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There stand humble white tombs.
A product of life
available when needed
replies with freedom.
I used to have a jar
which had every word that you had spoken to me
I kept it on the mantle
Where the fires I kindled each night would keep me warm
and when the fires were not enough
I unfolded each little paper
and I saw you
like looking through slits in a fence
to a field of wild flowers stretching out into the sun

How I longed to hop that fence
How I longed to run along the rivers edge
to be laughing, drenched in the pollen,
the sweet nectar of your heart.
To catch the dazzling sun lest it be claimed by the horizon
and fix it in the sky to light the beauty of that field

But this land could not be purchased
It could not be claimed
as each night in sight of a thousand glowing embers
I placed that jar back on my mantle
to weather the cold nights and howling winds
in this old drafty house
I vowed to add to it tomorrow

Now I have boxes
In an attic, in a creaky house, far away
with thousands of days etched on endless pages
I don't visit them very often
I don't make fires any more
There's so much you've said that I've forgotten

But when I'm standing by the river
and catch sight of that old wooden fence
When I wake up covered in nectar
I don't miss my little jar
because I am journeying
deep in my beautiful field
Written by Mark Bishop ©
Love comes to all soon or late,
And maketh gay or sad;
For every bird will find its mate,
And every lass a lad,
i wish i could portray my sadness ,
with my body,
place my thighs right up against my stomach and i would rest my chin upon my knees
cross my arms around the package of broken girl like me
crinkled like a paper draft of a fevered love letter rejected
if  I could portray my sadness,
would it look more like a heart attack then asphyxiation,
or the marriage of both,
convulsing body parts and flawed flesh exposed, while my face contorts,

i wish i could explain myself, use a melon baller to my emotions, to create concrete of the emotions unseen,
if i could explain the process or display the make up,
would it make it any less real? would you feel it too?
head hurts. heart hurts.
sometimes i wish i could draw it out, map out the mind field of my mind,
and maybe we could see the trigger...
and i cant help but think that
if  my love was taken over by crayola,
all you would see would be dark colors,
heartbreak crimson divorced of the black stain of sin,
drops of b positive,
with rotten purple grapes with juices dripping,
staining, marking.
and there would be the dark blue of bruises and the harsh green of vegetation in winter.
I am the past, present, and future
wrapped all into one
I am your destiny
soon to be your ecstasy.
I am what you are to me...
a heart shaped key
I am the butterfly you see...
waiting for you ...
my wings softly fluttering in your apple tree.
I am the bird in the sky...
I am a pink sunset in Shanghai
I am
with you
past, present, and future
all wrapped into one
we have only just begun.
© 2014

Inspired by "Deja vu"  ; )
"I'll take that," I said.

"No, it's fragile," she said.

"Ah, your heart!" I quipped.
To the man who taught me how to love.

Erich Wolf Segal
June 16, 1937 – January 17, 2010

People like these will never die.
Because they left their legacies
not in their words but in the hearts
of us lonely lovers.
He gave me something to live for
and something worth waking up another day for.

He wasn't just a writer. He was a fighter. A philosopher. A man who lived as his words.

A million thank yous will never suffice.

You will never die.
You never could.
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