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Diya soni Dec 2020
She was trying to be happy
Truthfully she was trying
Poor girl
Diya soni Dec 2020
Is it too late to ask for help?
Diya soni Nov 2020
And just sometimes there comes a long pauses
Unto the middle of a beating heart
In the ventilator of hopes!
Diya soni Nov 2020
Im not ready for this to end
But I'm not ready for it to begin either
So I sit in the dark
In this quite in between
Where the world is still
But my heartbeat is not
Im flipping the coin
And I watch it turn over and over
It lands with the wrong side facing upward
But somehow I'm not sad about it
I flip it again
But this time I don't even care
Which side
It lands on
Because it gives me comfort knowing that
I flipped it anyway
Maybe this is what it means to be brave..
Diya soni Oct 2020
I've always had this fear of letting go
I've always had this fear of standing for my own self
I've always had this fear of being selfish one day
I've always had this fear of being alone..
Whenever I stood for myself, I didn't had someone around..
It think I'm not selfish because I've lost all, still carried in me.
But no matter what PRECAUTIONS you take, the fears do turn into REALITY.
And the promises are being broken
And the lies do became truths
Because life CUTS you from all the sides
To end up being a sharper lead
And help you be the pencil of your life
To write your own history..
Diya soni Oct 2020
1.  Sometimes, you over dress to feel better. You put on some extra makeup, or a beautiful dress even if it's not a ideal way, to change your mood. So, forget if people will consider you out of the group. Its okay to stand out for no reason sometimes.

2.  Alcohol taken the right way does not make you less sanskari. The bread/roti you eat also harms you if not  taken the right way, and so is with alcohol. But, please
Underage drinking isn't that cool.

3.  Nepotism on social media is not a bad thing at times. When your 'famous friends' support you, and you grow, its something that is your extra blessing, not that something that you should be blamed for. But if you've grown on a digital platform, it is important for you to use that benefit in a right way.

4.  You should not only put your best work in front of people. You should be the best in what you share. You can also share the not so good work you've created, and tell other about your failures. Its not bad being real.

5. 'party' has a different meaning for everyone. Everyone has their own way of having fun. You're cool if you party with books, and you're also beautiful if you party at a club. Your way of enjoying yourselves is a part of your personality, no one has the right to define anything about you from that.

6.  You're not a bad person if you break your promises because of different situations.
Diya soni Oct 2020
Unplug to plug in
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