Take a trip if you can muster the will
Over the Rainbow it's waiting there still
The Great, Great Granddaughter of the Wicked Witch of the West
Just might want to steal back those shoes,
Forget that dress
She's young, beautiful, her dress all new
Waiting patiently, flying around the Rainbow
Waiting for you
Is your house secure, foundation true
Have you forgotten what you once knew
Little ones all snug and safe in their beds
Are better off not knowing it could be
Off with their heads
So don't chase Rainbows elusive though they may be
There's a Wicked Witch waiting just for you and me
It's better to watch silent as the colors collide
Then end up in OZ headless and empty
You know, I always thought that, in the movie, I'd been so stinking angry with this Glenda the supposed Good Witch. What good witch allows a little girl to risk her very life, when all along she could of went home by clicking those **** shoes!?