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Dimitrios Sarris Aug 2016
Many dream being part of a fairytale,
somehow unfold a legend from the old
with strange beasts and mystery in songs.
But there is no story without struggle,
no heroes without pain or strife,
no adventure without an Odyssey.
Gone far away from home, being strangers
and hunters in forgotten lands.
Do what no one else would dare, risk your life
for people they don't even know your name.
They would feel hollow and dishearted already,
i am sure. If it's a fairytale they ask why they
crave only this : "and all lived happily ever after..."
Dimitrios Sarris Jan 2019
He is the brother i never had
he is the friend from far distant shores.

He is a writer a poet of life and wonder
a warrior worthy of Valhala
a hero worthy of Olympus
a soul worthy of Tir na nog from Celts.

Wildman he is called in my book
of elven folk grandmaster smith
which Hephestos himself teached
of ancient long forgotten craft.

A glass of old greek wine i raise
and wish to him Happy new year.
My gift to him my humble poem
my gift to him my gratitude
for being my brother.
Gratitude for being an inspiration.
Alas, for he is a man worthy of all
the blessings of the Gods.
Was written for a good friend from HP Mark,
thanking for being the brother i never had.
Dimitrios Sarris Aug 2016
Craving only for themselves
craving only to be kings.
What if they could be more,
what if they could be free?
They dream of love without truly giving,
a story without meaning.
Holding on and letting go whenever it feats
they try to look wise and so their fears won't ease.
They try to cover a pile of lies
they try to fill an emptiness of sentiments.
But we are not fools we still got a heart
we still got a soul with eyes wide open.
They reflect nothing, they are shadows of nothing.
Dimitrios Sarris May 2018
Your present being you curse so much
is the future you chose and will become
the past that unfortunately you will forget.
This is how you move on determined to a path
of self destruction
casually, incosiderably and
insusceptible of any admonition.
Never learn till all is gone
never learn till is too late
never learn till you please
the gods of your unawareness.
Dimitrios Sarris Apr 2018
We are voyagers set on a course with a destiny
to find this one person our love is mend for,
a unique purpose promised to this person alone.
But be warned when we seek the light darkness
gathers and the fight during this long journey is
not fought by force but with one step of
honesty at a time. I miss you...
Dimitrios Sarris Jan 2017
Sinking in my thoughts
an every nights routine
staring at a white wall
making images and stories of my own,
but most start with "If i had".
Questioning and answering myself
Provoking mind and heart
for choices of my past.
Provoking soul and spirit
for choices soon may be done.
A glass of water for my mouth goes dry
looking from the window
a city sleeps.
No stars to shine in the dark
winter's sky.
Silence, loneliness only a wind's echo
can be heard.
I feel a tightening in my chest
a pinch like pain to my heart.
Sinking back to my thoughts
wondering what could i've done better
till the sun rises just to put
an end to this recursion.
Dimitrios Sarris Sep 2016
Cool wind filling my chest
eyes rest in this beautiful sunset
ears surrounded by waves crushing at shore.
All i wanted was to sail away into the blue,
broken compass waters unknown.
I remembered the silence under the trees
the scent of the deep green forest
hidden streams reflecting silver.
All i wanted was to stay a little longer.
A familiar rhythm, a song she sang for me
soft notes all over my home
and as i lay numb
my heart beats like the raining clouds.
All i wanted was to be with her.
My roots are broken and wind
carries my soul
feeling cold under the stars.
Dimitrios Sarris Mar 2018
Still trapped?
Still locked away in the dark?
Is the dream over?
Every agonizing step reminds
that is over but the pain has
a different saying.
The words are difficult to say.
I love you...
Dimitrios Sarris Sep 2016
I've been here not long ago
every way lead me there after all.
Oh heaven you won't let me go
trapped in this illusion
manifesting this delusion.
I keep on climbing even if it hurts.
Why do anything to hear what you want
even if it's wrong.
It would be a lie to let myself forgiving.
Slowly growing my lost roots
beneath some broken wings
mending my wounds.
I see it you see it
we both feel it.
Don't give in pain
let it rain.
Dimitrios Sarris Dec 2016
Happiness, what's the meaning behind the word?
What could it be? My imagination wriggles.
My lips on hers?
My hands at her hair?
Her beautiful curves lying on my hug?
I think it's her eyes, her voice.
When i found happiness i knew it was real,
i could feel that i did not need a troubled mind.
I could feel the gap in my heart filled
not covered by the zest of a temporary comfort.
I knew where my roots grew
where waters shined silver
under the light of her star.
Dimitrios Sarris Jan 2017
Is it dangerous i wonder
is it dangerous to dream?
I get it now a dream is not only hope
but also a warning and i realise that it takes time.
Time to walk a road covered in darkness, surely never
wished to go and i doupt that all walked to the very end.
I'll sail nonetheless.
I do not fear when my soul spreads wings desperate to fill
the void as i hear your voice " i am always with you.."
Dimitrios Sarris Aug 2017
Promises broken into a nightmare where all dreams
come true, into a strange realm i seached for control.
Smother my furies and banishe my fears.
Nightmares that form out of darkness
nightmares that travel stormy black seas
nighmares that reach misty shores
where my thoughts live.
I am home but it doesn't feel that way,
the sea has taken my soul and waves break me down.
Through my darkness i find myself to you,
in my chest still beats a heart.
I fight for my love, i fight for my dreams,
now there is a way to win.
Dimitrios Sarris Dec 2017
I was concerned rightly so
cause hate hangs on
and sorrow is all you had
could bring you back there
back to  wrong choices.
Lo the frailty of your soul.
Lo the thirst of your heart.
Lo the fabric of your broken
As your mind and heart vie
for control listen to the melody
that once nourished your sight,
listen for your soul deminishes
in depths that none could reach.
Dimitrios Sarris Dec 2017
Protecting, serving
speaking for the dead
some people are born like this
with empty black holes in their heart
no way getting ouf of it
no change in their mind
and the black holes rule
till the host is dead...
Dimitrios Sarris Dec 2017
Sailed in seas which match the heavens
wispered secrets at a sunset
and followed the trumbling stars
the ship anchored to land green and reach
an unearthly melody that filled the air.
It was not the foaming waves
not the bird's sing
nore the leaves rustling.
And so the traveller wondered in confusion
until he met a stranger sitting at the foreland.
He did not ask where he is but from
where this music comes from.
The stranger turned and spoke.
"It's Dagda's harp and Apollo's canto
both in tune with Bragi's poem.
Now i travel home for you found yours
and so i return."
Dimitrios Sarris Jan 2018
At last i got rid of this darkness
and a beautiful spring has awoken.
I have awoken and looked the sun
that has risen upon the green and flowers.
Courage found its way in my heart.
Everything i've been through all this time
was dark and ill intent, but a new day rises.
I leave behind this gloom or at least i won't
let my loved ones suffer from it.
Dimitrios Sarris Mar 2018
Rise my angel, rise from the ashes like
a phoinix, rise from the start till the end.
Falling is what awaits in this darkened
world for there is no blood in your veins
that could carry even a trace of hatred or guile.
Rise for you are light, rise my love above silver
streams and deep blue seas.
Spread your wings and hold me with your gentle
hands, kiss me again like the world falls apart
look at me and sing one more time.
Dimitrios Sarris Jun 2016
Imagine being free from all the hidden dark thoughts
and secrets you ever had. Uninhabited by modern anxieties.
Imagine being truly free for just a moment.
A perfect creation of pure character and honesty.
Like good artists, evolve.
Like great artists innovate.
Make things happen.
The experience.
All of it.
Art, dreams making us better and courageous,
even if man's inhumanity to man proves that the
very nature of mankind is defective.
It worths a shot to try really hard to change the fact
that mankind is tethered to a vicious cycle of
creation, decay and destruction.
Dimitrios Sarris Jul 2020
The Way to Hel

I sought the songs
I sent the songs
when the deepest well
offered drops so mighty
of Valfather’s pledge

I know it all, Odin
where you hid your eye

Who will sing me
in the death-sleep sling me
when I walk the road to Hel
and the tracks I tread
are cold, so cold

Early or in fading day
still the raven knows if I fall

When you stand by the gate of Hel
and when you must tear loose
follow you I shall
across the bridge of Gjöll with my song

You become free from the bonds that bind you
You are free from the bonds that bound you
Dimitrios Sarris Jan 2019
Such pride and ego...
Still fighting alone...
Still fighting for worthless glory...
You have locked doors and closed windows
in your mind and dark rooms behind them.
Maybe it's time for some of us to depart.
Dimitrios Sarris Jan 2017
Great evil is born by corrupting
something truly good.
I'll fight the wolf with heart,
i'll beat the darkness with light.
Farewell my love.
Dimitrios Sarris Jul 2018
A bitter taste i have as the flavor of your lips is gone,
alone and cold i feel as the warmth of your hug
is nowhere to be found, but knowing of your
great exertion i gain strength and i admire you!
You are trying for a good cause and there is nothing else
i'd like to see. You lead my path through the darkness
and i'll make my effort to whatever ends.
I can see now why our hearts beat in this eternal struggle,
for each piece taken from the board another is placed upon it.
Back and forth we go, across the world, across the ages.
Some days my struggle feels like an impossible task
but i can not be consumed with doubt. There are other
poeple i love too and at some point they might need me more
than ever. So i will make an effort and overcome the burden
of my heart but don't worry i promise you.
I promise you i'll be there for you as to any person i call family.
I'll be there for your love can never be retaliated!
Dimitrios Sarris Oct 2016
Stranger's kindness, an urban myth. Most people don't notice
you even exist. You might be living the greatest drama of your life and they will pretend they didn't see.
No time for genteel kindness. They are not in the mood or they've been hurt so much and won't give something without exchange.
But like urban myths so does genteel kindness hide within a significant truth.
It's a kind under extinction but at the same time the easiest to produce.
How many can be within us?
Whose hopes and dreams do we incompass?
Could we see the eyes of our own, the minds in our mind,
understand how much we share?
Force, answers with force
war breeds war
and death brings death.
To break this vicious circle one must do more,
has to make another step, remember that even in dark times we can not relinquish the things that make us human.
Dimitrios Sarris Oct 2016
Have the heart of a lion
the courage of a wolf
the spirit of an angel.
What she advised me,
what i keep well guarded.

We are all angels with one wing
and we can fly only if we meet
the one with the suitable wing.
Hold together and accept each
other's heart.

Believe it or not i fell in love with you
the moment we first kissed.
From that moment on i can't sleep
at nights and when i manage to
i see you in my dreams.
Dimitrios Sarris Feb 2016
We seek happiness like an unfulfilling dream
but there it is right in front of us.
Small precious moments in our everyday lives.
Moments which hold so little, but they are
acting like a counterweight to the so cold face of pain.
Pain which comes in waves.
You feel helpless, you can't fight it,
and you don't even know if you'll make it.
It plunks your entire world into one fine point
and when that wave goes away you feel
relief just for a moment.
Then it comes back to remind you.
Don't give in.
Dimitrios Sarris Nov 2018
Hear the whispers among the trees
and the echo of the crushing waves
like an anthem of love lost in midnights call
where miracles carry out our wishes
soften our hearts
and warm our bodies.
Dimitrios Sarris Dec 2017
Heart woven from world's greatest thread
with passionate beat
love donor
kindeness donor
strength donor
a titaness of life
which warm tears shine
of love even in gloom.
A goddess of compassion
a poetess of passion.
My heart fills with gratitude
my soul fills with love.
Thank you for being my friend
thank you for you might be
the best of us all.
If more were like you
the world would be a merrier place.
This poem and a smile my humble gifts to you.
Merry Christmas.
Devoted to my sweet friend Karen.
Dimitrios Sarris Feb 2016
Past and future, like two films played in dubly salons.
None can watch both at the same time.
At some point we need to choose
which one we shall watch.

There are things in our lives we do not like to face at all
and as we hurry to hide them in a hutch called subconscious
its door open ferocious.

The fact we do not face them doesn't mean they do not exist
and when the door opens everything falls upon us.
Difficult to end something old but even more to start as new.
Dimitrios Sarris Aug 2016
Photos, they say that a picture worths like a thousand words and that's
the reason we take photographs. They can capture a moment so much better than words.
If life was an album in time, how can we know that the best of them aren't captured yet.
If life is a test of multiple choice, in what quantity are the choices our own
and how much are they depended from other people choices?
Dimitrios Sarris Oct 2017
Overthrown but still a king
i breath the name
and taste the blame.
Everything they've said slipped
like sand between my armor scraps.
Everything they've done could remind
me the flavor of greed.
I could feel the rain again like
an ivoluntary addiction
i drew a line in the horizon.
I could only say your name to call
the reasons why i held the fight
deep within me.
Here is my cape and my sword
to keep you safe my lonely queen.
Dimitrios Sarris Nov 2017
Right from the bottom
straight right to the top
with a promising manner and an exclusive trend
oh really?
how could it last?
All it takes is a relevant ******
and all were gone
as they
were never even born.
Odious and obsessed
why did these people try to forget
that they are the ones who need the world
and this verse could not play in reverse.
Dimitrios Sarris Sep 2016
I could not understand that
i am not going through it
but it's going through me.
I should move away start
something new.
But i just wish...
i just wish that i could have
been closer to you
i just wish to end my loneliness
sail to the endless sea
forget through the deep brown forest
and rest under your silverlight beauty.
Dimitrios Sarris May 2017
Is it too late? Has it been too long that i can not
separate right from wrong anymore?
So tired i feel if i make another step my soul will scatter
into pieces. All i can do now is to face the consequences
of my choices and as a knight you once called me i must
fulfill my duty to the bitter end. But all i care now is to
see you smile, hear you laugh again and i would
sacrifice everything to see it done on the altar of your
love. I learned so much from you, of true love and pain,
of the past and the future. Before you i was just a blind
fool chasing butterflies.
You are my living proof that there is still hope in mankind
and i believe that is your greatest virtue.
Thank you, thank you for everything.
Dimitrios Sarris May 2017
A world made of glass. Each one of us lives hidden in his own
little world made of glass. The problem with glass is that no matter how
wary we are it breaks easily.
We're like souls made of glass which we entrust in the hands of others.
Will they be watchful?
Giving a battle in this world with one little precious and fragile piece of glass which breaks by the time leaves us wounds. Glass does not hang back and the old cracks still exist.
It will only acquire its primary form if it's heated in the proper temperature.
I wonder, is there anyone in this world who could do that?
Dimitrios Sarris May 2017
Walls cannot keep you safe now
your lies couldn't hide your face
your army trembles before me
your kingdom shall burn and perish
you'll be gone before sun goes down.
If i fall i'll never die, for my love is strong,
for my heart is eternal and my spirit
survived this demimonde.
This place full of shadows rarely seen
but deeply felt.
I am free and with my two feet taken
position on your fallen throne.
Dimitrios Sarris Jul 2016
Being perfect doesn't mean to be infallible.
Ηuman nature, a notion both determinant and controversial. Expressed strongly on both accounts.
It's about the relationship we have with ourselves,
our friends, our family, our most loved.
It means that you look them in the eye
and won't let them bend, falter, deceived.
Perfection is when you do everything you could and there was nothing else to sacrifice for what is worth.
Is to know that family does not start or end in blood and cares about you not for what you can do about them.
It's just there to the good, the bad and the worse.That they got your back even if it hurts so much...
Dimitrios Sarris Oct 2017
I am bearing my soul but you are bearing my heart.
The pain is great and i am begging for relief.
In angels and demons i don't believe yet
i am praying for your soul
i am praying for your heart.
In godless worlds your angel i shall be
in streaming shadows your guardian i shall be
my wings softly cover you and
in malicious acts my caress your relief.
Dimitrios Sarris Oct 2016
I'd like to travel around the world with a ship.
My ideal morning, lot of light
a beautiful song and the first sip of coffee.
A word that would summarize the meaning of
life "the people".
Things that i miss a lot such the sea, the city's small port,
the whiff of that city.
I am afraid to forget those especially her.
Dimitrios Sarris Apr 2017
I remained to known land well discovered like
my heart's redemption and i saw a thousand
crystal towers.
I went over the sea reached unknown lands and
i saw a thousand emerald cities, but all i was left
was a broken armor.
Barely walk
barely breath
what's left in this world of yours?
Shining like a crystal flare.
I followed the stars where the moonlight led,
to a path where i was blinded by your love
and guided from your voice.
No matter what i did i could not reach this
new land of yours for we run at two different speads.
Even when you tried to hold me i fell for the burden
of my nightmares haunted my mind.
I lost reason and this thought became my torment.
There's no armor left only a rusty blade in my hand
with which i nailed my heart.
Dimitrios Sarris Aug 2018
Sad how some people come all the way down just
to ask another beg for forgiveness, when they have
no right no just cause to do so.
What a fantasy must have been for them. If someone
says what they want to hear and not what is true,
well all know how empty the victory would be.
Someone suddenly walks through your door, tells you
he can give all the things you want, tells you to believe
an illusion and just like that he becomes sacred and
others an inconvenient obstacle to your ambitions.
The life cycle of your affections someone who loves you
who speaks the truth shunted aside on favor of someone
else who will tell you whatever you want to hear.
Dimitrios Sarris Oct 2017
Fate chose for them to witness war, strife, pogrom.
Sailed beyond the known with titles given,
heroes, explorers, outcasts, refugees.
Their greatest tribulation up ahead,
road to salvation little known,
across a dark heart broken realm.
Tragically falling like the arrows
resolve of spirit rising like the mountains,
entering depths from which more cower
beacons of light few still remain,
prepared to sacrifice all that is known,
to prove that which most afraid, truth...
Dimitrios Sarris Aug 2020
In the end everyone dies
and so the Gods envy us.
They envy us cause we're mortal
because any moment could be our last and
everything is more beautiful because we're doomed.
This doom is our freedom.
This doom is what Gods seek.
Dimitrios Sarris Mar 2017
Whatever we do in our lives gets an evaluation.
From who i wonder.
From the people around us, friends, family,
ourselves, by none...?
Even if nobody makes an evaluation of us, coincidences and the
development of things we do create implications.
Implications that reveal the true form of ourselves and the
evaluation will be done even if we try to hide.
I am what i am, honest, respectable, reliable. I won't pretend anyone, for no one and anything.
I'd rather those i love most hate me and be truly ok rather than love me
and pretend they are ok.
Dimitrios Sarris Mar 2019
The room is dark
all so quiet
maybe too quiet.
From window's frame
i stare sky and stars.
All so quiet.
Not a single breath
not a single soul
could be heard.
The street is empty.
No wind blowing just the sight
of flickering lights from
the mountain's top far away.
I don't know why sometimes i like this silence
i don't know why sometimes i find peace in it.
Dimitrios Sarris Nov 2016
When all is left is you and me
we were invincible in a red sea.
Now we are apart
how could i fly with no wings,
how could i live with no dreams,
when there's no place to call our own.
I need a big reduction in amount of tears,
i feel that i should be heard loud out clear.
You never really died in my heart...
Dimitrios Sarris Aug 2016
When everyone falls i shall rise.
When clouds of darkness cover everything our light will slice
a glimmer of hope, a sign of all that is good in this world.
When all defences are broken my wings
become an impenetrable fortress.
I'll never bend, never falter, never give up.
I shall be your savior, your liberator.
A promise was given, i won't let you fall, i won't let you fail.
If challenges come to your tail, i'll make them know that you're not frail. Slow it might come but success will be high, don't be disheartened because it's slow as snail.
I am just a soul, a broken soul looking for a place.
The place it belongs...
Dimitrios Sarris Nov 2016
A pale moon and two eyes in tears, a relaxing tone
reminding you.
The time has come, the time is right to say it out loud
i love you keeping my heart.
Goodnight moon even better goodbye. I am tired of the tricks
you used against me. I'd rather sleep at night without your light.
Like a lone wolf searching for a home instead of wandering
in your cunning shadows.
Never look back again to your silver rivers.
Dimitrios Sarris Feb 2018
In fiery pits
my mind turns
and in cold days
my body trumbles.
I think of those
that were left behind
I think of her
when the night spreads
I think the poets that
filled my mind with
beautiful thoughts.
Today i took the soldier's oath as it is customed here and got 10 days off
before i move to the next military unit. I have a lot of catch up to do here :)
Dimitrios Sarris Oct 2018
As a dim pinprick of light
growing brighter with the
passage of time a slow

Entombed to our own minds
utter loneliness
all amplified and made
That i ve been trying to avoid...
Dimitrios Sarris Dec 2017
It feels good to give, to help, to encourage
selflessly, to see the smile on their face
knowing that what you did for them was
truly meant. But...
But sometimes a simple thank you would
be nice...
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