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984 · Sep 2016
Judas Agency
Josh Schrader Sep 2016
Searching, scattered.
Broken, shattered.
Floating debris in an angry ocean.

Medicate, obliterate,
Facilitate prideful hate.
Counterfeit reality, fleeting in motion.

Intolerance, slavery,
Damnation of bravery.
Ego-driven exchange, seems to be the notion.

Betray and conspire,
Jump in the fire.
The mask of foster, neglects true emotion.

Complacent, denial,
Appeasing the vile.
Pat on the head: "Good Dog..." Devotion!

Gluttons acquire,
The bigot empire.
An Icarus fate, will be dealt by the sun.

Add and subtract, obscure the equation.
Media diversion = systematic persuasion.

Branded by fear we await "The Explosion".
But looking out and not in, ensures death by implosion.
825 · Aug 2016
Josh Schrader Aug 2016
Astral counsel hear my prayer
Transmission telepathic
Call out through the leaden vale
Your voice is but myopic

Inherent personal deity
Become my surrogate-conscience
Adopted consanguinity
To satellite responses

Discontented-sum imposed
Indirectly guides me
Though my eyes at times are closed
Congenital third eye sees

Aphantasia; memories unknown
Transfusion of remember
Respect and love, at once, bestowed
Selfish mind surrenders

Disposing character, reserve demise
Share with me my bliss
If ever sight stole from my eyes
11:11 I would miss.
789 · Sep 2016
Josh Schrader Sep 2016
Sudden anamnesis.
A sound, a time.
A season, a rhyme.
Immersed in ghostly remembrance.

For a time I am neither here nor there.
In an instant my body aches,
Longing for a taste of a place my essence has been summoned to revisit.
At this exact moment I doubt my past-self.
Did I really live in that moment?
Did I inhale the air of life and exhale the desire of concurrent vanity?
No matter the answer, doubt forever remains.

Note to self:
Stop wishing time away.
Stay longer.
Breathe deeper.
Devour the colors.
Echo Devine vibrations.
Bathe in the waters.
Existence without resistance.
739 · Jul 2016
Automatic Veracity
Josh Schrader Jul 2016
We fight,
With such might,
We lose sight,
Of the light.
Day turns to night,
Drowning in plight,
As hearts fill with spite.
Anger to ignite,
Flames to new height.
The fire burns bright.
All this despite,
Trying to do right....

So give up this fight.
Use knowledge not might.
Give blind back their sight.
Share all inner light,
To take back the night.
Humble in plight,
In spite of one's spite.
Peace will ignite.
Raise all to new height.
Thoughtful minds will be bright.
All this despite,
Admitting we're wrong.
649 · Feb 2017
Reality?..... Check.
Josh Schrader Feb 2017
Pain is not currency.
Do not forget.
Experience does not make you better,
Only accountable for what you beget.

Write of your struggles,
Triumphs and creeds.
But it makes you not better
Than those that can't read.

Perception is everything,
Whether man or a beast.
A sprout within famine
Can become a fine feast.
590 · Jul 2021
Concede to Shadows
Josh Schrader Jul 2021
I’d rather sleep when it’s sunny
And wake when it rains
I’d rather trade all my new clothes
For the ones already stained
I’d rather watch people from a distance
Than get in their way
And I’d rather be the one leaving
So all others could stay

Take air from my lungs
And give flight to the birds
Take sight from my eyes
And leave me with words
Take dreams from my heart
Contentment to bleed
But leave all of your nightmares
They are safer with me
540 · Jun 2016
Duality (The Yin)
Josh Schrader Jun 2016
Negativity breeds negativity,
Falling off of tongues, hurtful words we say.
It's lonesome in this City,
A communicable State of Decay.

Fight fire with fire,
Does that not seem absurd?
Amid this lonesome City, State...
Our precious structures burn!

God is dead, as is compassion,
Empathy as well.
Becoming anger, blind fruition,
Selfish tides due, swell.

Purge the system of aversions,
Feed the Demon's wrath.
Void of all Love's inspiration.
Another epic lapse.

Silent words upon my brow
Debate translates to lies.
Apathy takes over now,
Recognition burns my eyes.

Now that we have laid these bricks,
That pave the way to Hurt,
Repent our sins, inflict ourselves,
Return the ash to Mother, Earth.
531 · Oct 2016
Population I
Josh Schrader Oct 2016
Grasping and pulling
panic... free-falling
rope's end
. . .   _ _ _   . . .
Enter acceleration's equilibrium.
sailing away from our sun
voided to one
no one,
. . .   _ _ _   . . .
Into the bleakness
feeling the weakness
where am I?
. . .   _ _ _   . . .
Collisions averted
life has diverted
within a vacuum
. . .   _ _ _   . . .
Limited improvement
I must wait for a movement
ultimate struggle
. . .   _ _ _   . . .
Up, down, forward and back
every way, into the black
frequency static
. . .   _ _ _   . . .
Lifeless bodies must come to rest
with hope for another crest
no more questions
. . .   _ _ _   . . .
Eternal night... into depravity
familiar pull of Earth's gravity
signing off

. . .   _ _ _
419 · Jun 2016
Josh Schrader Jun 2016
Inspire me.
Ever changing awareness creeping in.
Change me.
Learn me.
Then forget what you've learned and teach me.
Knowledge becomes stale muscle memory.
Inspire me once again.
Break down the walls of stagnant repetition
and inspire me.
To be better.
To be different.
To remember.
To forget.
Metamorphic in my travels through time.
Inspire me to have compassion.
Inspire me to be accepting.
Please, inspire me.
and i will inspire you.
399 · Jun 2016
The Felling of a Me
Josh Schrader Jun 2016
Tread lightly I will,
For this sleeping giant inside is alive and well.
Defeat an impossibility,
I will try still.

Once on the surface... apparent and true,
Sunk now below, waiting for fuel.
Steal away tinder, please God no sparks,
With endless blood in the water, it circles me like sharks.

Behold! New life! Could this be the end?
The end of this Hell, this monstrous trend?
Ascension of spirit, elevate hope...
Slowly i climb, up this perilous *****.
The apex elusive, a perpetual mount.
Strength beyond strength, I begin to discount.
Stuck in this purgatory, of despair and bliss.
I will press on, this giant can't win.
362 · Sep 2016
Deepest Sympathy
Josh Schrader Sep 2016
I want to express my deepest sympathy 
For the little girl you lost inside
She used to be so forthcoming 
With such self worth and pride. 
Slowly tortured for years on end 
By strangers, herself and even friends 
She eventually decided to just walk away 
She wasn't meant for this earthly decay 
But in her withered oppressed soil 
She grew another that was rich as oil
Rich in joy and sent from above 
So small and fragile -Full of undeniable love. 
She grew from her mothers sorrow and pain 
Ready to grow strong and able to sustain
She breathes life into her moms tragedy 
But only ones close to her can see
How truly precious this baby came to be
She looks at her mom with unspoken words and says "with my deepest sympathy".
This is not my poem. My wife wrote it because she was inspired to do so by reading through HP. Thank you all for inspiring both my wife and I!
352 · Jun 2016
Duality (Yang)
Josh Schrader Jun 2016
Positive light emanates,
Infection passes through its hosts.
Shattering fears, eliminating doubt
Buoyant nature, this hope floats.

Take the high road,
Viral hands reach down,
To pull all willing from their darkness;
We will share the crown.

Eternal mother enraptures open eyes,
Singing her benign siren song.
Bearing the fruit of enlightenment,
Transcendence won't take long.

Free ourselves from hate and greed,
Striving for the whole.
Together as a unit,
Harmony the goal.

Calm connection of wide eyes,
Optional are words in silent poems.
Unification complete now,
No one left alone.

Aggregate into asphalt,
An army of one light.
We march upon our demons,
To take the darkness from night.
295 · Aug 2016
Soul Status
Josh Schrader Aug 2016
Existing in a stasis,
Limits passing faces.
Fog cover, like a blanket,
Welcome this gray, don't forsake it.

Warm memories pass like headlights in this anemic cloak.
Stare directly at them and you'll be blinded.
Pass by trials and tragedy like skeletons of smoldering wreckage and smoke.
Stay searching for death too long and you'll find it.

It's funny how life will
Make other things stand still.
All until
There's a void to fill.

Enjoy the stasis
The darkness and the rainbow.
Fear not nameless places
Trusting in the next unknown.
261 · Jun 2016
Josh Schrader Jun 2016
I internalize, so not to compromise, the real life situation.

I realize, the real prize, is spiritual education.

Though it is little, I feel I've reached the middle, of the power of my soul.

And the following will stand, I have seen first hand, that I reap what I sow.

That being said, the life that I've led, won't haunt me in the end.


In the end, I will lend, what I can, to the men, that will mend and defend what we've done.

I will stand, by that man, until I cannot stand, the demand, of the land, washed by flood.

We together can weather, this weather together, whether or not we were together, in the birth.

Side step opposition, without proposition, combine our visions, we thirst.

Let this be our trend, to the future we send, our spirit, our faith, and our trust.

I cannot see, any other possibility, our benevolence here is a must.
155 · Jul 2021
Judas Agency (Repost)
Josh Schrader Jul 2021
Searching, scattered.
Broken, shattered.
Floating debris in an angry ocean.

Medicate, obliterate,
Facilitate prideful hate.
Counterfeit reality, fleeting in motion.

Intolerance, slavery,
Damnation of bravery.
Ego-driven exchange, seems to be the notion.

Betray and conspire,
Jump in the fire.
The mask of foster, neglects true emotion.

Complacent, denial,
Appeasing the vile.
Pat on the head: "Good Dog..." Devotion!

Gluttons acquire,
The bigot empire.
An Icarus fate, will be dealt by the sun.

Add and subtract, obscure the equation.
Media diversion = systematic persuasion.

Branded by fear we await "The Explosion".
But looking out and not in, ensures death by implosion.
This is a re-post because it seems the media is even worse now. Or maybe I just pay them to much attention.

— The End —