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 Nov 2012 Tyler Nicholas
Her skin
Was like almond milk
Wearing chocolate lace silk
She glistened on the shoreline
In moonlit gaze she made a sign
Asking me to come join her in the sea
She couldn’t possibly mean me
This Siren in full pursuit
I wasn’t in a swimsuit
But then again
Grandfather built, with his own hands
The house we children called our home.
A fine expanse of stone and brick,
a castle that was ours alone.

That was before the threatening storm
turned us into refugees
The howling wind, the battering surge
Let loose the Ocean’s enmity.

Of our fine home scant trace remains:
Some stone and the foundation walls
Keepsakes and memories long displayed
Sadly we have lost them all.

No loss of life, no death to weep
But still a sense of loss pervades.
The certainty of Youth is gone
And fallen trees can give no shade.

We’ll build again with our own hands
The house our children will call home.
I think, perhaps, on higher ground,
Where Ocean waves do seldom roam

There we will make new memories
Those things we lost will matter not.
We have each other, that is enough.
We’ll build our heaven on this spot.
Compiled from anecdotal stories and the very real destruction of my wife's parents home
It's amazing how something so*


Can make you feel so
chipped nail polish
too lazy to do anything about it
I'm not a hipster
I just like old things
and tattered, worn out people.
I think they are beautiful.
what others overlook
I ponder; spend hours
lost in admiration.
I enjoy simple things
like high-fives
and bicycle rides
and the smell of seasons changing.
random piece of string around my wrist.
no special reason.
just for the hell of it.
that's me.
in it for the hell of it.
ADD ridden
but happy none-the-less.
deep in thought.
but not in spirit.
light in peace of mind.
I'm me.
Sarah Jean.
and I'd like to think
that I'm doing pretty alright
 Nov 2012 Tyler Nicholas
Let me tell you about myself.
I am a mosquito magnet.
I have little scars of itchy memories all over my scrawny legs.
But I think it means my blood is sacred.
I find my laugh unique and one of a kind.
My walk, resembling more of a bowlegged wobble, allows me to stand out against the crowd.
(My walk isn't that bad, by the way, I was merely exaggerating for stylistic purposes.)
What's more, the fact that I am prone to blushing at even the slightest glance my way is kldjaf;ldjfoiad;htija;ji;ajf.
I love it.
My clumsiness only adds meaning to the moments in which I am fleetingly graceful.
Yes, my posture is rough around the edges,
But it signifies that I have been around the world a few times.
At least I don't jut out my pretty decently sized *******.
You're welcome.
I find my lack of arguing skills in the moment cute.
My mistakes are adorable, and my obvious flaws are endearing.
The fact I can't **** an ant without showing sympathy is amiable.

If only somebody thought the same way about me.
If only people looked and analyzed others as closely as I do.
They would see.
That way I wouldn't be the only one loving myself. (Or trying to.)
 Nov 2012 Tyler Nicholas
That moment.
Oh so fragile and sweet.
But what becomes of it
If 'us' ends in defeat?

That potential.
The most beautiful thing of all.
It occurs before it all begins
And before it all will fall.
i swam before i can walk
i dreamed before i could talk
i dreamed of stories
i dreamed from stories
awake asleep
awake in sleep
i float i fly
i swam i cry
i lived i died
i loved i lied
i gained my strength from them
i am weakened as well
from childhood to tween
to teen to twenty
i never stop to dream
will this be my only life
among the clouds up sky
will i ever live a life
will i ever live the dream
or let dream die a dream
let the dream eat me away as i sleep
 Nov 2012 Tyler Nicholas
Dimlight breaks our time in two
&I; slip on the stillness of morning
like a new, clean dress.
Soundhues cover the chaos of my mind
in almostsilence.

Can you hear our nostalgia brightening?

Your voice, from forever ago,
echoes&dances; on the wings of sundrenched birds.
They greet the sky as an old friend:
soundhue hellos harmonize.
&I; am awake, finally.
n. A song or poem greeting or evoking the dawn.
n. A morning love song; a song of lovers parting in the morning.
n. morning music
the way your hand felt
sliding up my shirt
the other one making its efforts
to unbutton my jeans
you were trembling
it must have been scary
to be so new at this
knowing how many times
I have been here
your innocence was alluring
I wanted it
and you gave it to me
so happily and willingly
you'll always be
a hopeless romantic
for a lady who
can write.
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