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Nov 2019 · 114
Deep Within
Edward Nov 2019
Deep within, everyone struggle sometimes.
Deep within , every one cries and hurts too.
Deep within, every one worries and fear too.
Deep within , every one at times get angry.
Deep within, this is how we feel at times.
Trying to keep something kept inside from others.
Like maybe some hidden secret maybe a sin.
Maybe how we might be feeling at that time.
Deep within, we are all humans with the same feelings.
So why are we so divided so angry and divided.
My prayer is that we as the people shall work things out.
Together and do it in an loving spiritual way as well.
We shall be spending time together on the new earth.
Edward Nov 2019
You are Perfect you, Special, and Awesome.
You are more than your last mistake here.
God created you to shine brighter than the sun.
For this is how truly Special that you truly are.
No one could ever take your place in your purpose.
For only you were created to fulfill that purpose.
It was because the purpose is connected to your gifts.
You each are truly talented, and Loved by Jesus.
Nobody shall ever take your place I love you in Christ.
Nov 2019 · 78
You Are Precious To God
Edward Nov 2019
I see life the most precious gift for all people.
I see how Precious that each of you all are here.
You all were created in the image of God himself.
For we were all created by God to be his alone.
Sometimes we make decisions that pull Us away.
But in the very beginning he wanted Us to be his.
So do you see just how Special that you each are.
This is why I keep telling you that you are Awesome.
You each are Beautiful Souls that are the perfect you.
Nov 2019 · 187
Deep Within
Edward Nov 2019
Deep within my mind, dwells the pain, sorrow, and doubt.
Deep within my mind, is where the battle reigns strongly.
Deep within my mind, is where all of the scars are created.
Deep within my mind, is where I lose control O Holy God.
Deep within my heart, is where God has strengthen me.
Deep within my heart, is where Christ has given me extra Love.
Deep within my heart, is where the battle turns to Us winning.
Deep within my heart, the Holy Spirit of God is winning my battle.
So that when people see me, they see Christ that stands before them.
So that when people see me, that they see Christ Spirit within me.
So that when people look up to me it is not just I that is before them.
Nov 2019 · 76
For All You Done For Us
Edward Nov 2019
You have brought me with your blood Lord.
With your blood you have wash me clean too.
You have saved me more times than I remember.
Even if I were even to remember every single time.
You have sacrifice your life for me and others too.
So it should not be hard for me to sacrifice for you.
There is nothing that is too hard for you O Holy One.
So when you ask Us to do something for you too.
It should not be hard to obediently do it for you.
Nov 2019 · 68
You Love Me
Edward Nov 2019
You Love me, and give me your peace O God.
You Love me, and had never gave up on me.
You Love me, and has save me many of times.
This here, Thanksgiving Holiday reveal to me.
Just how much, that you really do love me God.
I have more, to be thankful than I ever had before.
You Love me, and I Love you so much my Savior.
Without you, and your Love I would have been dead.
You Loved me long before you had even created me.
Nov 2019 · 65
Your Protection Over Me
Edward Nov 2019
I have always had you watching my back.
Even though I had lived an self-destructive life.
Reacting without thinking things through then.
But you have back then had a protection over me
I seen it so clearly now, that I can look back at it.
Yet for most part the protection is not as strong.
Maybe because it was to reveal you to be then.
To let me know that I do belong to you O Lord.
Still at times I can see the protection on me still.
It just for many different things it has been lifted.
But with protecting me from death that part of it.
Is still there Lord, this much I can still see in it.
Nov 2019 · 49
Know This
Edward Nov 2019
If you ,are hurting  or struggling at the moment.
If you, feel like there is no hope for you. here.
If you, feel that everything you try seems to fail.
If you, feel like nothing will ever start to turn round.
If you, feel like you are ready to give up on life here.
If you, are at the very end of your rope right now .
Know this, you are more than all of your struggles.
Know this, you are more than all of your failures.
Know this, you are more because Christ loves you.
Nov 2019 · 419
Edward Nov 2019
Remember, God never forget about Us.
Remember, God is always a Faithful God.
Remember, He always comes at the right time.
Remember, His Love is unconditional Love.
Remember , He created you and knows you.
Remember, Christ shall finish the work within you.
Remember, He wants only the very best for you.
Remember, He shall deliver you out of satan traps.
Remember, You are an child of the most high God.
Nov 2019 · 60
I Do Understand
Edward Nov 2019
I really do love you all with an unconditional Love.
I know that each and every-one of you have feelings.
That you have an Great heart, that you each care also.
I know that you use your gifts to help each other.
I shall keep praying for each of us that are hurting.
I know exactly how it feels to be hurting each day.
I know that if it was not for the Lord Jesus Christ.
I would still to this day be living in hopelessness.
But Jesus has taken me out of that hopelessness.
Nov 2019 · 64
Lord Help Them
Edward Nov 2019
Lord help those whom are now living all alone.
During the holidays this here season Lord Jesus.
I know that things have become more harsh now.
Since the United States has gotten away from you.
Just bless them with your strength and a chance to hear you.
For your voice is Beautiful, and gives one renew Hope.
Because you want to heal Us, and give Us only the best.
Which is different best , than what the world wants to offer.
You want to use Us to reveal your Hope and truth to the world.
Nov 2019 · 28
Edward Nov 2019
You are all Amazing Poets and Poetess right here.
I truly do appreciate each and every one of you.
We each have our own journey to embark on here.
This is mine Journey , as well as others whom follow him.
I am just thankful that you are using your great gifts.
To help others out of love for them thank you much.
I know that God shall use that to help others to be healed.
Healing is very important to each of us that living right now.
I just wanted to say that your Beautiful words do inspire many.
Nov 2019 · 26
You Are Like
Edward Nov 2019
You are an Inspirational Blessing too.
Your words touch our hearts always.
I am Thankful to have you as a friend.
You are here for an very important reason.
You are like a fresh rain cooling hearts.
You are like the cool waters refreshing Us.
You are like the fresh tasting Fruit after fasting.
Nov 2019 · 111
Do I Speak For Myself
Edward Nov 2019
Whom am I, but a simple man working for a Perfect God.
Whom am I, but an fool chasing after our Awesome Creator.
Do I have a right to defend myself of course not only God.
Do any of Us have a right to live for one-self not at all.
We all were created for the perfect pleasure of our Creator.
But he knew that most would rather live this life for their self.
The ones that live for him would have Great lives later on.
For this world is not our own but the new earth will be our home.
Once this one pass away and after God create the new one.
Nov 2019 · 85
Not A Poem.
Edward Nov 2019
My computer is acting up will like your poems once I get back home sworry.
Nov 2019 · 148
You Are More
Edward Nov 2019
You are more, than all of your darkest moments.
You are more, than all of your broken promises.
You are more, than all of your bad decisions too.
You are more, because Christ promises reigns.
He knew you, all before you were ever born here.
He knew you, because it was him that created you.
You are more, because of the Grace that God gave you.
You are more, and he shall raise you up again soon.
Transforming you into the person that he created you to be.
Nov 2019 · 73
Nothing Really Matter
Edward Nov 2019
Nothing really matters here except allowing Jesus to use you.
If you were to die,  tomorrow what would you take with you.
For this world is only an testing ground for our Savior God.
To see where your heart, really is to see if you choose him.
Nothing else matters, except allowing him to use you today.
To save souls, for his kingdom in another realm called heaven.
Will you allow him to use you to to reveal him to them here.
So that he may transform their lives in the here and now today.
Will you chose him to rescue all of those that surround you.
Nov 2019 · 101
I Surrender
Edward Nov 2019
I surrender to you Lord all of my dreams.
Because my wishful thinking is unproductive.
I surrender all of my sadness , and sufferings.
Because it keeps my focus always off of you.
I surrender my regrets, and my unknown future.
Because I am tire, and need to change right now.
Giving you my full attention , and all of my faith.
Because in the very end I really do trust you Lord.
Even through this hurt, I still love and trust you.
Because you have always been truly faithful Lord.
I surrender whom I am to you Mighty Savior God.
For you to use me in every way that you chose to
Nov 2019 · 73
Right Next To You
Edward Nov 2019
I know that so many, are tired and want to go home.
But Jesus is not finish with you on this here earth.
So please do not give up but finish this here race.
If not for yourself, then for all those watching you.
So that they shall finish this here race right next to you.
I shall be there right beside you with all of my sufferings.
Because I know that God encourages others through us.
I want them to be right beside me when they finish.
Nov 2019 · 79
Yet While We Were Unknown
Edward Nov 2019
Jesus, you thought of our struggle was you were on that cross.
For you came, to save us as well through that cross you were on.
Yet before we were even thought of by our ancestors you knew us.
For you knew, all things while you suffered on that ****** cross.
Because even then you were and are God the Son of the Father.
So all that we shall do is know that you are our Precious Savior.
Whom rescue us, while we were yet unknown by the whole world.
Nov 2019 · 71
Keep Me On That Road
Edward Nov 2019
For those like me, whom struggle with our relationship.
Let those whom faith waiver, see you more clearly Lord.
For those whom struggle with Trust , hold them more clearly.
For those at times struggle with obedience do a work within.
That shall show all that knows you the right decision to make.
Because sometimes we can not see the trees for the forest.
For those like me whom some how have lost their way here.
Reveal to those that desperately need an sign from you.
For those like myself whom keep taking the wrong road.
Lead us to the right road and keep leading us by the hand.
Now that you recreated a road for me keep me following you.
Even if it means that it will be an painful road for me to take.
Nov 2019 · 228
Stand Firm With Christ
Edward Nov 2019
If the evil one is putting evil thoughts into your mind.
Like suicide, or something else like that here on earth.
Just focus on Jesus, nothing can stand against his might.
Ingore the evil spirits, they will be judged by him soon.
Just pray to the Lord, to deliver you from bad thoughts.
Ask the Good Lord to rescue you from your pain too.
Then just keep focusing on the Good Shepherd too.
For he shall stand with you protecting you from evil.
While restoring you with your family and friends.
Nov 2019 · 87
God Use Us
Edward Nov 2019
Gods uses all suffering that we go through here.
To use Us to lead others out of that struggle.
For if he uses you a lot then your purpose is great.
Each pain, or struggle he shall use you right here.
To help show them how you were deliver here.
Thus helping them to be delivered from it too.
This is how our Savior God works on the earth.
Its never about Us, but always about him always.
For it is his Glory , it was never our Glory never.
Nov 2019 · 766
Even When Life Hurts
Edward Nov 2019
Even when life hurts, it is better to live.
Even when life hurts, it better to Praise him.
Even when life hurts, it is best to love others.
Even when life hurts, it better to keep moving.
Even when life hurts, I shall keep thanking him.
Even when life hurts, I shall sing him Praises too.
Even when life hurts, it is better to give than received.
For if Christ who is God came here hurting for Us.
Then can't we do the very same thing for others here.
Nov 2019 · 130
Gods Promises
Edward Nov 2019
I in the past felt like Jesus has forgotten me.

In my shame , I feel unworthy to my Lord God.

I feel like it was an mistake that I heard him say.

Thinking that it might have been the evil one.

But lately I been hearing in lots of songs I listen to.

That Jesus shall never break a promise that he makes.

Knowing that he is speaking to me letting me know.

That his promise to me shall still be fulfilled too.

My God is going to finish the work that he started in me.

He shall also finish the work that he started in you.
Nov 2019 · 98
Only True Hope
Edward Nov 2019
In today's world with so much hurt and anger.
So much loneliness with rejection and isolation.
So many young adults and children wanting to die.
in this here world everyone is searching for something.
Something to feel good , or something to hope in here.
My prayer is that you chose to find something or someone.
To hope in here and that hope would be in a Savior God.
There is one true Savior, and he is the very reason I still live.
I should have been dead many times , but he keeps saving me.
Nov 2019 · 272
Not A Poem
Edward Nov 2019
My neck is still hurting keep me in your prayers.
Some nights I really struggle to get to sleep.
I have been spending a lot of time in the bible.
Through reading it on the internet love you all.
Oct 2019 · 149
Never Forget
Edward Oct 2019
Never forget, whom you are an Warrior.
Never Forget , you are Healed my Friend.
Never Forget, you are not ugly nor gross.
But you were created to be Beautiful/handsome.
Never Forget, that you are an Mighty Over-comer.
Never Forget, that you were made to Bless others.
Never Forget, that you are really truly Special.
Oct 2019 · 64
We Have Great Power
Edward Oct 2019
We whom love God , has been given Great power.
This comes from our Lord, he says you will do Greater.
Things because I am going to the Father on your behalf.
So since the Holy Spirit dwells within Us right here.
We have the Holy Spirit doing Great things within Us.
As well as doing even Greater things for others as well.
Through Us whom loves God with our full hearts too.
So do not be discourage but keep trusting the Good Lord.
Oct 2019 · 30
Your Life Matter
Edward Oct 2019
Your life matters, no matter what is going on.
Your life matters, Jesus really does love you.
Your life matters, if he loves me a spoil brat.
That was what, I use to feel in this life here.
Then he loves, you as well please dont give up.
For your life, truly does matter to our Savior too.
So sometime today, or tonight ask him to save you.
To forgive, your sins and repent from your heart.
Oct 2019 · 642
Edward Oct 2019
Sometimes , when you hurt you want to cry.
Sometimes , you just want to lash out at others.
Sometimes, life seems unfair to you always too.
My prayer is that sometimes will disappear too.
Revealing Christ loves in every single situation
That in everything you shall feel his Love also.
That you shall feel lonely or forsaken neither.
For you shall see him in everything that you do.
Thus losing that anger that was building up too.
Oct 2019 · 63
Jesus Fill Us Up
Edward Oct 2019
Jesus fill Us up with neediness for obedience to you.
Jesus fill Us up, with desperation for you alone God.
Jesus fill Us up, with an Love that is unconditioned too.
Jesus fill Us up, with an heart for the lost and hurting.
For what is my life but an desperation to follow you.
For what is life without you but an split second Lord.
I would rather have to struggle this life than to die lost.
I would rather be an nobody here than a somebody in h3ll.
Oct 2019 · 77
New People
Edward Oct 2019
From the ashes, new life has arrived.
For the old man now is dead forever.
The new man whom stands strong.
Because of the Holy Spirit within Us.
This is my prayer, that everyone sees.
The Miracle of the New Men and Women.
That every Poet shall grasp the truth of this.
Thus wanting to become the New People.
Oct 2019 · 73
Holy Savior
Edward Oct 2019
Holy Savior, Blessed are your people right here on the earth.
Holy Savior, Blessed are they because you guard them here.
Holy Savior, I pray that their walk here is beautiful to you.
Because you love them fully and unconditional Holy Lord.
Holy Savior, I pray that you shall always be by their sides.
Always protecting them as well as be there to guide them.
Holy Savior, you are the most beautiful dying for your people.
Then rising back to life freeing Us from the second death.
Oct 2019 · 73
Holy Spirit
Edward Oct 2019
Holy Spirit, join Us now while we are praying.
Reveal to Us what we really need to ask for.
Reveal to Us everything that needs to be said.
Holy Spirit never leave Us but always dwell within Us.
For we shall always need you here on the earth.
Always stay with Us and reveal to Us what God needs.
Holy Spirit, You are an very dear friend to Us always.
For you are always here looking after Us thank you.
Oct 2019 · 464
Edward Oct 2019
Hallelujah , Christ has already deliver me.
Hallelujah, Christ has already healed you.
Hallelujah, It just we need to walk it out.
Hallelujah, I know that you are Special.
Hallelujah, you are always in my prayers.
Hallelujah, remember you are very special.
Hallelujah, I shall keep praying for you all.
Oct 2019 · 473
Lost Love
Edward Oct 2019
I did my best , to have that special love.
I did my best, but it seem to never work.
My marriage was really never meant to be.
Two broken lonely people falling together.
Then the soul-mate her and I were not to be.
I know what God was telling me all along.
That I was meant to single my whole life.
He put so many people that care about me.
In my life, to love me and for me to love them.
With his unconditional love, yes Lord I see it now.
Oct 2019 · 209
May You
Edward Oct 2019
May you, be blessed beyond your imagination.
May you , be guided by the Living God all day.
May you, have an heart of an lion all day long.
May you, find your love if you are single now.
May you, become fully healed as well Poet.
May you, never be worry about being used too.
May you, always trust the Creator in everything.
May you, have the very best day you ever had.
Oct 2019 · 111
Not A Poem
Edward Oct 2019
Sorry about yesterday and the day before .
I was struggling with kidney stones.
As well as my neck was in really bad pain.
Oct 2019 · 208
We Are Flaw Creatures
Edward Oct 2019
You love us, even with so much junk.
That we carry deep within us O Lord.
The low-esteem, anger, bitterness too.
People say there's no way that they are loved.
With all of the things that they have done.
But this is why Christ gives us all grace.
Because we all have our flaws right here.
Once we are in heaven then we will be perfect.
But as we are right now, we are still flawed.
Oct 2019 · 130
Edward Oct 2019
A Love so deep, has Christ given each of Us.
Praying that each, of you shall feel that Love.
A Love so overwhelming, has He given to Us.
So overwhelming ,that it touch shall last forever.
For everyone, whom meets Christ shall never forget.
A Love so deep, and so pure at the same time also.
A Love, that shall never die nor fade from our Hearts.
A Love, so perfect that grown-men shall cry like a baby.
Oct 2019 · 286
My Prayer Is
Edward Oct 2019
My Prayer, is for you all to love deeply and unconditional.
My Prayer, is for you to think with an unconditional Love.
To treat everyone, as you would treat your best friend too.
To know when ,you make an mistake and own up to it.
For you ,don't have to broadcast it , just say you sorry to God.
Unless he, is telling you to make amends with that person.
My Prayer, is that some day we shall celebrate together too.
My Prayer, is that your life shall be filled with Love, and Miracles.
Oct 2019 · 26
Edward Oct 2019
Asking God to deliver you from what you are going though.
For your life is valuable , God bless every one of you too.
Oct 2019 · 59
Edward Oct 2019
Lord take this anger even though it was aim at evil.
Deliver me from any wicked thoughts at people here.
For we are not suppose to fight against flesh and blood.
But against demons and its evil leader the devil too.
But it really tough at times when we see injustice here.
Still it is you that lead Us so help all my fellow poets.
As well as I over come anger and Love always perfectly.
With your most perfect love in all ways Mighty Savior.
Oct 2019 · 88
God Help
Edward Oct 2019
God help others and I, whom can not stand on our own.
God help the others and I, whom are weak in strength.
God help Us, because only you can do the saving God.
God help every poet, whom love you on this here site.
Because only you can save anyone including myself.
I know that even the simplest matters I struggle with.
Because I am weak but you are always the strongest.
Oct 2019 · 295
Stand Firm
Edward Oct 2019
In Christ ,is eternal Life and Hope here.
For even ,through the hardships on the earth.
We still ,with his strength keep persevering.
Stand firm, do not give up here so easily Family.
Right now, We need to put our Trust in him alone.
Oct 2019 · 58
Holy God
Edward Oct 2019
So many people struggling in their addictions.
I know that only you can deliver people out of it.
Only you can change their perspective of things.
Reveal to them the reasons that they have to live.
Things that make them fully want to keep living.
Self-destructive death wishing needs to leave them.
Rescue all, there are even times I want to die God.
But your purpose of saving those poor people here.
Is much more important here Holy Savior God always.
Oct 2019 · 266
Reveal To Them.
Edward Oct 2019
Reveal to them, your loving-kindness is here for them.
Reveal to them, that you only want the best for them.
Reveal to them, that you shall never leave nor forsake them.
Reveal to them, that you hear their cries and shall be here.
Reveal to them, that when they love you with an full heart.
Reveal to them, then they ask in prayer they shall receive.
Reveal to them, that they are your children Father-God.
Reveal to them, that you are always watching out for them.
Oct 2019 · 126
With Great Joy
Edward Oct 2019
I Love you all, your works are precious.
My prayer, for today is see you  having Joy.
An great, and wonderful helping of great Joy.
Filling your heart, with hundred fold today.
Not just today, but every single day right here.
Not just you, but your whole family as well.
That it fills you so completely in all your body.
So that all of your worries fade away forever.
Thus you seeing Jesus with an new experience.
Oct 2019 · 534
Edward Oct 2019
Soon the Poor , shall become Rich as well.
Soon the Weak, shall become Strong too.
Soon Life, shall become much more easier.
Soon everything ,shall become known also.
Soon Life, shall become an Great Joy here.
Because Soon the Great King shall Return.
Soon the world shall come to an end here.
An Great new planet shall take it's place.
Making Life much more better than now.
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