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Feb 2014 · 231
Kill me slowly
They say you can't live without a heart
But here I am, cold and dead inside
You gave me empty promises
Ones that I thought you would keep
Because you called me different
You made me feel like you would actually care
But the heart can't lie
Now you're killing me
You're telling me you want me back
But you don't want me
You just want the satisfaction
You want the heart
You like the power
You knew that I was broken
Still you picked up the pieces
And claimed them as yours
I trusted you
A heart can't break twice I thought
But sadly I was mistaken
And maybe it will keep breaking
The longer you stand at my door
The meaningless words you say
The ones that you don't believe yourself
You have already broke my heart
Now you're hear to finish me off
Just promise to **** me softly,
Just to let me think you actually care.
Feb 2014 · 194
It's hard to sleep
Because at 1 a.m.
When your heart aches
And bleeds the blood,
From every one of your heartbreaks,
It's hard to silence your cries,
The pain rips through you,
Like a cold wind on a winter's day,
And you have no hope in hell,
Of trying to stay warm.
The wind,
Makes its way,
Into every part of your body,
And the blood spills out
Of you like
Cries from a newborn baby,
Before you even knew what a heartbreak was.

You can't just close your eyes
And try to sleep
After something like that.
The first is when
someone is reckless with
your heart.
and it breaks and it shatters
in ways
you never thought it could.

The second is when
You break
someone's heart
because you'll never
know pain
like the type that has you
look into their eyes
but they look away.

and the worst kind of heartbreak
is the kind that comes along
when you have to watch
the person you love
be happy
with someone else.
Feb 2014 · 286
First Love <3
Think about you less and less,
Everyday you miss your chance,
Someday you'll never cross my mind,
And you'll sit there wondering,
Why you wasted your time.
You made your choice,
I'll say it again,
You can't have me,
I can't be your friend,
Throw it all away,
Watch the ashes burn,
Yeah I know we were in love,
But this time it's just not our turn,
Pass me by,
You think I'll cry,
But you've got another thing coming,
I'm no fool,
I don't need you,
To chase me, to not chase me,
Either way, from you I am running,
It's done,
It's done,
The battles been won,
We both lost,
But someday,
Love will carry on.
Feb 2014 · 930
Love Triangle
Was I the second choice?
Am I just second best?
Things didn't work with the first,
So you moved on to the next.
I can't help but think,
You're still in love with her.
Everything's so confusing,
Why can't it just be clear?
This game of back and forth,
Is tearing me apart,
But because I love you,
I'll just wait for you to break my heart.
Feb 2014 · 254
You and Me
It's hard to remember a time,
When it was not just you and me
A time where instead,
It was us, them, and we.
A pair we once were,
attached at the hip,
Until I ******* up,
Let you slip through my grip.
Your words were all lies,
But that doesn't make way,
To the fear in your eyes.
The fear that I caused,
Because of your lies,
This round about confusion,
I don't know why.
Why do I feel so bad?
I stood up for myself.
Yet somehow I feel,
Like I'm going to hell.
You deserved to be put in your place,
I keep telling myself,
But did you really?
I can't really tell.
I got it off my chest,
But at what price?
I've caused more pain,
Than all of your lies.
An eye for an eye,
And now we're both blind.
An eye for an eye,
And now pain floods my mind.
There once was a time,
Of us, them, and we,
But after all this,
Theres just you,
and theres just me.
Feb 2014 · 289
Memories are fuzzy,
Just like a dream,
It's usually not like me,
To yell, shout, and scream.
My words were like daggers,
****** in by your magnetic pull,
Until we were left alone in the water,
With no where to go.
Now theres two more lonely people,
Left to fend for themselves,
In this ****** up world,
Well, I'll meet you in hell.
Feb 2014 · 290
Lost and Confused
I should be happy,
Things should be a breeze,
But nothings the way it should be.
Everythings difficult, not easy.
I feel like im losing you instead,
And not to her, no,
But to my own ****** up head.
The fear of pain
Causes no more gain,
Happy is now the unknown,
Im just surrounded by these bad thoughts,
Whenever im alone.
Feb 2014 · 555
Blank Canvas
If its not erasing,
Its ripping.
If its not ripping,
Its cutting.
Treat my body like a blank canvas of paper,
Waiting to be tampered with.
Because paper is nothing until you make something of it.
Nobody frames a blank sheet of paper,
But they place priceless figures on those who are
Those who are worthy enough to be
I just want to be worthy
So i
Myself until somebody finds the beauty in me
The beauty to frame me, and hang me on a wall
To show me off to the world
To place priceless figures on me
Desperate for worth
I erase
And take it upon myself
To hang me on a wall with frayed string
Attatched to my heart
And with every spectator who looks at me
I realize that they want nothing to do with me
No matter how much i
I was an amateur in my technique
And with every
Rip cut
I erased my beauty
Ripped my worthiness
Cut my price
So i broke the string
That hung me to the wall
And bleached myself back to my original state
Taped my pieces back together
And ironed out my wrinkles
But the thing about paper
Is no matter how hard you try to make it as beautiful as the original
It will forever show the scars
From the battles it went through
Feb 2014 · 651
My Grandmother
When her lungs failed her
When her body gave into age
When dimesia had taken over
My grandmother put on lipstick
And fixed her permed hair
First she made herself beautiful
Then waited for time to claim her
Feb 2014 · 2.3k
Escape from reality
No where to go
As i lay on my bed
No where to go?
With these headphones i can go places
With each track is a new adventure
With these headphones its like time travel
Past. Present. Future.
You know you want to turn it up louder
The higger the volume
The deeper you go
Pause, play, pause, then play button
You are trying to groove
But cant help if you are needed
Wish these headphones could make me invisible
"Oh what do you want?
Im listening to my music."
Feb 2014 · 407
Im Crazy
Psychotic, sickly, and weird.
Dont come near,
Cuz im a freak with these fears.
Take the blade to my skin,
Draw a portrait, sink in.
Watch the blood overturn,
These emotions are stirred.
Give me some medicine,
Its alll in my head again.
Even after putting up a front for you a thousand times.
You claw at my sadness,
And pick at my madness.
Numbing out the sorrow thats deep inside.
But everything fades,
Like the sun on a rainy day.
These pills arent enough,
Choking on nothing more than cigarette dust,
Waiting on that novitine rush,
All the while im feeling crushed.
Take a breath
Is all theyve got to say,
Well im breathing,
Still im not okay.
And keep breathing,
All it takes is one single step i say,
End this madness, im all strung up,
Caught in a mess,
That i dont want to adress.
Fixating on all those things they say,
But whats wrong?
I made a left turn,
I do this to myself.
Feb 2014 · 233
this dream still haunts me
Rope knotted over my bare ankles and wrists,
Tying me down to this freezing glacier,
I try to escape,
I suffocate and try to shake your hands off my mouth,
You coax me to stay calm,
To stop strugglung,
"Just give up for now and let the ice break and take me in"
"Something better awaits beneath the surface, youll see"
And i almost listen to you,
Because the more i fight,
And the more i try to escape
From these unbreakavle grasps,
The more the rope burns and slices my skin,
Stinging and peeling,
Your grip over my mouth tightens,
And i only grow more parched from my screaming,
But for some reason,
Even with this pain,
Feb 2014 · 497
Never Again
I will never wait for someone again.
Those words,
Those promises,
Stagnant vows so thin and weak,
That when i try to lean on them,
They break,
and i fall through
Feb 2014 · 626
The cuts along my leg
Are so symmetrical
From a certain angle
They look like gills
I guess thats how I breathe
When im drowning.
Feb 2014 · 240
Sit back
Enjoy the ride,
No one knows
Whats happening inside.
In and out.
Speak silent,

We shall all see
What wicked fools
Will be made of we.
Feb 2014 · 297
Oh to be a child again
When my dark blue blanket
Was the deep blue sea.
When every wrinkle
Was a tidal ripple
And the ocean belonged to me.

Oh to be a child again
When a yard of grass
Was a football feild.
Wed tread out the goals
And wed equal the posts
As the sun set down to see.

Oh to be that child again
When wallets werent goods
And suits didnt itch
When a friend was a friend
And that was it.
Feb 2014 · 234
Keep me safe
In your arms tonight.
For tonight,
I know nothing of peace.
Love me now,
If not tenderly.
To save whatever is left
Of my tomorrow.
Feb 2014 · 447
My mind is a battle field,
Filled with evil and goodness,
On which i should choose.

If only
Quitting the drug
Of razors on skin
Was effortless
If only
Stopping sellf starvation
Was as simple
As batting an eye

But nothing comes that easily

My mind is a bttle field
With two seperate sides,
And the wrong side
Is winning.

A sweet, sweet victory,
And a bitter failure..
Feb 2014 · 714
Red Rubies
Im tired of trying,
Sick of crying
I know ive been smiling,
But inside im dying.
I bleed just to know im alive.
Feb 2014 · 435
Un Noticed
Im five years old,
Pale blue pajamas running through the house,
Looking for mommy.
Shes outside, barred behind glass doors,
A cloud of smoke trailing off the lit end of her cigarette.
Obscuring eyes.
She doesn't even notice the little ******* the other side...

Im 17 now, and still going *un noticed
Feb 2014 · 407
Im tearing myself apart
Limb by limb,
Until only my thoughts
Will remain scattered.
Does it make you laugh
To know how broken
I really am?
Maybe if i hang myself
With the finest tie
In my fathers closet,
And wear an outfit that my mother
Thought i looked nice in,
They will pretend to give a ****.
Feb 2014 · 388
Im four years old again
Wondering when it was
I lost myself to reality.

Wondering why the wind sounds so wrong,
And how long ago was it that it lost its song.
Wondering how many days ago
Was it that the thorn bush lost its rose.
Wondering when the face in the mirror
Seemed to smile, but only shed those tears,
Wondersing what it was like to be a star,
And not the aching within a scar.

Im four years old again
Eyes wide open and unseeing,
Trying to figure out,
What it is i must be believing.

Im four years old again
And im breathing.
*Im breathing
Feb 2014 · 293
Just Cry
Have you ever laid on your floor at night and just cried?
Cried because youre ugly.
Because youre not good enough.
You counted all your flaws from head to toe to punish yourself.
Cried because the comments people blurt out actually hurt.
Cried because your family is dysfunctional, but youre just a kid who cant do **** about it.
They telk you to stop complaining,
That you have it muc better than some kids.
You dont want to be a burden so you just bottle it all up.
Around people youre the happiest ray of sunshine.
But nobody knows,
That at night,
When youre alone,
You break down and
*Just cry
Feb 2014 · 1.6k
Pinch Pinch Pinch
Am i happy with my body?
pinch pinch pinch
Will you smile to the mirror
Or make yourself sick?

Is anyone okay
With who they really are?
Is 100% even possible
Give me a sign if you are?

Am i disgusted with myself?
Yeah, maybe.
With so many flaws here and there,
But i guess its alright,
I happen to love my hair.
Feb 2014 · 215
Cold Words
People throw knives at one another,
Not so much the cold steel,
But words.
Black and white.

Sticks and stones,
They might now break your bones,
But they sink down
Into something that youll never be able to take back.
Because words are glue,
They hold this world together,
And when i found those words,
You cut into my very heart.

I never thought i did that to you.

I never thought i used my words to cut into you,
But i guess i did,
So i guess its fair.

And now we're both kids at the playground,
Waiting for the other to cry first,
Neither of us wants to,
But this game goes on far too long.

So im going to play on the monkey bars,
Like the child that i am,
Because there is freedom in the sky,
And in the movement of my body.

So im going to go clean out my new car,
And dance in the driveway with my love,
And im


To stop using my words
*Like knives
Feb 2014 · 193
An Old Love
I was still in love with you on your bad days

When you wanted to be nowhere, nothing,

When you disappeared under the covers and

I felt them shake with sobs and the first thing you said

When you felt my hand trailing up your spine

Was, “I’m sorry, love. Did I wake you up?”

Sometimes, with puffy, red eyes, you’d tell me

To leave you. You’d tell me that loving you was

A waste of my time and that I deserved more

Than you could ever be, but when you fell against

The front door, kicking and screaming at me

For giving you a reason to stay that you didn’t want,

I was there. Even when I was the only string

On your finger, the only thing keeping you from

Floating away, I loved you.

At night, when the sound of rain falling on the windowsill

Kept me awake, you’d tell me what your world was like.

Sometimes it would scare me, just like it did you,

But I told you that you could stay in mine awhile.

Sometimes you would stop talking mid-sentence

And I would ask you what was wrong.

When you said nothing at all, I knew you hadn’t

Said, “nothing at all.” I knew there was a difference.

You said you didn’t understand me, why I would

Stay with you when you were like this, and I said,

"I’m in love with you," eleven times over

Until I thought, for about an hour,

You believed me.
Feb 2014 · 222
In love with you
Sometimes at stoplights

I turn to you

And see the silhouette of your face

And decide all over again

That I’m in love with you.

I look out the window, down

At the gravel road beneath your tires

So you won’t see me blushing

Or biting my lip when you laugh

And inside my head, I beg you to make

Another lap around the neighbourhood.

Sometimes the distance between

My hand and yours

Hurts to think about

Because how easy would it be

For me to reach over

And curl my fingers into yours?

And maybe I wouldn’t even

Have to pretend

I didn’t mean to.

I wonder if you saw the way

My lip trembled when I thought

Maybe I’m just going crazy -

I wonder if you heard

About the way your name

Makes my head spin.

Sometimes at dawn

When I’m only now saying

Goodnight to you, I think about

Saying, “wait,” at the last minute

But I wonder whether or not

I would be able to go through with it -

Whether I even had any idea

How to put this into words,

Or if I might just start crying

Because oh my god,

How long have I wanted to kiss you?

I wonder if, all those times

I paused and told you

Anything just to say another word,

You knew.
Feb 2014 · 491
No strings attatched
It was never meant to be serious.

It’s funny how easy that is to say

Before you begin.

"No strings attached" is easy to agree upon

Until you’re hanging from a cliff

And they’re safely above with yards and yards of rope

That they would use to save you

If you weren’t


And you have to say, as your palms begin to

Sweat on the edge and you lose grip on the crumbling rocks

That he seems happy.

You have to remind yourself as you grasp desperately

For a hand that doesn’t exist

That this is what you agreed to.

You touched my hand,
and the poetry in my fingertips,
suddenly disappeared.
It’s what you do to me,
you make my words turn into warmth,
and maybe,
I’ve found someone I can’t write about.
who takes the poetry out of my fingertips,
and gives me peace of mind.
Feb 2014 · 572
My spider web mind
Even when I’m not writing

I’m writing

Spinning words in my head

My spider web mind

captures insect thoughts

lurking around the premise

A natural act

My spider web mind

threads insect thoughts in

so that they can be

Eaten up

at a later time
Feb 2014 · 283
The push the pull
No give, all take
There has to be a better way
My heart and mind
They crack and break
I overthink and cry today
Fire and fire
This hate we make
Hopelessly watching this rope fray.
Feb 2014 · 299
Once Upon A Time
I lost a little nothing
I gained a little everything
The little philosophical lessons you taught
I mistakenly bought
In fact you taught me a lot
But the only good lesson
Was that I shouldn't lessen
Honestly though
I taught myself
You just gave me a little help
Now I know I deserve much more
To walk way when treated like a chore.
Feb 2014 · 232
Doomed World
I give up
I'm not this strong
I give up
I'm always wrong
I took those cruel words
Cut them deep into my skin
I took those cruel words
Called them a brutal sin
I'll let the world see
Exactly what it did to me
I'll let the world see
Exactly how it made me bleed
This world is filled with hate and war
This world is filled with so much bore
This world never let me reach the shore
This world never let me ever soar
Feb 2014 · 358
to drown would be a cold embrace
to sever a vein a quick death race
to hang myself a fool-proof plan
ill shoot out my brains I don't give a ****
pull out my teeth ill drown in my blood
dive headfirst out of a tree die alone in the mud
scoop out both of my eyes using a gleaming silver spoon
I don't care how I just better die soon.
Feb 2014 · 367
These Walls
No ones ever broken down
These Walls
No ones ever taken the time
To see the beauty that lies behind the structure
That houses all that there is
In and of me
These Walls
Are not meant for protection
They are the ultimate test
The greatest conquest
One will ever know
For, just beyond
These Walls
Lies a heart so full and ready to love
With all it's might
But first you have to break down
*These Walls
Feb 2014 · 260
No Tears
I drown because my fear ways me d
Like a stone belt wrapped around a clown,
My make-up smears as I submerge in tears,
Oh, God, haha!
Oh, God!
No tears!
No tea-
Feb 2014 · 474
Just Another Game
Just another girl
Just another broken hearted girl
Who thought that you could give her the world
Was just another game to you
Just another broken tune
Do you see the body lying there
The body of a girl and you don't care
Just another body lying bare
Just another tragic love affair
It's just another girl to you
Just yet another broken tune
An unfinished melody
A screeching symphony
That you call history
A lost virginity
"It was their choice to play the game"
"And someone always has to lose"
You say.
Feb 2014 · 290
YOU made ME into THIS
A hypocritical post I must say.
I find only hate everyday.
Selfish humans use you,
Until they no longer need you.
You give them your heart,
And they tear it apart.
A cocked gun sounds better than their ******* anyway.
How annoying am I?
Ignoring all my calls.
Annoying no more,
Brain matter splattered on the walls.
You will never find someone as caring as me,
Now you'll never find someone as scary as me.
You made me this.
Frankenstein in a way.
No longer the person I was,
Only the creature you had to create.
My eyes will forever be carved in your mind.
The only thing you'll see when you close your eyes.
Could you have saved me?
No, you already know.
Six feet under is the way it must go.
Crazy psychopaths, I understand.
When nobody cares, it's hard to keep still.
Staring out the window sill,
Waiting for life.
Seems the only way to feel again,
Is to make majestic sculptures with a knife.
Not out of clay.
Out of flesh, during mid day.
The smell of their lies all melting away.
Rot and decay.
All that remains.
There was really nothing more there anyway.
Feb 2014 · 439
Lately I've been feeling like my worries are sky high,
I've tried to conquer mysteries,
I've tried hard not to die.
Once blinded by the brightness,
Yet when all I see is black,
Trying to find my way back.
I see the changes start to blossom,
Through winter summer spring and autumn.
So maybe if I close my eyes,
My imagination will compromise.
You see,
A wise man once said that all things must pass,
A wise man once said that nothing ever lasts.
Sometimes I wish that I could be a visionary.
I'd lead my battles from dusk to dawn.
I crash,
I burn,
I still carry on.
It's filled with love, yet hypocrisy,
And ruled with mediocrity.
The world should be a better place,
For laughter tears of joy and grace.
Because I'm finding it hard,
And I can only dream,
Tomorrow we'll just make believe.
Sharing stories under the night sky,
But tomorrow never comes,
I wonder why...
Some might say it's meant to be,
And when all is said and done,
I find myself straying on the path,
Back where I once begun.
Lately I've been feeling like my worries are sky high,
I've tried to conquer mysteries,
I've tried hard not to die.
Feb 2014 · 228
Even in daylight everything seems blacked out,
It follows over me like a black cloud,
It makes me want to lash out,
It has me drinking until I pass out,
It has such a strong grip on me,
So many defeats I'm just waiting on a victory,
Life is a struggle,
Life is a puzzle,
Just hope I can fit the pieces together,
This thing called life has got to get better,
While most people are out having fun and drinking,
I'm sitting alone in a dark room just thinking,
With a blank stare on my face no blinking,
In my own separate mind space,
Just hoping I can find the faith,
To guide me on this journey,
To help me escape from this sickness and madness,
I guess it's safe to say I suffer from sadness.
Feb 2014 · 245
For a Lack of Words
I sure do make you smile
I wish I said more to keep you here a while
I rarely get to see you
and I struggle with that
I try to be in view
So I'm the one you look at
You're the kind of girl
That I'd do everything for
You're beauty like a pearl
and I wouldn't ask for more.
Feb 2014 · 295
I might have loved you
I wear your name
like a noose around my neck.
whenever it's spoken
I choke.
one day your memory will suffocate me.
I think I might have loved you.
Feb 2014 · 403
A shot to **** the pain
A pill to drain the shame
A purge to stop the gain
A cut to break the vein
A smoke to ease the crave
A drink to win the game.
An addiction's and addiction,
Because it always hurts the same.
Feb 2014 · 243
An empty room,
An empty girl.
Sitting silently
On the floor.
Her pants rolled up,
Exposing skin.
She drags the blade,
And presses in.
The pain it brings,
Can not compare.
To the joy she knows,
Will soon be there.
It's worth the scars,
That never heal.
For just one moment,
Not to feel.
Because I can't find it in my heart
Where I used to care.
Because I can't find in my heart
Where I care.
Because I can't find in my heart.
Because I can't find my heart.
I can't find my heart.
Find my heart. </3
Feb 2014 · 267
They Don't Understand
They stare,

They whisper,

They gossip,

For they do not understand,

The quiet girl,

With a notebook and pen
Feb 2014 · 443
Pain* woke me up
Like a bolt of lightning
It shot through my body
Grasping reality
I winced

Another streak of pain
From my core
To my fingertips
Paralyzing my limbs

Incoherent thoughts flew
'Is this a dream?'
No, I'm in pain
Real striking pain
Recurring pain

Shot after shot
Each vein in agony
Every nerve on overdrive
I willed myself

Slowly I opened my eyes
Heartbeats stabilized
While pain still writhed inside

With each strike I settled
As I drifted off to sleep
Pain is now a natural thing
Like blood flow under my skin

I live with it <3
it's that moment
when everything becomes too much
it's overwhelming
it's powerful

there's nothing you can do to stop it anymore
you can't hold it in

it's the moment when you have to accept the fact
that nobody is perfect

everyone has that moment
when you just can't take the world anymore
when there is no good to even out the bad

that is the moment
when the teardrops hit the floor

the moment when we accept the fact that we are all human
and we accept the fact that life can be too much
it can tear us apart
destroy us

but it's okay

in the end....everything will be okay <3
Feb 2014 · 213
The Cycle Starts Again
I stare at my ankle and the thin red lines scream at me
I'm not sure if it's disappointment for stopping
or for starting again.
Now they settle into my skin,
beckoning me back,
to the dark days when the blade and I were lovers.
And blood ran cold to the razor's kisses.
Do I fall to his temptation?
Or do I rise above this?
I guess I'll find out tonight.
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