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I'll write out all the *******
Because that's what I told you to do
When you told me you were blocked
So now you're giving me a taste
Of my own medicine.
Then help me write out all the *******,
Because I believe you're the reason I can't write,
You're blocking my mind,
And I want nothing more
Than to hear your ideas
To hear your voice
To see your lips move
As I imagine them upon my own
So help me write out all the *******.
© Roxanne Pepin 2011
us clambering)
                                                     ­                                o(     throats
                                                         ­                             i     pillars of salt
                           upward                                              c   looking back
                     ing              voices                                  a    a flower
                l,l                                sprung ­                  r       in the barren
             a                                              almost     of          soil
when f                                                       clean              shouted
                                      ­                                                             a most
                                                            ­                                           a violet
                                                          ­                                                  a violent
                                                         ­                                 staccato colour
                                                            ­     its
                                                             ­         sepulcher
                                                                ­                    of primless
                                                                ­                                  error
                         ­                                                                 ­             smashing
today i listen farther to music almost nearer
at the sickled median
of fluff and ice
 Apr 2011 Tyler Nicholas
M Lundy
our skin is
in the way.
Copyright 2011 M.E. Lundy
maybe sometimes, you are trying to fall asleep.
and my words fall on you like snowflakes, antarctic and weighted. an igloo of what used to be.
lay there, frigid, and remember when our hearts throbbed for each other.
maybe they still do.
And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England’s mountains green?
And was the holy Lamb of God
On England’s pleasant pastures seen?

And did the Countenance Divine
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here
Among these dark satanic mills?

Bring me my bow of burning gold!
Bring me my arrows of desire!
Bring me my spear! O clouds, unfold!
Bring me my chariot of fire!

I will not cease from mental fight,
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand,
Till we have built Jerusalem
In England’s green and pleasant land.
 Mar 2011 Tyler Nicholas
v V v
For those who long to hear,
silence screams like nicotine
addiction, the conscious void
an empty space where
all desires must be satiated
and everything evil
is revealed in a tide of
Dear Superman,
I don’t think you remember me,
The other day you saved me and my mom
From a burning building, we were on the top floor
I was the one that said you were the coolest
You didn’t happen to see my dog Max did you?
We can’t find him but I’m sure he’s fine
Everybody is fine

I was wondering though,
How much can you lift? I mean how strong are you?
A car? A plane? A building? An island?
How long can you hold my dreams on your shoulders?
Can you put Atlas to shame?
I heard you could take a broken heart, and force it together?
Is it true you’re in love with Lois Lane?
What do you do when she wants you to leave her alone,
And you can still see and hear her?
Can only kryptonite pierce your heart?
Or are words sharper? Can Lois break you?
With her heart and Luthor’s mind, what chance do you have?
Those are two muscles you can’t flex
You are after all just a man, an orphan like me.
Cause mom hasn’t come home.
There was too much smoke.

Do you forget about things like food and air?
I’ve seen you fly in space where the oxygen is scarce
I guess you don’t need what we need.
How do you fly? I never see you flap your arms.
Does gravity affect you? Or is there no attraction
Between you and the things around?
Who do you know that can see you without your mask?
Does anybody get to see you naked?
Without your walls and impenetrable skin.
Cause it’s not fair that you get to see us, hear us
And you won’t stop pretending,
Playing with us.

Does a man of steel believe in God?
Surely you could find him out there, you could
Challenge him to an arm wrestling match.
What happens if you win?
Do you believe in heaven?
Or do you even have to believe? If you can look
Through the earth, hear across the universe.
Do you get to visit and talk to the dead?
Have you talked to your parents, caught up?
Can you find my mom?

Why do you hide in a fortress?
What are you protecting yourself from?
From the people you save?
Or from the people you didn’t?
Because perhaps if solitude was your goal,
You should try staying home.
I would like that.
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