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Edward S Dec 2013
She would often take long walks,
Long walks on a forest path, she hated walking around city blocks.

She would walk with such grace,
As her brunette hair brushed her dress trimmed with lace.

She would walk into a sunny glade,
The only place that wasn't filled with shade.

There she would lay in the evening sun,
The only place she didn't have to run.

She would dance all the time,
This was her place where she could be free to rhyme.

Then she would sit down and put flowers in her hair,
Here, she didn't need to hide from peoples staring stares.

Then she would begin to walk when it was time to go,
Before she would leave, the wind would begin to blow.

Knocking out the flowers in her hair,
She would then be exposed to their dark stares.

The flowers drifted in the wind,
And landed on the soft grass, may this be a reminder.

That I won't give you a dark stare,
If you my dear, decide to put flowers in your hair.
Edward S Aug 2013
I know so many people, who love the same ***,
And hec I've been asked out by one over text.

I don't like the same ***, but I support them,
Every one should be able to love, and put on a wedding gem.

They are the people who make our world different, in the best way it can possibly be,
I hate the world being normal, maybe now the people will see.

That loving the same ***, is just as normal as loving opposite,
Now, maybe this poem will make you more confident.

If your gay and reading this, I want to just say,
I'm proud of you, you are still a person just like the rest of us, may your sky never be grey.

We are all the same, we have fingers, hands, brains, muscles and skin,
So then loving the same *** shouldent be a sin.

Love, and be yourself,
Your not a "***** object" that belongs on a self.

Your a human being like the rest of us,
You have the right to love and express.

Always remember,
Hold this when you start back in September.

Your loved, your human,
There may not have been an Adam and Steve, but your loved, if love is locked up its inhuman.

Now go out, and find your love,
Go now, be free like a dove.

It's should automatically be a right,
See? He supports it.

"I might not be the same, but that's not important
No freedom till we're equal, **** right I support it"
- Macklemore
Was inspireded by Macklemores song "Same Love" you can hate me all you want.. your views not mine. Be strong and be yourself. Love who you wish.
Edward S Jun 2013
I was the girl from the woods,
The one that didn't hide under a hood.

I saw his face, the boy with no fairy,
When his came to him, he was so merry.

But I knew that he was bound to something besides me,
I knew that as soon as I saw him head to The Great Deku Tree.

Before I knew it, he was crossing that bridge,
I knew that we would be forever seperated by that ridge.

When he left I tried so hard to forget,
My feelings towards him, and that we never met.

But he found me one day, in my place of peace,
He had a sword and a Hylian shield, He wore dark green fleece.

We played our ocarinas, and made our own song,
We could call each other if anything went wrong, and it kept me strong.

7 years passed.. he became the hero he was ment to be,
And it was on that day that he forgot about me.

He stood there with Princess Zelda, they gazed into each others eyes,
Everytime I think of it, apart of me dies.

I've spent nights trying to forget my feelings,
But all I can see is my tree trunk ceiling.

You deserve Zelda over me,
There can't be three.

I want you to be happy with Zelda, this is my choice,
If thats the thing that will make you rejoice.

I will be waiting, and maybe someday we will be,
My name is Saria.. Please Link.. don't forget about me.
Was inspired yet again from The Legend of Zelda Series. Instead of Skyward Sword it is based on Ocarina of Time. The poem is based on Saria's love for Link.
1.4k · Oct 2013
I'm Lost Without You
Edward S Oct 2013
It seems so strange how love can still exist in this messed up world,
And how memories can still live on.. Even after our roads devised.

We bumped into each other in the hall one day. As I blushed and apologized you smiled and told me I was classy.

Under the sweet smells of popcorn and that warm summer air.. We shared our first kiss.. And we held hands from there on in.
We would run around the streets and laugh like lunatics..

Everything would be so great, the town thought we were mad.
We took our walks on the beach, and danced under the moonlight sky, with the candles glowing below.

We would jump in the leaves and twirl with them dancing around us We called it dancing with the leaves.

We made pillow forts and had our Nerf wars on the cold winter days, to end it all off with a hot coffee as the suns rays dipped under the horizon.

We would pretend we were birds and fly with the wind atop of large hills, then run down them as if they were a large valleys.

We had our days, we both shed tears, and we both messed up. But we would always end it with a " I need you" letter.

We wrote in a bottle: "we will always be." .. And then threw it into the river. It all changed soon after I got that text..

You moved away. That day.. I fell to pieces..
It was like time itself had stopped and I couldn't breath.
I had been stabbed with bits of glass, I couldn't help but scream..

I haven't quite been the same, I've turned into a emotional wrack.
Trying to fill a void that's been empty for so long..
If you saw me now.. You'd be disappointed.. I'm not the same guy you fell in love with..

My hair isn't combed and doesn't have that brown shine, my eyes glow black and my skins gone sour, I've become more hunched, and I always have a cloud over my head.
No one seems to care,
So with this pain I must bare.

I never stopped caring, now I'm dealing with the weight of the world.
People say that there is someone out there for me. To stop dwelling on the past and move onto the here and now. There was someone out there but now she's gone.
I cry every night and then think of you, and that's when I realize,

I'm lost without you.
1.2k · Jul 2013
The Long Winding Road
Edward S Jul 2013
They say that Life is a long winding road,
A long twisted trail that we need to decode.

Some times there are forks in the road or the odd crack,
Or the sky just turns completely black.

For the majority of your younger years of Life you walk alone,
Or that one special person walks with you, some come and some go,
Or sometimes you get shot right down to the bone.

Some friends walk beside the road your on,
And then in the blink of an eye there paths are gone.

My path has its ups, downs, lefts, rights,
But then it becomes smooth, and it's bathed in the evening light.

The seasons go by quick and the years begin to fly by,
But sometimes we just need to stop and shout 'Bonsai!'.

Yes, people may come and go,
But from what ever the reason, you will learn and grow.

For a little while I've walked this road, and there's been a few things I've been able to decode,
But there is still a lot more that's in code, along this long and winding road.
Edward S Jun 2013
I was born and raised on Lon Lon Ranch,
I would always take care of the horses and sit on an Olive branch.

My mother died when I was younger,
My father, Talon always fed me and I never suffered from hunger.

One day, my father went to Hyrule Castle to go deliver milk for the Royal Family to drink,
I waited from him at the gate to the castle, thats when I saw a boy with a fairy, his name was Link.

My heart dropped and began to flutter,
And right then and there I began to giggle and melt like butter.

After that day, I didnt see him for seven years,
As I watched him walk down the road I held back my tears.

For seven long years I thought about that boy in green fleece,
I cried alot of tears, but it kept my heart strong and in one piece.

Now I see that he loves another, I believe her name is Zelda,
You deserve better then me, you deserve to be with the Alpha, I'm just an Omega.

Please take good care of Epona, for me please,
Take good care of her when you cross the Seas.

I hope you keep me in your mind, and that you promise you'll visit soon,
I love you Link, you're my precious blue moon.
892 · Jun 2013
Mind Games
Edward S Jun 2013
Were playing those mind games again love,
Remember? I can still hear the mourning dove.

Love is the answer to it all isn't it?
Or is it too hard to admit?

I'm mesmerized by everything we do,
But when I see you with him, it makes me think till I turn blue.

I wish things were different. Don't you?
But I can see its too hard for you to chew.

Darling I love you so much,
Please don't let go of the clutch.

I know I matter, and that you care,
But seeing you with him is extremely hard to bare.

I'm sorry I snap when I think everything is deceased,
But remember our fairy tale is Beauty and the Beast.

He makes you happy, that is good,
I think I've finally understood.

I promised I wouldn't let you go,
And I promise I will keep it so.

Love don't worry about our chestnut tree,
I'll be here when you need me.
Edward S Aug 2013
There is a black bottomless pit,
It consumes you when your weak, and breaks down your wits.

Life seems so pointless when you've reached your wits end,
Where words stick to your head, and your mind begins to bend.

You don't want to get up and see the world anew,
Your mind confines you, the voices then agree too, they hate you.

You try so hard to find an exit in this barren black pit,
But every time you try to get out you get hit.

People have pushed me to the point on where I can't trust them anymore,
They just walk all over you, they scrape there feet on the floor.

No one really gives a ****,
They just tell you to scram.

When you are getting ready to skip town,
Don't look at there false frowns.

They will yell "Don't leave! We need you!"
Don't listen to them, it isn't true.

They tell you what you wish to hear,
It's never really true.

My conclusion is simple: love only a few
Trust no one. They only make you cry blue.

Then you feel as though you are dead,
But then you realize, it's all in your head.
804 · Mar 2014
The Sorrow Of The Doctor
Edward S Mar 2014
I've seem many things, felt a lot more,
I never quite got over my role in the Great Time War.

So I decided to flee,
In a blue box where my past would be far away from me.

Even when I would die, I'd just come back again,
With more burdens and scars for me to try and mend.

I often sit at the edge of space and think about all that I've done,
The sacrifices I had to make and the promises I broke, to protect the people who dwelled on the 3rd planet from the sun.

I'm a doctor, who can't even save himself,
My hearts are heavy and it's beginning to effect my health.

I've lost one person I really adored,
She was always so delighted to just go through space and sore.

But now she's gone,
I've lost an amazing pawn.

Although I'm a doctor, I can't heal everything,
I suffer too great and I'm not even able to sing.

All I'm able to say is Allons-y,
There's nothing much more I could tell dear Alonso.

Now I sit alone, on the edge of my blue box,
Watching the Earth go through another equinox.

I am the last Timelord of Gallifrey,
And here on the Earth I will stay.

Because here I am needed,
And with all my power I will keep the Daleks at bay.
728 · Jul 2013
Edward S Jul 2013
They say they will be there when he needs them,
Or did they lie to him? So they could get his precious gem?

He has to be the sender, he never gets anything on the receiving end,
It's like this all the time for him, it isn't a weird trend.

"Hey" silence, "Hey, how are you?" Silence is his only reply,
He can do nothing more, all he can do is sigh.

So is this it? The sign that he should leave?
To travel to different lands, is it too hard to believe?

They all say " No! Don't leave! We need you here."
Then everyone disappears.

Like ghosts disappearing into the midnight breeze,
Maybe he should go and ignore their false please.

Stay or go?
Or maybe he will just sit, and wait for the snow.
692 · Dec 2013
When The World Rained Glass
Edward S Dec 2013
Sitting in the twilight night,
I felt so amazing being bathed in the evening light.

I was sitting upon a mountain glade,
Viewing a forested valley with a river flowing with the reflection of a blade.

It was a beautiful warm evening,
And I wanted this to be our last meeting.

I wanted the world to always be like the beauty I saw before me,
Then the sky began to fall and it began to rain glass, but I did not flee.

I watched as little shards of glass fell from the collapsing sky,
I closed my eyes to see this moment forever, before I said my last goodbye.

I woke up, it was just a dream,
Reality had the best of me, or so it seemed.

Because when I go to the lake on my favourite hour,
I still feel the warmth and see my twilight world sparkling with the glass shard shower.
682 · Dec 2013
The Sealed Kingdom
Edward S Dec 2013
There was once a new young king,
One that would often look up to the sky's and hear the birds sing.

Everyone thought him as a great ruler,
He was greatly loved by of all the girls and the people.

Then that storm came and shattered his mind,
No one knew how bad this would effect the young king nor mankind.

His kingdom shattered and fell,
He stood there in the ruin in utter disbelief everything was gone and nothing really mattered.

Years passed and the castle was rebuilt and from the ashes the walls spread,
They even built a proper crypt for the dead.

Once again the young king sat in his throne,
But he didn't even utter a groan.

It seemed like he had a thick grey cloud surrounding his head,
And if he didn't find a way out he would surely be dead.

Nothing would cure him, no medicine would make him feel dapper,
Nor would any adventure map to far off lands make him happier.

So he died, really of a broken and bruised heart,
They laid him in his royal chambers and the kingdom was abandoned and sealed to the sound of Mozart.

No one lives in the kingdom now except the decomposed body of the king,
And in the skies the Angels will always sing.
679 · Jul 2013
Burning It All Down
Edward S Jul 2013
I'm burning it all down,
The crumbling wall that has been stabbed, beat and drowned.

Why am I burning it down?
It's because I want to re-claim my crown.

Too many people have grabbed it, and had me bow down to them,
That's now about to change, I am no longer as weak as I was.

The walls around my kingdom will be rebuilt,
And NO one will ever again make it tilt.

I'm tired of always losing control,
I'm taking back the kingdom they stole.

My guards will be stationed every step of the way, beginning at the bob-wired very thick metal front wall,
No longer will my kingdom fall.

This is the last time I will feel like this,
Me always feeling exposed will not be missed.

The doors have been shut,
The ropes and chains holding the doors will not be cut.

My kingdom has been burned to the ground,
But now I have been re-crowned.

I re-built the kingdom form the same ruins, covered with endless black smoke and black puffs of ash,
No longer, will my heart and mind crash.

Now I sit on my throne in my kingdom,
It is large, with 49 big thick steel doors leading to the centre in all four directions, it is no longer easy to enter my dominion.

I do not need a queen,
All she will do is steal my crown, and make me go demean.

Some call it tough love,
I just laugh, and know that I will no longer get the big painful shove.

I built it up, to bring to bring it all back down,
I built it back up, stronger, and heavily guarded, it will no longer be a ghost town.

It is mine to control,
I took back the kingdom they all stole.
Edward S Jun 2013
She was once trapped in a dark void,
She was crying, and everything that was once happy was now destroyed.

She had lost all hope, for it had been Seven years,
When I saw her in the Sacred Realm she didnt shead a tear.

She explained to me why we couldent be together,
She was a Sage, and I was the Hero of Time, we were on opposite ends of the teather.

Before Princess Zelda, I always wanted you,
But now we can't be, so we both need to coup.

I thank you for being here for me so we can face him together,
Even though we are on opposite ends of the teather.

Maybe we just wern't meant to be,
Or maybe our destinys changed when I entered the Great Deku Tree.

Yes, thats probably where it all changed,
Or where our destinys already arragneged?
629 · Jun 2013
Letting Go
Edward S Jun 2013
What do you do when you have to let go?
When theres nothing left to grow?

Do we move on?
Or do we stay and remember whats gone?

Letting go...
It brings tears and brings your worst low.

Im sorry I was the cause of this,
And im sorry we didn't get one last kiss...

Im sorry I complicate things,
But I know what it could bring..

Letting go...
Its tough.. it brings tears and breaks you down to your all time low.
Edward S Jul 2013
I was forced to forget you again,
I was forced before, but now this is insane.

I guess I jumped the gun,
But you know I was just trying to help you in the long run.

After you said good bye,
All I did was sit down and sigh.

You know, I guess being hurt has its advantages,
And also it's stupid disadvantages.

So I guess you lied,
I tried to be there, you can't say I haven't tried.

Then, it began to rain,
And of course I sat there and got drenched to release my pain.

You said your past had been grey,
And I told you I would walk with you every step of the way.

Well I guess destiny has decided to split our roads,
I stood there for abit, but time seems as if it has slowed.

Well I guess this is good bye, your road turns and goes back to our small little border town,
While mine goes over fields of green, and down into the big city's downtown.

I'm sorry I was annoying,
I didn't know I was keeping you from the life you were enjoying.

Well I guess my mind is decided,
And I will prevent my road from being damaged and undivided.
Edward S Jun 2013
It was on the hour of twilight when the storm came,
The soft rain had begun to fall, it's drops falling all over the grassy plain.

It was the cool and refreshing type of rain,
The type of rain that can wash away all the worlds pain.

It was at this moment I saw her dance,
She spun and dashed around, she seemed to be in a trance.

She spun around letting her wet tangled hair fly high,
It flew around and turned a  shining golden brown in the twilight sky.

She then tripped and fell,
Into where the brown mud dwelled.

But instead of getting up in disgust and walking away,
She got back up and began to dance, and in the mud she stayed.

She grabbed mud and threw it into the air,
It flew everywhere and little bits got into her golden brown hair.

She had never experienced such happiness in her life,
She thought happy endings only happened in the afterlife.

She then sat down with a smile,
For a moment, the world was beautiful, and less hostile.
616 · Jun 2013
Summer Love
Edward S Jun 2013
I went to the beach today,
There are ruins and a small enclosed bay.

It once was an amusement park,
But the only thing left is a big mossy old stone arch.

I sat on the bench and watched the people and the lake,
A lot of family's where there playing ball and grilling stakes.

There was one couple that stood out to me,
It was a teenage boy and girl, they chased each other around the beach, they looked so happy and free.

They then flopped down into the soft sand and lay down and looked at the clouds above,
The boy held her hand and kissed her softly, a way to show his love.

They both then sat up and began to gather sand and make a sand castle,
They worked so gracefully and in sync, there wasn't even a hassle.

When they finished, they began to write in the sand:
" Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone - we find it with another."
They then signed their names and walked away hand in hand.

This put a smile on my face,
And put my heart in the right place.

'That is the true meaning of love.' I thought as I walked away,
And it gave me hope that I will have a relationship like that one day.
597 · Mar 2015
Dark Times Ahead
Edward S Mar 2015
It has all been burned,
The storm has just returned.
For many months my skies were clear of grey,
And now here, they are blocking the light of day.
Another army marches forward towards my own side,
Screaming in disgust and wishing my own demise.
The picture is disrupt, it’s too dizzy in my head,
Why did the cloud have to come haunt me for something I hadn’t said.
Everything is crashing down,
If this goes on there will be no more sound.
A sound wave lost in the echo,
Only to land upon the ears on the sparrow.
I will be nothing more to who I was a year ago,
Broken, scarred, beaten, and buried deep below.
In a dark cavern blacker than Hell,
I don’t want to be ruled by one who mocks me and rings a bell.
I don’t know what to do anymore,
I had burned all these memories and old lore.
The people who are fostered can no longer save me,
I’m left with only broken audio waves stuck on repeat.
Do I wanna know? If anything is worth saving anymore?
Is it still considered pain when it reaches and destroys your core?
On this dark breezy night, I sit upon the fire escape guitar in hand,
I utterly had no idea that this was planned, it’s life wanting me to understand.
As the sky falls on this city, and the fog roles in,
Silence is all that is beard within, she’s ready to strike, to allegedly attack him and protect her own kin.
588 · Jun 2013
That Night In The Rain
Edward S Jun 2013
It was raining, thats all I knew,
I was heading home to see my baby boo.

It was stroming as I walked up the drive,
Thats when I saw her and another man begining to look alive.

I stopped and began to smoke,
It hurt so much I began to choke.

They decided to go out for the night,
I headed toward them, maybe she would see me and we would reunite.

It was a mistake,
Him and I began to fight, I was as swift as a snake.

When other guy was down, I went to claime my prize,
When I faced her there was only fear laying within her deep blue eyes.

I ran off in a rage, feeling hurt and sick,
She helped the other guy walk as he leaned on a wall made of brick.

I ran into an alley and broke down,
The rain becoming an overwelming sound.

The other guy went to search for me,
He rounded a corner and saw me, his face went grim.

I faced the other guy, and was suddenly slapped,
The snake was now trapped.

The other guy beat me senseless,
He didnt know that her and I shared a connection, and that he was hitting her aswell.. she was defenceless.

I thought of her,
All the memories of her and I began to reoccur.

The other guy kicked me once more,
He then walked away and didn't care anymore.

I lay there short of breath, the rain feeling as cold as death,
That was when I took my last breath.
This poem is about a song. This isnt a personal account
Edward S Jun 2013
I'm calling you my love,
But it's being drowned out by shouts coming from above.

I'm broken and confined,
There beginning to break my mind.

They rub pictures of you and him in my face,
They're taking our letters and burning them in a case.

How did this happen?
They're gone now, all I hear is a small tapping.

Maybe it's my heart,
But it's been broken since the start.

I've had to confront him,
My ray of hope being very dim.

Don't save me, figure out everything,
I've suffered enough from this beating.

Can you hear me? Calling for you? Screaming for you?
Never mind, my birds already flew,
Now you can't hear me calling for you.
564 · Jun 2013
Separated By Open Flame
Edward S Jun 2013
It was supposed to bring them all together,
It would keep them together and no one would forget.

But it ended up destroying them in the process,
He couldn't think straight and his vision was to complex.

He reached out to her but she withdrew,
He was angry and scary, her fear grew.

She hanged onto a friend she knew,
But as he saw it, his furry grew.

He wanted to go lay on a grey twisted path,
But he finally settled on the soft evening grass.

He got back up feeling much better,
He went inside and found them lying on a couch made of leather.

He broke down as he ran outside,
Another piece of his heart had already died.

It was after that night that things weren't the same,
The continents were being separated by an open flame.

It's done. Everything is over now,
He's trying to forget. As much as his mind will allow.
Was inspired by a song.. Isn't my best but I hope you enjoy. This isn't a personal account. Like I said, it's based on a song
555 · Jun 2013
Sorrow Fills His Eyes
Edward S Jun 2013
Sorrow fills his eyes,
This is what makes him so wise.

He tries so hard to be there,
But it gets too hard for him to bare.

He listens to music that usually makes him happy,
But even those songs make him feel ******.

Memories is all he has left,
His feelings are so bereft.

He's dejected and confused,
He is suffering from that bruise.

It surrounds him, he can't hide from the emotion,
It's so great it's even found in the ocean.

He is crowed with lies and misdeeds,
It's so thick no one can hear his pleas.

Through the thick sea of sighs,
Sorrow still fills his eyes.
550 · Aug 2014
Edward S Aug 2014
In my past works you have seen my struggle,
My constant battle with love, evil emotions and humanity,
But now this is all about to end,
Fore as soon as I shatter this old mural and repaint over it,
Then my new beginning begins,
A Life nor governed by fear of the unknown,
Surrounded by music that makes you dance,
Art that make no sense to most but only does to some,
A dash oh blue, and a pinch of green,
Triangles, Squares, Rhombuses, and Stars,
A brush stroke here, and a squiggle there,
The Demons are gone, and happiness is here to stay,
Its the Coming of a new Age,
Where people don't need to cry lightning,
This is it, the new life,
Keep on fighting and let happiness in,
My dear friends, it is a glorious world past this dark tunnel,
I've left the gate open for all of you to come through,
May my works from now on be full of awesome new things and ideas,
This is it.. the last brush stroke,
Now it is finished the old mural has been painted over with raident colours so bright,
Like shining stars and galaxy's throughout the night,
When in doubt pick up you're brush or pencil and make art,
Don't you care about what others say, that piece of art is yours and a reflection of you,
This is art, that is art, we are art,
Just keep breathing a little longer, and follow it all through,
Keep on fighting, fore that is what me must do.
538 · Feb 2014
The Burden
Edward S Feb 2014
He, is troubled,
Troubled by a broken mind and a bubbling head.

He cant focus, he's blind and confused,
It seems that all his contacts have been fused.

Everything is his fault,
The pain hurts like adding ice and salt.

It feels like hes on his death march walking towards his grave,
People all line up, and just watch him march into the dark cave.

Burning, is his mind,
And no one cares.

Problems he has,
"Get Help" are the only stares.

But it dosent matter,
No one seems to care.

All is his fault,
That is his burdan to bare.
Edward S Sep 2013
You were the girl in the photograph,
As beautiful as the words written by the holograph.

I remember us smiling and laughing
But now it seems we are on opposite ends of the tether.

We're really just strangers, now only figments in each others heads,
We both agreed that we needed to cut all the mental threads.

We shared a lot of moments which where happy and sad,
I'll even be staying behind, while you walk up the steps at grad.

I'm glad you and him are still together,
And I guess it's best for us to remain at opposite ends of the tether.

Even though we don't talk, I still care,
I told you I would be there with you, But now I shall be in the shadows, you probably won't even stop and give me the stare.

I know you will go far with what ever you do,
And now you can finally see that I am not feeling so blue.

I've recovered, just like you had said,
My wounds will no longer bleed the colour red.

But this is all fine, it was the choice we both chose,
And I guess it was just another chapter of love, grief, and agony finally coming to a close.
503 · Aug 2013
Tell Me Sweet Little Lies
Edward S Aug 2013
They all seem to lie,
Using the sweet, "harmless" type of lie, but I never would have suspected you.

You don't realize the damage you've done,
Your little lie isn't a little "harmless" pun.

Well I can see through your lie, your sweet little lie,
You do not know what my eye can see.

I don't need Links "Eye of Truth" To see what you have become,
I was fed to many of your sweet little lies.

Really, stop with the disguise,
It doesn't fool me anymore.

I'm sick of your sweet little lies,
So I guess this is our "sweet little" goodbye.

Maybe ill tell "the other guy" about your little lies too,
So that he won't become too broken when he realizes how undecided you are.
486 · Oct 2013
I Am His Shadow
Edward S Oct 2013
There always seems to be someone better,
One who seems.. Perfect.

He will always be better, and more cunning then you,
He just seems to slice you up and then force you to say what is true.

That he is better then you,
That he won her heart, and you got kicked with a shoe.

He.. Was Link,
Destined for far more greater things then just writing with ink.

He was my brother.. And I am his other half,
Ive turned to a shadow now.. I don't even utter the softest laugh.

I've turned to hatred and have given the cold shoulder,
And I don't even look older.

Zelda and Link,
They were together as soon as I blinked.

They fight together now,
I've been replaced this is something I won't allow.

I am Links shadow,
And I've been damaged by too many arrows.
Edward S Jul 2013
The storms beginning to role in,
His wounds are deep, and the ice is thin.

How much longer can he walk? With the burden of loneliness?
But yet he's able to hide it off with a smile, it's his hidden illness.

He walks down the street, passing by blurry people, no one stopes and stares,
He can't even go up to a friend anymore, silence is all that meets him,
His ray of hope is very very dim.

His heart is shattered like broken glass,
The pieces are too hard to count, it's such a big mass.

One more shot and he's dead,
And the dirt will be around his head.

If things don't straighten, they sky will be stained with blood,
And not a footprint will be seen in the damp mud.

One more slice, and he won't see,
He can barley taste his afternoon tea.

It really *****, life is crap without a friend,
His hope is beginning to bend.

He shall sell it, that's what he will spend,
And in his eyes the world will end.
478 · Jun 2013
To You My Girl In White
Edward S Jun 2013
We lived on a floating island in the sky,
Our loftwings flying so very high.

We would sit and watch them,
You would play your harp, and I would hold my gem.

We were together the day you fell from above,
That was the day I wanted to profess my love.

It was a long night, for my thoughts were on you,
But it was on that night that my destiny came too.

Fi, was my new companion,
We became a team.

I got on my loftwing,
And we were out on our quest.

I fell through the thick sea of cloud,
I landed on hard ground and felt proud.

I chased you through earth, fire, desert, and time,
It was all just a big test. We both knew we had to face that pest.

You were the reincarnated goddess, hailed by the people of the land,
I was your hero, the one who took a stand.

Together we slayed Demise,
Curing the land of his rage and evil disease.

We sat there as we both gave them up,
Our companions vanished as we said our goodbyes.

After all we went through, in the end we held hands,
As we gazed upon these new and promising lands.

From the depths of the earth, up to the city in the sky,
I promised you I would be your guy.

Me in green, and you in white.
Forever I promise I'll be your shining knight.

To you my girl in white,
To you Zelda, my shining light.
A poem written about Links love for Zelda in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword game.
477 · May 2014
The World Was Set Ablaze
Edward S May 2014
He wears a breaking suit of armour,
Now, a lone wolf soldier.

Standing upon a fortress wall beginning to shatter and break,
It can no longer be held by wooden stakes.

In front is an army that decided to team up,
No longer do they want the door shut.

His army's almost dead,
As a crack of thunder and lightning dance overhead.

The world is being set ablaze,
As the sky is scorched with fire and haze.

Slowly the army nears,
The lone soldier fights to hold back his tears.

He can't bare this much more,
He just want's this to be forgotten, like old lore.

As he falls to his knees, he takes off his helmet and begins to scream,
Why can't this be just a dream?

A distnant nightmare that dosent have to resurface,
Like a pencil mark, easy to erase.

The sky begins to fall and the ground begins to shake,
His mind is begining to break.

He gets back up onto his knees and stares at the distaster around him,
The army marches toward him and they begin to shake their limbs.

He grabs his helemt and his weapon,
As he deals with the tension.

He sees it, the lesson they wan't him to see,
As he hears the broken melody.

It is no longer time for fun,
All that he hears in his head is the word:

Edward S Mar 2015
Tick.. Tick.. Tick,
There isn't a single word I can say.

I've been trapped in the prison of my mind,
With nothing but a chair, desk, a type writer and pieces of aged paper.

For months now I've been trapped in that prison,
No flow of words or rhymes dancing in my head, that part of me was dead.

I couldn't even bare the thought of breaking free, I had the power to,
But then again I decided not to.

I have caused so much to happen, and so much has happened with me,
Looking at myself, the effects.. I begin to see clearly.

My hair is tangled and dry like bone,
Dark shadowed eyes look like the darkest of stones.

I've let my mind go, it being run by a false advisor,
Now that I have broken free, I begin to see.

That there is a struggle I have, and so do most,
What makes me so different? I'm nothing more of them a ghost.

One who was trapped and caged,
Now coming back to me again..
Is a writer who needs to understand.

That life does not stop for anyone,
Nor does it go as planned.

Im growing up and my heart can't do anything but break,
And now I await the final wake.
453 · Jun 2013
The Tower Of Glass
Edward S Jun 2013
In a grove, alittle ways away,
There once stood a tall glass tower that reflected the day,

It was built by a man named Soul,
And to build this was his altamet goal.

He started it in late March,
Thats when he had finished designing the last arch.

He started to make his glass tower,
And on the first stories he planted a flower.

As the days went on, the tower began to grow taller and taller,
He worked all day and it didnt even cost him a dollar.

But as the days went on and the taller the tower got,
Slowly the beams began to rot.

He didnt take notice as the sky turned grey,
Then that storm came in late May.

The beams gave out and the tower began to fall,
He fell down in a shower of glass, he hit the ground and began to crawl.

But he was stabbed with bits of glass, and eveything he knew had been stripped away,
He didnt wake up, and the sky remained grey.

The accident was soon cleaned up,
By people who had won the cup.

The grove has been cleared, and all the debris has been taken away,
And the grey clouds are at bay.

Nothing remains there except dead leaves and little bits of glass,
A tiny flower is growing where it all once stood. Growing besides new sprouts of grass.

Alot of years will pass,
And not all things are meant to last.
442 · Jun 2013
Trust Is Like Paper
Edward S Jun 2013
Trust is like paper,
It can be crumpled and steamed by vapor.

Love can be brittle,
And it can break little by little.

But when you combine the two,
Only then will you have a strong brew.

But if one of these is crumpled by other things,
Then the whole thing will crumble before the king.

It will ruin them both,
And will stop all their growth.

So listen up and listen good,
Make it strong, where it once stood.

And maybe it will go farther,
Farther than it stood.

Now im glad you understand,
So come here and take my hand.

125Like · · Share
438 · Nov 2013
A Light That Never Came
Edward S Nov 2013
The fuse ran out and the bomb blew,
And another dark storm appeared, another challenge for me to go through.

It's like an old broken record stuck on repeat,
In my bare feet I must travel down this dark, glass covered street.

When the clouds get too thick, when my mind goes bleak,
I'd look up and feel soft rain drip onto my cheek.

Darkness would always be there, it wouldn't miss a beat,
I'll get through this long dark broken street.

I guess I expected too much, to be saved by a light,
It's just too much, I've given up the fight.

There's nothing you can do when all the lights go out,
No one can hear my desperate shouts.

I will walk this long road, I will make my last stand,
Life doesn't always go as planned.

Don't pity me, just leave me to my shame,
I've waited for a light that never came.
434 · Jun 2013
Some Nights
Edward S Jun 2013
Some nights I sit on my deck with a French Vanilla and smile,
And I really think about what would happen if I really was named Kyle.

I think of this, and other things,
Like having a grand adventure like in The Lord of the Rings.

Or being a hero in someone's eyes,
Or maybe save that girl who sits in the darkness and cries.

Sometimes I wish apun a star,
But I just stop and instead wish into an empty jar.

Sometimes I feel alone,
But sometimes I feel like I annoy people and make them groan.

But then I must sit back and really think,
And I feel the warmth of my hot drink.

People have come and they have gone,
It's just like the new rising dawn.

Don't go searching for something you wish to find,
You'll search for a long time and you will end up blind.

Let it come to you,
If its meant to be it will come true.

So just laugh on and keep your smile,
It will come soon, and be worth your while.
421 · Feb 2014
The Boy Who Saved Her
Edward S Feb 2014
She felt death whisper into her ear,
Filling the girl with immense fear.

But then a boy picked her back up,
And showed her the light of her shining life cup.

He then had to travel back onto his own path,
But he promised never to be far when she needed help with math.

Now she has found others, and she still loves the boy who saved her
But he only sees the destruction the others have done, she no longer sees things how they once were.

The boy has helped, and tried to bring her back on her feet,
She only is brought down again, and walking back on deaths only street.

The boy has never given up on saving her,
He loves her too much.

But how long can this boy last?
He too is suffering from the battles of his past.

He sees no future, no light on the road ahead,
How can he save her if he can't even fall asleep in his bed?

How can he be the hero she needed him to be,
If his shouts are drowned by the ever roaring sea.
Edward S Jun 2013
Heartbreak is the most horrid feeling,
It really prevents people from healing.

It's like losing your favourite teddy bear,
Your trying to end it all off with a prayer.

It's like losing the best person you could have ever known,
Then there is just empty ground where it had all grown.

Sometimes people try to remake what was there,
But they find that its too hard for them to bare.

They will often ask " what could I have done to keep it?"
Or "Why was I hit?"

To my friends who suffer this dreadful feeling,
It could be many more nights where you just stare at the ceiling.

But just wait, don't run after love,
You must wait, it will give you a shove.

Just keep waiting, don't lose hope,
Love will be there somewhere along the rope.
399 · Dec 2013
What Dark Chains Can Do
Edward S Dec 2013
Dark clouds can make a person think things that aren't too good,
Some people would choose death if they could.

I've been held down by the chains of darkness,
It tried to poison my body and transform it into a carcass.

It felt like I was a ghost, invisible to every person on the planet,
Wearing my dark prison jumper suit jacket.

But patients was all I needed,
As I saw the light, and the darkness receded.

The chains grew weak and broke off,
The light healed my skin and made it so soft.

I walk down this road with fire surging through my veins,
It won't die down, not even from the force of the rain.

I will not let the darkness harness me again,
I will not even let it get me when I get hurt by the human race.

I won't have this any other way positive I am determined to stay,
And my mind will try it's hardest not to stray.
391 · Jan 2016
Torched But Born Anew
Edward S Jan 2016
You could say from a glance that my life is fine and care free,
But the world and its inhabitants are not what they seem to be.

I guess you could say Im a wreck,
And that all that is alive is the lamp that casts light on my desk.

Nothing is ever how it seems to be,
And Its so hard for you to see.

The massive effect that you have on me,
The constant mask that still obscures my ability to see.

It seems that even now you still have a hold,
Even after we have both sown up these emotional wounds that
Still tend to rip open and spread the cold.'

Yes, I have her,
But I am still struggling to be released from this blur.

We have spent a year and a bit together and everything was a hit,
And now we have sadly split.

I honestly am done with the constant mind games you play,
With you always switching between wanting me to go and then stay.

Well as the sun goes down on the Earth today,
This Bridge between us is burned and frayed.

Our worlds are separate and will never be anew,
We float on our own little islands out in space we both know this to be true.

I have her,
And you, someone new.

I wish you all the best,
Now set me free of this mask and let the pain ease in my chest.
Edward S Jun 2013
At the hour of twilight you will see,
The true beauty the world try's to be.

It baths the earth in its evening light,
It dosent make people cower with fright.

This is when darkness and light come as one,
The only time when they dance just for fun.

At this time the world is at peace,
That's its most amazing peice.

As you grab my hand,
We watch and see what the world has planned.

I wish the twilight never went away,
Because then the sky would never have to turn grey.
Edward S Mar 2014
I now walk along the moonlight path alone,
For I have to walk alone along this path made of stone.

For I am known as the one who saves people from the battle within themselves,
I'm the one who helps them see the days leading up to  when they hear the sound of their wedding bells.

A traveler, someone who helps but expects nothing in return,
No love, no compassion, nothing.. I don't think I'll ever learn.

Not to make so many mental ties with the ones I help,
All I can do now is cut the loose strings and cover up the close brewing yelp.

To you my friend, you've been set on the right path, your getting the freedom you need,
Your no longer held down by the ground anymore, your a new sunflower, a very strong seed.

You know I'm here when ever you need me,
Your lantern won't die, I'll be back faster then you can see.

For you my friend, the one who can't trust life anymore,
I now walk with you on my back, I know one day your wings will heal and you'll begin again to sore.

To you the one with red hair,
The one from a different element who never really cared that I was from the air.

I will help being you back to the lightened path,
You will be able to walk again with the help of my walking staff.

I shall help many more and ask for nothing in return,
But I hope that when I grow old that I was able to learn.

That when I sit and face the sunset in my hobbit hole by the sea,
I hope that they will just end up remembering me.

But for now I must walk,
Because now I'm silent, I am no longer able to talk.
337 · Jun 2015
Final Goodbyes
Edward S Jun 2015
There is no way to put this into words,
Without my vision fading into a watery blur.

She was a small rodent friend,
She was there through the dark days and into the light of the days that were mended.

I always took her for granted, to always be there and just sit on the ledge and listen to me,
But after her passing last night, and as I saw her take her last breath, it pained me to see.

Death does things to you, it ratels your thinking and stirs a big storm in your head,
It makes you think that there is no good days ahead.

In fact I know there are good times ahead, but she will always be in my heart,
Every single moment we shared right down to the start.

With all this death I sit and cry, this poem probably doesn't make much sense,
But the pain I feel is immense.

A good friend of mine, is sort of on the run,
I've known him for years and he's always been like a brother to me, but now he said goodbye.

He told me that he was going away for awhile, and I sat down and cried,
He said he had to go, because everything at home was going bad , with that he gave a big hug along with a sigh.

Before he went, he pulled from his pocket a gold pocket watch,
"This here, is one of my favourite things" he said as his fingers ran over some notches.

He held it out to me, and smiled placing the golden object in my hand,
With that he hugged me and just like that he was gone, stepping out into what seemed like a new and promising land.

And I'm left here, feeling alone,
As the rain hits the cold earthy stone.

— The End —