Sometimes I’m strong and sometimes the nights are too long. Sometimes I feel love and sometimes the pain is all I have. As the pain grows so is the fear.
Fear will come upon you like a thief in the night.
Stealing the strength you need to carry all the weight.
The heavier it becomes the slower your gait.
Struggle to hold on to what I thought I knew,
My reality once clear suddenly no longer seemed true.
But must remind myself that time is not a respecter of no man , for it marches on
Even when we need a minute or two to catch our breath. When we don’t feel like it anymore, we must push on and begin again. Every day when life is trying,
I laid my soul bare to the master’s feet,
In a blink of an eye I no longer felt sad. Given another chance to begin again. Turn my tears into joy.
My tears now gone and replaced with a smile. Standing tall And so full of love, a clear path for others to seek. Finally my head held up high. No longer feeling heavy, but light enough to fly.
Black bird’s in the sky with my wings spread out, if you need a hug.
Soft clouds and sunshine awakens the gratitude within. Forget the pain and the disappointment and begin again.
Brace yourself , embrace the wonder. Brothers and sisters, suffering from illness and darkness, facing an unknown future, please know that you stand amongst. And be thankful you still exist.
This one for YOU!