts
Edward Nov 2019
Even when life hurts, it is better to live.
Even when life hurts, it better to Praise him.
Even when life hurts, it is best to love others.
Even when life hurts, it better to keep moving.
Even when life hurts, I shall keep thanking him.
Even when life hurts, I shall sing him Praises too.
Even when life hurts, it is better to give than received.
For if Christ who is God came here hurting for Us.
Then can't we do the very same thing for others here.
722 · Sep 2019
Our God Reigns
Edward Sep 2019
Our God reigns, in times of trouble I run to him .
Our God reigns, so I keep my focus ion him alone.
Our God reigns, so I shall never wander from him.
Our God reigns, and I shall obediently follow him.
Our God reigns, because there is none other like him.
Our God reigns, because he lives and always will live.
Our God reigns, he reigns because he is God alone.
Our God reigns, for he was with Israel and still is.
Our God reigns, and he shall forever reign here too.
Our God reigns, for he is perfect in all of his ways.
697 · Sep 2019
May Your
Edward Sep 2019
May your heart always be as beautiful as a golden sunrise.
May your love always flow like like a cool refreshing river.
May your life be filled with many adventures right here too.
May your Beautiful soul, always cling to the Good Lord too.
May your friends and family always bless you every single day.
May nothing ever separate you from our Loving Savior God.
May one day we all meet right here and celebrate with lunch.
May we all meet in the next life as well and always celebrate.
655 · Oct 2019
Edward Oct 2019
Sometimes , when you hurt you want to cry.
Sometimes , you just want to lash out at others.
Sometimes, life seems unfair to you always too.
My prayer is that sometimes will disappear too.
Revealing Christ loves in every single situation
That in everything you shall feel his Love also.
That you shall feel lonely or forsaken neither.
For you shall see him in everything that you do.
Thus losing that anger that was building up too.
614 · Dec 2019
Not A Poem
Edward Dec 2019
If you want to contact me in my absence.
My Facebook is Edward Starr wonderman poems.
My email is
Thank you all very much, love you all God bless you all.
611 · Sep 2019
Rejoice Make A Difference
Edward Sep 2019
Today is a brand new day, so Rejoice.
So rejoice for you can make a difference.
You Speak life into your situations here.
You speak life , in all that your family life's.
Sing a brand new song here and rejoice too.
For you will make an difference in everything.
So Rejoice, dance and sing an brand new song.
Climb the highest mountains and shout it out.
Rejoice and become an life changer in others lifes.
603 · Feb 2020
Thank You
Edward Feb 2020
Alyssa, thank you for your poems GBU.
Larry , thank you for your poems GBU
Kristy, thank you for your poems here GBU.
Roumen, thank you for your Poetry GBU.
Wendy, thank you for your poetry GBU.
Brandon, thank you for your poems GBU.
Sally, thank you for your poetry GBU.
Mark, thank you for your Poems GBU.
The Girl, thank you for your Poems GBU.
Ava, thank you for your Poetry GBU.
Godson, thank you for your Poems GBU.
TheRaven thank you for your Poems GBU.
Raven , thank you for your Poetry GBU.
Krippi, thank you for your Poetry GBU.
Mike H, thank you for your Poems GBU.
Willow, thank you for your Poems GBU.
Kim, thank you for your Poetry GBU.
Keith, thank you for your Poems GBU.
Jules, thank you for your Poems,GBU.
Traveler,thank you for your Poems GBU.
Moonlight, thank you for your Poems GBU.
AB, thank you for yourPoetry GBU.
MAM, thank you for your Poetry GBU.
Guy, thank you for your Poetry GBU.
Fawn, thank you for your Poetry GBU.
Frank, thank you for your Poems GBU.
Melancholy, thank you for your Poems GBU.
Pradip, thank you for your Poetry GBU.
Melanie, thank you for your Poetry GBU.
Mike E, thank you for your Poems GBU.
Lilian, thank you for your Poems GBU.
Phil, thank you for your Poetry GBU.
Katja, thank you for your Poems GBU.
Godwin, thank you for your Poems GBU.
Jennifer, thank you for your poetry GBU.
Bijan, thank you for your poetry GBU.
FJ, thank you for your poetry GBU.
For the ones that I miss sorry GBU.
My hands are really sore right now.
595 · Oct 2019
May You
Edward Oct 2019
May you overcome all of your addictive behavior.
May your desire to chase the Lord at all cost here.
May your heart be filled with overwhelming love.
May Christ always grant you the peace you need.
May everyone that you meet touch your heart today.
I pray that you are being blessed today and always.
That you fill his love and knows that he does care.
For his love is overpowering and quite healing too.
567 · Sep 2019
Into The Storm
Edward Sep 2019
Into the Storm,  I fall in order to die once more to self.
Into the Storm, God has place me again to humble me.
Into the Storm, for this is my learning ground here.
Into the Storm, I live each day until I repent of sin.
In the midst, I must face the evil that I have unleashed.
In the midst, I must face the truth of all that has happened.
In the midst, I shall stay till I have become an changed man.
In the midst, I shall allow Christ to transform me today.
Out of the Storm, an much stronger warrior I am now.
Out of the Storm , Christ allows since I am humbled now.
Out of the Storm, I am now since I finally living in Gods will.
Out of the Storm, I am now and my life has completely changed.
542 · Oct 2019
Edward Oct 2019
Soon the Poor , shall become Rich as well.
Soon the Weak, shall become Strong too.
Soon Life, shall become much more easier.
Soon everything ,shall become known also.
Soon Life, shall become an Great Joy here.
Because Soon the Great King shall Return.
Soon the world shall come to an end here.
An Great new planet shall take it's place.
Making Life much more better than now.
511 · Feb 2021
Edward Feb 2021
Love is a verb, that needs to be shown.

Love is a verb, that needs to be seen also.

Love is a verb, that really needs to be pure.

Love is a verb, that needs to be showered.

Over others for Love is a verb, an action.

Love is a verb, that was already shown us.

Love is a verb,while Christ hung on that cross.

Love is a verb, Christ use action to reveal to us.

Love is a verb, for he died for us then rising back to life again.
491 · Sep 2019
I Pray That Your Heart
Edward Sep 2019
I pray that your heart, be filled with Joy.
I pray that your heart, be filled with Hope.
I pray that your hearts, be filled with Love.
I pray that your hearts, be filled with peace.
I pray that your hearts, be filled with wisdom.
I pray that your hearts, be filled with tenderness.
I pray that your hearts, be filled with healing.
I pray that your hearts. be filled with Faith.
I pray that your hearts ,be filled with deliverance.
I pray that your hearts, be filled with Awe for Jesus.
480 · Oct 2019
Lost Love
Edward Oct 2019
I did my best , to have that special love.
I did my best, but it seem to never work.
My marriage was really never meant to be.
Two broken lonely people falling together.
Then the soul-mate her and I were not to be.
I know what God was telling me all along.
That I was meant to single my whole life.
He put so many people that care about me.
In my life, to love me and for me to love them.
With his unconditional love, yes Lord I see it now.
479 · Oct 2019
Edward Oct 2019
Hallelujah , Christ has already deliver me.
Hallelujah, Christ has already healed you.
Hallelujah, It just we need to walk it out.
Hallelujah, I know that you are Special.
Hallelujah, you are always in my prayers.
Hallelujah, remember you are very special.
Hallelujah, I shall keep praying for you all.
Edward Sep 2019
The Cross, is a symbol of true hope here.
The cross, is the living symbol of true life.
The cross, is the symbol of freedom here.
The cross, is beautiful in our sights as well.
The cross, is the perfect symbol of salvation.
The cross, will always be the symbol here.
The cross, draws us to cry in it sight here.
The cross, for it is what holds our salvation.
The cross, is what Christ use to **** him.
The sinners death , and then he rose up again.
455 · Sep 2019
Family Member Death
Edward Sep 2019
When you lose an family member it always there.
In your heart, an piece that has been ripped out.
It matters not what others might tell you about it..
That eventually you get over it, for that is not true.
You never get healed on losing someone you love.
It has 34 years since my father went away in death.
It still hurts even worst than the day that he had died.
Actually I believe that I was in shocked at the beginning.
But it still hurts really bad especially the anniversary of his death.
My mother, sister, and nephews hurt really bad as well too.
450 · Apr 2020
Each Tear
Edward Apr 2020
Each tear, that falls brings your healing  one step closer.
Each tear, cleanses your life one tear more on the earth.
Each tear, drawls you one more step into seeing a Miracle.
Each tear, was shed because I felt so broken on the inside.
Each tear, I cried through all of my sorrow and pain here.
435 · Nov 2019
Edward Nov 2019
Remember, God never forget about Us.
Remember, God is always a Faithful God.
Remember, He always comes at the right time.
Remember, His Love is unconditional Love.
Remember , He created you and knows you.
Remember, Christ shall finish the work within you.
Remember, He wants only the very best for you.
Remember, He shall deliver you out of satan traps.
Remember, You are an child of the most high God.
434 · Feb 2020
May Your Journey
Edward Feb 2020
May your Journey, cross path with many.
May your Journey, keep inspiring others.
May your Journey, keep encouraging others.
May your Journey, always be filled with light.
May your Journey, always be filled with love.
May your Journey, always have the ripple effect.
Inspiring everyone that you meet to inspire others.
May your Journey, always be fill with beauty too.
May your Journey, always be filled with Hope'
That comes from the Christ our living Savior God.
419 · Feb 2021
Not a Poem
Edward Feb 2021
My neck is feeling better than it has in at least a year .
Love you I am back in Iowa now.
I will try to come back here again tomorrow night.
416 · Sep 2019
May You
Edward Sep 2019
May you always be bless, and your life touch.
May you always feel others pain and love them.
May all of your hurt, always be used in your poems.
So that others may be healed by your poems here.
May your own pain be healed now and forevermore.
May your love always be in every single poem you write.
Also may the readers always see your love in them all.
May you always be bless, by seeing others healed too.
May your life be used as a testimony of Christ healing.
371 · Jul 2020
O Lord
Edward Jul 2020
O Lord, hear thy children pleas and answer us.
O Lord, for we see that this world is getting darker.
O Lord, every time that we turn around here O God.
O Lord, something happens that is worst than before.
O Lord, it seems that only painful things happen now.
O Lord, hear our pleas and strengthen us right now.
O Lord,we desperately need your healing love here.
O Lord, so help us to stand firm on this dying world.
370 · Jun 2020
Bless Are You
Edward Jun 2020
Bless are you, because you see God.
Bless are you, because you hear God.
Bless are you, because you obey God.
Bless are you, because you love God.
Bless are you, because you are trying.
Bless are you, because you know God.
Bless are you, because you seeking him.
Bless are you, because you are chasing God.
Bless are you, because you never give up.
369 · Sep 2019
I Feel Your Pain
Edward Sep 2019
I have poured out my tears, so I understand .
The hurting needs healed so very desperately.
That they have turn to the bottle or drugs here.
To take away the overwhelming pain they have.
I have been there myself in California to be exact.
When a woman that I cared about rejected me.
But still the Good Lord delivered me later from it.
He was trying to reach out to me through it all.
So yes I can feel your pain and am praying for you.
To be delivered of it and then healed of it too.
356 · Sep 2019
Edward Sep 2019
Hellopoetry has the greatest poets of this time.
I am so bless to know them and to share too.
On the site that has the very best of them all.
There are so many to name on here  right now.
Brandon Nagely, TheRaven,CJLove,White Wolf.
Vicki,Bijan Rabiee, Darrell Landstrom, Patty m.
Openworldview,forgotten, samanthax,Arianna, Fawn.
Dennis Willis,Evangeline Ruth Hope,Muzaffer.
Naceur Ben Mesbah, Faizel Farzee, Dan Hess.
Crazy Diamond Kristy, Katja Pullinen, Deb Jones.
M-E, Long Rager,Amulya,Pradip Chattopadhyay.
Madison,Joanna,Sally Bayan, Wendy ,Izzn,Fredrick N.
There are many more praying Blessings upon your works.
348 · Sep 2019
Road Filled With Love
Edward Sep 2019
There are two roads for people to take here.
The first one full of Love, Peace, and Joy.
Is the road where you give even when it hurts,.
It is the one that is filled with friends and family.
It is also the one filled with great laughter also.
Sometimes they might be blessed with plenty of money.
This one may not have have plenty of money.
But they always have plenty of Love on this road.
The second road is fill with self , also Loneliness.
This road is filled with hate, cruelty at times here.
It is filled with greed , and selfishness also here.
This road is a long maybe finical rich road.
But rarely does this road has laughter or joy.
As for me I rather have the road of Love to take.
329 · Dec 2019
May Your
Edward Dec 2019
May your life always touch others right here.
May your heart always connect with others.
May Christ always fill you with truth warmth.
May Christ always fill your heart with Love.
With Great and overwhelming Unconditional Love.
May your life, always stay calm right here too.
Even while your world is being turn upside down.
May your struggles become easier with God's help.
May Christ always bless and comfort you Love you all.
Edward Oct 2019
I am sorry that I still held onto our hurts years later.
I know that we believe that awful lie about Dad.
Causing him so much pain that was unattended.
I know that we never stayed in any place very long.
That it was a struggle to deal with so much hurt.
I know that so many people really care about us.
That it was the very best job that we ever had.
Given to us by Christ himself my little self in me.
So much love through all of them there too.
But the loneliness still continue to keep happening.
Because I was and probably always remain broken.
Till the very day when I shall pass away from here.
308 · Sep 2019
Ask God Before You Write
Edward Sep 2019
Before you write ask the Lord to clear your mind.
Then ask him to put into your mind the words.
That he wants you to write to Glorified him too.
For if you keep writing what he puts on your heart,
Then your poems becomes so much better and wisdom.
For his poems are words to live by for they are healing.
So whatever you do just pray to Jesus for his Guidance.
Also that he keeps putting the words into your mind to write.
Thus then you shall become so super-bless love you all.
304 · Oct 2019
Stand Firm
Edward Oct 2019
In Christ ,is eternal Life and Hope here.
For even ,through the hardships on the earth.
We still ,with his strength keep persevering.
Stand firm, do not give up here so easily Family.
Right now, We need to put our Trust in him alone.
Edward Sep 2019
I spent  most of my teen life back in the 1970's.
Taking pills , drinking lighter fluid as well,
Felt like my family did not love me , ok.
But it was a lie from the evil ones from hell.
God told me that he would not let me die that way.
But I was hurting and I do not want you to die.
Your life is very precious to Jesus and I as well.
So please just keep pressing on in this here life.
Never give up , you have way to live for here.
298 · Sep 2019
My Son
Edward Sep 2019
My son, hear my pleas from heaven above me.
My heart is broken that you left at a young age.
May the Lord guiding you in heaven right now.
May he be looking out now for all of those.
That you love with an perfect love my son.
May your wife and children get extra blessings.
May he be protecting them with much tenderness.
May his light always shine on all that he loves.
295 · Oct 2019
My Prayer Is
Edward Oct 2019
My Prayer, is for you all to love deeply and unconditional.
My Prayer, is for you to think with an unconditional Love.
To treat everyone, as you would treat your best friend too.
To know when ,you make an mistake and own up to it.
For you ,don't have to broadcast it , just say you sorry to God.
Unless he, is telling you to make amends with that person.
My Prayer, is that some day we shall celebrate together too.
My Prayer, is that your life shall be filled with Love, and Miracles.
Edward Sep 2019
Another day to enjoy, the pleasure of spending time with God.
For he wants to bless, each and everyone of us here daily too.
So ask him what he, wants you to do today and every day here.
For not only does heaven ,belongs to him but so does the earth.
So I shall keep your day, prayed up that you will be blessed today.
While you ask God what does he want you to do today right here.
Thus then Jesus shall give to you Great wisdom for you and your poems.
So every morning pray asking God to use the Holy Spirit to guide you.
285 · Sep 2019
But In Your Heart
Edward Sep 2019
When you, are really hurting here.
But in your heart, you keep moving.
When you feel ,like you are always sad.
But in your heart, you keep moving
When you, wanting to give up on life.
But in your heart , you keep moving.
When you, are alone and feeling lonely.
But in your heart, you keep moving.
Then you, truly are an over comer here.
278 · Nov 2019
Not A Poem
Edward Nov 2019
My neck is still hurting keep me in your prayers.
Some nights I really struggle to get to sleep.
I have been spending a lot of time in the bible.
Through reading it on the internet love you all.
275 · Oct 2019
Reveal To Them.
Edward Oct 2019
Reveal to them, your loving-kindness is here for them.
Reveal to them, that you only want the best for them.
Reveal to them, that you shall never leave nor forsake them.
Reveal to them, that you hear their cries and shall be here.
Reveal to them, that when they love you with an full heart.
Reveal to them, then they ask in prayer they shall receive.
Reveal to them, that they are your children Father-God.
Reveal to them, that you are always watching out for them.
273 · Sep 2019
I Shall Wait Upon The Lord
Edward Sep 2019
I shall wait upon the Lord.
For his ways are not like ours.
I shall wait upon the Lord.
For his ways are always good.
So I shall wait upon the Lord.
268 · Sep 2019
To Each Of You
Edward Sep 2019
Each of you all, are very special, wonderful, and awesome.
Each of you, have always bless me , and encourage me too.
Each of you, are beautiful souls with an huge heart full of love.
Each of you, I truly do appreciate and love you with Christ love.
Each of you, are very talented with your Amazing poems here.
Each of you, I love coming here and reading your beautiful poems.
Each of you, for they truly do touch my heart and I see your love.
Each of you, has taught me more about loving others on this site.
260 · Sep 2019
You Are Awesome
Edward Sep 2019
You are Awesome Lord, you are Great.
You are the very Best O Saving Creator.
You are Awesome, Lord you are Great.
There is none besides you for you are Awesome.
You are Great , I love you God you are Great.
You are Awesome, You are Great O Lord God.
You are Great , there is none beside you Lord.
257 · Sep 2019
I Wonder
Edward Sep 2019
I wonder , what would had happen?
If I would had gotten everything right.
With completely obeying God in everything.
I wonder, what would had happen ?
If I would had follow that beautiful Lady?
All the way to where she was going in Cali.
When I was but a mere 22 years old back then.
I wonder , why God has allow me to be like this.
To place awesome challenges that would help others.
Then at the last minute fail him and them as well.
By running away which was what I had always done.
Now that I have finally set down roots here in Maryland
249 · Sep 2019
Edward Sep 2019
Hear the wind,  but can you see it right.
Love is, just like the wind here as well.
You give, it away, but people don't see it.
Faith is, similar as well it can not be seen.
They are ,only seen once it hit the mark.
For until someone, accepts the love you give.
It actions, are not even seen by other people.
So remember ,that just because you don't see God.
Does not mean, that he is not real because he is.
245 · Sep 2019
The Lord Is Good
Edward Sep 2019
The Lord is good to me and I am thankful.
The Lord is good to me, and he is faithful.
The Lord has bless me beyond what I deserve.
The Lord has bless me, and I am so thankful.
I never deserve it but he has bless me anyway.
So I shall praise and glorified his Awesome name.
The Lord is always good to us, his people here.
So that through us others may become bless.
For our God is the King of his people here.
241 · Nov 2019
Stand Firm With Christ
Edward Nov 2019
If the evil one is putting evil thoughts into your mind.
Like suicide, or something else like that here on earth.
Just focus on Jesus, nothing can stand against his might.
Ingore the evil spirits, they will be judged by him soon.
Just pray to the Lord, to deliver you from bad thoughts.
Ask the Good Lord to rescue you from your pain too.
Then just keep focusing on the Good Shepherd too.
For he shall stand with you protecting you from evil.
While restoring you with your family and friends.
239 · Sep 2019
Edward Sep 2019
The evil spirit of darkness and depression.
At times will cause me to sleep too much.
It will make me sad and hurt me as well.
But the Spirit of God helps me to over come.
For it is the Spirit of God that is always in me.
For Christ loves me and place his helper in me.
To become an over-comer and to let others know.
That he loves them and will help them to over-come.
For he is the one that shall help them in their time of need.
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