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Why cant you just back off
You dont have a chance
Youre ripping us all apart
But youre not going to win
All youre doing is causing pain
You need to just move on
You need to just be gone
Goodbye, farewell
Youre no longer welcome at this table
You need to leave fast
Before theres two more lonely people
You never were a problem
Until you forgot how to count to two
Now youre not wanted here
Its just us, no more you
Why do you think its okay
To try and rip love apart
For your own lustfull needs
You have such a selfish heart
You need to leave
All you crave is lust
Youre addicted to the drug
You dont care at all
That we're actually in love.
In this life I live
Ive felt a lot of hurt
And Ive learned to forgive.

No things didnt really go as intended
But you have to keep looking up
And always keep a good head.

People will definitely make mistakes
They'll hurt you more than you thought
But you'll need to know which battles to fight,
And when to just move on

This world is filled with hate and love
The people you love can treat you like trash
But thats why you learn to forgive
If you ever want love to last
You used me
Made me cry
Took what you wanted
Left me here to die
In shock with so much pain
I dont know what to do
Now its starting to rain
I still cant seem to move
The bruises sink through
And penetrate my heart
You left me without a warning
Said we'd never be apart
No more tears can flow
My body is paralyzed
With this pain that has been caused
By the demons in your eyes
My world that once was full of light
Has now gone pitch black
I cant see through this darkness
Even when i try to look back
Lost, spinning in circles
Darkness everywhere i go
Where do i go from here
Honestly...i dont know
My world has just been shattered
And no one understands
I have a fragile heart
You once held in your hands
I trusted you to keep it safe
Cover it through the storm
Trusted you to hold it close
And always keep it warm
Instead you played a game
Used it as a ball
Kicked it across the field
And laughed as you watched it fall
It shattered to tiny pieces
Broken on impact
Now it can never be repaired
Never be fully intact
I was left to tape the pieces back together
Maybe itll be alright
Hey, i think i finally fixed it doesnt look right
Its missing the piece that says your name
And without you, it can never be the same
Written sunday night </3
Lied to
You used me
And now I see
The evil soul deep in your eye
The evil soul that has made me cry
Youre a monster for making me cry
Youre a demon for making me want to die
You used me to get what you wanted
You caused so much hurt
You played me for a fool
You are such a piece of work
How could you do this?
You were supposed to be my friend
Yet you do what you can to hurt me
Is this really how you want this to end?
Why must you tear love apart
For your own selfish times
Youre not fooling anyone
I see the devil in your eyes
Cant you just accept
It wasnt meant to be
You cant force love
Just to fill your needs.
That can never be lost
You can try to call it love
But at what cost
You can try to hold on
When you really should move on
Because that spark will fade
Until eventually its gone
Once its finally gone
Itll be just you two
Youll realize there was no love
Youll see how youve been used
When that time finally comes
Just take a glance around
Youll see me, arms open
Because Ill never back down
I know that day youll see
Just whose love was true
And then in the end
It can finally be just us two
I know it hurts to move on
But you were like her pill
She never truley loved you
The way I always will
Youll always remember your first
That memory will always last
But now its time to move on
And leave the past in the past
Im here to help you heal
I know I can help you through
I know you can be happy
And most of all, I know I love you
I more broken than ever before
Sitting silently on the floor
Not knowing which way to go
Either way I lost, I already know.
A side of me wants to go away
But the other side wants to stay
I cant decide whats better
Because I know you'll always chose her.
She's much better than me anyway
Guess you'd be better if I didn't stay
You could finally be happy
And never have to worry
About me or my ****** up depression
These bad thoughts that seem to never end
I don't know what to do
When I see you with her
My heart breaks more every time
But I can see you're full of laughter.
She makes you happier than I ever could
If I just disappeared
Your life would be good.
You hurt me
She hurt me
But I don't care
As long as you're both happy
I've realized I think just like everybody
I put myself second, never first
Because I'm not good enough to be
Even if I'm not the worst.
You like me for who I am?
That doesn't change that you have someone better
Someone you once said you hate.
I guess she is better
In a way I don't understand
At least she can make you happy
Since I never can.
I don't think I can stand by
And hide how I cry
I don't think I can stand by
When all I want to do is die.
You need to choose one or the other
I hate that its come to this
But I cant take the heartbreak
You're easier to just miss.
I didn't want things to be like this,
I never wanted to make you choose
But you already made your choice
I guess someone had to lose
Im sorry I have to leave
But I cant be okay
When you're with someone else
And I'm left to die and decay.
I don't want to lose you
But I guess I have to go
I'll always remember you
The way you made my heart glow.
I don't want to leave
But my heart can't stay
I don't want to bring you down
Because I'm not okay
I wish it didn't have to be like this
I wish it was just us two
But you're happier with her
And there's no more me and you
I guess I'll move on
So you don't have to worry
I guess I'll just leave
So you can finally be happy.
"You're such a *****"
"You're ******* up your life"

Your words echo in my head
Like shrapnel from the knife that stabbed me in the heart
Words you can never take back
Words that tore us apart
How could you do this
To someone you say you love
"Forever and always I promise"
Turned into all of the above
I've given up on people
On the hope of being SOMEONE'S first choice
I'll never be good enough
I'm just the back up toy
Replaced by everyone
Loved by none
Attacked by everyone
And when I look up, they're all gone
I sit here alone
For I can never win
I'll sit in my broken pieces
Until I can love again
Just the **** up that is me
Alone with the thoughts in my head
Always silently crying
Wishing I was dead.
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